FALL 1999 THE ANDREWS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE VOL. 35, NO. 4 FOCUSFOCUSs s Andrews’ First Lady The gift of laughter and grace 125TH ANNIVERSARY s9+s#/5.429#(52#( IN FOCUS . An incomparable gift very once in a while, someone will ask me quietly At the risk of jumping on the Y2K bandwagon and , thus, what it’s like to work with the president’s wife when adding more hype to the cliché the end of this year has they hear that Mrs. Andreasen, coordinator for com- already become, we’re running a story by Chris Carey munity relations, has her office in the university rela- about how the campus intends to cope with potential Etions building. I’ll look at the person quizzically, smile glitches attending the upcoming cosmic rollover to Y2K. He and say, “She’s wonderful to work with!” Truly, one of the explores campus preparations and concerns, and more sig- great blessings for me in my job is working nificantly he discusses Seminary professor closely with Demetra, a truly classy lady. Jon Paulien’s timely book The Millennium And so I’m delighted that Beverly Matiko, Bug. associate professor of English and commu- Not many people know that Andrews is nication, agreed to write an article on our practically next door to a site important to first lady. In her profile of Mrs. Andreasen, American hymnology. In the little town of Bev introduces us to a woman who brings Pokagon—hardly even a wide spot in the to campus the incomparable gift of grace road any more—you’ll find the old, wood- and laughter, a dedicated woman who says en church where “The Old Rugged Cross” she feels most comfortable behind the was first performed in public. Madeline scenes, but who shines in the public spot- Johnston’s two photos offer a glimpse of light her husband’s position requires. this historic landmark that’s being saved Tyson Thorne’s cover and inside photos of by a local foundation. Mrs. A capture our first lady’s pleasing style and personality. n this issue we introduce a new photo by Patricia Spangler department—Faculty & Staff will fol- cholarship for Service since 1874 has been low Campus Update from now on. In Andrews’ slogan for awhile, but this Every once in a while, this section we intend to feature year it has special significance in that IAndrews personnel, their teaching, we are celebrating 125 years as an insti- someone asks their research their achievements. Over tution of Christian higher education. and over again, it’s the staff and faculty at S FOCUS We share with readers the fun we me what it’s like Andrews that receive rave reviews, and had—even though it poured—on August 24 we’re happy to give them special recogni- at the Founders’ Day Picnic. We had to to work with tion in FOCUS. move the food into the cafeteria and the line And to round out this issue, in “At of party-goers wound down the staircase the president’s wife. Random” we print Professor Elly and into the Campus Center lobby—but we Economou’s comments upon her receiv- had enough food and birthday cake to cele- . ing the J. N. Andrews Medallion in brate the occasion in grand style. And then, September. I guess this issue of FOCUS once the rain cleared a bit, we moved the party to a make- could be called our “Greek goddess” issue since we feature shift diamond behind the Alumni House on Seminary two women of Greek heritage who make a great difference Drive and watched the Centennial Sluggers go toe-to-toe at Andrews University. with the local Berrien County Cranberry Boggers in a match of vintage baseball. One-hundred-and-twenty-five —Douglas A. Jones (MA ’80) years is a long time, and at Andrews we’re making the FOCUS editor most of the occasion to celebrate our roots and heritage. FOCUS .......................................................................CONTENTS Fall 1999 s Volume 35, Number 4 ........................ EDITOR Douglas A. Jones (MA ’80) CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Rebecca May (BA ’77) FEATURES A. Monise Hamilton (MDiv ’99) ............................................................... EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Patricia Spangler WRITERS ANDREWS FIRST LADY . 10 Trisha Ramel Katie Widner Demetra Andreasen brings the gift PHOTOGRAPHERS of grace and laughter to the Andrews campus. Jeremy Russell Clay Schwark By Beverly Matiko THE UNIVERSITY President: Niels-Erik Andreasen (MA ’65, BD ’66) Y2K AT ANDREWS . .. .13 Vice Presidents for Academic Administration: Patricia B. Mutch (BS ’65) 5NIVERSITY!DVANCEMENTDavid A. Faehner (MA ’72) A look to the not-so-distant future. 3TUDENT3ERVICES: Newton Hoilette (MA ’75, EdD ’79) Financial Administration: Edward E. Wines 3TRATEGIC)NITIATIVESAND%NROLLMENT3ERVICES By Chris Carey David S. Penner (MA ’74, PhD ’86) ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 125 YEARS AGO. 16 President: Robert Cochran (BA ’73) Vice Presidents: David Bauer (MA ’57, EdD ’82) We celebrate an important anniversary— and Marilyn Bauer (MAT ’75) Immediate Past President: Connie Green (AS ’79, BS ’94)) the first day of classes at Battle Creek College. $IRECTOROF!LUMNI3ERVICES: Rebecca May (BA ’77) FOCUS ADVISORY BOARD SANCTUARY FOR AN OLD RUGGED CHURCH . 