Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 1 ISSN: 0374-5481 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tnah07 XXVI.—The classification of the British Mollusca W.E. Leach M.D. To cite this article: W.E. Leach M.D. (1847) XXVI.—The classification of the British Mollusca , Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 20:133, 267-273, DOI: 10.1080/037454809496042 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/037454809496042 Published online: 21 Dec 2009. Submit your article to this journal View related articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=tnah07 Download by: [NUS National University of Singapore] Date: 07 November 2015, At: 07:43 Dr. Leach's Classification of the British Mollusca. 267 ing a humming-bird, he brought down his bird, a large Sphinx, and this pretty species of Gymnetis, at the same shot ; our speci- men has still the mark where the shot struck it. I have named it in compliment to Mr. Dyson, who has been a most assiduous collector of zoological specimens in Honduras and Venezuela. Mr. Doubleday has named a very striking species of Butterfly, Euterpe Dysoni (Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. xix. p. 385), after him. There has not been a more active or intelligent collector in this country than Mr. Dyson. On p. 15, as Dr. Schaum pointed out to me, remove Clinteria flavomarginata , and put it as a variety of C. atra ; we have lately acquired two specimens of this pretty variety. At p. 15 add Clinteria Hoffmeisteri, White, a very distinct hairy species from Northern India, lately acquired by the ~useum. [To be continued.] XXVI.--The Classification of the British MoUusca. By W. E. LEACH, M.D. To Rwhard Taylor, Esq. MY DEAR SIR, September 9th, 1847. IN a late visit to the North I observed that several British con- chologists were much interested in knowing what was the arrange- ment of British Mollusca proposed by my late excellent fi'iend and first teacher in zoology Dr. Leach, and that some of them had even taken the trouble to copy the proof sheets of his work which were in the possession of one or two persons. Knowing that several copies of Dr. Leach's list were in circu- lation, his names being" in common use in several cabinets at the time he was at work on the subject, I applied to Mr. James Francis Stephcns, who was in constant communication with Dr. Leach, and he at once produced me the list which I herewith send, with the heading it now bears, and a former one not so complete; but as this list contains a fcwjaames not inserted in the latter one, I have added them in their places, marking them with an asterisk and with the date of the first list, 1816. Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 07:43 07 November 2015 It is much to be regretted that Dr. Leach's MSS., which I am aware were prepared with the characters of his genera in detail, have not been printed, that his extensive labours on this part of the animal kingdom should not be lost to the world. To make the list more easily understood, I have added the genus to which Monta~oalc or Lamarck has referred the species, after the name used by Dr. Leach. I am much inclined, as these names were for years exhibited 19" 268 Dr. Leach's Classification of the British Mollusca. in the Museum collection and in the cabinets of Mr. Stephens, the late Mr. James Sowerby, my own and others, to regard them as published and having priority from 1818. Risso, Capt. Brown and others have pubfished several of them in their works. I am, dear Sir, yours truly, J. E. GRAY. "Classification of the British Mollusca by W.E.Leach, M.D.,1818.'" 1. CEPHALOPODA. 2. Aplyslad6e. 1. OcrorovA. 12. Aplysia varians. 1. SeTiolad~. 13. Esmia Griffithsiana. 1. Polypus antiquorum. 3. Marseniad~e. 2. DPCXPODA. 14. Marsenia producta. Bulla haliotoidea, Mont. 2. Sepladw. complanata. Bulla, Mont. 2. Sepiola Rondeletii. 4. Bullad~e. 3. Sepia officinalis. 15. Bulkea planciana. Bulla 3. Loligini&e. aperta, Linn. 4. Loligo magna, eatena. Bulla, Mont. parva. 16. Scaphanderlignarius. Bulla, Linn. 2. GASTEROPODA. eatenatus. 1. GYMNOBRANCHIA. Brownii. 17. Hamin~ea Cuvieri. B. hy- 1. Doridid6e. datis, Mont. B. Lamarckil, 5. Doris Montagui. Leach, 1816. Britannica. dilatata. vulgaris, elegans. Bulla eleg., Gray. Rocinella. 18. Eucampe Donovani. Bulla Elfortiana. akera, Mont. Leachii. 19. Roxania Cranchii. marginata. 3. SACCOBRANCHIA. nodosa. coceinea. 1. Limadd~. 6. Cuf~ea plana. 20. Afion Empiricorum. hortensis. 2. Eolidiad~. 21. Limax antiquorum. 7. Eolidia ? maculatus. 3. Tritonlad~e. variegatus. carinatus. 8. Tritonia Hombergii. agrestis. Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 07:43 07 November 2015 9. Idalia macutata. 2. Helicidee. 