Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No. 7579 Public Disclosure Authorized PROJECT COMPLETIONREPORT Public Disclosure Authorized *-NDIA SECOND FOODGRAINSTORAGE PROJECT 'CREDIT 747-IN) DECEMBER 30, 1988 Public Disclosure Authorized Country Department1V Asia Regional Office Public Disclosure Authorized Thisdocument hasa restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in theperformance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. ABBREVIATIONSAND ACRONYMS ARDC - AgriculturalRefinance and DevelopmentCooperation ASCI - AdministrativeStaff College of India, Hyderabad CAP - Cover and plinth (Baggedgrain placed on brick plinth and covered with polyethylenesheets) CRORE - 10 million CSS - Central Storage Committee CWC - Central WarehousingCorporation EGS - Employment Guarantee Program FCI - Food Corporation of India FPS - Fair Price Shops GOI - Government of India IR - Indian Railways IRR - Internal Rate of Return ITDP - IntegratedTribal DevelopmentProject LAKH - 100,000 MICB - Management Information and Control Branch - of FCI NREP - National Rural Employment Program PCR Project CompletionReport PDS - Public Distribution System PID - Project Implementation Division - of FCI RLEGP - Rural Landless EmploymentGuarantee Program RS - Rupee SWC - State WarehousingCorporation INDIAN FISCAL YEAR April 1 - March 31 FOR OFFICIL USE ONY THEWORLD SANK Washington.D.C. 20433 U.S.A. Oikceof Dmimtv.nal OpratuamEVA"iutim December 30, 1988 MEMORANDUMTO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Project Completion Report on India Second Foodirain Storage Proiect (Credit 747-IN) Attached, for information, is a copy of a report entitled 'Project Completion Report on India Second Foodgrain Storage Project (Credit 747-IN)" prepared by the Government of India, with an ovevriew memorandum prepared by the Asia Regional Office. Full evaluation of this project has not been made by the Operations EvaltLation Department. Attachment This documenthas a sricted distributionand may be usedby recipientsonly in the performance of their officialduties. Its contentsmay not otherwisebe disclosed without World Bankauthorizatin. FOROMCIL USE ONLY INDIA SECOND FOODGRAINSTORAGE PROJECT (CREDIT 747-IN) Project CompletionReport Table of Contents Page No. Preface.. ....ii Basic Data Sheet..................................................... iv-v EvaluationSummary .... vi Ovevvierview.........................................................viii I. INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1 II. FOOD SECURITY PERSPECTIVE........ ......... ... .. ........ 2 b III. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION......... Original Project Content............................... 17 Start-up Period ..................................... 17 Revisionsin the Scope of the Project Content.......... 18 Final projectContent.#.*......................... ....20 ImplementationPeriod - Schedulevs Actual............. 21 Factors Contributingto Time and Cost Overruns......... 21 Performanceof the ExecutingAgencies/Materials Suppliers, etc ................................0............ 23 Project Monitoring.**..*...............................25 Role of Consultants.................................... 25 Research and Development,Operations Research and Training*.***.,... .oo...... .........................too 26 IV. ECONOMIC APPRAISAL.................... **** .... 27 V. CONCLUSIONS ...................... .......................29 Project Performance Evaluation...*.**** ............. 29 Lessons Learnt for Implementationof Future Storage Projects. .. ....... *et 30 ANNEX G TABLES: Table I Production of F oodggs ...... .......rs 32 Table 2 Compound Growth Rates of Area, Productionand Yield of Foodgrains in India .... .. ...................... 33 of theirofficial duties. Its contents may not otherwisebe disclosedwithout WorldBank authorization. - ii - Table 3 All-IndiaProduction, Procurement of Imports and Distribution Foodgrains ............................. 34 Table 4 Net Availability,Procurement and Public Distributionof Foodgrains............................ 35 Table 5 All-IndiaProcurement of Rabi/KharifFoodgrains (MarketingYear-wise) from 1964-65 to 1985-86........... 36 Table 6 Total Offtake (Distribution)of Foodgrains from GovernmentStocks (Al-India). .. ...9999*... 37 Table 7 Index number of wholesale prices/offood-grains in India 9 ..... .9...999.99....99999999999999999999999999938 Table 8 Patternof ProcurementPrices of Foodgrainsin India*.*.*.... 39 Table 9 Stocks of Foodgrainswith Central and State Governmentsand Stocks in Pipelines..................... 40 Table 10 Growth Pattern of StorageAccommodation with FCI............ 41 ANNEX P TABLES Table 1 Details of Proposed and Actually ConstructedStorage Capacity.*.................................................... 