AMERICA’S LARGEST CIRCULATION GAY AND LESBIAN NEWSPAPER! NEWSTM YOUR FREE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER JULY 9-22, 2009 VOL. EIGHT, ISSUE 14 SERVINGGay GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANSGENDERED City NEW YORK • WWW.GAYCITYNEWS.COM ■ CRIME ■ HUMAN RIGHTS Surge In East Sodomy Victory Side Hate In India Crimes BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD BY PAUL SCHINDLER regional high court in India has overturned that nation’s sodomy our days after being attacked, A law, a vestige of British colonial beaten on the head with a gun, and rule. The High Court in the National F called “faggot,” Joseph Holladay’s Capital Territory in New Delhi ruled that forehead remained scarred with a large, Section 377 of the India Penal Code vio- blood-red gash, and his voice quavered as lates constitutional guarantees of pri- he recounted the experience. vacy, liberty, and equality in its crimi- “Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was nalization of private, consensual, adult attacked by some men, they were call- sexual conduct. ing me faggot,” he said at a July 1 press The ruling came on a test case brought conference. “They beat me hard, and by a non-profit advocacy group, the NAZ unconscious, leaving me laying in a pool of Foundation. The Times of India reported blood.” that the nation’s Supreme Court has The next thing Holladay, 36, remem- made clear that a ruling of this sort by bers is waking up in New York Presbyte- the High Court of any province or state rian Hospital, where he was treated in the on a constitutional question not previ- emergency room and given multiple stitch- ously addressed by the judiciary has es in his head. national application — in a country with The attack on Holladay is one of six vio- an estimated population of more than lent assaults on the Upper East Side that 1.1 billion. The government, which had police suspect many have been carried recently made noises about sodomy law out by the same gang of four to six young reform, can either accept the ruling or UNIVERSAL PICTURES UNIVERSAL white men. SACHA BARON COHEN, AS BRÜNO, TAKES ON HOMOPHOBES, AND MAKES US SWIRM appeal to the Supreme Court. The tri- According to Sharon Stapel, executive umphant advocates for the NAZ Foun- director of the New York City Gay and Les- dation are Anand Grover, Trideep Pais, bian Anti-Violence Project (AVP), as of July Shivangi Rai, Mehak Sothi, and Tripti 8 the police have identified two persons of Satire Dual-Edged, Tandon. interest in connection with one or more of Section 377 was adopted by the Brit- these crimes. INDIA P. 10 EAST SIDE P. 4 But Spare BY STEVE ERICKSON The HBO series built around Ali G and “Borat” hewed closer to documentary. In this issue: here are moments in “Brüno” Recently, Cohen has been flirting with ■ EDITORIAL that suggest it could have been fiction again — no doubt the lawsuits Some perspective on T a brilliant satire on homopho- filed by many of his subjects in “Borat” bia. Unfortunately, they’re few and far had something to do with this. Eminem Washington between. The film’s funniest and edgiest has admitted that the MTV Movie Awards ■ 12 moments bring Brüno, the gay alter ego stunt where Brüno wagged his ass and ————————————————— of British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, crotch in the rapper’s face was staged. ■ WITCH-HUNT SURVIVOR into confrontations with real homo- “Brüno” credits four writers, including phobes, including a pastor at an “ex-gay” Cohen himself, with its screenplay. The Candidate Danny Dromm ministry. The rest of the time, “Brüno” absence of Cohen’s usual cutting humor recalls the bad old days offers tired jokes about how shallow and owes much to this film’s obvious contriv- ■ 5 inane showbiz is. What startling news! ances, such as its invention of an imagi- ————————————————— Cohen’s style of comedy works better nary talk show hosted by Richard Bey. Is ■ the more he interacts with real people. the show’s audience comprised of actors? DON’T ASK OPTIONS I’ve never been able to sit through the I’m not sure, but many of the film’s gags Advocates debate fixes, entirety of his completely fictional vehi- ring as false as this one. executive vs. legislative PRIDE IN PICS cle, the feature film “Ali G in Da House.” ■ 16, 20-21 BRÜNO P. 25 8 © GAY CITY NEWS 2009 • COMMUNITY MEDIA, LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2 9 – 22 JUL 2009 WWW.GAYCITYNEWS.COM EVERYONE DESERVES A SMILE! Introductory $99 Offer ($380 value) UÊÕÊiÝ>>Ì UÊ*iÀ`Ì>Ê Ý>>Ì UÊ"À>Ê >ViÀÊ-VÀii} UÊ i>}Ê*iÀvÀi`ÊLÞÊ iÌÃÌ UÊ «iÌiÊ-iÌÊvÊ8À>Þà ­vÊiViÃÃ>ÀÞ®ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 248 W. 23RD ST. (Btwn.7TH & 8TH AVE) 646-290-5576 185 Christopher Street 212-242-9113 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ALL