246 NORTHERN NEWS in twenty M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. underthe jurisdiction of thefederal Thesecond grant does not include government.1In the decade since the funds for a Senior Fellowship each year,Branch’s inauguration, geographers but there is continued support for the have carried out various kinds of field library of the Arctic Institute, which is surveysin the Canadian Arctic and used extensively bythe McGill Carnegie subarctic,from the northern coast of students. In the summer of 1956, at the EllesmereIsland to theHudson Bay beginning of the secondprogram, ten coastal plain in Ontario, and from the scholars were in thefield, ranging from Alaskaboundary to Labrador. These the northeast part of Labrador to Akla- surveys have varied from parties formed vik and from Contwoyto Lake to Nettil- entirely of geographersto individual lingLake. The fields of investigation shipboard observers or representatives wereglacial geology, marine biology, on collaborative teams of scientists. physiography, limnology and fresh water The collectionof basic information on biology, economic geography, and orni- the vast unknown expansesof the Arctic thology.In the summer of 1957 three is peculiarly suited to the application of Carnegiescholars and several of the geographicmethods. Utilizing the previous years’ grantees did field work trimetrogonand vertical photography inthe North: C. I. Jackson,a United carried out since World War11, geogra- Kingdom citizen, worked outof McGill’s phers have applied sampling techniques Knob Lake laboratory on problems of ininterpreting larger areas, making short-waveradiation and reflection intensive field studies of representative from the ground. His field work is part terraintypes and expanding them by of alonger-term McGillprogram of use of the air photos in delimiting, de- researchin micro-meteorology in the scribingand analysing physiographic subarctic.Jackson later joined the regions. Studies in physical geography McGill group of graduate students that have been the backbone of the work of are making up the winter party on the the Branch in the Arctic. Air photo in- Canadian Defence Research Board’s Ex-terpretation keys have been prepared pedition to Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Is- for 14 areas: Alert, Eureka, Mould Bay, land,during the International Geo- Resolute,Mackenzie Delta, Darnley physicalYear. M. T. Millett,a U. S. Bay,Coppermine, Bathurst Inlet, citizen, joined a party from the Ameri- BoothiaIsthmus, Wager Bay, South- canGeophysical Society toAlaska, amptonIsland, Kaniapiskau-Koksoak where his field work was part of Inter- Riversin Ungava, the Hudson Bay nationalGeophysical Year investiga- Railway,and the Kenogami River. tions of glaciersand glacial geology. Reportson the human geography of Finally, D. Steele, a Canadian, spent the various areas were included in thefield summer on the Labrador coast, collect- reportsand are mainly unpublished; ing and investigating anthipods. several studies in historical geography SVENNORVIC also resulted from the field surveys. The choice of areas investigated in the Activities of the Geographical Branch first few years of Branch field activities in northern Canada, 1947-19571 was dictated partly by the requirements The Geographical Branch of the De- of federalgovernment departments, partment of Mines and Technical Sur- partly by the presence of settlements veyswas created in 1947. Underits which could be used as basesfor opera- terms of references, part of its responsi- tions, partly by the staff available and bility is the collection and analysis of partly by the availability of air photo geographicalinformation on northern coverage. Because of these limitations, Canada,in particular the territories it was only in recent years thatan inte- - gratedregional program of research 1Published with the permission of the could be established, allowing geogra- ~ Director, Geographical Branch,Department 1Nicholson, N. L. 1957. The Geographical of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. Branch, 1947-1957. Can. Geog.No. 10: 61-68. NORTHERN NEWS 247 pherstospecialize regionally. It is in 1951, Gadbois and J. S. Tener of the expected thatthis specialization will Canadian Wildlife Survey worked to- continue,to the end that regional gether in the vicinity of Eureka. The monographsmay be prepared after a Branchassigned J. K. Fraser as the number of years of field study in each departmentalrepresentative onthe of several regions. Aklavik Relocation Survey team in the Mackenzie Delta in 1954.1 W.G. Ross Collaborativesurveys with other was employed by the Branch in 1957 to scientists and organizations. Collabora- accompany M. Marsden of McGill Uni- tive surveys were initiated early in the versity in a survey of the Baffin Island history of the Branch, mainly for rea- coast along northern Foxe Basin. sons of convenience and transportation costs. J-. L. Jennlss was attacned to a Observers