MandarinNewsLineSM SERVING THE MANDARIN COMMUNITY SINCE 2006 M EMBER OF THE RT PUBLISHING GROUP OF COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Volume 7, Issue 9 Visit our online edition at www.mandarinnewsline.com June 2013 Rotary Club of Mandarin busy with Eagle Scout project local park cleanup and awards enhances Historical Park By Contributing Writer Ken McCauley, Rotary Club of Mandarin By Contributing Writer Heather Walsh, Mandarin Museum & Historical Society On April 9, we honored Jacob Poirier, a Jacksonville’s fi nest, the police- Jacksonville native men of the year. The Mandarin and Eagle Scout area Zone 3 policeman of the candidate from year is Offi cer Paul Bouda and Troop 473 at St. Offi cer Wes Bowen is the City of Joseph’s Catholic Jacksonville policeman of the Church, approached year. We commend them and the Mandarin Mu- the entire force for their dedica- seum and Histori- tion to protect and serve our cal Society a few city. months ago about Area residents are invited to doing his Eagle enjoy the Mandarin Centennial Scout service proj- Park located behind the Man- ect in the Walter darin South Library at San Jose Jones Historical Boulevard and Orange Picker Park. After meet- Road. Our club recently per- ing with museum formed our semi-annual main- board member Bo tenance of the park. Phillips, a plan to The Rotary Club of Man- The second place win- People often ask “ What further enhance the darin recently sponsored the ner was Julia Tindugan. Her does Rotary do?” Rotary is an Wheeler Sawmill area within the ing plan and began the task of Rotary Art for Peace contest at art work featured canines and international organization that park was imagined. obtaining the necessary resourc- Mandarin High School and the felines with bared teeth snarling funds many social projects both “We had done a cleanup es to move forward. Human fi rst place winner was Demeter at each other from across the locally and around the world. project [in the park] before resources were a crucial aspect Ross. Her art work featured a page. In the center Julia placed One of our main endeavors is as a troop, so it seemed like a of this project and Poirier was globe with a woman holding a a cat and dog sitting peacefully the eradication of polio. The great place to check out. I was successful in getting 25 scouts child. side by side. Her theme was Bill and Melinda Gates Founda- presented the task of cleaning and their parents to assist with In her explanation of the “Enemies can learn to live in tion has joined with the Rotary up and renovating the en- his project. Contributions were art, Ross said, “Children stand peace. Foundation to help make this trance to the sawmill exhibit. received from the following on our world as top priority. Ross received a check for happen. Nigeria, along with It seemed like a great project to community businesses: fencing Their sweet gentle faces bring $250 for fi rst place. Tindugan Pakistan and Afghanistan, do because the park services as from Home Depot, rock from wonder of what they will be- received a check for $100 for are the three remaining polio a place of both recreational and Stoneplus, mulch from Bushor’s second place. Congratulations historical interest,” said Poirier. come for they have their whole Rotary Club cont. on pg. 5 Eagle Scout cont. on pg. 18 lives ahead of them.” to both! Poirier developed a work- Spark Up What’s Inside Astronomy Club ready for big Page 3 What’s New Your Sales! Page 4 From the City astronomical event this fall Councilmember Don’t miss the July Issue! By Karl Kennell Contact your rep today! Page 5 From the Florida House Meteors and interested in seeing this asteroids have re- celestial event up close Page 6 School District Journal cently blazed across and not just on the TV Civics 101 the sky in Russia screen or your com- Page 7 The Sheriff Reports and Argentina and puter? thanks to the media The Northeast Page 8 Food and Fun! have created stories Florida Astronomi- Movie Review of anticipated doom. cal Society (NEFAS) is Page 10 Political Commentary Well, now it is time preparing for this special for you to get the astronomical event. NE- Page 11 Hubbard House scoop on the next FAS is a local amateur Page 12 Loretto Symphony major astrologi- astronomy club that has Page 13 Farewell student writer cal event that will been gazing at the stars undoubtedly make here in Jacksonville