DRINKS $5 BEER $4 SATURDAY LIVE DJ THE WHITE HOUSE PETE SOUZA/ SUNDAY Veteran Washington gay activist Frank Kameny raises his hands as he’s recognized by President Barack Obama at the White House on June 29. GOGO DANCERS ■ WEDNESDAY POLITICS KARAOKE with PAIGE TURNER at 9PM Happy Hour An LGBT White House 12 - 9 pm Daily Wonder and impatience mix as Barack Obama celebrates Stonewall’s 40th anniversary BY MELISSA SKLARZ Nicks, a member of the Obama campaign’s Pride NYC Committee, with Fred Latasa-Nicks, State Democratic ast Monday afternoon, the day after Manhat- Party co-chair Emily Giske, teachers’ union leader tan’s Pride Parade, Dan Tietz from Brooklyn and Randi Weingarten, and Neill Colemann, from the Stone- L I hopped into a cab and told the driver, “White wall Democratic Club of New York. I also saw friends House, please.” Not a typical Monday. from the trans community, like Kathy Padilla from Dan and I were among 400 guests invited by Presi- Philadelphia, a fellow Democratic Convention delegate, OPEN EVERY DAY AT 2 PM dent Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to the LGBT Babs Siperstein from New Jersey, and Diego Sanchez, Reception to remember the 40th anniversary of Stone- a trans man who works in Barney Frank’s office. I saw BEAR NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY 8PM - CLOSING wall. People were invited from all over the country, other National Stonewall people, like Jesse Garcia from Well Drinks 3.50 - Bottled Beer 1 off Rolling Rock 2.75 - Jager Shots 3.50 - Schnapps 2 including Stonewall vets, SAGE members, entertain- Dallas; the chair of the Democratic National Committee Bud and Bud Light Bottles 3 ers, Frank Kameny, fired by the federal government LGBT Caucus, Rick Stafford; Ray Buckley, the chair of for being gay in the 1950s, Democratic functionaries, the New Hampshire Democratic Party; and finally Brian 114 Christopher St. activists, and me. Bond, the man who called to invite me and now works Btw Bleecker & Hudson St. / 212-741-9641 Why me? Well, I know people, I’m involved in the in the White House. Democratic Party, and I’m part of the LGBT communi- I realized I was among friends. ty. Also, I was recently elected co-chair of the Board of We got there at about 3:15 and were met not by the National Stonewall Democrats, and that probably stony-faced men in sunglasses talking into their coat Bringing hot helped as well. sleeves, but by smiling, very young — under 25 — folks back to Dan and I took the Acela down to DC in the morning who said, “Welcome to the White House.” Once we were and checked into a decent hotel. I was nervous. This inside the reception area, all the cameras came out and christopher st. is not the first time I have been out of my comfort zone we were on our way. There are life-sized oil portraits of Sunday and Monday and will probably not be the last. The invite said East the presidents, including John Adams and John Tyler, Karaoke starting at 8pm Entrance, a wing built by Theodore Roosevelt in 1902 first ladies, like Hillary Clinton, and other dignitaries, with your hostess as a place for large parties. Today, it sits atop FDR’s such as Benjamin Franklin. The service staff offered Miss Victoria Chase bomb shelter and is where the first lady has her office. champagne and water, and the attendees reconnected Walking up the sidewalk, we ran into Brad Hoylman with old friends or made new ones. The reception area HAPPY HOUR from the Village Independent Democrats, and I relaxed, is, in fact, made up of six or seven rooms, all intercon- NOON – 9 P.M. figuring I would know some of my fellow invitees. nected, the floors nicely polished and the couches rea- We got on line, noticing that André Leon Talley of sonably plush. Vogue was at the head of queue. But looking around, At about 4:10, we were politely shepherded into a 76 Christopher St. / 212-633-1986 I noticed other New Yorkers — Council Speaker Chris- larger area, with cameras in the back and a podium in www.bootsandsaddlenyc.com tine Quinn with Kim Catullo, US Import-Export Bank chair Fred Hochberg with Tom Healy, Steven Latasa- ᭤ WHITE HOUSE, continued on p.22 WWW.GAYCITYNEWS.COM 9 – 22 JUL 2009 3 MIKE BLOOMBERG’S Manhattan Public School PROGRESS REPORT PERCENTAGE MATH SCORES UP 39 POINTS PERCENTAGE READING SCORES UP 29 POINTS PERCENTAGE GRADUATION RATES UP 15 POINTS (Math and reading results reflect scores on 8th grade tests. Graduation rates are citywide.) Since getting control of the schools More needs to be done, in 2002, Mayor Bloomberg has but with Mayor Bloomberg improved our kids’ education by in charge, our schools are raising standards, demanding accountability and providing a making progress – and our safe learning environment.
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