DIRECTORY. J COR~\"\.,. ALL. LA DOCK. 151 to Sir Bevil Grenville, of Stow, :n this parish, who fell at ground attached. Here is also a chapel for Bible Chris­ Lansdowne, July 5, 1643, and a inural tablet with bust tians, erected in 18 65, and renovated in 1894 at a c0st of in relief to Henry Frederick, Baron Carteret, d. 1826, about £2oo. The church lands produce £77· The and three stained windows to the Granville family: in a Reading room, erected at a cost of £230, is a building of ·vault below the south aisle lie buried various members of stone, containing reading, recreation and concert rooms, the Granville family, Earls of'Bath, and in the chancel two and has stained windows given by }.Irs. J. Kennedy, of 1ormer rectors, Oliver Rouse, ob. 1561, and Daniel Bollen, Paignton, Devon. Fairs are held on the Thursday befrm" -ob. 1672: the east window and the west window of the Holy Thursday, the first 'Ihursday in July and 26d1 south aisle were given .by the tenants on his Granville .August. In the neighbourhood are the remains of t\\v .estate ss memorials to Lord John Thynne, sub-dean of ancient encampments, probably Br:tish. Stowe House, Westminster, d. 9 Feb. 1881, and the west window is a the seat of the Granvilles for upwards of six hundred memorial to Capt. 1Villiam Frederick Thynne, of the years, was pulled 'down soon after the Restoration, and Rifle Brigade, who fell at Lucknow in 1858: in the south another mansion afterwards built on its site by John, aisle are two stained windows containing figures of British Earl of Bath, was also demolished in the same century. and Cornish saints, and one given by Sir George Stucley Francis John Thynne esq. of 67 Eaton place, Lonoon S v;, hart. and there are various other stained windows, two of who is lord of the manor, Sir George Stucley Stucley which were given by the Misses Coles, of Exeter, in bart. of Moreton, Bideford, Devon, and Mr. W. R. Parkyn memory of their parents: 'there are brasses to the Rev. are the principal landowners. The chief crops are wheat, John Davis, rector here for 53 years, who died in 1857, barley, oats and roots. The area is 8,120 acres (includ­ and is buried under the porch : the font of granite is a ing 195 of water); rateable value, £4,935; the population good example of Perpendicular work, and bears the arms in 1891 was goo. of the Granville family : the church was restored in 186o, STIBB, 2 miles west-by-south, and THURDON, 2 east, under the direction of the late Sir George Gilbert Scott are ·hamlets of this parish, each with a licensed chapel. R..A. at a cost of £4.5oo, and affords 450 sittings. Parish Clerk, .Alfred Trewin. Radiating from the lych gate are three fine avenues of Post, l\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office. lime trees. The register dates from the 'year 1539. The -Alfred Trewin, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from living is a rectory, net yearly valuer £420, including 107 Stratton R.S.O. (Xorth ·Cornwall) at 8.17 a. m.; dis­ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of F. J. Thynne patched at 4·47 p.m. ; there is no sunday post. Office esq. of 67 Eaton place, London SW, and held since 1859 open on sunday for telegraph business from 8 to ro a.m by the Rev. .Arthur Christopher Thynne M . .A., J.P. of SCHOOLS. Balliol College, Oxford, hon. canon of Truro, proctor in •convocation, rural dean of 'Stratton and chaplain to the National (mixed), for 204 children; average attendance, Bishop of Truro. There are two licensed parochial chapels; 84; Ernest Jesson ~Iaynard, master that of St. Peter, at Stibb, consists Of chancel and nave, Wesleyan (mixed), erected in 1855 & enlar~ed; in i:B72, 11Jld has a stained window at the east end ; it will fOJ' 92 children; average attendance, 72 ; \Vm. Edward seat so persons : the other, at Thurdon, is a plain build- Williams, master; ~frs. \Yilliams, infants' mistress ing, .seating 65 persons. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in CARRIERS TO: xBB4, at a cost of £x,4oo, is a buildin~ of stone in the Holsworthy-Bryant Edward Bartlett, mon. wed. & fri.; ·Geometrical Gothic style, consisting of chancel and nave: returning same day it .affords sittings for 250 persons, and· has a small burial Bideford James Gist, tues. & fri.; returning wed. & sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chudleigh John, farmer, East Langfrd Parkin Saml. John, farmer, H•dsland Dunstan John Francis Chudleigh Richard, farmer, Thurdon Parkyn Richard, farmer, Langford Hooper Rev. George (Wesleyan) Cleave William, farmer, Thurdon farm Parkyn Thomas, farmer, Herdicott _ Lee Rev. William (Bible Christian) Cleverdon Emanuel, mason Penwarden