1398 Fedeml Register / Vol. 57, No. 9 I-T+resday, January 14, 1992 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Unita Basin in Uintah County, Utah. alternately arranged on the stem and are Welsh and Atwood (1977) described the attached to the ste6 bya_petiole. The Fish and Wlldllfc Servlcc species as Thelypodiopsis argillacea. flowers of S. bprnebflhave petals that Schoenocmmbe bamebyi was are light purple with prominent darker 50 CFR Part 17 discovered by James Harris in 1960 from purple veins and measure about 12 mm -- a site in the southem portion of the San (0.4 inch) long and 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) RIN 101~AB56 Rafael Swell in Emery County, Utah. wide. The entire flowers are about 1 cm Welsh and Atwood described the (0.4 inch) across in full anthesis and are Endangered and Threatened’Wlldllfe species as Thelypodiopsis bamebyi displayed in a raceme of, commonly. 2 and Plant& Final Rule to Determlnc tf~ (Welsh 1961). Rollings (1962) in to 8 flowers at the end of the plant’s Plant Schoenocrambe Arglllacea (Clay reevaluating the cruciferous genera of leafy stems. Reed-Mustard) To Be a Threatened Schoenocmmbe and Thelypodiopsis Schoenocmmbe agillaceo grows on Specie4 and the Plant move T argillacea and T. bamebyi from clay soils rich in gypsum, overlain with Schoenocrambs Bamebyl (Bameby Thelypodiopsis to Schoenocmmbe as S. sandstone talus. derived from a mixture Reed-Mustard) To Be an Endangered a~illacea and S. bamebyi of shales and sandstones from the zone Species The genus Schoenocmmbe includes of contact between the Uinta and Green five currently known species: two are River geologic formation. Plant species AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, abundant, wide-ranging species, one Interior. commonly associated with S. argillacea from the higher dry portions of the Great include Eriogonum corymbosum, ACTION: Final rule. Plains and the other from the lower Ephedm torreyana, Atriplex spp.. and elevations of the Colorado Plateau: the Artemisia spp. Two population clusters remaining three are rare endemic SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife of S. argillacea are known, all within a species (S. argillacea, S. bamebyi, and limited range about 21 kilometem (13 Service (Service] determines the plant S. suffrtescens) from low elevations of Schoenocmmbe argillacea (clay reed- miles) across, from the Green River to the northern and western portions of the Willow Creek in southwestern Uintah mustard) to be’s threatened species, and Colorado Plateau in the State of Utah the plant Schoenocrambe barnebyi County, Utah. The species’ total known [Rollins 1982, Welsh and Chatterley population is over 5,000 plants (M.A. (Barneby reed-mustard) to be an 1985, Welsh et al. 1967). [Note: endangered species. These two species Franklin, Utah Natural Heritage Schoenocrambe suffretescens (Rollins) Program, pem. comm., 199X U.S. Fish are endemic to soils derived from Welsh and Chatterly was listed as an specific geologic substrates in the lower and Wildlife Service 199l). The entire elevations of the Unita Basin in endangered species under the scientific species’ population is on land having name GIaucocarpum suffrtescens northeastern Utah and in the lower Federal leases for oil and gas and/or [Rollins). The Service wrll begin use of withdrawn for mineral mining claim elevations of the Fremont River and the currently accepted scientific name Muddy Creek drainages in central Utah. entry for its oil shale values. Because of Schoenocmmbe suffnstescens and this, energy development poses a threat The two know propulation clusters of assign to it the common name shrubby S. argiffacea are vulnerable to habitat to this species. In addtion, reed-mustard, in order to be in general Schoenocmmbe argillacea s small disturbance from oil and gas agreement with current plant development and potential oil shale species population size and restricted classification usage (see Welsh et al. distribution make this species inherently development, Significant portions of the 1987)). two known S. barnebyi propulations are Schoenocrambe argillacea is a - vulnerable to man-caused and natural vulnerable to potential uranium perennial herbaceous plant, with environmental disturbances (U.S. Fish development or trampling by park sparsely leafed stems 15 to 30 and Wildlife Service 1990). visitors. This determination that S. centimeters [cm) (6 to 12 inches) tall Schoenocmmbe bamebyi grows on argillacea is a threatened species and S. arising from a woody root crown. The red clay soils rich in selenium and bamebyi is an endangered species leaves are very narrow with a smooth gypsum, overlain with sandstone talus, provides these rare plants protection margin, 10 to 35 millimeters (mm) (0.4 to derived from the Moenkopi and Chicle under the Endangered Species Act, as 1.4 inches) long and. usually, less than 2 geologic formations. Plant species amended. mm (0.1 inch) wide. The leaf blades are normally associated