Vol. 13, No. 4 Fall 2004 ‘Some Came Running’ to Robinson – and a ‘Whistle’ Stop in Memphis in 2005 The James Jones Literary Soci- ety will move back towards the mainstream next fall when it will hold its 15th annual symposium in Memphis, Tennessee. The October 8, 2005 program will feature Whis- tle, the final novel in Jones’s World War II trilogy. Whistle was finished after Jones’s death by his friend, the late Willie Morris, who wrote the final two and a half chapters from Jones’s notes and tape recordings. And much of the novel takes place in Luxor, the author’s fictional name for Memphis. The University of Memphis English department will co- sponsor the 2005 event. The famed Peabody Hotel will be the event’s Kaylie Jones with John Smelcer, winner of the 2004 JJLS First Novel headquarters, and the aural and Fellowship, at the Robinson Symposium. See pages 6-7 for more pho- gustatory pleasures of Beale St. tos. and its barbeque will be awaiting the attendees. Many more details sium’s close-up look at the au- success in every way—in terms of will be reported in the next issue of thor’s home town and at the Jones attendance and increased member- the Society’s newsletter by new novel it helped generate: Some ship; in terms of well-rounded ar- JJLS president Jerry Bayne of Mt. Came Running. tistic presentation; and, last but not Carmel, Illinois. Robinson symposium chair- least, in terms of financial success But before getting revved up man Dave Nightingale put it this for an organization that needs all about an event that’s still 10 way: “Although some were dis- of the financial help it can get.” months down the road, let’s not pleased with the idea, the Society’s One point at a time: First, at- forget to take a look back—a very steering committee still went ahead tendance. long look—at the “grass roots and tried something completely The actual gate count in Rob- block party” held in Robinson, Il- different this time around, and I inson was nearly 200. That’s sig- linois on October 23, which fea- am immodestly proud to say that nificantly more than the average tured the 14th JJLS sympo- our 2004 game plan was a huge (continued on page 8) Where have we been and dent, Helen Howe as secretary and THE JAMES JONES Juanita Martin as treasurer." The where are we going? motion passed. But, at that mo- LITERARY SOCIETY ment I had only a vague notion --by Jerry L. Bayne, NEWSLETTER about what I had just voted to es- President Vol. 13, No. 4 tablish, let alone whether the or- James Jones Literary Society Fall, 2004 ganization would survive and thrive or not. Serving as the president of an Editor The organization grew slowly Thomas J. Wood all voluntary, not-for-profit, na- but qualitatively the first few tional organization with 27 ener- years. A major event happened Editorial Advisory Board getic and enthusiastic board mem- that would change the course and Dwight Connelly bers is a challenging and interest- mission of the organization during Kevin Heisler ing endeavor. Richard King a weekend in April of 1995 in a When I fielded the call in Au- Michael Mullen dirty and cheap hotel meeting gust of 2003 from Don Sackrider, Hugh Mulligan room near the Chicago O'Hare who was calling me on behalf of David Nightingale Airport. Several board members the nominating committee, about met as part of a strategic planning serving a third time as president, I The James Jones Society retreat. The intent was to establish Newsletter is published quarterly did not hesitate to accept the invi- some short-range, mid-range and to keep members and interested tation. The nominating committee long-range goals for the organiza- parties apprised of activities, pro- is comprised entirely of former tion. Judy Everson, president of jects and upcoming events of the presidents of the organization. the organization then, facilitated Society; to promote public interest Knowing the former presidents as I and academic research in the the brainstorming planning ses- do, it was a personal honor for me works of James Jones; and to sion. There were ten of us partici- to have their support and confi- celebrate his memory and legacy. pating: Mike Lennon, Kevin He- dence in proposing my nomina- Submissions of essays, fea- isler, Tom Wood, Kathy Stillwell, tion. tures, anecdotes, photographs, Helen Howe, Juanita Martin, Kay- Our organization has a tradi- etc., pertaining to the author lie Jones and Vanessa Faurie. James Jones may be sent to the tion that the vice president is next The top three organizational editor for consideration. Every at- in line to serve as president. I had priorities had already been estab- tempt will be made to return ma- already