VOLUME 78 No. 51 Thursday, July 30 - August 5, 2015 78 YEARS SPECIAL REPORT TARGET: WORKING FAMILIES Right-to-work hurts ALL workers, families What you need to How you can help, know Inside NOW Pages 4, 15 Periodicals Publication Follow Us RTW COUPON $ labortribune.com 5,759 OFF facebook.com/labortribune twitter.com/STLLaborTribune YOUR WAGES! (Average of $7,222 per Household in RTW vs. non-RTW states) linkedin.com/company/st-louis- southern-illinois-labor-tribune Text MISSOURI to 235246 News: (314) 535-9660 to uphold Gov. Nixon’s veto of HB116 2 • LABOR TRIBUNE • Thursday, July 30 - August 5, 2015 Call to action: Answers for Legislators, ALL workers, RTW is at our doorstep. about right-to-work without the BS What will you do to stop it? ‘Forced/compulsory unionism,’ ‘forced to pay Why would legislators Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed a right- union dues to get a job’ are to-work measure on June 4 that would have made Missouri the 26th only a few of the false efforts want to force discrimination? to promote this anti-worker RTW state, calling the bill (HB 116) A key point for our legislators law to represent all its constituents a threat to unionized workers and law. Let’s clear the air to consider: without the individuals having to pay wages and Missouri’s economy. Any legislator who truly wants • If you’re a lawyer and want to the organization’s dues! “For generations, the ability Missouri to grow should under- practice law, you must belong to None exist. of workers to join together and stand the real issues about the the Bar Association and must first Then why should unions be the bargain collectively for fair wages, right-to-work law that is mired in pay their dues. only group in the United States and training has lifted the living distortions, outright lies and nega- • If you’re a business and want forced to provide services without standards of families everywhere tive stereotypes. services and representation from their members being required to both union and non-union,” Nixon your children is at stake. We challenge legislative RTW sup- the Chamber of Commerce you pay dues or, at least a fair share said. “House Bill 116 is a war on your Call and write your senator porters to at least read this page so must first pay their dues. fee, in order to get their services, pay check. It cannot become law!” and representative today and urge you’ll know if you’ve been duped or if A challenge to all who so fervently which by the way are mandated Rightwing proponents are not them to uphold the veto Sept. 16. A you really want to destroy Missouri’s support RTW: name a single profes- by federal law? giving up. They’re putting heavy list of legislators and their contact working class and with it, wreck the sional organization in the United If this isn’t forced discrimination, pressure on worker-friendly Repub- information is provided on Pages 4 state’s economy. States that is required by federal what is? licans, and working hard to muster and 5 of this Special Report. enough support in the Republican- If you don’t know who your legis- FOR ALL WORKERS led Legislature to override the lators are, you can find out by visit- Q. Does this affect workers who are throughout this Special Report. eral law to represent all workers and Governor’s veto. ing www.house.mo.gov/member. not union members? ABOUT CREATING bargain a contract that benefits all workers, whether or not they actually The Senate passed HB 116 by a aspx to find your representative or A: Absolutely. RTW is not strictly a NEW JOBS vote of 21-13. It passed by 92-66 in the www.senate.mo.gov/15info/sen- union issue. Rather, it’s an issue that become members. House. To override the Governor’s Q: RTW is supposed to promote If a non-member is fired illegally, ateroster.htm to find your senator impacts ALL workers. While RTW new industries and economic veto, the Republican-controlled laws are designed to reduce the wages the union must use its members’ Legislature would need 23 votes NEED MORE HELP? development? Does it? money to defend the worker, even and working conditions of union A: No. Companies move around in the Senate and 109 in the House. If you need more help, or want workers, as union wages decline, so through a costly lawsuit. Without to know how you can take action for many reasons but RTW laws are paying any dues or a “fair share” HERE’S WHAT will those of ALL workers. It will be not key. A survey of business site se- in your neighborhood or legislative a race to the bottom. equivalent of dues but taking advan- YOU CAN DO