Subject: Plot R3, Land to the south of High Street Stratford, east of Sugar House Lane and west of Three Mills Wall River, Stratford, E15 (application reference numbers 16/00499/NMA and 16/00412/REM) Meeting date: 22 November 2016 Report to: Planning Decisions Committee Report of: Sara Dawes, Senior Planning Development Manager FOR DECISION This report will be considered in public 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 This report considers two separate but linked applications for Non-Material Amendments and Reserved Matters/Approval of Details respectively, submitted by Vastint UK BV for Plot R3 of the proposed redevelopment of a 10 hectare site at Sugar House Lane and Hunts Lane. 1.2 The overall site benefits from part outline and part full planning permission granted by the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation on September 2012 ref: 12/00336/LTGDC/LBNM (“the 2012 permission”). Plot R3 falls within the part of the site with outline planning permission with the Reserved Matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping required to demonstrate compliance with the approved parameter plans, Design Code and relevant planning conditions that form part of the 2012 permission. 1.3 The first application (ref: 16/00499/NMA) relates to Non Material Amendments (NMA) to vary the ‘Maximum Storey Heights and ‘Characterisation of Open Spaces’ parameter plans approved under the 2012 permission. The amendments are detailed at paragraph 6.10 and summarised as follows: a) Provision of stair/Lift cores to Eastern and Western elements of Perimeter Block A; b) Provision of pitched roof incorporating stair/Lift cores to Northern/Southern Accents of Riverside Block A; c) Provision of Set-back storey to Northern/Southern Element – Perimeter Block A; d) Footprint of the Riverside Block B Accents; e) Reclassification of Riverside Block B from ‘Public Shared Surface’ to ‘Private Residential Garden Zone’ to provide private terraces; and f) Reclassification of Riverside Block B from ‘Public Shared Surface’ to ‘Semi- Private Residential Amenity Courtyard’ to provide semi-private courtyard and a garden for residents of the Three Mills Residential Moorings; 1.4 The second application (ref: 16/00412/RMA) seeks Reserved Matters approval for 156 residential units (Use Class C3), comprising 15 x studios, 55 x 1 bedroom, 12 x 2 bedroom, 60 x 3 bedroom, and 14 x 4 bedroom units. The application also seeks Approval of Details (AOD) that require evidence that all residential units comply with the London Housing Design Guide (or its successor) (condition C8), the submission of daylight, sunlight and overshadowing analysis (condition C11), parking management plan (condition C15), cycle parking (condition C16), and waste management plan (condition C36), all of which are required by planning condition on a plot by plot basis. 1.5 The building use, and number and mix of homes is compliant with the requirements of the 2012 permission, as well as the Local Plan Site Allocation. The buildings are designed to achieve a high standard of living accommodation in terms of their access, aspect, size, access to amenity space, car and cycle parking and refuse and recycling storage and collection. 1.6 While there are a proportion of habitable rooms and some whole dwellings that will experience daylighting standards below the BRE guidance, on balance, this is considered to be offset by the benefits of the overall design quality of the scheme, including 76% of homes to be duel aspect and no single aspect north facing units. 1.7 One representation received from the Three Mills Moorings Association, raising concern about loss of daylight and sunlight, overlooking to the Residential Moorings. The technical assessments undertaken in support of the Reserved Matters application, EIA Screening request and NMA demonstrates that localised changes in site level and building heights will not create new or different significant environmental impacts to surrounding residential occupiers. Officers note that the proposals include a private garden for the residential moorings, which will be accessed directly from the moorings. 1.8 No objections have been received from statutory consultees, including the Environment Agency, Historic England and the Canal and River Trust. 1.9 The proposed layout and scale complies with the maximum storey heights, underground parking strategy, and characterisation of open spaces parameters approved by the 2012 permission (as amended). An increase in height in response to design development, adjusted site levels and more generous floor to ceiling dimensions above that assumed in the 2012 permission is not considered to give rise to any new or different significant townscape, heritage or environmental effects. 