THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XXXIX—No. 25. ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931. $2.00 A YEAR Impressive Tribute Commeiicemeut Exercises An Auspicious Event Biggest Hight Ever Ontario and Manitoba Quebec Municipal Hnion College and University ot To late D. E. Fraser At General Hospital Fittingly Honored ^ In Alexandria's History Will Mark Link ol Highway Welcomed Hy Ontario Regiopolis Expanding Winnipeg, June 16.—Ontario and (Gazette Staff Correspondence) Seldom was'this community more Cornwall, Ont..,June 14.—An inter- Wednesday of this week was the Admission ticket of Cornwall citizen Kingston, June 15.—The Jesuit Fa- Wins Nash Car Manitoba highway officials planned Niagara Falls, Ont., June 14.— Nc shocked than when the sad news be- esting ceremony took place at the Col- fifteenth anniversary of the ordina- thers of Upper Canada will take cor;- a gigantic celebration for next Sep- two provinces in Canada have so much ^came known that Donald Ewen Fra- quhoun Memorial residence last night, tion of Rev. D. Secours, pastor of the Alexandria, in past years, has been trol of the (College and University bf'^ ■ tember 7, upon completion of the strip in common as have Quebec and On- ser had passed away and it called when the annual commencement ex< r- Church of the Sacred Heart, here and the scene -of many memorable gather- Regiopolis and open the boarding tario; each is greatly dependent upon forth heartfelt sympathy for the loved cises of the school of nursing in con- wishing to show the affectionate re- ings, but that of Wednesday, when of trans-Canada highway between the school in September of this year. His nection with the Cornwall General gard entertained for him the^ members Glengarry Council K. of C. staged two provinces, at a meeting here Fri- the other, and prosperity and progress Grace Archbishop O’Brien says that ones so suddenly and sorely bereaved. day night. Ceremonies will be held for both can only be maintained by Mr^ Fraser became seriously ill on Hospital were held. F. B, Brownrid9;e, 0 fthe F.F.C.F. arranged a receptien in their “big night”, on the Separate with Queen’Sj Regiopolis and Royal on the border. Monday evening, June 8th, and all president of the board of governors, his honor, the same being held in Alex- School grounds, eclipsed all previous close and thorough co-operation. So Military College, he knows of no other The Govenitor-General and Lady declared the Hon. G. S. Henry, Pre- that medical skill and loving care presided'. ander Hall, Monday evening. occasions as to point of attendance, city the size of Kingston that had this Bessborougli will be invited to attend mier of Ontario, addressing delegates ccxuld do for him, was done, but God. The nurses who graduated and re- The play, “La Mère Abandonnée” magnificent and unique setting, a distinction, and he expressed the well- the function. Officials announced on the annual convention trip of the in His Infinite Wisdom willed other- ceived diplomas and medals were: Violet in six acts, was staged by a well bal- most pretentious, attractive and gen- grounded hope that all would work to- they expected Premier George S. Hen- Quebec Union of Municipalities at din Florence Mitford^ Merrickville; Mar- anced cast that interpreted their res- erous programme, while a striking fea- gether in harmony. wise and Tuesday evening, June 9th, ry of Ontario, and Premier John ner given this evening in their honor garet Ellen Baker, Crysler; Helen pective roles very capably and drew ture was a most creditable display of The College of Regiopolis was found- he departed^ this life, leaving behind Bracken of Manitoba, to be presert by the Governn^nt of Ontario. It Caroline Bickerton, Navan; Agnes Jean forth much worthy commendation fireworks, under the supervision of ed in 1837 by Bishop McDonell, when a host of relatives and friends who with their cabinets, as well as Gover- was particularly in the industrial realm mourn his death. MacDougall, Dalkeith; and Katherine from the large amdience not by any Mr. D. Cara of Cornwall. the incorporators were Bishop McDon- nor Floyd B. Olsem and Senator W. that the provinces must remain close Deacesed who was a son of the late Sarah Macintosh, Maxville. means confined to members of ' the Undoubtedly the chief attraction ell, Bishop Caulin, Very Rev. Angus parish but included frien^ from Corn- Peterson, of Minnesota. together, the Premier stressed. Mr, and Mrs. T. Fraser of Loehiel and Following the address by the chair- was the Nash Car of latest model that McDonell, of Sandwich: Rev. John wall, Moose Creek, Crysler, etc. “We both have great natural re- was born on lot 22-4th Loehiel, was 54 man, Rev. Frank Coop, pastor of St. was given away on an admission ticket Cullen, of Bytown; Hon. J. Elmsley, Between acts orchestral selections sources,” he affrmed,“ Quebec, par- years of age. On February 24th, 1903 Paul’s United church,- pronounced the and the air was charged with expectan- of Toronto, and 'Walter McCaniffe, of were rendered by St. Margaret’s Con- St. Raphaels Social ticularly boasts of great hydro-elec- ho was united in marriage to Cather- invocation. Frank T, Shaver, M.P.