All-American Timing, LLC - Contractor License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 1 2021 Iowa Senior Games - 6/12/2021 Valley High School Meet Program Section 2 of 2 Finals Event 1 Women 5000 Meter Race Walk Event 5 Men 50-59 100 Meter Dash 2 Ramker, Darwin 73 WAVER Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 3 Steinfeldt, Andy 73 MINTK Section 1 of 1 Finals Section 1 of 2 Finals 4 Adair, Denny 73 OSCEO 1 Riekena, JacquelineW56 WDM 2 Mills, Scott M50 DES M 5 Odonnell, James 73 ANKEN 2 Coyle, Jaculin W59 CROSS 3 Adams, Keith M51 OMAHA 6 Loyd, Mike 73 GILME 3 Johnson, Ellen W63 DESMO 4 Cook, Troy M52 JOHNS 7 Olson, Randall 74 NEBRA 4 Brown, LuAnne W64 ANKEN 5 Lilly, Troy M53 BONDU 5 Hegstrom, Ann W65 DE SO 6 Hellyer, Timothy M54 ZUMBR Event 8 Men 75+ 100 Meter Dash 6 Hein, Jane W68 CLIVE 7 Andrae, Brian M54 ORION Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 7 Rulapaugh, Faith W74 OELWE Section 2 of 2 Finals Section 1 of 3 Finals 2 Delozier, Tadd M55 LINCO 2 Trent, James M75 MIDWE Event 2 Men 5000 Meter Race Walk 3 Shide, Thomas M58 URBAN 3 crider, william M75 SWANT Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 4 Davis, Julius M59 NEW B 4 Brown, David M75 DES M Section 1 of 1 Finals 5 Peterson, Ron M77 WAUKE 8 Kauten, Keith M61 CORAL Event 6 Men 60-69 100 Meter Dash 6 Kettering, Steve M78 LKVW 9 Hoger, Steve M64 SEWAR Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 7 Perez, Frank M79 WDM 10 Weeks, Mike M65 BATES Section 1 of 4 Finals Section 2 of 3 Finals 2 Knowling, Jeffrey M60 CEDRA 11 Davis, Randy M65 ALTOO 1 eidahl, davis M80 RICHL 3 Howard, ChristopherM60 DUBUQ 12 Ewest, Brad M68 ANKEN 2 Hoidahl, Rich M80 JOHNS 4 Fitzgerald, MichaelM61 MASON 13 Ullom, Dave M67 ESTHE 3 Meyer, Alex M80 SCRIB 5 Kauten, Keith M61 CORAL 14 Phillips, Tim M72 HIAWA 4 Stewart, Ken M81 BATAV 6 Pflug, John M62 OMAHA 15 Bhatnagar, DharmvirM78 WDM 5 Schellhorn, Greuling(G)M81 BOSCO 7 Harpole, Jim M62 NEHAL 16 Kirkwood, Tom M78 DYERS 6 Sagedahl, SherwoodM82 FAIRM Section 2 of 4 Finals 17 O'Daniels, Gary M79 CREST 7 Ites, Jimm M82 WATER 2 Borchardt, Scott M62 HOLLA 18 eidahl, davis M80 RICHL 8 Dewey, Dale M82 ALTOO 3 Sowell, Lei M63 TOPEK Section 3 of 3 Finals Event 3 Women 50-64 100 Meter Dash 4 Holmes, Harold M64 ROCKL 2 Anderson, Jerry M85 ELLSW Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 5 Roberts, David M64 BOONE 3 Sechrist, Gary M86 MINNE Section 1 of 2 Finals 6 Cahalan, Tom M64 NORWA 4 Anderson, RichardM86 WDM 1 Adams, Katy W52 OMAHA 7 Wilson, David M64 GARRI 5 Zimmer, Don M87 WDM 2 Shide, Jennifer AmyW55 URBAN Section 3 of 4 Finals 6 Ravenscroft, AlvinM88 AMES 3 Blasberg, Mindy W56 DES M 2 Davis, Randy M65 ALTOO 4 Wicks, Rosanne W57 WAUKO 3 Simmert, Robert M65 ROSCO Event 9 Women 1500 Meter Run 5 Bergstrom, Vilma W57 URBAN 4 Weeks, Mike M65 BATES Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 6 Hoerner Hanson, LisaW57 DAVEN 5 Rangel, Antonio M65 DAVEN Section 1 of 1 Finals 7 Dingeman, Jean W57 PELLA 6 Stamler, John M67 IOWA 1 Shide, Jennifer AmyW55 URBAN 8 bintz, melanie W58 DAYTO 7 Ullom, Dave M67 ESTHE 2 Dingeman, Jean W57 PELLA Section 2 of 2 Finals Section 4 of 4 Finals 3 Fray, Susan W61 CLIVE 3 worthington, glynisW60 CEDAR 3 Ewest, Brad M68 ANKEN 4 Johnson, Ellen W63 DESMO 4 Clevenger, Judi W62 ALEXI 4 Kastning, Steven