James, farmer, Kespit Parker John Cornish Samuel, baker Pomeroy John, farmer, Tailor's cross Thynne Rev.Arthur Christopher M.A., Dayman Wm. Thos. draper & grocer Reading Room (Ernest Jesson May· J.P. (rector & hon. canon of Truro), Elliott Charles, farmer, Halls nard, sec) Penstowe Elliott John, farmer, Scadgehill Routley Richard, London inn "'Topham Edward Clough,Parsonage ho Evans John, blacksmith Sarg-ent "William, carpenter ""Trewin Mrs. E Francis .John, farmer Seldon Thomas, farmer, Ilmsworthy- Woodl@y Mrs. B. .A. Hill park Francis William, mason Stacey John Henry, farmer, Killock Gist .Tames, carrier Stevens Richard, carpenter, Stibb COMMERCIAL. Gist \Villiam, jobmaster Treharne ~Iary (Mrs.), shopkeeper .Allin John, farmer, Thorn Gorrill Samuel, farmer, Thurdon Trewin .Alfred & John, beer retailers .Andrews .Ann (Mrs. ),farmer,Prestacott Greenaway Flora (Mrs. )&Son,carpntrs & shoe makers .Ashton Francis, farmer, Darracott Greenaway John, ironmonger &c Trewin ..:\.lfred, shoe maker & registrar Ashton Richard, farmer, Broxwater Hart .Albert, gamekeeper to F. J. of births & deaths for the sub-dis- .Axford Thomas, farmer, Upcott Thynne esq. D.L., J.P. Kespit trict of Kilkhampton,Stratton union, llailey Henry, boot maker Heywood John, farmer, ·wrasford Post office Banbury Urial, farmer, .Aldercombe Higg-ins Joseph, blacksmith, Stibb Trewin Frank,watch maker & jeweller, 33artlett Bryant Edward & Son, malt- Hockin .Alfred, butcher & wool dealer fancy repository,general ironmonger, sters & seed, corn, hop, manure & Hockin Benjamin, farmer, Forda sporting depot, cycle agent for all wool merchants, district agents for Hockin 'rhomas, farmer, Fleehill the best makers & repairer Bibby's cakes & meals, fruit trees & Hockin William, farmer, Thurdon Trt>win Joshua, deputy registrar ot nursery stock of all kinds, agents for Hurford Edwin Thomas, tailor &:c births & deaths for the sub-district :Bentall's mowers, chaff cutters, Jennings John, carpenter, Thurdon of Kilkhampton, Stra.tton union, &c. & carriers Jones Nathaniel, farmer, Limsworthy Post office llartlett John, farmer, Stowe Jones William, farmer, Hesseford Trewin Lawrence George, tailor Bassett Samuel, Carteret .Arms P.H Kinsman Henry, farmer, Barn Walkey Fras. Sargent, drpr. & grocr "Beckley '\Yilliam, carpenter, Thurdon Matthews Edward Ellis, vet. surgeon Waiter William, blacksmith, Thurdon Bond Jas. miller (water), New mills Metherell Joshua, farmer, Stibb \Veston James, iarmer, Thurdon ·Braund John Thomas, shopkeeper Mug-ford ~i, blacksmith Wickett Emrna (~rs.) &, Son,farmers, 13urrows Samuel,painter & shopkeeper Nicholls Edward, saddler & ii·onmongr Collery •Ching Thomas, yeoman, Broxwater Parker Charles, assistant overseer Wickett John, farmer, Collaton LADOCK is a township and parish on a tributary of bore the dates of 1670 and 1743: the church was 'the river Fal, and on the high road from Truro to St. thoroughly restored in 1864, under the supervision of the Columb by way of Tresillian, 7 miles north-east from late G. E. Street esq. R.A. architect, at a cost of £2,ooo, 'Truro and 1! north-westJ from Grampound Road station the 'Whole of which was defrayed by the late Canon R. F. on the Great Western railway, in the Mid division of the Wise ~L.A. rector 1846-84, d. 1896, and to whom a memo­ county, hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of rial window has been placed in the church : there are Powder West, Truro union and county court district, two stained. windows at the east end, one of which is a. rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and memvrial to Mrs. M. A. Wise, d. x862; the other to diocese of Truro. Grampound Road station (see separate Richard Wise M.D.: there is an ancient Norman font of heading, Grampound Road) and part of the village which Catacluse stone : the memorials in the church include a has grown up round it are in this parish. The church of slab found during the restoration, to the memory of John St. Ladoea, seated en the brow of a hill, is a ·building of Randell, ob. x665, and now placed at the west end: in the stone, in the Early English style, consisting of nave of porch is a tomb in101:mbed to Nicholas Cornelius, of four bays, south aisle, north transept, or Trethurffe aisle, Ladock, ob. 1632: a heating apparatus was fixed in 1892 south porch and an embattled western tower, with pin­ at a cost of £7o: the church affords 370 sittings. The nacles, containing 6 bells; these bells were hung in xB83, register of baptisms dates from the year x684; mar­ .at a cost of £380, to take the place of the old ones, which riages, x686; burials, t683. The living is a rectory, neil .
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