2. STE~OaR~CHIA. 22. Succinea Mulled. H. pu- 1. Pleurobranchid~e. tris, Mont. 10. Cleanthus Montagui. Bulla 23. Vitrina Draparnaldi. plumula, Mont. 24. Helix aspersa. Helix L . ~? 11. Osanius argentatus. (B. 25. Tach~ea nemoralis. membranaceus, Mont.) hortensis. Dr. Leach's Classification of the British Mollusea. 269 26. Arianta arbustorum. 4. Lymnad~. 97. Pomatia antiquorum. 44. Stagnicola *octonfraeta. 28. Teba eingenda. Helix, Mont. virgata. *eommunis (palustris). cantiana, minuta, vat. earthusianeUa. H. GibbsLi. *elegans. (stagnalis, van) rufescens, vulgaris (stagnalis). caperata. 45. Gulnaria peregra. Helix, M. (fulva). H. trochiformis, M. lacustris. (hispida). auricularia. Helix, M. aculeata. 46. Myxas Mulleri (glutinosa). (spinulosa), Mont. 47. Physa fontinalis. Bulla, 3/. 29. Zonites erieetorum. 48. Nauta Hypnorum. radiatus. 49. Planorbis *corneus. rupestris. *albus. nitidus, carinatus. crystallinus, marginatus. 30. ChilotremaLapicida. Helix, Sheppardi. Linn. *imbrieatus. 31. Zurama pulchella. Helix,L. *contortus. 32. Elismia fasciata. Turbo, M. *Vortex. 33. Ena montana. H. Lackha- spinorbis. mensis, Mont. 50. Hemithalamus nitidus. Nau- obseura. Helix, Mont. tilus laeustris, Mont. 84. Zua hbrica. Helix, Mont. 35. Balzea fragilis. Turbo per- 5. Ancylid~e. versus, Linn. 51. Aneylus laeustris. Patella, 36. Clausilia laminata. Turbo, Mont. Mont. fluviatilis. Rolphii. 4. PttYLLOBRANCltIA, biplieata. Turbo, Mont. 1. Iodeid¢. rugosa. T. bidens, Mont. 52. lodes angulatus. .... ? 87. Azeca Matoni. Norrisii. ~ ? 38. Abida secale. T. j uniperi, 21/I. 39. Pupilla Draparnaldi. 2. Cypr~ead~. marginata. Turbo, Turt. 53. Cypr~ea europsea. 40. Vertigo palustris. 54. Simia Pennantiana. Bulla vulgaris, patula. B. Blainvillii, 1816. heterostropha. T. vertigo, 55. Marginella anglica. Cyprea Mont. Voluta, Mont. (40*. Aeicula pellueida. But. 3. Purpurid6e. terrestre, Mont.) Left out ap- 56. Aeteon tornatilis. Voluta, Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 07:43 07 November 2015 parently by mistake. Mont. 3. Carychiadee. 57. Ocenebra erinacea. Murex, 41. Carychium minimum. Tur- Mont. bo C., Mont. 58. Purpura lapillus. But., M. 42. Jaminia bidentata. Voluta, 59. Hinia *minuta. Nassa. Mont. retieulata. 48. Alexia dentleulata. Voluta, *hevigata. Planaxis tool- Mont, lis, Sow. 270 Dr. Leach's Classification of the British Mollusca. 60. Buccinum *Puxleianum. Scalaria Trevellyana. undatum. Buc., M. clathratulus. Turbo, M. antiquatum. Murex, ~I. 69. Turritella terebra. Turbo, *corneum. Murex, M. Mont. Bamfium. Murex, M. unica. Turbo, Mont. Turricula. Murex, M. nitidissima. Turbo, Mont. *B. Leachii, Leach, 1816. vitrea. 61. Fusus muricatus. Murex, punctura. Mont. truneatula. asperrimus, elegantissima. Turbo, M. 62. Mangelia graeilis. Murex, Ebala eleg. Leach, 1816. Mont. Pleurotoma, Leach, * E.crenata,Leach,1816. 1816. 70. Turbonilla varians. purpurea. Murex, Mont. Montagui. elegaias, costata. linearis. Murex, Mont. decussata. costata. Murex. M. Bela striata. Donovani, Leach, 1816. pallida. Goodallii. transparens. lineata, angusta. 63. Bela nebula. Murex, Mont. nivosa. rufa. vitrea. Cranchii. 71. Alvania striata. minima. Bucc., Mont. Cranchii. septangularis. Murex, M. costata. attenuata. Murex, M. (" 71". Alvania zetlandiea. Tar- 64. AphoraisPes-pelecani. Strom- bo perforatus.") bus, M. 72. Zippora Drummondii. 65. Bittiumretlculatum. Murex. 73. Trochus tenuis, Mont. tuberculare. Murex. irregularis. adversum. Murex. *T. Lyonsii, Leach, 1816. elegantissimum, ziziphinus, Mont. Spenceri. Clelandi. 4. Turbonidxe. Cranchii. Montagui, Leach MSS. ; 66. Saban~ea eburnea. Gray ; Wood, Sup. f. ventrosa. Turbo, Mont. 74. Troehius crassus. Trochus, rubra. Turbo, Mont. Mont. interrupta. Turbo, Mont. 75. Gibbula tumida. Troebus, cingilla. Turbo, Mont. Mont. "Var. T. semistriata, M." striata. unifasciata. Turbo, Mont. lineata. Trochus, M. & R. Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 07:43 07 November 2015 ulv~e. Turbo, Mont. magus. Trochus, Linn. unidentata. 76. Natica Britannica. N. glau- plicata, cina, Mont. paucicostata. Lamarckii. N. Alderi, 67. Assiminea Grayana. Forbes. 68. Scalaria clathrus. Turbo, 77. Nerita littoralis, Linn. Linn. 78. Neritina europ~ea. Prideauxiana. 79. Temana pallidula. Nerita, M Dr. Leach on the Classification of the British Mollusca. 271 Temana lacuna. Helix, Mont. 5. ANTROBRANCI4IA. T. Flemingii, Leach, 1816. 1. Cydostomiad~. variabilis. 93. Cyclostoma elegans. puteolus. 6. ASPIDOBRANCHIA° 80. Turbo littoreus, Linn. I. Fissurellid~v. striatus. 94. Fissurella gr~eea. Patella,M. rudis, Mont. 95. Cemoria Montagui. P. aper- renebrosus, Mont. tura, Mont. petricola. H. petrea, M. striatulus. Flemingii. P. Naoehina. 96. Emarginula vulgaris. P. fis- 81. Turboella rufilabris, Risso. sura, Mont. scotica. Goodalliana.
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