M68 DARIE 5 Hein, Jane W68 CLIVE 5 Budweg, Greta W63 ANKEN 5 Ostlund, Chris M68 WAUKE 6 Hintermeister, ShariW72 NORTH 6 Banks, Toni W63 OMAHA 6 LaValle, Michael M68 DES M 7 McClure, Linda W72 ANKEN 7 Ward, Chuck M69 URBAN Event 4 Women 65+ 100 Meter Dash Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Event 7 Men 70-74 100 Meter Dash Section 1 of 2 Finals Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 1 Hegstrom, Ann W65 DE SO Section 1 of 2 Finals 2 Kosowski, JanaleeW67 CEDRA 2 Hinckley, Dennis 70 SIOUX 3 Duhlstine Feeney, W70CoralynEAST 3 Kobus, Jim 71 ANKEN 4 Carroll, Christine W72 WDM 4 Obye, Douglas 71 PHOEN 5 McClure, Linda W72 ANKEN 5 Kelly, Jack 71 SULPH 6 Bishop, Catherine W72 VERSA 6 Newkirk, Richard 72 ANKEN 7 Weisskopf, Neva W73 LEHIG Section 2 of 2 Finals 4 Schlemmer, Jean W75 BLTN 5 Ramker, Norma W87 URBAN All-American Timing, LLC - Contractor License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 2 2021 Iowa Senior Games - 6/12/2021 Valley High School Meet Program Section 5 of 5 Finals Event 10 Men 1500 Meter Run Event 12 Men 50-64 400 Meter Dash 1 eidahl, davis M80 RICHL Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 2 Meyer, Alex M80 SCRIB Section 1 of 2 Finals Section 1 of 3 Finals 3 Schellhorn, Greuling(G)M81 BOSCO 1 Hammann, Rob M50 PELLA 2 Mills, Scott M50 DES M 4 Stewart, Ken M81 BATAV 2 Mills, Scott M50 DES M 3 Hahn, Jason M51 DES M 5 Sagedahl, SherwoodM82 FAIRM 3 Hahn, Jason M51 DES M 4 Cook, Troy M52 JOHNS 6 Ravenscroft, AlvinM88 AMES 4 davis, matt M57 RED O 5 Benko, Andrew M54 DUBUQ 5 Quill, Gavin M58 WDM 6 Shide, Thomas M58 URBAN Event 14 Women 1500 Meter Race Walk 6 McKibben, RoadogM60 CLIVE 7 Seaton, Mark M59 URBAN Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 7 Kauten, Keith M61 CORAL Section 2 of 3 Finals Section 1 of 1 Finals 8 McDermott, RandyM63 BASEH 2 Knowling, Jeffrey M60 CEDRA 1 Riekena, JacquelineW56 WDM 9 Hanish, Robert M64 BADGE 3 McKibben, RoadogM60 CLIVE 2 Wicks, Rosanne W57 WAUKO 10 Loch, Tom M64 CEDRA 4 Holmes, Mark M61 TUSTI 3 Bergstrom, Vilma W57 URBAN 11 Weeks, Mike M65 BATES 5 Kauten, Keith M61 CORAL 4 Richardson, DianaW57 SEARS 12 Rangel, Antonio M65 DAVEN 6 Fitzgerald, MichaelM61 MASON 5 Beatty, Cindy W59 ATKIN 13 Davis, Randy M65 ALTOO Section 3 of 3 Finals 6 Coyle, Jaculin W59 CROSS 14 Dahlstrom, Keith M66 CEDAR 2 McDermott, RandyM63 BASEH 7 Johnson, Ellen W63 DESMO 15 McBride, ThomasM66 DES M 3 Loch, Tom M64 CEDRA 8 Brown, LuAnne W64 ANKEN 16 Stamler, John M67 IOWA 4 Wilson, David M64 GARRI 9 Hegstrom, Ann W65 DE SO 17 Ewest, Brad M68 ANKEN 5 Roberts, David M64 BOONE 10 Bohlke, Diana W66 DES M 18 Miller, David M69 URBAN 6 Lyster, Mitch M64 MCCOO 11 Kosowski, JanaleeW67 CEDRA 12 Hein, Jane W68 CLIVE Section 2 of 2 Finals Event 13 Men 65+ 400 Meter Dash 1 Linn, Perry M70 CORNI 13 Schultz, Paula W68 INDIA Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 2 Heinle, Roger M71 WHITI 14 Fielder, Yvonne W69 DES M Section 1 of 5 Finals 3 Bishop, Charles M72 VERSA 1 Davis, Randy M65 ALTOO 15 Rulapaugh, Faith W74 OELWE 4 Ney, Roy M73 DES M 2 Weeks, Mike M65 BATES 16 Beatty, Marjorie W87 ATKIN 5 Hamm, Larry M73 DES M 3 Rangel, Antonio M65 DAVEN Event 15 Men 1500 Meter Race Walk 6 Roeske, John M73 LOVEL 4 Dahlstrom, Keith M66 CEDAR Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 7 