42 Table 2 Details of Proposed and Actually Constructed Storage Fclte 43 .................................. Table 3 Details of Proposed and Actual StorageConstruction and Capacities .......... 46 Table 4 Center-wiseDetails of Railway Sidings ......................53 Table 5 Year-wiseProject ImplementationDetails.................... 55 Table 6 Storage Capacity Built under Retro-activeFinancing Component....................................................... 56 Table 7 StatementShowing FinancialSources. ........................ 57 Table 8 No. )f Rail-fedCenter where Siding Works are Not.......... 58 -iii- INDIA SECOND FOODGRAINSTORAGE PROJECT (CREDIT 747-IN) Project CompletionReport Preface This is the Project CompletionReport (PCR) of the Second Foodgrain Storage Project, for which a Credit in the amount of US$107 million was signed on January 1, 1978. The Credit was closed on February 19, 1986, at which time the final disbursementwas made and US$2.5 millionwere cancelled. The PCR was prepared by Food Corporationof India (FCI). The IDA overviewand EvaluationSummary supplementsFCI's review with IDA's observa- tions, giving specialattention to points and issues not fully covered by the PCR preparedby FCI. The overview has been prepared by Asia Regional Office and is based in part on the PCR, a review of the Staff Appraisal Report (No. 1643a-IN),dated November 3, 1977, correspondencewith the Borrower, internalBank memorandaon project issues as containedin relevant Bank files as well as interviewsand discussionswith officialsfrom the Borrower,and experienceduring project execution. Tne draft report was sent to the Borrower on October 31 for coaments; however, no commentswere received. The project was not subjectedto an audit by the OperationsEvaluation Department. - iv - PROJECTCOtlPLETION REPORT INDIA SECONDFODDGRAIN STORAGE PROJECT (CR. 747-IN) Basic Data Sheet Actual or ktual a I Appraisal Estimated of Appraial KeyProject Data Estimate ctual Estimate Total Project Cost (USSN) 215.5 230.0 107 Total Project Cost (Rst) 1.886.2 2,250.0 119 Eligible for IDAFinancinq (U5$ 1) 107.0 Credit Amount(US$ O) 107.0 104.5 91.7 Credit Amount(Rs M) 936.0 DatePhysical Components Completed 31-Dec-81 31-Dec-85 ProportionCompleted by that Date (X) 100.0 91.0 91.0 EconomicRate of Re-urn 1) 19.9 19.7 Project Dates Appraisal 06-Feb-77 BoardApproval 15-Nov-77 Credit Agreement 06-iJa-78 Effectiveness It-Nay-il ClosingDate 30-Jun-82 31-Dec- CumulativeDisbursement FY78 FY79 FY80 FY81 FY82 FY85 FY84 AppraisalEstimate WUS$ N) 10.00 30.00 54.00 82.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 Actual (US$ ) 1.10 7.40 18.70 26.10 33.60 45.00 53.80 Actual as 2 of Estimate 0.11 0.25 0.35 0.32 0.31 0.42 0.50 Dateof Final Disbursementof Credit: 19-Feb-96 v Special- izations Perfor- Types No. handaysRepre- mance of Date of in sented Rating Trend Problems NissionData (molyr)Persons Field 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ Rev-iewof Project- Prep-ration Jun-76 1 1111 D IIA NA N/A Reviewof ProjectPreparation Aug-76 I NA D NA NA NA Appraisal FebiNar-77 5 155 B,C,D NA NA NA SupervisionI Feb-78 2 14 0 2 1 N Supervision2 Jul/Aug-78 3 24 B,0 2 1 K,I Supervision3 Feb-79 1 7 0 I 1 N Supervision4 Sep-79 2 10 C,D 2 2 K,D Supervision5 Nar-Bi 2 28 C,E 2 2 h Supervision6 Feb-82 4 32 C,D,E 2 3 N Supervision7 Sep-82 2 20 C,D,F 3 2 NA Supervision8 Feb-03 2 4 C,F 3 2 1 Supervision9 Apr-83 2 18 C,E 3 1 N Supervision10 Sep-83 1 6 E 3 2 O,N Supervision11 Apr-84 1 6 E 3 2 O,h Supervision12 Sep-94 1 7 E 3 2 O,D Supervision13 ?Iar/Apr-85 2 25 D,E 2 1 N Total supervisionmandays 201 OtherProject Data Borrower: Governmentof India ExecutingAgency: FoodCorporation of India Fiscal Yearof the Borrowoer: April 1 - March31 Nameof Currency: IndianRupee (Rs.) CurrencyExchange Rate: AppraisalReport: US$1.00Rs. 8.51 AppraisalYear Average 1977: US$1.005 Rs. 11.5 IrsterveningYears Average 1978-04 US$1.00- Rs. 9.66 CompletionYear Average 1995: US$1.00= Rs. 12.50 Follow-upProject: None 1/ Specializationsrepresented: A = Agricultural 3/ Trend: 1 Improving 9 a Engineer 2 * Stationary C = FinancialAnalyst 3 Deteriorating D - Economist E = Agr. IndustrySpec. 41 Typesof Problems: F = Financial F = LoanOfficer N - Managerial T = Technical 21 PerformanceRating: 1 = ProblemFree or MinorProbleas P = Political 2 5 tlderateProbleas 0 5 Other 3 - MajorProbleas -vi- INDIA SECOND FOODGRAINSTORAGE PROJECT (CREDIT747-IN) ProjectCompletion Report EvaluationSummary Introduction The Second FoodgrainStorage Project followed the India Wheat StorageProject (Credit267-IN) which was implementedbetween 19W and 1979. The Second Project, the subjectof the PCR, was intended to finance a four year grain storage public sector investmentproject. Total project cost, estimatedat US$215.5million, was
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