![The Ashe Presbyterian [Serial]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C285 A82 v.58--60 1974--1976 UNIVERSITY OF NX. AT CHAPEL HILL 00042729182 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/ashepresbyterian77jeff THE LORD IS RISEN The Ashe Presbyterian VOLUME JJWf 4 JEFFERSON, N. C, MARCH, 1974 Return Postage Guaranteed NUMBER 1 Mount Jefferson Lansing C h u r c h C h n r c h Active Has Manv Activities By Rsv. T. I. Smith Miss Patty Ham was married to Mr. Jimmy Childress at the Gillespie Pres- To review the winter months of byterian Church at 11:00 a. m. on Sat- Dec, Jan., arid Feb., now that "the urday, February 23. Mr. Bryan Stamp- flowers appear on the earth and the er was in charge of the service. time of the singing of birds is come", Plans are being completed for — the first winter snow fell Saturday, Christian Voluntary Work Camps on Dec. 3 and by morning (Sunday morn- the Lansing Field. Senior high groups ing), everything was under a 7-inch from Orlando, Florida, Montgomery, blanket of snow. This meant that num- Alabama, Greenville, South Carolina, bers were somewhat down, neverthe- Charlotte, North Carolina, Huntsville, less the Children's Choir furnished the Alabama, and Jackson, Tennessee will special music; and in the evening — conduct Bible Schools, direct youth ac- when the Ashe County Music Club tivities, and perform manual labor in presented the Cantata and Christmas— Lansing and outlying areas. Festival Music in a union service Mrs. Ella Mae Clark has assumed full the church was including the bal- her duties as visitor and youth direc- in cony. The sacred music was given tor on the Lansing Field. Encouraging the audi- the sanctuary, afterwhich results are already in evidence of Mrs. the corridor into the Hall ence crossed Clark's efforts on her new job. for carol and festival music around a Mr. Bryan Stamper, youth director in the fireplace. cheery fire open (Continued on page 3) The following Sabbath, Dec. 16, in Three Welcomed Into the evening, the Women-of-the-Church had the Joy Gift Supper — a most Laurel Fork Church happy time about the tables — fol- lowed by a program in which Mr. On February 3, at the morning ser- Jack Jarret sang the splendid carol, vice, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Auman and "O Holy Night", and Mrs. Bill Neu- their son, Steve, 'were received into mann gave a magnificent presentation the Laurel Fork Presbyterian Church. of "Mary's Story" — the record of the The Aumans have recently moved Nativity as told by our Lord's mother. into the Laurel Springs Section and Christmas Sunday (Dec. 23), the Sunday School hour was completely take an active part in the Laurel Fork Presbyterian Church. The Aumans given to the children, who had recita- were former members of the Flagstone tions and a splendidly acted dramati- Presbyterian Church of Mooresville, zation of The Cobbler's Christmas. The N. C. and at their request their cer- sermon at the Worship Hour was upon tificate transferred to the mem- "God's Gift of a Son"; and in the even- was bership of the Laurel Fork Church. ing, the program was talentedly pre- welcome the into the sented in the Hall by the Children's We Aumans Laurel wish for Choir and the Youth of the Church, Fork Church and them a happy fellowship. Steve has whose bringing of the Christmas story Auman been very useful as our adult Sunday to us upon the stage showed the ef- School Teacher as well as other ac- fect of a lot of dedicated preparation. tivities the church. After the play, there followed the en- of trance of Santa, the gifts about the tree, and the treat for all. It was a Louis Yelanjian Merry Christmas occasion. The last Sunday of the year, being a fifth Sunday, the Mt. Jefferson Choir Fills In At Glendale went to the Grandview Rest Home at MB. AND MRS. MIKE JOHNSON 9 -00 in the morning to furnisi the Mr. Yelanjian has been filling the music for Dr. Stone's service there. pulpit from time to time at Glendale December hospitaliz?d saw Mrs Kathy Springs. Mr. Yelanjian is an excellent Mike And Diana Ham Howell and Mr. Bill Calloway, student of the Bible and preaches on but happily both are out and back to very vital subjects. Some of the sub- In Austria work again. jects are: "Who has done more good Johnson January of 1974 saw the early re- to you — God or the Devil?" "With turn of Daylight Saving Time. And on whom do you want to spend eternity?" Recently we received a card from the first Sunday of