„ cy that increased as the hour set for the Kingston. In 1866 the College was vent orchestra, choruses by the com- tric development and Ontario needs ine Belle McLeod, and besides his wife for Stormont, delivered an inspiring drawing approached, 11.30 p.m. Head- They are surely hitting the high given a university charter. From 1849 pany, violin solos by Mr. Romeo Huot more and more electtricity. Here I am he leaves three children, Nambely: address, referring to the useful lives ed by the pipe band and the gentle- spots in the matter of Socials this sea- to 1850 the college was under the with Miss Charlebois as accompanist, glad to say that both your Premier, Lloyd, Ruth and Evelyn, to mourn the the grad*uating class had entered upon men in charge and amid much enthus- son. A reference to our advertising direction of the Jesuits, but since then piano and violin duet by the Misse? Mr. Taschereau, and our Government deep loss of a faithful husband and a and wishing them successful careers. iasm, the container with its valued con- columns will disclose the faat that an has been in charge of the clergy of the Ceeile and Lucile Parent. are co-operating together so as to loving father. Rev. Mr. Coop recited the Florence tents was brought upon the stage. Lit- ,•evening of rare pleasure is in store for diocese. The college expanded great- The deceased was a splendid citizen. 'Before the play some fifteen little tie Miss Connie McDonald was select- all who attend the Parish Social at St. soundly develop hydro-electric power ly in the past few years, and now has Nightingale pledge which was repeat- girls, attractively grouped and form- In disposition, he was a very quiet, re- ed to draw tbe tickets and the final Raphaels, on Wednesday evening, July jointly for the benefit of both pro- facilities for a much larger attend- ed in unison by the graduates. ing a pretty picture, narrated in song tiring man, of few words, and sound and lucky one bore the name of N, 8th, A feature that is bound to inter- vinces.” ance of boarding students than are en- J. C. Alguire, secretary of the board the years spent in the priesthood by judgment, making many staunch and Guindon, 314 Pitt Street, Cornwall, est the public generally, is the promis- It was a royal welcome that Ontario rolled at present. It is probable that of governors, presented the diplomas their pastor, Rev, D. Secours, the solo- lasting friends, throughout the' district, who purchased his ticket from Mr. ed appearance oi men occupying high and Niagara Falls tendered the Que- a university course will eventually be and medals, congratulating each of the ists, being Marguerite Goulet, Carmen who deeply mourn his loss. John Barry, of North Lancaster. positions in our public life. They may bec municipal officials. Returning given there. young ladies as he did so. Miss Melba Danis, and Evelyn Marcemx, and at In religion, he was a faithful mem- The immensity of the crowd in at- confidently count upon a warm wel- from Detroit aboard the SS. Noronie, Jamieson rendered a solo accompanied the conclusion >of the number handed ber of Kirk Hill United Church, a tendance may be judged when we come to Glengarry, and oiur readers of the Canada Steamship Lines, they by Col. F G. Robinson, M.O. The ad- the Rev. gentleman sprays of flowers, generous supporter and always interes- state that upwards of five thousand are certain to hear from them a happy disembarked at Thorold and travelled dress to the graduating class was de- while Master Claude Poirier,, grand- Montreal Live Slock ted in Church undertakings. ï>eople, that included representatives combination of instructive and enter- to the Falls where, in the palatial Vic- livered by Dr. C. J. Hamilton, ex-M.P., nephew of the pastor, presented him toria Park pavillion, overlooking the The funeral was held in Kirk Hill who is the last survivor of the original of Ottawa, Montreal, Cornwall, Haw* tuning talk. United Church, Thursday, the 11th of with a purse on behalf of the P.P.C.F. kesbury ,Vankleek Hill, and other 'O-ut* brilliantly-lite Houseshoe Falls, On- Steady to Easier members pf either of the two hospitals The cast -of “La Mère Abondonnée” tario’s official welcome to French-Can- June. Prior to the casket being taken in Cornwall and who was present 34 lying points, made Alexandria their Hogs were unchanged on the Mont- from the home, a short service was was as follows: mecca that night.
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