district, contact the Missouri AFL- lection experts (see Page 7) shows that tage of the union’s services is called Your future, and the future of CIO by texting MISSOURI to 235246. Q: Can workers be forced to join a key factors are availability of skilled “freeloading.” union in order to get a job? workers, transportation, closeness to Q. I’m hearing that RTW helps to A: No. Federal law says no one can markets and materials, quality of life increase union membership? be forced to join a union in order to and proximity to research universi- A. Absolutely not. Yet another lie get a job. ties and good schools. to try and “sell” this phony law to Yes, there are companies who like to Q: About “compulsory” unionism, everyone. The data in this Special locate in RTW states because of lower do all workers have to be union Report shows that union membership workers’ wages and benefits; that’s PUBLISHED WEEKLY (EVERY THURSDAY) members? declines after enactment of RTW. Under the auspices of the Greater St. Louis Labor Council and the Central Labor more money to THEIR bottom line. A: No. “Compulsory” unionism is And that is the entire reason for Councils in Southern Illinois and the Unions of the Greater St. Louis and Southern Illinois areas. However, enacting laws to lower an intentional bogeyman. Under Fed- this law! LABOR TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY wages and benefits for all workers in eral law, workers can never be forced RTW has little to do with a con- ISSN 0885-6869 order to lure low-paying jobs is not a to join a union even in WORKER cern for a state’s economics, but Office: 505 S. Ewing, St. Louis, Mo. 63103 sound economic plan for Missouri Office/News Department: Telephone (314) 535-9660 • FAX (314) 531-6131 Web Site: www.labortribune.com FRIENDLY states where there is no everything to do with weakening Noon Friday for the next week’s issue. [email protected] or Illinois. News Deadline: E-Mail: RTW law. a union’s ability to represent its Advertising Deadline: 10 a.m. Wednesday for the next week’s issue. E-Mail: [email protected] Legislators should have a sound 12 noon Friday for the next week’s issue. members, negotiate fair contracts, Classified Advertising: Q: Can workers be “forced” to sup- economic plan that includes provid- CHANGE OF ADDRESS protect its members from unfair port union political activities they ing high wage jobs with good benefits Mail: Send address label on front of paper, along with new address, to Labor Tribune, 505 S. Ewing Ave., St. Louis, MO 63103 treatment. (314) 535-3300 (Ex. 125). (1) State and spell your name; (2) provide old address and ZIP; (3) provide new don’t believe in? Phone: for working families. RTW is a management law that address and ZIP; (4) Union affiliation A: No. Federal law says workers Q: Does RTW improve a state’s allows Special Interests to reap the can never be forced to pay dues for overall business climate? benefits to their bottom line from LABOR TRIBUNE STAFF union political activities. There is A: No. It has the opposite eect. being able to pay lower wages and a separate dues/fee structure for Creating situations where busi- fewer, if any, benefits. those not wanting to participate in nesses increase profits because of the union’s political eorts. Q. What’s the impact on workers? lower wages is not good for the state’s A. Read the stories on Page 6 from ABOUT GETTING/ economy or its workers’ paychecks. workers who actually worked in KEEPING A JOB When wages fall, state revenues RTW states and you’ll have a better fall as well. Q: Does a so-called “right-to-work” understanding of the simple fact: That means the state has far less law guarantee me a job or the this is NOT a worker’s law, it’s a funding available to finance educa- Ed Finkelstein Tim Rowden Carl Green “right” to a job? Big Business law. tion, transportation, infrastructure Publisher Editor Illinois Correspondent A: No. It has nothing to do with and other programs that are vital to RTW SUPPORTERS (314) 256-4138 [email protected] creating or providing jobs. attracting new industries and busi- AREN’T YOU Rose Jonas, Associate Publisher Q: Does a so-called “right-to-work” nesses. It is a death spiral for a state’s Q: Who is behind all this RTW stuff? Marvin Naftolin, General Manager Jeff Warfield Production Manager law protect me from losing my Bob Whitehead, Editor OutdoorSports Dan Braun, Marketing Director economy and its workers. A: The National Right-to-Work job? Committee, a well funded, Rightwing, A: No.
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