1.10 The Quality Review Panel (QRP) offers its strong support for the Reserved Matters application for Plot R3, finding the architecture to be particularly distinctive and attractive, and supports the planning application for approval. 1.11 The landscaping scheme forms part of the approved site-wide public realm infrastructure design. There is overlap between the site-wide strategy and plot- specific RMAs to ensure individual building designs and the public realm they define are considered together. The residential courtyards and shared streets adopt the principles previously approved as part of the Plot R6, Plot R1 and public realm infrastructure Reserved Matters, and a new private garden for the Three Mills Moorings is proposed adjacent to the river. 1.12 The scheme includes a level of car and cycle parking that complies with the 2012 permission, as well as the more recently adopted London Plan and Local Plan policies that seek a higher provision of cycle parking provision, and raises no objections in relation to servicing and deliveries and refuse storage and collection. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 The Committee is asked to: Non Material Amendments (ref: 16/00499/NMA) a) Approve the Application for Non-Material Amendments to Parameter Plans PP-1-103 rev E (Maximum Storey Heights) and PP-1-109 rev G (Characterisation of Open Spaces) attached to planning permission reference 12/00336/LTGOUT/LBNM dated 27 September 2012 (as amended) to accommodate amendments to the number of storeys permitted at Plot R3, comprising the provision of single storey lift cores to Block A; the fifth floor set back storeys to Block A; the pitched roof incorporating a lift core to Block B; footprint of the block B accents; and the reclassification of the public realm to the east of the plot’s ‘Riverside Block’ from ‘Public – Shared Surface’ to ‘Private Residential Garden Zone’ and ‘Semi-Private Residential Amenity Courtyard’ to accommodate private terraces, semi-private courtyard and a garden for the residents of the Three Mills Residential Moorings. Reserved Matters and Approval of Details (ref: 16/00412/REM) b) Approve the Application for the Approval of Reserved Matters for the construction of two blocks comprising 156 residential units, basement car park, and the provision of hard and soft landscaping for Development Plot R3 submitted pursuant to conditions A3 (Time Limits) and C1 (Reserved Matters – Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping), and the partial submission of details pursuant to conditions C8 (Housing Standards), C11 (Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing), C15 (Parking Management Plan), C16 (Cycle Parking) and C36 (Waste Management Strategy) of planning permission reference 12/00336/LTGOUT/LBNM dated 27th September 2012 (as amended) and subject to the planning conditions set out at section 11 of this report; and 2.2 Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning Policy and Decisions to finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Director of Planning Policy and Decisions considers reasonably necessary. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1 None. 4. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1 None. Site plan: © Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey 100050265 Location: Land to the south of High Street Stratford, east of Sugar House Lane and west of Three Mills Wall River, Stratford, E15 London Borough: Newham Proposal: 16/00499/NMA Application for Non-Material Amendments to Parameter Plans PP-1- 103 rev E (Maximum Storey Heights) and PP-1-109 rev G (Characterisation of Open Spaces) attached to Hybrid Planning Permission reference 12/00336/LTGOUT/LBNM dated 27 September 2012 (as amended) to accommodate amendments to the number of storeys permitted at Plot R3, comprising the provision of single storey lift cores to Block A; the fifth floor set back storeys to Block A; the pitched roof incorporating a lift core to Block B; footprint of the block B accents; and the reclassification of the public realm to the east of the plot’s ‘Riverside Block’ from ‘Public – Shared Surface’ to ‘Private Residential Garden Zone’ and ‘Semi-Private Residential Amenity Courtyard’ to accommodate private terraces, semi-private courtyard and a garden for the residents of the Three Mills Residential Moorings. 16/00412/REM Application for the Approval of Reserved Matters for the construction of two blocks comprising 156 residential units (Use Class C3), basement car park, and the provision of hard and soft landscaping for Development Plot R3 submitted pursuant to conditions A3 (Time Limits) and C1 (Reserved Matters – Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping), and the partial submission of details pursuant to conditions C8 (Housing Standards), C11 (Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing), C15 (Parking Management Plan),
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