with S. barnebyi EFFECTIVE DATE February 13,199Z. alternately arranged on the stem and, include Ephedm tormyana, Atripfex confertifolia, Eriogonum corymbosum. ADDRESSES: The complete file for this for the most part, are attached directly rule is available for inspection, by to the stem without a petiole. The and Stanfeya pinnata. Two populations of S. bamebyi are known, one near Sy’s appointment, during normal business flowers of S. aigillacea have petals that hours at the Fish and Wildlife are pale lavender to whitish with Butte in the southern portion of the San Enhancement Offrce, U.S. Fish and prominent purple veins and measure 6 to Rafael Sweel. and one in Capitol Reef Wildlife Service, 2076 Administration 11 mm (0.3 to 0.4 inch] long and 3.5 to 4.5 National Park in the Sulphur Creek mm (0.14 to 0.18 inch) wide. The entire drainage west of Fruita. The species’ Building, 1745 West 1700 South. Salt entire known population is less than Lake City, Utah 64104. flowem are about 1 cm (0.4 inch) across in full anthesis and are displayed in a 1,000 plants IN. Henderson, Capitol Reef FOR FURTMER INFORMATION COWA= raceme of 3 to 20 flowers at the end of National Park, pem. comm. 199% Welsh - John L England at the above address, the plant’s leafy stems. and Neese 1964). Assessment work in telephone: 6Ol/5244430 or FIS 56& Schoenocrambe bamebyi is a connection with mining claims for 4430. perennial herbaceous plant with uranium poses a significant ongoing SUPFLEYENlARY INFORMATION: sparsely leafed stems zz to 35 cm (9 to threat to one population of S. barnebyi located on lands managed by the Bureau Background 15 inches) tall arising from a woody root crown. The leaves are entire with a of Land Management. In addition, at Schoenocmmbe argillacea was smooth margin, 1.5 to 5 cm (0.6 to 3 least one site in Capitol Reef Nationa discovered by Duane Atwood in 1976 inches) long and 0.5 to 2.5 cm (0.2 to 1 Park containing S. barnebyi is from a site in the southern portion of the inch) wide. The leaf blades are vulnerable to trampling by park visitors. 1399 Scbaenacmznbe bumebyi’s extremely within 1 year of their receipt. Sectbn the pings Canyon drainage on the west small species population size and z(b)[l) of the Act’s amendments of 1982 side of Wild Horse Ben& which is a restricted habiti make the species - further requims that all petitions minor range extension af lib 3 miles to inherently vulnerable to man-caused pending as of October 13,1982, be the north of previously identilied and natural environmental disturbances treated as having been newly submitted suitable habitat. Nine additional stands (Welsh and Neese 1984). on that data The spsxkd-0 the service’s were discovered within the known In the Federal Register of December 1980 notioz of review with its 1983 population between the Green River and 15,1980 (45 FR 82480), the Service supplement were treated as being Wild Horse Beach. The populations in published a notice of review of petitioned. On October 13 1983, and the Willow Creek drainage remained candidate plants for listing as each successive year, the service made much the same as previously known, endangered or threatened species. The successive l-year findings that the with minor extensions of some stands. 1980 notice included S. aqilhcea as a petition to list S. aqdlacea and S The historic stand in the southern category 1 species. Category 1 species bamebyi was warranted but precluded portim of section 26, T. 11 S. R. 20 E. has comprise those taxa for which the by other listing actions of higher apparently been extirpated. These data Service haa information on the priority. The Service published a indicate that the known occurrences of biological vulnerabitity and threats to proposed rule in the Federal Register on S. argiIZacea constitute two population support the appropriateness of April 12,1991, proposing endangered clustenr: one near the Green River proposing to list them as endangered or status for these two species. That between Wild Horse Bench and the threatened opecies. proposal constituted the final l-year Green River, the other in the Willow In the Federal Register of November finding for these species in accordance Creek Drainage on the northem slopes 26.1963 (48 FR 53640). the Service with Section I(b)(B)(B)(ii] of the Act. of Big Mountain and in Broome Canyon. published a supplement to the 1980 These additions to the S. argilfacea notice of review in which S bamebp slmlmqoft2ullm&aIld R&xmmendationa species population are significant. was added as a category 2 species. Through the intensive inventor Category 2 comprises taxa for which the In the April 12 19% proposed rule conducted in 1991 has discovered more service has information indicating the and associated notifications, all plants, it also has confirmed that S appropriateness of a proposal b list the interested parties wee mested to argillacea is restricted to two small taxa as endangered or threatened ht.
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