University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-12-2002 Central Florida Future, Vol. 35 No. 8, September 12, 2002 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 35 No. 8, September 12, 2002" (2002). Central Florida Future. 1628. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1628 Thurs. Fri. Sat. Thunderstorms Thunderstorms Thunderstorms 88° 86° 88° 74° 75° 75° THE STUDENT NEW-SPAPER SERVING UCF SINCE 1968 Executive SGA designates $20,000 for controversial _speaker Senators old a re-vote after ed spending $20,000 - one-third of its that would bring Moor~ to UCF. annual speaker budget - to bring lib­ The bill, which passed 10-9, ini­ decision: backers leave the room eral activist, best-selling author and tially produced a 9-9 tie that was bro­ filmmaker Michael Moore to campus ken by student body Vice President BEN BAIRD next month. Brian Kirlew, who voted in favor of the STAFF WRITER The student senate meeting bill. Four senators abstained. back to the attracted a large crowd of members However; shortly after the mem­ In an unconventional voting from the Progressive Council - UCF's · bers of the Progressive Council left, process last Thursday; UCF's Student student activist coalition - who Goverriment Association recommend- classroom attended to publicly support the bill \ PLEASE SEE SGA ON 3 •\ ADAM ROSCHE STAFF WRITER UCF Provost and Vice President Gary Whitehouse will leave his administrative position by next• year and will return to No chads, but teaching. He announced his resignation last week after serving as provost for 1;1.lmost 10 years. Whitehouse, 64, who began teaching at UCF more -than 24 years ago, said he would like . to work as an engineering professor again before he finally retires. election's still bad Whitehouse, who earns $189,000 a year, will give up his private office, with a view of the Reflecting Pond, for the closed in and stuffy quarters of a class­ room. Whitehouse handed his lefter of res­ ignation to President John Hitt on Sept. 3 and said he plans to remain at UCF and work as a senior professor in the engineering department. It will be 10 years next August since President Hitt appointed Whitehouse to provost. "I have been fortunate to work for someone that I ·both-like and respect," said Chris Morgan, - executive assistant to the provost. Whit.ehouse received his bache­ lor's and master's degre.es at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and his doctorate at Arizona . State University. He was professor of indus­ Whitehouse trial engineering at Lehigh University before coming to UCF in 1978. Whitehouse worked his way up to dean of engineering before becoming provost. As provost, Whitehouse was responsible for all academic, research, Candidates again in limbo information systems, enrollment man­ agement and student affairs functions. JASON lRSAY hours statewide by another two Since making the decision to return STAFF WRITER hours to compensate only pro­ to teaching, Whitehouse says he has duced more confusion, as some been shopping for classes that he feels Two years after a ballot polls remained open until 9 p.m. comfortable teaching, reviewing text­ brouhaha brought outrage and while others shut down at the cus­ books and course curriculum for several costly reforms, Florida on Tuesday tomary 7 p.m. engineering classes. limped through a primary that left With final tallies still incomplete Whitehouse says he received a candidates and voters in limbo a by press time Wednesday after­ tremendous amount of support from full day after the polls closed. noon, political newcomer Bill President Hitt in the past 10 years. In Orange County; several McBride narrowly led Janet Reno "Sometimes we don't totally agree, polling offices reported glitches in in the Democratic gubernatorial but I always have a chance to express my voting machines that forced elec­ primary for the right to challenge opinion," said Whitehouse. tions officials to hand-count ballots. Bush in November. In South Florida, many voting Like the 2000 presidential elec­ Colleagues say the two seem to com­ JOE l<ALEITA I CFF plement each other in their work. Fred Thomas, top, casts his vote in Tuesday's primary election precincts opened more than four tion debacle, Florida voters experi­ "The president would have been less at the UCF Arena. Orange County elections officials were hours late, causing hundreds of enced problems at the polls on a · forced to hand-count thousands of ballots that were rejected voters to be turned away. An order · PLEASE SEE Vice oN 4 by ~ptical scanners, such as the one pictur~d at bottom. by Gov. Jeb Bush to extend polling PLEASE SEE State ON 3 INSIDE Index: UCF FACT Ah, Wilderness! Bruised and beaten Wall Street Journal . 