18 Nancy Carter (BS ’74), R. William Cash (PhD ’90), Linda Closser (BA ’80, MA ’81), Gregory Constantine (BA ’60), Sharon Dudgeon (MMus ’86), Paul Hamel (DP ’40, BA ’48), Restoration is underway at this historic Tami Martinez (AS ’92, BA ’93), Marjorie Snyder (DP ’50), Randal Wisbey (MDiv ’84) church where The Old Rugged Cross was first sung. FOCUS (ISSN 1077-9345) is published quarterly, free of charge, for alumni and friends of Andrews By Douglas Jones University, an institution owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The magazine’s Photographs by Madeline Johnston address is FOCUS, Office of University Relations, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104- 1000. Copyright 1999 by Andrews University. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Berrien Springs, Mich., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FOCUS, Alumni Affairs Office, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0950. DEPARTMENTS ........................................................ In Focus................... 2 Class Notes............. 20 Calendar .................. 4 Bookshelf............... 26 Letters .................... 5 Life Stories ........... 28 %DITORS/FFICE [email protected] Campus Update ....... 6 At Random .............. 30 !LUMNI3ERVICES/FFICE [email protected] Faculty & Staff............. 9 Photo Album ........... 31 www.andrews.edu Alumni News ............. 19 . .CALENDAR . #HRISTMAS#ONCERT Friday Festival Environmental and Aesthetic Conference, 11 am in PMC. of Faith, University Choirs, under Possibilities of Constructed Wetlands Saturday evening: Wintley Phipps the direction of Stephen Zork. Dec. Wastewater Treatment” Feb. 10: in concert, 8:30 in PMC. For infor- 10, 7:30 pm in PMC. Gregory Wolfe, “Art, Faith, and the mation, call Dr. Joseph Warren at Stewardship of Culture” &EB 616-471-3168. Fall finals. Exams are slated for Patrick Pinnell, “Shadow Play: Dec. 13 to 15. Autumn quarter ends Typology and the Secret Life of Yale.” #ELEBRATE#REATIVITY Sixth annual Dec. 15. !LLLECTURESAREATPMINTHE Creative Arts Festival. Gallery $IVISIONOF!RCHITECTURE openings, lectures, concerts. Feb. #HRISTMASHOLIDAYS begin Dec. 16 !MPHITHEATERANDAREFREEAND 22-26. and continue through Jan. 9. OPENTOTHE PUBLIC &RIDAY&ESTIVALOF Registration 2000. Register for win- &AITH Wind ter term is slated for Sunday, Jan. 9 Dream King. Symphony, con- from 8 am to 5 pm. Or, register on Martin Luther ducted by Alan the web and avoid long lines. King, Jr. birthday Mitchell. Feb. 25, Classes begin Monday, Jan. 10, for observed. Classes 7:30 pm in PMC. most programs. cancelled Monday, Jan. 17. The Wind Laying claim to clay. “The Clay Up Symphony has There: Current Ceramics from Brrrr . bring released a CD Anderson Ranch.” An art gallery ONTHEBEACH entitled exhibit featuring 13 ceramicists. AUSA/SA “Celebration of Jan. 11 to Feb. 11. Opening recep- Winter Beach Winds.” Funds tion, Jan. 11, 7-9 pm. Art Building. Party, Jan. 22, 7 generated from pm, Johnson ѝȱџќћѡDZ Week of Prayer speaker Jon its sale will help Henderson in Pioneer Memorial Church. !RCHITECTURELECTURES The Division Gym. raise money for a of Architecture Lecture Series. Wind Symphony *ANRobert Foulkes, “You Can (EALTH#AREERS&AIR Jan.31, 10 am performance tour of Europe in Build With a Tree” Jan. 20: Jimmy to 2 pm, Campus Center. March. Contact Alan Mitchell for New, “Crapper’s Heirs: Some more information: "EETHOVENS&IFTH3YMPHONY and 616-471-6340. or more information more. Andrews University Fabout these and other Orchestra Concert, conducted by Going, going . Esprit 2000, the events at Andrews Carla Trynchuk. Feb. 5, 8 pm at third annual benefit dinner and PMC. auction hosted by Andrews University, please call Academy. Feb. 27, 4-8 pm. For more 1-800-253-2874 or visit h,ET4HERE"E.O$IVISION!MONG information about Esprit 2000, con- us on the Web at www. You.” Black History Weekend. Feb. tact Rebecca Becker at 616-471-6140 andrews.edu. Click on 11-13. Friday evening: Eurydice or <[email protected]>. news and events. Osterman, professor of music at Oakwood College, 7:30 in PMC. Sabbath morning: Alvin Kibble, president of Alleghenny East 4 FOCUS sFALL 1999 . .LETTERS . INSIDE SCOOP, the long term health of the campus. I did both hospital and office-based PERFECT CIRCLES Andrews also has an extraordinarily psychiatric medicine in Grand Rapids . unique opportunity to impact environ- and in Johnson City, Tenn. (Again, Thanks for keeping us far-flung mental sustainability around the both in the past). I am currently active alumni up-to-date with happenings at world. As Christian students learn to in community education. The other Andrews. While all of my siblings preserve and protect their environ- statements about Wisam and me are (KIM—BS, MSPT ’87; CHRIS—att.; ment through mandatory and volun- correct. LESLEY—RMES, AA) were just there teer activities, they will take these If that sounds less than ambitious, this summer, it’s nice to get the inside “best practices” with them when they well, we might as well be correct.
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