o o Srrn¡xn oF Í'rrp Mosr Elr,pssrcp SacnAMnrrr 6001 WEsrrRN AvrNuE, ¡{.W. 'WasrtrNecrow, D.C. 2OOL6 (202) 966-6575 / //t7. 9a.c //L/( å /^- (r¡teoL,*/ **o.(¿*.'.r,o1 ;- V- a. .) J, %z*,rL L , ttu< %L*, urA l¿, $ ( ,ìr. ,r4a'* { u4-< 6- 5( ..-1,.uç -r/no.( (-'0 "l CL a/ ctâ. ¿'? ,Ott? Yr,,L > LàU *, à J"-/"¿ ,ín-,-- =l' --,øo,l< e¿¡t 'r,'r4,o./ ad*ã *4o ¿:4"/t v'ì2 /"/ { -óru/n J I w\ a tr / & ú¿é, ) IL .z-Øz¿z-a¿{ ) eL, Lf ,fuZn* o.e /h "r2^--? I (ily"" T ARCH-014628 o o - ,,.p Vâ9 V*-u -zr'zz-ø ? r1r- ) lu,4- ú* K lw r tt4, C¿r) )7.¿< C-*- v.r- /Lrr\- ft'tzt-L =-) "1 {" a '4- ) t'l i-<- c-( Á ?*..- ,242/-¿ Ò(/-¿z /ro ,) U\- %, Á-¿-< A-¡- / ìr h,¿( dA /--*l 4_ ¿å- vr--f ( /,( n _L A..?*\- Ør"At4-,'nf/,---_ J -y'r.,:- / L,r h-,__ L 74 ARCH-014629 I o r)¿'r '/'rln l 0 , ,!"t:¡, î0, lL,. ¡-. J,D. ¿ f,* cf ?t 4lúl -""/X 4 CftJ-.t h. þ t ô - ) ¿' ¿â,Lú,¿¡ h4..yv4tu4 T,P, 1".'-. - o7ltnntz,a ã; @ ú"^*4t/p 10-o ¿/,,TrU - / toLE /).--,. Z /¿ /4a>,4 yr,.ßri INf t l.--( c¿-c-r%.4)r;q &'¿< A,-fr (a^ T" ¿¿ lt, - 7^r,0ú'.1- l* 6,;.äi /4t*\) ß ß f..r? -- A7 t z 4.'T, .î kln e2 e c*¿-L à* lL,l,* a,f ARCH-014791 .t o o t* þ o d.L (/rl @ ,/..^c"al )-/ %a*R t/'t/r¡ ('l @ 6 þ,,/ ùu\ fl c¡c, fry lL^n.4 '/."* \ ut '''<' - þlw ('*l' , l"| ' ü^¿4^¿.^¿L tr. k /1,".d,^ A*,q ;, ll"'*¡. ¿ l^nt o-'.,- f fuf I - fr^.- c'tla k-r. ll , t 4 N,ú lra/,J; "/*,/ v ,r \tJ /hfo ¡¡ -71'.^ *'-*, ît ? rrì y'à *'t 'l " ry,.í"'t l-t tt) Y € 7- þlpt,r.q /,r+, \ ä- n r*r- I e,-f ufo-*. /*¿** A4e, ç* ¿ua* þT ARCH-0'14792 o o C' L a,¡ tutu) tu4tu4 ê//,14 E a-¿Zl;¿+ E 7 d-.t,^,t- "".{/^r"A . ( a;c &u .*r1,.ø¿.6\t, t'."1 -*¿) Ad-i* Fr> $) c'rr.*l a lrn 0 /^l ¿,..* t /+&/ â yâ lL, ( kfuù ,', lrt - /vill uh*q T- d - tlAl of"'?-l â+..r 1 .'.¡' h ea4 A ø"4 {,4 I' ê, t¿l C ø+1 azl l-,LJa¿ ¿...t- ' ¡7 ê. Á/úr/-qú'"l ". I f. K ,¿tt^*rl e,/-r'l- du ¿a*, Å*, /c r v ? P-.ø¡rr*4¡. ['t & ôra&- lrYrl, 6 /ú, D !t'', ,aa6.n - ,.rà fuOt* "*{ Z, f*,* el- Å.ø /",."^* ,7@*r- /,t^ ,4^J* - /Z; /+nt* Tn ,,r,,¿ lb F-ttç F- 6.' fu,l<¿ /.t^ û/¿b¿ , \ *. h /)t\ A4L^t ,,*r1---.2 rr ¿r.-¿t--/ ll+<l.tr- a4L - 4*!. t1^ ..,/.r-¿..1-¿ ARCH-014793 , o E xnt k d- r,.¿oì hl+êqê -æ t",*, t¿¿4 æv.ro b.tì. .ø - h ¿.,.- ¿-¿' ã;l' ú. ta--l'-t ø< e¿.¿¿.¡ I 4- - fr /'4 4h/.,,-l /,r 4¿ 2*fu e*;- ú,,-r¿ y l'- L¿ 7t"a4 t' I^å, Oh.ll4^q o{ A/ry f- G /rr, ui ¡a^^* a t,*t -l L ARCH-014794 ,- ffi q ö o DATE: May 27, i.983 MEMO TO: Archbishop Roach FROM: Mert Lagsonde SUBJECT: Fr. Gil Gustafson Ted Col-lins caLled at 3:05 p.m. to advise that Gll was sentenced to 18 months ,ín the Stillwater State Prison; that, sentence was stayed. He hras then given ten years probation during which he is to have con- tLnuous treatment and be law abídíng; he will spend six months in the Ramsey.County Workhouse begínnÍng May 31. Ted suggested that he belíeves that. an appeal could be made to have Gí1 released from the workhouse during the daytime to work in a place like Branch Tlvo or some other such assignment. Tedf s phone numbers are: V{ork, 227-O6Ll, Home, 436-7702. Msgr. Hayden Fr. Carlson Fr. Korf ARCH-014687 o o John L. Buck,Ph.D. 668 E. I'lheelock Parkway St. Pau1, Minnesota 55106 August 7, 1983 A.rchbishop John Roach 226 Summit Avenue St . Paul, l'linnesot,a Dear Archblshop Roach, I arn wriÈÍng Lo you as both a member of Lhe diocese as well as a clinfcal psychologisË. I have been wanÈing to wrlte to you since I heard the media accounts of the sexual abuse commíEted by Fr. Gil Gustafson against a minor from his parish. My concern is Ehe manner in which the diocese reporLedly reponded to this abuse. Undoubtly all would agree that ¡hís was a tragic epÍsode which brought Èerrible paln to È,he victim¡ his family, the parish, as vtell as Fr. GusÈafson. My specific concern cenÈers on Èhe newpaper reports thaÈ Èhe diocese hras ahTare of the sexual abuse as early as July, 1982 but the matter was not brought to the atËentlon of the poliee until January, 1983. If this matter is true, I believe it adds to Èhe scandal of the entire episode. As a psychologist, I have worked wíth the vicÈims, the offenders and Èhe families involved in child sexual abuse. This experience has convÍnced me that sexual abuse needs Èo be reported Èo the police and prosecuted through