. R. A.-B. A. I. 216 ay, 1925 l Jnited States Departm '1 of A~iculture SERVICE AND REGULATOR ANNOUNCE1'J' NTS BUREAU OF A ~IMAL IND ~ APRIL, 1925 ['Ibis publication is issued mon tbly for the dissemination of informa,tion, instructions. ruling.·, etc., concerning the work of the Dur au of Animal Industry. Frei• di::;tribution is limited to persons in tbe service of the bureau, establishments at which the Federal meat inspection is conducted, public oflkers whose duties make it desirable for tbem to have such information,-,1 and journals especially concerned. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the .::superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 5 cents each, or 25 cents a year. A supply will be sent to each official in charge of a station or branch of ihe bureau service, , bo should promptly distribute copies to members of his force. A file should be kept at eacb station fo r reference.] CON TENTS Page Changes in directory------------------------------------------------------ 33 Notices regarding meat inspection ---- ----- - -------------------------------- 34 Approval of cloth containers------------------------------------------- 34 Approval of inserts---- -------------------------------------- ----- ---- 34 Export certificates in .quadruplicate for Canada and Mexico_________________ 35 P ork livers for export to France---------------------------------------- 35 Animals slaughtered under Federal meat inspection, 1Uarcb, 1925______ ___ __ __ __ 35 Causes for condemnation of carcasses, February, 1925_________________________ 35 Imports of food animals and meat products_________ _________ ____ _____ ____ ___ 36 Inspection of swine for export______________________________________________ 36 Permitted dip for scabies of cattle and sheep_________________________________ 36 Summa ry of tuberculosis-eradication work in cooperation with States, March, 1925_ 37 Licenses for veterinary biological products----------------------------------- 37 Anti-bog-cholera serum and bog-cholera virus p,roduced under veterinary license, hfarcb, 1925____ ________________________________________________________ 38 Retirement fund--------------------- ------------------------------------- 38 Hotel rates for Government employees______________________________________ 38 Amendments to Fiscal Regulations______ ____________________________________ 39 Affidavits and acknowledgments in connection with prosecutions; personal services ____ ______________ _ ----------------------------------------- 39 Results of prosecutions for violations of la ws_________________________________ 40 New publications of tbe bureau_____________________________________________ 41 Publications available------------- ---------------------------------------- 41 Organization of the Bureau of Animal Industry_______________________________ 41 CHANGES IN DIRECTORY Meat Inspection Granted *68. Wagner Packin<T Co., Commonwealth Avenue, Bristol, Va. *372. Henry Obermeyer and Clarence Obermeyer Co., rn24-26 Bank Street; mail, 37 We t Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The city of Manchester, N. H., has been granted market inspection under the official number 41. Meat Inspection Withdrawn 132-E. Mo ·es Goldbero-, Brighton, Boston, Mass. 492. Associated Meat Company of California, Los Angeles, Calif. 766. Wilson & Co., Boston, Mass. • Conducts slaughtering. 45283- 25- -1 33 • 34 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY [April, Meat Inspection Extended 152. Leavenworth Packino- & Storage Co., Leavenworth, Kans., to include Hillel Kosher Sausage Co. Change in Address of Official Establishment *938. Eckert Packing Co., P. 0. box 56. Henderson, Ky .. instead of P. O. box 272. 191-A. Frye & Co., 361 East Oak Street, Portland, Oreg., in tead of Thir­ . teenth and Hoyt Streets. Add to List of Officials in Charge Dr. J . B. Hill, Care Wagner Packing Co., Bri tol, Va. Change in Address of Official in Charge Dr. J. S. Clark, virus-serum control, Care Anchor Serum Co.. South , t. Joseph, Mo., instead of Grenada, Miss. Stations Added Bristol, Va., meat inspection. South St. Joseph, Mo., virus-serum control. Station Discontinued Grenada, Miss., virus-serum control. Substation Discontinued St. Joseph, Mo ., virus-serum control (formerly a substation of Kansas City). Corrections in New Directory Page 26. Add: " *586. The Columbus Packing Co., South High Street and Hocking Valley Railway, Columbus, Ohio." Page 39. Insert an asterisk before E tablishrnent No. 938, Eckert Packino­ Co., Henderson, Ky. NOTICES REGARDING MEAT INSPECTION APPROVAL OF CLOTH CONTAINERS The approval of printed matter on cloth containers may be accepted as au­ thority for the use of proportionate enlargements. Rulings obviating the neces­ sity of individual approval in cases involving merely dissimilarity in figures or qualifications pertaining to statement