the year, the con- Mr. Yelanjian is strong on giving and Mike and Diana Johnson from Austria, gregation observed the Sacrament of preaches on stewardship. He has creat- where they are studying language so Communion : how right a wav to en- ed quite a good deal of interest in that they may take part in the Great- tfT the unknown of a New Year! In the church. We appreciate his work er European Mission Work. Mike, as the afternoon the Sacrament was tak- while Rev. J. W. Luke is retiring. many in this field know was a student en to shut-ins. at Columbia Bible College and work- January passed very quickly this CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION ed in the Glendale Springs Field for year, but not without the good news PROCLAIMING APRIL 30, 1974 two summers. We pray for a great of a daughter being born to Mr. and success for Mike and his wife, Diana, Mrs. Samuel Johnson; and the anxious A NATIONAL DAY OF HUMILI- in the work they are starting in for (Continued on page 3) ATION, FASTING AND PRAYER. the Lord. U n CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED n PAGE TWO THE ASHE PRESBYTERIAN MARCH, 1974 Custom And Calvary Miss Rose And THE ASHE PRESBYTERIAN Mr. Hart Marry Official Organ of the Presbyterian By Rev. John S. Johnson Churches of the Glendale Springs, West Jefferson, Jefferson, Lans- It was custom in Christ's day by On December the 8, at 4 p. m. the ing, and Ebenezer Groups. many in the Church to think more of Glendale Springs Presbyterian Church keeping rules than doing right; of do- was the setting for the marriage of THE STAFF ing what the Bible says rather than on Mary Evelyn Rose and Danny Hart. being what it brings; reverence for Mary Evelyn is the daughter of the John Luke, Editor W. rules rather than respect for right. late Wade Rose and Mrs. Gwendolyn Assistant Editors: This custom turned Christ's road Louise Rose Ashley. Danny is the son T. I. Smith sharply in the direction of Calvary. of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hart of Laurel Robert Stamper Around the pool of Bethesda was "a Springs, N. C. R. H. Stone, Cir. Mgr multitr.de of invalids, blind, lame, par- John Scott and Virginia Lynn Rose, " of a alyzed One them was man who the brother and sister of the bride ill thirty-eight years. ISSUED QUARTERLY—MARCH had been for We stood with her in the 'wedding. Rev. are not told what his trouble was. He JUNE, SEPTEMBER and J. W. Luke officiated the ceremony. barely drag himself around. DECEMBER could The families of the bride and groom Jesus said, "Take your bed and up were present at the wedding. We wish tiny bit a Subscription Price 10c Per Year walk." A South, was mag- these young people God's richest bless- nificent Church. We wonder if its lead- ings. Entered as Second Class Matter ers who condemned Jesus so harshly, Postage Paid, July 21, 1925 at the for healing this man on the Sabbath, any notice of those decrepit Post Office of Jefferson, N. C. ever took Bob Ziebarth And people. We are told that this 'was why under Act of March 3, 1879. those good church people "persecuted Hans Taul Visit Zip Code 28640 Jesus, because he did this on the Sab- JWWj<g -^*i»i«airwjcjM»«pg—»^aw^»gjurm— py t ^T — wwnwgit bath." This brought upon him the open and declared hostility of the leaders On Feb. 10, Bob Ziebarth and Hans The Spirit Of Easter of the Church of his day. Jesus did Taul visited the Glendale Springs not object to rules, as helps. "He went Fi^ld. They drove up from Columbia to the synagogue, as his custom was, Bible College and spent Saturday — EDITORIAL — on the Sabbath dav." But he put peo- night. Sunday was a day of visiting ple above fixed ideas. This was not ?nd holding a service at Bethel church. the first occasion that his love for We enjoyed the visit and hope the We speak of the Spirit of Christ- young men can come again soon. Bob mas and what do we mean by this? people, over and above his regard for as we know is from Michigan, and When Christmas comes we greet each good rules and good church customs, Hans is from Austria. other with a Merry Christmas. Old had upset and infuriated righteous grudges are forgotten and we wish people. But it was over this particu- lar case that the breach suddenly good will to everyone. We show our yawned wide open. It here that True Sayings Christmas spirit also by the giving of was Christ's road turned definitely in the gifts and doing good deeds.
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