the courEs. This legal process is needed Èo insure that treatnent is followed ro complet-ion, other possible. victlms are idenÈified and socieEy can make the statement that the offender \¡ras responsible and the victim innocent. Failure to notify legal authoritíes lncreases the like- lihood of the offender reoffending. I have been involved in several cases in which repeat offenses were incorrectly believed to be single occurances because no one reported them at the time. From the legal perspective, there are state mandaÈory reporting laws which apply t.o sexual or physical abuse, or neglect, of minors. Any teachers, nurses or counselot, olho hrere a$¡are of the sexual abuse by Fr. GusEafson and failed to reporË, it, violated this law. ARCH-014924 I o o t FinaIly, the Churchrs reported faflure to promptly notify Ëhe legal authorities gives the impre.ssion Ehat the Church I^Ias attempEing to circumvent legal justlce. lt creates the impression that we ignored what was right in the situation in order to avoidrrbad pressrr. I am aware of the trauma for Ëhe offender when his abuse is made public. In fact, I am a frfend of Gil and we at.tended St. John Vianney together, so I am part,lcular empathetlc Èo thls issue. Neverthelessr I believe it:¡ is irnperaÈi'¡e that sexual abuse be promptly report,ed Èo the appropriate auÈhorities. If iÈi is not, already che case, I belteve Ë.hat the dioce.se should have a firm polfcy of imrnedÍately reporting any chlld abuse uncove.red by any Church member, regardless of the status of the offender. Si ere ly, ohn L. Buck¡ Ph.D. ARCH-014925 t o ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS 226 Summit Avenue Ollice of the Archbishop Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-2197 May 7, 1986 Monsignor J. Jerome Boxleitner Catholic Charities 404 Soutb 8th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 Dear Monsignor Boxleitner, In response to your letter of April 29t}r regarding Father GiI Gustafson and your proposal to continue to employ him under Catholic Charities as your COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND LEADEBSHIP AND TRAINING PROGRAM DIRECTOR' f would like to offer the following co¡nments. After careful consideration of your proposal I accept it wlth the following conditions: I. Father Gustafson would report directly to you and you would have an explicit understanding with him that he is to have no contact with minors in his job. 2 That Catholic Charitles would contínue to employ and reimburse Father Gustafson, I am prepared to accept the fact that there will be some priests and other parish personnel who may not approve of Father Gustafson beÍng in this job or in any job for the Archdiocese. However, I do think that this is an appropriate use of his many talents. I know that you wilL be very discreet in working with Gil in terms of choosing which parishes would be appropriate for him to approach and which would þrobably not be appropriate. I comrnend you for your own sensitivity in trying to help him and I believe if you and I and other appropriate Archdiocesan personnel work very carefully and conscÍentiousLy with GiI, we will be able to preclude any difficutties. f thank you for your bringing this to my attention and pray that this initiative witl work best, not only for GiI, but for the Church. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend John R. Roach, D.D. Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis MJO:mjw cc: Fr. Michael OrConnell Andy Eisenzimmer ARCH-014707 ¡ o o SAINT LIIKE INSTITUTE 2420 Brooks Drive Suitland, Maryland 207 46'5294 (30r) 967-3700 o November 19, L987 Confidential Reverend lüilliam Kenny Personnel Director Archdlocese of St. Paul and Minneapolls 226 Summit Avenue Re: Reverend Gilbert Gustafson St. Paul, Minnesota 55LO2-2L97 sl,r #11706 Dear Father Kenny, Thank you very much for Èhe referral of Father Gilbert GusËafson, a 36 year old prlest of the Archdfocese of SÈ. Paul and Mlnneapolls. I apprecfated the opportunÍty to give you some prellminary feedback on l"londay, November 16th and I am writ,ing now to document more fully our evaluatlon of Father Gustafson.
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