on government and H.B.C. scientific party including specialists in vessels. Geographers have accompanied geodesy, geophysics, and botany, trav- ships on the joint Canada-U.S. Weather elling by Canso aircraft in the western Stations Resupply Mission thein eastern Arctic in 1948 and 1949.1 B. Shindman Arctic from time to time, namely R. T. accompaniedanother Canso party in Gajda and T. R. Weir in 1948, Gajda in 1949 in the western Arctic and in the 1949, D. W. Kirk in 1950, R. J. E. Brown sameyear, the Branch supported the and L. Prior in 1951, W. C. Wonders in NAUJA expedition to FoxeBasin.2 The 1952, and W. A. Black in 1956 and 1957.2 NAUJA group was ledby T. H. Manning In 1948, G. A.Wood travelledon the and included C. L. Merrill, geographer Hudson’s Bay Company vesselRuperts- and engineer,R. W. Packer, geographer, land inthe eastern Arctic and J. K. D. B. Coombs, geographer and surveyor, Fraser on tugs of the Northern Trans- C. A. Burns, geologist, W. K. W. Bald- portationCompany on the Mackenzie win,botanist and A. W. Macpherson, River and the Hudson’s Bay Company cook and assistant zoologist. In 1948, P. vessels FortRoss and Nigalik in the Gadbois was attached to a party which western Arctic.3 crossednorthwest Ungava by canoe In 1948, T. Lloyd (then head of the from Povungnituk to Payne Bay,3 and Branch) visited Resolute Bay on Corn- - Wallis Island. D. W. Kirk was killed in IJenness, J. L. 1952. Erosive forces in the 1950 in the crashof an RCAF Lancaster physiography of western arctic Canada. at Alert. In 1953 and 1954, N. L. Nichol- Geog. Rev. 42: 238-252. son, then assistant director, visited field 1952. Problem of glaciation in parties on Boothia Peninsula and inthe the western islands of arctic Canada. Geol. Mackenzie Delta respectively. SOC.Amer. Bull. 63: 939-952. 1953. The physical geography Regional surveys composed of federal of the waters of the western Canadian geographers. In 1948, J. B. Bird, accom- Arctic. Geog. Bull. No. 4: 32-64. panied by W. G. Dean, A. H. Laycock, ZBaldwin, W. K. W. 1951. Biological in- and M. B. Bird, began his field studies in vestigation of the 1949 Foxe Basin Expedi- thecentral Arctic, working along the chain of lakes between Baker Lake and tion.Ann. Rept. Nat. Mus.Can., 1949-50 ___ (Bull. NO. 123), pp. 162-165. IFraser, J. K. 1956. Physiographic notes Burns, C. A., and A. E. Wilson. 1952. Geo- on features in the MackenzieDelta area. logicalnotes on localities in James Bay, Can. Geog. No. 8: 18-23. Hudson Bay and Foxe Basin visited during ZBlack, W. A. 1957. A report on sea ice an exploration cruise, 1949. Geol. Surv. Can. conditionsin the eastern Arctic,summer Paper 52-25,16 pp. 1956. Ottawa: Dept. of Mines and Tech. Fraser, J. K. 1953. The islandsin Foxe Surv., Geog.Branch, Geog. Paper No. 9, Basin. Geog. Bull. No. 4: 1-31. 21 PP. 3Gadbois, P. 1949. De la baie d’Hudson h 3Fraser, J. K. 1949. Summer journey la baie Ungava.L’ActualitB Economique down the Mackenzie and along the western 25: 300-322. Arctic Coast, 1948. Arctic Circ. 2: 11-13. 248 NORTHERN NEWS Beverley Lake in the District of Kee- Fraser, carried out investigations in the watin.1 In 1950, Bird, with Dean, M. B. Darnley Bay area.’ Mackay continued Birdand W. D. Bell, traversedthe thiswork in 1954, assistedby J. K. southerncoasts of Southampton Stager andV. W. Sim, on the Geograph- Island,2 andcontinued this study in ical Branch schoonerTuhlik in the Delta 1952 with M. B. Bird in theWager Bay- and theEskimo lakes.1 In 1955, Mackay, Repulse Bay area.3 In 1954, J. B. and with J. K. Stathers,travelled in the M. B. Bird worked in the Bathurst Inlet Tuhlik from Aklavik to Cape Bathurst, area,4 and M. Marsden and G. Falconer investigating the LiverpoolBay area traversed the mainland coast of Coro- andthe lower Anderson River.2 The nation Gulf between Rae River and PortTuhlik was again utilized in 1957 when Epworth, working from the settlement Mackay,with W.E. S. Henochand at Coppermine. These studies were ex- W. C. Wallace, traversed the coast from tended in 1956 when J. B. Bird and M. the Delta to past Herschel Island. Marsdeninvestigated thearea sur- Studies of thecentral Arctic Coast rounding Contwoyto Lake. and adjacent islands were commenced The MackenzieDelta andadjacent by J. K. Fraser in the spring and sum- coastlands studies were begun in 1951 mer of 1953 in the Boothia Isthmus area, when J. R.Mackay, assisted by J. K. accompanied by C. Laverdiere.3 In 1955, - Fraserand B. Freboldstudied the lBird, J. B. 1951. Physiography of the southeastern coastlands of Victoria Is- middle and lower Thelon Basin.Geog. Bull. land,working from Cambridge Bay. NO.1: 14-29. Assistedby W. E. S. Henoch, Fraser 1953. The glaciation of central worked along the south coast of King Keewatin, N.W.T. Amer. J. Sci. 251: 215-230. William Island in 1956 and carried out Dean, W. G. 1953. The drumlinoid features investigations in Sherman Inlet.4 of the Barren Grounds, N.W.T.
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