for Page 14 Mandarin Women’s Club the headlines and over 30 years. Over 100 Page 16 Gardening nightly news: “The members from all walks Page 17 Faith News End of the World is of life and astronomi- Permit No.4 Permit US Postage Paid US Postage coming!” Not really! cal abilities get together Page 20 Wedding announcement Presorted Standard Callahan, FL 32011 But there will be a on a regular basis to Page 21 Sports very spectacular show in the sky ance. And if the cosmos aligns do what astronomers do best— this fall. just right, it may even rival the observe the sky. The society Page 22 Bumblebee Circle Astronomers are predicting moon in the night sky. If every- meets several times a month for Garden Club that this fall, Comet ISON may thing is perfect it may even be Page 23 Crown Point math make a spectacular appear- visible during the day. Are you Astronomy Club cont. on pg. 6 NewsLine Mandarin Ste. 403 12443 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville,FL 32223 Page 2, Mandarin NewsLine • June 2013 • www.MandarinNewsLine.com .RUL5RDG (904) 268-7310 -DFNVRQYLOOH)/ www.jpperry.com +RPHq/LIHq%XVLQHVVq$XWRq(PSOR\HH%HQHILWV 66KDG(VVXUDQFHDXWRDQG 'DYHKDG6WDWH)DUPKRPHDQGDXWR 'RQQDKDG$OOVWDWHDXWRDQG Karen had Liberty Mutual 6$9('JRWWLPHVWKH and 6$9(' $1249$QJLHKDG&HQ- 6$9(' $616/LOO\KDG6WDWH home and 6$9(' when FRYHUDJH&DUOZDVZLWK$OO- tury 21 auto and 6$9(' with )DUPDQG6$9(' while J P Perry shopped for her. state and 6$9('$1,494 J P Perry while doubling coverage. increasing coverage with J P Perry. Mike 6$9(' $1981. with J P Perry. Having JP Perry shop their insurance... Well, you get the idea! 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San Jose Blvd. www.MandarinNewsLine.com • June 2013 • Mandarin NewsLine, Page 3 Do you have community or club news you would What’s New like included in Mandarin NewsLine? Then contact Martie Thompson at: Spark Up Your Sales! Community Happenings [email protected] or 886-4919. The Friends of the Mandarin throughout the day. We off er Don’t miss the July Issue! South Library will have a book basketball, ceramics, exercise RT Publishing, Inc. sale on Friday, June 28 from classes, trivia and many dif- The CreekLine 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m. and ferent kinds of card games and Contact your rep today! The Ocean Breeze Saturday, June 29 from 10:00 dancing. We are now off ering Mandarin NewsLine a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the li- Wednesday evening activities brary. There will be books for all as well. Join us for line danc- Players Journal ages and interests. Please mark ing, dinner and a movie, senior your calendar! dance night and trivia…a new Publisher Rebecca Taus activity each Wednesday! We are [email protected] The River City Women’s Club always off ering new and excit- Editor Martie Thompson will have the monthly luncheon ing activities! Please call 262- [email protected] at 10:30 a.m. on June 19 at the 7309 for additional information. 904-613-4883 Advertising Sales, Linda Gay Mandarin Ramada Inn. The pro- (EATHER3EAYsHS RTPUBLISHINGCOM [email protected] gram will be presented by Joan The MOMS Club of Jackson- Galletta of JP Perry Insurance, ville/Mandarin-SE off ers support Advertising Sales, who will discuss the new health- for stay at home and part-time Kathrin Lancelle care reform law. The cost of the working moms living in zip [email protected] lunch is $15.50; for reservations, code 32258. With the club, you If it’s been awhile since you’ve the All Star Quilters Guild will Advertising Sales, Heather Seay please call 262-8719. The club is will have enriching activities for played, don’t worry - dust off be held on Monday, June 10 at [email protected] open to all ladies. For informa- you and your children, during that instrument and join right 9:30 a.m. in the First Christian in! If the weather is cold or Church, located at 11924 San Graphic Design, Lisa Felegy tion, please call Marian McMa- the day when you need the most han at 288-0078. support. A sample of activities rainy, the group will meet inside Jose Boulevard. The program [email protected] includes park days, beach days, the museum or on the porch. will be “The History of Ameri- RT Publishing, Inc. The Mandarin Senior Center monthly socials, playgroups and If you don’t play, the museum can Quilting - c1800 - c1900.
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