S13202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 27, 1999 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without with distinction. A devoted public serv- It has been my privilege to serve objection, it is so ordered. ant and member of this body for 23 with John Chafee for but 3 of the years f years, Senator Chafee’s influence ex- of his long and distinguished career in tended beyond the aisles and tran- the Senate. But I will miss him. I do TRIBUTE TO SENATOR JOHN H. scended partisan rhetoric. His accom- miss him. CHAFEE plishments as a lawmaker and his un- I want to say publicly how much I Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I rise questionable influence among his peers appreciate the many times he came up today to join my colleagues in hon- stand as a testament to his ability. to me and told me how much he appre- oring a distinguished public servant Senator Chafee will long be admired ciated me and how glad he was that I and a revered Member of the United and remembered for his devotion to was here. States Senate, Senator John Chafee, this country both as a soldier and pub- I thank him publicly for the many who died Sunday evening at Bethesda lic servant. His distinguished service in times he came to me and talked about Naval Hospital. the military, including serving in the environmental issues and told me he While John Chafee was elected to the Marines at Guadalcanal and com- had a good environmental bill that he Senate in 1976, his public service began manding a rifle company in Korea, wanted me to be on. Many times, I was years before when he interrupted his were indicative of the man who would on them with him. education at Yale University to enlist never shy away from duty or responsi- I appreciated his looking out for me in the Marine Corps during World War bility. in that regard, and in so many other II, serving in the original invasion His record as a legislator, governor, ways. It was a great pleasure and a forces at Guadalcanal. He later re- and senator in Rhode Island indicate high privilege to serve with him in the turned to complete his education, re- the amount of trust the people of Senate. ceiving a bachelors degree from Yale in Rhode Island put in John. I wish his wife and his family my 1947 and, in 1950, a law degree from Although political views may vary very best and pray God’s comfort be Harvard. from person to person, it is easy to put with them in this time of their be- In 1951, John Chafee was called again these differences aside and to recognize reavement. to serve his country, returning to ac- men of strong character and integrity. f These are qualities which were abun- tive duty to command a rifle company CONCLUSION OF MORNING dant in John, and his steadying influ- in Korea. Later, John Chafee served six BUSINESS years in the Rhode Island House of ence in the United States Senate will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Representatives, where he was elected be truly missed. business is closed. Minority Leader. He served as Gov- My thoughts and prayers extend to ernor of Rhode Island for three terms his family and all those whose lives f Senator Chafee touched. and in 1969 was appointed Secretary of AFRICAN GROWTH AND Mr. MACK. Mr. President, I join my the Navy. colleagues in paying tribute to the OPPORTUNITY ACT As a Senator, John Chafee continued memory of our friend and colleague, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under his proud legacy of leadership and ac- Senator John Chafee. the previous order, the Senate will now complishment. I worked with Senator Senator Chafee was the living embod- proceed to the consideration of H.R. Chafee perhaps most closely in the U.S. iment of Senate decorum. He always 434, which the clerk will report. Senate in his capacity as Chairman of honored this body through his The legislative clerk read as follows: the Environment and Public Works thoughts, deeds and actions. His ideas A bill (H.R. 434) to authorize a new trade Committee where he labored tirelessly and messages were delivered thought- and investment policy for sub-Sahara Africa. on behalf of many critical environ- fully and respectfully. He truly fol- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- mental initiatives, including efforts to lowed his heart and soul while rep- imous consent that during the Senate’s strengthen the Clean Air Act and the resenting the people of Rhode Island consideration of the trade bill, all first- Safe Drinking Water Act. and this great nation. degree amendments must be relevant Senator Chafee has been recognized His honorable service in both World to the trade bill or the filed amend- for his important contributions in the War II and the Korean Conflict, as well ment No. 2325, and any second-degree area of environmental protection as his distinguished tenure as Sec- amendment be relevant to the first-de- throughout his service in the U.S. Sen- retary of the Navy, reflect his profound gree it proposes to amend. ate and has received nearly every respect for America’s armed forces and Mr. HOLLINGS. I object. major environmental award. He was his deep love of country. Mr. WELLSTONE. I object. also a senior member of the Senate Fi- I am especially appreciative for all Mr. LOTT. I truly regret the objec- nance Committee where he worked he did to advance causes near and dear tion to a reasonable consideration of hard to expand health care coverage for to the state of Florida. He took time to this very important pending trade bill. women and children and to improve visit the Florida Everglades, and his This is obviously a vital piece of trade community services for persons with work on this important issue will en- legislation. As I indicated last week on disabilities. sure the preservation of this unique the floor, this is something in which John Chafee was a well-respected natural system, and will always be a the President has been very interested. member of this body who engendered part of his lasting legacy. He discussed it with me personally last the affection of every member with Senator Chafee devoted his life to week on, I think, Tuesday and twice whom he served. He had a unique abil- public service. He will be remembered since we have discussed it in telephone ity to achieve consensus under very as a thoughtful and patriotic American conversations. I am not doing it just difficult circumstances. His unfailing who cared passionately about those he because the President asked for it. I courtesy and civility provided a posi- served, the issues he fought for, and am doing it because I think it is the tive and unifying force in the Congress the institution of the United States right thing to do. which will be sorely missed by his col- Senate. He was not only a fellow Re- I think it would be good for our coun- leagues on both sides of the aisle. publican, but a colleague who was re- try, help to create jobs. This is very The Senate was a better place be- spected on both sides of the aisle. He carefully crafted legislation that the cause of John Chafee and his devoted will be sorely missed in the U.S. Sen- chairman of the committee and rank- public service. I would like to take this ate. ing member have worked on. I think it opportunity to pay tribute to him and My heartfelt sympathies go to his would be just vitally important to our to extend my deepest and heartfelt wife Ginny, to their five children and friends in Central America and the Car- sympathies to his family. 12 grandchildren, and to his staff here ibbean, as well as a major step sym- Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I join in Washington and throughout Rhode bolically and other ways to have Afri- my colleagues today in mourning the Island. can free trade. loss of our colleague, John Chafee. Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, I want to get this bill done. There are John was a good and honorable man I extend my sympathies to the family legitimate objections to it. The Sen- who served his state and his country of John Chafee. ator from South Carolina is going to VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:02 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S27OC9.REC S27OC9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY October 27, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13203 use every rule in the book that he has (The text of the amendment is print- The legislative clerk read as follows: access to, and there are lots of them. ed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Amend- The Senator from Mississippi [Mr. LOTT] He has staff members who will make ments Submitted.’’) proposes an amendment numbered 2335 to sure he knows them all. I understand Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask for amendment No. 2334. that. But I am sure everybody can un- the yeas and nays. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- derstand I have to take advantage of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a imous consent that reading of the the rules available to me also because sufficient second? amendment be dispensed with. I do not want this to become a debate There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without about farm policy, sanctions policy— ond. objection, it is so ordered.
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