Adair, Denny M73 OSCEO 5 Stamler, John M67 IOWA Section 1 of 1 Finals 8 Steinfeldt, Andy M73 MINTK 6 Ewest, Brad M68 ANKEN 1 Pew, Timothy M60 DES M 9 Brown, David M75 DES M 7 Miller, David M69 URBAN 2 Knowling, Jeffrey M60 CEDRA 10 Patton, Gary M76 ROCK 8 Ward, Chuck M69 URBAN 3 Kauten, Keith M61 CORAL 11 Dieleman, Ed M76 ANKEN Section 2 of 5 Finals 4 Beatty, Brian M61 ATKIN 12 Ersland, David M77 HUMBO 2 Hinckley, Dennis M70 SIOUX 5 Hoger, Steve M64 SEWAR 13 Kirkwood, Tom M78 DYERS 3 Obye, Douglas M71 PHOEN 6 Davis, Randy M65 ALTOO 14 Meyer, Alex M80 SCRIB 4 Heinle, Roger M71 WHITI 7 Weeks, Mike M65 BATES 15 mcfadden, jim M82 TULSA 5 Newkirk, Richard M72 ANKEN 8 Bohlke, Joe M66 DES M 16 Sagedahl, SherwoodM82 FAIRM 6 Phillips, Tim M72 HIAWA 9 Ullom, Dave M67 ESTHE 17 Ravenscroft, AlvinM88 AMES 7 Steinfeldt, Andy M73 MINTK 10 Ewest, Brad M68 ANKEN Section 3 of 5 Finals Event 11 Women 400 Meter Dash 11 Hinckley, Dennis M70 SIOUX 2 Loyd, Mike M73 GILME Lane Name Age Team Seed Time 12 Phillips, Tim M72 HIAWA 3 Roeske, John M73 LOVEL Section 1 of 1 Finals 13 Adair, Denny M73 OSCEO 4 Adair, Denny M73 OSCEO 1 Hintermeister, ShariW72 NORTH 14 Kranz, Robert M74 APPLE 5 Olson, Randall M74 NEBRA 2 McClure, Linda W72 ANKEN 15 Peraud, Joe M74 FREDE 6 Kranz, Robert M74 APPLE 3 Long, Jennifer W68 IOWA 16 Brown, David M75 DES M Section 4 of 5 Finals 4 Hegstrom, Ann W65 DE SO 17 Schenck, Alan M75 CLARI 1 crider, william M75 SWANT 5 Johnson, Ellen W63 DESMO 18 Bhatnagar, DharmvirM78 WDM 2 Brown, David M75 DES M 6 Fray, Susan W61 CLIVE 19 Kirkwood, Tom M78 DYERS 3 Dieleman, Ed M76 ANKEN 7 Dingeman, Jean W57 PELLA 20 Meyer, Alex M80 SCRIB 4 Ersland, David M77 HUMBO 8 Shide, Jennifer AmyW55 URBAN 21 eidahl, davis M80 RICHL 5 Kirkwood, Tom M78 DYERS 22 Schellhorn, Greuling(G)M81 BOSCO 6 Grosh, Ron M79 MIDDL 23 Stewart, Ken M81 BATAV 24 mcfadden, jim M82 TULSA 25 Zimmer, Don M87 WDM All-American Timing, LLC - Contractor License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER Page 3 2021 Iowa Senior Games - 6/12/2021 Valley High School Meet Program Event 16 Women 50-64 50 Meter Dash Event 20 Men 60-64 50 Meter Dash Event 23 Men 75+ 50 Meter Dash Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Lane Name Age Team Seed Time Section 1 of 3 Finals Section 1 of 2 Finals Section 1 of 3 Finals 3 Petra, Cathy W52 ELK P 2 Howard, Christopher 60 DUBUQ 1 crider, william M75 SWANT 4 Adams, Katy W52 OMAHA 3 Knowling, Jeffrey 60 CEDRA 2 Trent, James M75 MIDWE Section 2 of 3 Finals 4 Fitzgerald, Michael 61 MASON 3 Brown, David M75 DES M 1 Shide, Jennifer AmyW55 URBAN 5 Kauten, Keith 61 CORAL 4 Schenck, Alan M75 CLARI 2 Blasberg, Mindy W56 DES M 6 Borchardt, Scott 62 HOLLA 5 Peterson, Ron M77 WAUKE 3 Bergstrom, Vilma W57 URBAN 7 Staley, Brad 62 HAMPT 6 Kettering, Steve M78 LKVW 4 Wicks, Rosanne W57 WAUKO Section 2 of 2 Finals 7 Perez, Frank M79 WDM 5 Dingeman, Jean W57 PELLA 2 Harpole, Jim 62 NEHAL Section 2 of 3 Finals 6 Hoerner Hanson, LisaW57 DAVEN 3 Sowell, Lei 63 TOPEK 1 Hoidahl, Rich M80 JOHNS 7 Richardson, DianaW57 SEARS 4 Wilson, David 64 GARRI 2 Meyer, Alex M80 SCRIB 8 bintz, melanie W58 DAYTO 5 Cahalan, Tom 64 NORWA 3 eidahl, davis M80 RICHL Section 3 of 3 Finals 6 Holmes, Harold 64 ROCKL 4 Schellhorn, Greuling(G)M81 BOSCO 3 worthington,
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