Local 237 NEWSLINE HERHO OT O R D B O L F A T N E O A I M T A S T N E R R E S T N I February 2011 Vol. 45, No. 2 R Our Time to Show True Grit Labor Tackles Mission of Justice To Preserve Middle Class n the wake of the financial meltdown who “got the big pensions.” As an example, off nearly 10,000 state workers to force triggered by Wall Street’s gambling with Floyd allUded to a well-heeled former De - Unions to agree to givebacks at the bargain - Ipeople’s hard-earned investments and partment of EdUcation chancellor who re - ing table that woUld help close a $10 billion mortgages, many elected officials are aiming tired after only eight years and received a deficit in the state’s bUdget. On the other to refill gUtted government coffers by taking pension of $33,000 a year! hand, CUomo has resisted calls to extend what they think is the path of least resist - “We shoUld strive to provide decent re - the “millionaire’s tax,” which raises more ance: attacking pUblic employees’ pensions tirement secUrity for all workers,” James than $4 billion from an income-tax sUr - and benefits, Under threat of layoffs. Parrott, deputy director and chief econo - charge on the wealthiest New Yorkers, Labor Unions are mobilizing throUghoUt mist of the Fiscal Policy Institute , wrote in which is schedUled to expire at the end of the city, state and nation — in fact, the the New York Times’ “Room for Debate” the year. Why? CUomo fears the wealthy can world, as labor Unrest contribUtes to revolU - section. He added, “Only a Wall Street mar - choose to move to lower-tax states. tions spreading from TUnisia to Egypt and keting geniUs woUld try to pitch a “defined “UnfortUnately, when the governor says beyond — demanding fair treatment for all everyone mUst share in the pain, he means workers in the pUblic and private sector. the workers who provide vital services and Over several generations, workers have been GUESS WHO THEY WANT the state’s citizens who rely on them, rather placed at a hUge disadvantage by corporate TO MAKE SACRIFICES than those responsible for the collapse of interests that have manipUlated the work - the state and national economy,” Kenneth place, redUcing job opportUnities while in - TO CLOSE CITY AND Brynien, president of the Public Employees creasing income ineqUality as never before. Federation , was qUoted as saying in the The battle is raging and labor is fighting STATE BUDGET GAPS... Chief Leader. back powerfUl interests that woUld cUt “We have been told aboUt cUts, redUc - workers’ benefits while refUsing to increase tions and dismissals. We have been told aboUt taxes on the richest Americans. deficits and shortfalls,” Jack Ahern, presi - Mayor Michael Bloomberg talked aboUt dent of the New York City Central Labor the dangers of rising pension and health Council , said in a statement responding to care benefits and promised in his State of CUomo’s bUdget proposal. “What we have not the City address not to sign a contract with been told is how elected officials in New York salary increases withoUt “reforms in benefit intent to grow the economy, retain the best packages.” BUt the mayor picked on pUblic edUcated, highly skilled Union work force in pensions in particUlar, while tUrning a blind contribUtion” pension — in which the ben - the coUntry while protecting oUr roads and eye to irresponsible Wall Street investors, efit depends entirely on investment resUlts bridges and encoUraging new investment in who broUght down pUblic pension fUnd as - minUs fees — as the key to a secUre retire - job growth. Ahern added, “In offering a bUdg - sets by 28 percent between 2007 and 2009, ment. For a given level of retirement benefit, et aboUt cUts, there needs to be a strategy for and are raking in record profits and bonUses by contrast, a defined benefit plan costs half growth…a plan for accoUntability to the tax - again. Bloomberg proposed pension reforms of what a defined contribUtion plan costs.” payer and the Union men and women who raising retirement age to 65 for all city work - Bloomberg has “set back labor relations make Up the bUlk of the state’s middle class.” ers; reqUiring them to work at least 10 years 40 years,” Harry Nespoli, chairman of the “Civil service Unions represent all of the to qUalify for a pension; and end the Use of Municipal Labor Committee , was qUoted as middle class,” said Floyd in a radio inter - overtime to calcUlate pensions. saying in the Chief Leader. view on “The Advocates” with Richard J. “It seems city and state bUdgets are bUilt Pensions by law cannot be discUssed at GarfUnkel on WVOX AM radio 1460. Pow - solely on Unions,” said President Gregory the bargaining table, and the mayor’s pro - erfUl interests “want to control the middle Floyd in an interview on Eyewitness News posed changes woUld not close the immedi - class,” he added, pointing oUt that the rich - “Up Close with Diana Williams.” Floyd em - ate bUdget gap. “There is a crisis here that est 1 percent in the nation already control phasized that “Sacrifice shoUld be shared [the mayor is] looking to take advantage of,” 40 percent of its wealth. across the board.” He also noted the need to Arthur Cheliotes, president, Communica - • “come oUt and tell the trUth,” highlighting tions Workers of America Local 1180 , was Listen to ABC’s “Up Close with Diana the fact that the city’s administrators and qUoted as saying in the Daily News. Williams” and WVOX’s “The Advocates” by commissioners are the pUblic employees Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to lay - signing on to www.local237.org . The mayor picked on public pensions in particular, while turning a blind eye to irresponsible Wall Street investors, who brought down public pension fund assets by 28 percent between 2007 and 2009, and are raking in record profits and bonuses again. 2 NEWSLINE, February 2011 Local 237 Member Services UNION HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE OFFICES, 5th Fl. 216 West 14th Street Gregory Floyd, President A Message From New York, NY 10011-7296 Richard Hendershot, The President 212-924-2000 Vice President LOCAL 237 DIVISIONS Ruben Torres, Secretary-Treasurer CITYWIDE DIVISION , 2nd Fl. Donald Arnold, Director PERSONNEL , 5th Fl. Peter Gutierrez, Deputy Director Edmund Kane, Director and Al Soto, Law Enforcement Chief Negotiator We Fight to Preserve Public Sector Pensions Director POLITICAL ACTION & Randy Klein, Assistant Director LEGISLATION , 5th Fl. And an Honest Pact HOUSING DIVISION , 2nd Fl. Local 237 protects members’ here’s a reason why they call Us pUblic- many workers. With the recent declines in the Remilda Ferguson, Director rights by helping to sponsor leg - service employees. We work hard to serve stock market, the valUes of 401(K) plans have Brooklyn, Queens & Staten islation that is important to mem - the pUblic. It soUnds simple, bUt today it tanked, forcing many workers to pUt off retire - Island bers, and by opposing initiatives T seems that people forget what we really do. ment Until they recoUp the losses from their re - that would hurt members. James Giocastro, OUr towns, cities and states simply woUld not tirement plans. Private sector workers also de - Deputy Director Patricia Stryker, Director work if the roads were not cleaned and the serve the secUrity of a DB pension plan. LONG ISLAND DIVISION GRIEVANCES/DISCIPLINARY streets were not policed. It is a myth, however, that pUblic sector 1727 Veterans Memorial PROBLEMS , 6th Fl. Many pUblic service jobs are not glam - pensions are overly generoUs. The average Highway For grievances and job related oroUs. No one takes them to get filthy rich. pUblic sector worker receives only $19,000 a Suite 308 problems, first contact your shop People do them becaUse they want to do hon - year in pension payments. Islandia, NY 11749 steward and/or grievance repre - est work, make a decent living, contribUte to Many people — wrongly informed aboUt 631-851-9800 sentative. If they cannot resolve society and have some financial secUrity in re - these facts — believe that pUblic sector work - John Burns, Director the issue, they or you should tirement. ers shoUld be pUt into DC plans. That is Benedict Carenza , contact your business agent. That is the deal between pUblic service em - wrong. Many pUblic service employees coUnt Deputy Director Mal Patterson, Director of on their modest DB pensions to be able to re - John Sepulveda, Grievances and Hearings ployees and the pUblic they serve. Now, becaUse Assistant Director tire. It is oUr job to make the pUblic and those Todd Rubinstein, Esq. of the financial shortfalls in state bUdgets that in power Understand this. And that is jUst Long Island Welfare Fund: Grievance Coordinator workers did not caUse, the government does not For information on the various Debbie Coleman, Esq. want to honor this agreement. The pUblic and what we are going to do. funds call 800-962-1145 Grievance Coordinator the politicians still demand the same services, bUt they want to take away the very benefits Campaign for Truth RETIREE DIVISION , 8th Fl. CIVIL SERVICE BAR that draw the workers to provide them. Local 237, along with dozens of other pUb - Provides a variety of pre- and ASSOCIATION , 6th Fl. Even Dwight Eisenhower, hardly a liberal, lic service employee Unions, are laUnching a post-retirement services, includ - 212-675-0519 said that America fUnctioned better when the “TrUth Campaign” against this misinformation ing pension and health insur - Gloria Johnson, Esq., President and attacks. We will win back the pUblic de - ance counseling to members.
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