8 UCF's library conrains over Theatre UCF brings Ah. Wilderness!' cast of characters to life. UCF's offense struggles to find consistency. Editorials . 10 300.000 government Sports Commentary . 12 documents and over 11 -UFESIYLES, 16 -SPORTS, 12 News of the Weird . 20 million volumes. www.Ufffuture.com • 2 •News The Central Florida Future • September 12, 2002 • UCF gentleman try out for ·university' pageant JULIE MONHEIM for a loop," said Dunhill. be a spokesman for the univer­ STAFFWRITER Other contestants thought sity. He will attend and speak • the interview process was good at major events. He'll also be It takes talent, personality practice. · asked to attend community and and looking good in a pair of- "It's a good opportunity to alumni activities. · swimming trunks to win the be put on the spot and answer I want to raise the bar for Woods-Hill said he hopes • title of Mr. UCF. This week stu- questions," said sophomore this year's representative will dents from all different back- Bryan Taylor. Mr~ UCF so that we can take his position seriously. grounds auditioned for a Most of t!ie students who "I want to raise the bar for • chance to be in the upcoming auditioned said they wanted to Mr. UCF," he said, "so that we pageant, which takes place in get more involved with the continue to do more and can continue to do more and October. · school. really make a difference." The Campus Activities "I thought it would be a really make a _difference. This year's pageant theme • Board interviewed contestants pretty good opportunity to get is Disco, with a panel of -UCF who were interested in compet- out there," said Tim faculty and staff members to ing in the pageant. Burkholder. -REJINELO WOOD-HILL serve as judges. Ten of the con­ "We're speaking to them to Taylor agreed. "J. love the testants who auditioned will get a feel for their personality school, and I'd love to be able actually participate in the pag­ because this person does have to represent it,"· he said. eant. to represent UCF," said Scott The candidates were also The pageant will consist of • Florance, . director of the asked to perform a talent at ticipated in graduation cere­ fun activities for the school." an interview and talent portion Spectacular Knights commit- the audition. Talents ranged monies, and sang at various Dunhill said the title would and will include a swimsuit tee. " from guitar playing to glow- community events. definitely change his college ·competition. Florance said it's The candidates were stick juggling and a magic "It was probably the most life. the students who make the judged on personality, academ- show. prime way I could give back," "I think it would change it pageant fun. ic achievement and volunteer Burkholder played his gui­ he said. drastically based upon the "It's a lot more fun than history. Florance said the ideal tar for the judges. "Musical Woods-Hill also had some amount of people who ).mow the Miss UCF pageant, which • candidate should have a lot of talent is one of the things that I advice for the contestants. you and _the amount of people tends to be more serious," he school spirit. , enjoy the most," he said. ·~ust be yourself," he said, you'd get to know," he said. said. "We need someone who's The current · Mr. UCF, "especially in interview, don~ t When asked what's the At the pageant, the judges not shy, -someone who's outgo- Rejineld Woods-Hill, showed up put on a facade, because the first thing he would do as Mr. will award the student who • · ing, who shows his support for to help judge the candidates. judges will see right through UCF, Burkholder jokingly they feel represents the univer­ the campus," he said. He said the reason he compet- you." responded, "I'd go to Disney sity best. Senior Brian Dunhill said ed in the pageant last year was Some of the contestants World." "We're helping students he was asked. some tough ques- to give back to the university. were already trying to envision Money is also an incentive who want to take pride in UCF tions at the audition - the "The school had offered me what life would be like as Mr. · for the contestants. The winner and rewarding their spirit and toughest one being, "If you so.
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