agreed to serve again as lished by the membership and reaf- terial, if requested upon submis- treasurer in 2004, so I had a unique firmed by the board (and re- sion. Material may be edited for perspective to work with Dave length, clarity and accuracy. Send reaffirmed by the membership and Nightingale this past year as both submissions to: board in 2000). They are, in order his vice president and his treasurer. of priority, 1) to sponsor and fund Dave is a tough "can-do" kind of Thomas J. Wood a first novel fellowship, 2) to host Archives/Special Collections, LIB 144 guy. And I doubt that anyone will annual symposia to promote ap- University of Illinois at Springfield be able to match the amount of preciation for Jones's literary P.O. Box 19243 hours which Dave devoted to serv- Springfield, IL, 62794-9423 works, and 3) to publish a newslet- ing as president. But I pledge to do [email protected]. ter. my best. What came out of that think- The James Jones Literary So- Writers’ guidelines available upon tank retreat was a definitive plan to request and online. ciety has traveled so far since the guide our organization's growth organization was formed in that and success during the past 10 The James Jones Literary Society small party dining area in the years. There were so many won- web page: basement of the Robinson Elks derful ideas that came out of that Club following the first sympo- http://jamesjoneslitsociety.vinu retreat that have evolved to fruition sium in 1991. I was among the .edu/ ... too many to mention here. But, group of about 25 having dinner emphasizing sound financial plan- when Mike Lennon stood and said, Information about the James ning was an important ingredient Jones First Novel Fellowship: "I move we start the James Jones in the plan. Literary Society and I nominate The JJLS first novel fellow- http://www.wilkes.edu/humanities/ George Hendrick as the first presi- jones.html ship endowment was eventually Page 2 – Fall 2004 James Jones Literary Society Newsletter established in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service and There will also be activities on the Wilkes University in Wilkes- we began writing our own checks. University of Memphis campus on Barre, Pennsylvania. The Wilkes (Re: Some Came Running ... we Friday and Sunday. Detailed in- Foundation money managers, are using the Dave Hirsh bank and formation about the symposium along with Mike Lennon who co- not the Frank Hirsh bank, says will be included in the next news- ordinates the annual contest, have Helen Howe.) Shortly thereafter letter. Our focus will be on giving been outstandingly successful. In we received official not-for-profit a treatment to Jones's last novel, 2005 the first place cash award corporation recognition from the which is the completion of his tril- will become an unrestricted check Illinois Secretary of State and the ogy, Whistle. A scholarly and in- in the amount of $10,000.00 to the Illinois Attorney General. sightful series of presentations are winner. In May of this year we re- being planned. Concerning priority #2, it was ceived our golden letter from the There are also new initiatives recommended to the take our an- Internal Revenue Service granting on the table for 2005. nual symposia on the road but to the JJLS "permanent status" as a Cullom Davis is chairing the return to Robinson, Jones's birth- 501(c)3 public charitable organiza- Hendrick Research Committee. place and hometown, every three tion. Ray Elliott, Ron Bailey, Jua- His committee is planning a cam- years. Judy proposed that we go to nita Martin and Warren Mason, paign to promote new scholarly re- the University of Illinois at Spring- who served as treasurer through search about Jones and his life and field, which we did in 1996 and the Paris project, deserve a big his literature. 1997. Helen and Kathy and Jua- time tip of the hat from us all for Ray Elliott, vice president, is nita suggested we hold a sympo- this accomplishment. spearheading an effort with the Il- sium at the University of Illinois at The second time I served as linois Humanities Council to pro- Urbana-Champaign, which we did president I knew our plan was to vide a speaker's bureau promoting in 2000. Mike, Kevin and Kaylie host the annual symposium at the Jones and his literature. suggested we hold a symposium American University in Paris. I Don Sackrider and his finance on Long Island, which we did in was serving as vice president and I committee members are devising 1999. Vanessa suggested we go to had over a year to help coordinate ways to increase our operating Paris, which we did in 2002.
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