february, 1940 KlLLAR"Y BA"Y. CONNEMARA. TWO PRIZEWINNING PHOTOS IN OUR RECENT £50 COMPETITION. ' A LITTLE CHAT IN OLD KINSALE. VOT,. XV. No. 5. C0])1 PLIMENTARY IRISIl TRAVEL P'rbnUlI'!J, 1940 Leenane Hotel Killary Bay Leenane Connemara R.LA.C. A.A. LT.A. The Hotel overlooks Killary Bay and is in the Centre of BANK OF IRELAND the Finest Con n e m a r a RSTAnL18HKD 1788 Scenery. Good Salmon and FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS Sea Trout Fishing on Lakes AT and Rivers. Head OIDce: COLLEGE GREEN,DUBLIN Free Brown Trout. Pike and Mayfly Fishing. BELFAST .. CORK .. DERRY Sea Fishing. Mountain Climbing. Bathing. AIlD 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRBLAIlDl Garages, etc. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANG~ TelegraDlJ : PhODO : BUIfiNEBS TRANSAC1'ED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS MeKEOWN, LEENANE I.EENANE 1. BY DAY OR NIGHT AT OOBH (QUEENSTOWN) AND GALWAY DOCKS. A TWIN SET , Or Singly I for your pleasure 1:--for your taste_ "KWIZ" TIME for /:MOUNT~!N~.E~~~~~~ELAND "IRISH TRAVEL" READERS ~ , With an Introduction by Dr. R. Lloyd Pracger. (Turn t(l page 84 jar the Answers-but yOlt ought . 88 pp., map and approx. 20 pp. illustrations. to know them already!) (( It is a pleasltre to commend this admirable, practicaJ handbook." [LYNN DOYLE.] I. \\'hat and where is the Grianan oj .,Uleach? 2. The "JIetal .11an" i a feature of Tramore. Explain (a) its real significance; (h) it popular. 1,1 C.~~O!l!i~ !~vJ~~~tTND a sociation. ~. L 'Yith map and illustrations. I 3. Of what Irish place did Queen Victoria say:­ (( The author of this useful wee volume has " It is not at all hke an Engl7sh town, but loollS paddled his own canoe on every considerable rather foreign" ? river in continental Europe." 4. 'Yho were "Humanity .11artin," GraJ/uaile, [" RODDY THE RoyER " in The Irish Press.] The Hennessys oj Killm'ullen? PRICE 1/- each. POST FREE 1/2 5. \Yho wrote:- I From all Booksellers or direct from: For the great Gaels oj Ireland Are the men that God made mad, The Irish Tourist Association For all their wars are merry A nd all their songs (Ire sad. I {;O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN _I Pr/)/'lIll1'Y, 1940 lPtlSlT 'J'It.1 rRL 1:- SUBSCRIPTION: Wholesale f-om the Irish Tourist Asso~ialion 5. - PER ANNUM. Post Free. and from IRISH F.:3~on & Son, Lld. COPlfS FREE Retail from 'TO ALL MEMBERS all News•. ~enls and OF THE from the ASSOCIATION AND Irish Tourist Associali?n. OF ITS ASSOCIATE DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Price 3d. =--="~~...~~~:=:.==.~O~f~ficial Organ of the Irish Tourist Association and of the Irish Hotels Federation ~,... - ~ VOL. XV. FEBRl'ARY, 19'+0. No. ;3. CALLING ALL CHILDREN HILDRE;..J should be seen above all, the seen-tut-not-heard sign-posts spoil the road. It is our b11t not heard "-that old warning has been discredited. or, overcrowded city and to\\'n civilisa­ C warning against bounding rather,' never accepted. There if tion that has bred most of the and bouncing youth has gone the child does not interrupt his .. che~k," ,'o-called, of the new altogether out of fashion. Early elders \\·ith question aiter question generations. The child \\'ho has theories of education favour it he runs the risk of being taken as access to the licltls and the unbuilt however much the fond pride of a dead-head. ~o fathers and sons open country develops a balance of some parents resented the thought and mothers and daughters become. character induced by the natural that their children should not be from the children's earliest artic­ envi ronment. rn rreland, especially, allowed to talk big \\'henever they ulate years, a debating societ\ where the regimentation by sign­ \~'anted to. In England the Public insteal of a graded patriarchal post. keep-out, tresspassers-wi 11- be­ :'-;cho01s never quite believed in it : group \\·ith the younger mcmbers prosecuted, be\\'are-o j-t he-dog and 111 them the son of the privileged listening- to and absorbing for latcr the rest oj tht verba/ellS is, happily. and influential w re encoUt-agecl to use the experienced \\ isdom 0 j \'Cry rare, the child, re<;ident or on cl.isplay their individuality dis­ t hei l' elders. Rude people might holi(hy, has the key to the wider, oplined, of course, to\\'ards an say that the up"hot of all this out­ juller, more natural life. That is adolescence that would see them sp~aking youth is just cool cheek \\'hy so many wise parents set out governors and higher executive \\'ith a UO\\'n of orthodoxy upon it. \\'ith their children for 1reland nOlI' offici~1s at home and in a multitude Though, of course, that is too \\'hen the \\'orld elsewhere is an f) f dep ndent places overseas. severe a judgment. a rmed and ala rmed camp. In the United States of America. Literally it is t rue that too many 1). L l'ELLElfER. principal Contents Chief :1 rish €~ents Page 2nd. Boxing (Central Council TCll1rna- Rhinanna By COI'II/OC HIl/Pill i.J. ment). National St:1Clium, Dublin. Spring TrOll t By Lauric Gaffcy if; ~:FE.RUARY , 3rd. Racing. Baldoyle, Co. Dtlblin. - Totl'S and Xews ifi llth. Boxing (.