of quantity are equally applicable to cloth containers. APPROVAL OF INSERTS Referring to Regulation 17, section 2, paragraph 3, B. A. I. Order 211 (re­ vised), relative to the approval of inserts, the term "insert" as therein used is intended to include only materials bearing direct reference to the meat or products which they accompany. Accordingly, no specific approval is re­ quired of inserts bearing no reference to meat or meat food products or those which advertise meat or meat food products in general and which probably will not be construed as pertaining specifically to th~ accompanyino- product. If a proposed insert bears any statement pertaining to meat or meat food products which is false or misleading, or in case of doubt as to the scope of this ruling in relation to any particular insert, a copy of the insert should be submitted to the Washington office for a ·pecific ruling, pending which its distribution in containers of meat or meat food products should be deferred. Materials bearing copies or reproductions of the inspection legend must be approved in accordanee with the specific terms of the regulations. * Conducts slaughtering. • 192ti] ~ERVICE AKD REGULA 'TORT ANNO N CEME "T 35 EXPORT CERTIFICATES IN QUADRUPLICATE' FOR CANADA AND MEXICO Export certificates· for meat and meat food products destined to points in the Dominion of Canada and the Republic of Mexico should be issued in quadruplicate in order to comply with the requirements of the respective foreign governments. Quadruplicate copies of export certificates will be furnished upon request of inspector in charge who expect exportations from their tations to the countries mention d. P ORK LIVERS FOR EXPORT TO FRANCE Information has been received from the French Government to the effect that pork livers are eligible for importation into France only when destined to pate de foie gras factories in the Paris region, specially approved for this purpo e by the Prefecture of Police, and therefore can be sold only after they have been cooked. Also, as they do not react ,vell to freezing at a very low temperature and liquefy when thawed out, they are not subject to th con­ dition specified in connection with the importation of frozen meat from the nited States. ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED UNDER FEDERAL MEAT INSPECTION, MARCH, 1925 I Station Cattle Calves Sheep Goats ' Swine Baltimore __________ _____ _---- - --- -- ------ --- Brooklyn _______ __ _____________________ ___ __ _ 7,337 1,838 1,456 3 1 66, 736 4,892 8,527 22, 89 1 ------------ Buffalo _____ ________________________________ _ 7,204 5,347 6,023 153,118 81, 256 229, 429 ----- --28- 1 4~:~i~ 10, 87 8,175 l, 764 3 I 54,823 g~~r:iatc====Cleveland __________________________________ == == === == === == = = == == = = == == = = =_ 8,23 8, 964 10, 197 4 '146 Detroit _____________________________________ _ 6,051 7, 239 5, 710 ----------1 Fort Worth ____ ___________ _____ __ _______ ____ _ 33,443 20,024 9,869 ------380- 1 ~~:i~~ Indianapolis ________________________________ _ 13,196 4, 039 I 2, 214 6 75,424 Jersey City _____ ____________________________ _ 5, 716 9, 404 I 25, 033 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 58, 195 Kansas City ________________________________ _ 3,528 Milwaukee _________________________________ _ 26, 659 I 105, 404 12 178,282 10, 718 56,894 2,807 ---------- 59,817 National Stock Yards ______________________ _ 23,652 8, 9 5 I 15, 24 -------- -- 112,026 New York __________________________________ _ 33, 617 48, 078 108, 955 123 76,790 Omaha _____________________________________ _ 76,996 13 244,998 Philadelphia__________ ________ ___ ___________ _ 8, 62 I 159, 58 8,324 7,237 I 13, OJ4 ---------- 72,951 St. Louis ____________ ___~ _______ _____ ____ ___ _ 11,507 3, 325 I 3, 231 ---------- 108,216 Sioux City ______ ____________________________ _ 36,112 4,503 28,405 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 234, 679 South St. Joseph ______ _____________________ _ 32,665 8,519 I 105,865 1 80,202 Sou th St. PauL ____________________________ _ 35,437 59,260 11,222 ---------- 25 1,207 All other establishments ____ ________________ _ 133,675 18,957 I 115,2so 261 1,004,079 -----1----1---- Total: March, 1925 ___________________ _ 736,313 466, 092 984,254 831 3,299,344 March, 1924 ___________________ _ 665, 156 376,709 868,398 4,536,372 9 months ended March, 1925 ___ _ 7,562,225 3, 734, 942 9, 162, 063 23,3381,911 I 38,505,267 9 months ended March, 1924 ____ 7, 056,549 3,324,406 8,710,561 22,560 41, 778, 116 Horses slaughtered at all establishments, M arch, 1925, 767. Inspections of lard at all establishments, 122,634,684 pounds; compound and other substitutes, 50,825 784 pounds. Corresponding inspections for March, 1924: Lard, 192,456,923 pounds; compound and otner1 substitutes,
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