\IlInster Council Tourna- ~ 1940 ment). Xatinnal. tadlll1l1. Of Interl'st to Hotels 7i "'"- ,.... w•• ...... ... .., Dublin. - It It 1 2 J 10th. Racing. 'aas. Cn. Kilclarp. Persol\all~' Speaking .. .. 4 5 6 7 9 10 12th-l ~th. Snooker (Davis v. Smith). By 10hn C. BYl'llr iR • Catholic Cnmnwrcial Cluh, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dublin. \Vint"r \Yalks By Cloud,' C. Wall in 18 19 20 21 it 2J 24 2Rth, 2nth. Spring Show and Sale of An~lil\~ Ut6 t7t8 t9 n n Bulls, Show Grounds, Cork. in Irdancl RO RI 2Rth, 2Mh, and :'lIar. 1st. Coursing Insh Counties: \Vexford (Xational ''fecting). Powers town Park, Clonmel. By Sea11111.' C. () C/'olloigh 2nth-.\fal. 2nd. Boxing (Xational S ninT Directory of Irish H()tel~ .... Champinnships). 'ational Rn Stadium, Dublin. 73 IRISH TRAVEL filebr1taJ'y, 19!.0 AT SHANNON AIRPORT SITE OF THE NEW SHANNON AIRPORT RHINANNA IN COUNTY CLARE Futllre Terminus of the North Atlantic i1ir Route Newmarket towards Ennis one can s~e a round turret-shaped building Uy hIgh up on the left of the main road and opposite Dromoland, the seat of Lord Inchiquin. This was used, CORMAC in fact built, as a grandstand over The late Douglas Fairbanks, famous film star, signs an the old and famous racecourse. autograph for a " fan" at Shannon Airport where he Further on can be seell the landed from the" Yankee Clipper," on his last visit HALPIN to Ireland, in Summer, 1939. At that time he stated hu/?e masts, some 15f) ft. high, his intention of coming back to do some film work whIch carry the aerials for the in Ireland. wir<:les .station at Ballygreen. This EW people outside those who of airplanes and the whir of many statIOn IS built and worked exclu­ were actually connected with machines are heard; for here is sively for sea-~oing commercial air­ F the place, or may by chance being e tablished one of the world's craft, particularly in the North have strayed the winding roads greatest Airports. Speakinl?; of Atlantic route. All this work is, around, have heard until recently horses, the late -:\1r. Reidy of of course, in conjunction with of such a place as Rhinanna. Still, Rhinanna. an extensive farmer and Rhinanna. this hitherto practicallv unkno ,on blorHlstock breeder, was as well There i no doubt whatever that part of Clare has. in many ways, known in ~ewmarket and Doncaster !radrighe will once again get back been one of the foremost parts of as in his native district; some of Its former greatness. The name the "Banner County." his l>loodstl)ck found their way to Tradrighe is that ~iven to the Apart from its importance as the manv of the English "classics," district between Bunratty and Lattoon bridges, embracing Bun­ future terminus for the 1 Torth while Brian Bont, ,Ifazltrka, Kil~onry, Atlantic air route linking Europe Shannon Wave, Ferglls TVal'e, etc. ratty,. Tomfenlough, with Newfoundland and America, were better known at the Irish Drumlme, KIlmaleery, Kilnasoolagh Rhinanna is rich in manv ways. Meetings, notably Leopardstown, and CIonloghan. These were the It possesse~ a beauty and a charm Baldoyle, Fairyhou e and Galway. seven parishes of Tradrighe. Much characteristic only of the rounty The people nf this district look back con troversy has been and till i of Clare. Here one can see the with pride to the ReicIys of a. to. it.s pr0I;ler meaning but Fergus and hannon at their best, Rhinanna and many an interestim; one thmg IS certam: like the horse, the Meeting of the Waters, with fireside tale is to-day related of the men and women of Tradrighe their many islands studded here this highly respected old Irish famil,·. have made name and fame not and there as if to guard some great Let us hope that with the coming alone in their native Ireland but fortress, adding in scenic beauty tn of the tran -Atlantic airport Rhin­ all over the world. The O's and the these noble rivers which have gIven anna will not lose any of its simple, Mac's are the same to-day as when poet and writer inspiration to but beautiful charm nor the memory de Clare and his forces were driven immortalise them. of great men who in many ways for all time from Bunratty Castle.
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