Whitworth Digital Commons Whitworth University Whitworth Alumni Magazine University Archives 1946 Alumni Magazine January 1946 Whitworth University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine Recommended Citation Whitworth University , "Alumni Magazine January 1946" Whitworth University (1946). Whitworth Alumni Magazine. Paper 157. https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine/157 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Whitworth University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Whitworth Alumni Magazine by an authorized administrator of Whitworth University. VOLUME XV SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, JANUARY, 1946 NUMBER 9 New Record In Registration WHITWORTH GIVEN Again Whitworth has broken all previous records in enrollment with the completion of the second quar- MEMORIAL LIBRARY ter's registration, and Whibworthtans The student body of 1945-46 will swell with pride as they announce not soon forget the assembly of symbolize the life and work of Mrs. to their many friends the total reg- Monday, December 17, for President W. H. Cowles. istration for this quarter as 439. Warren at that time announced the A detailed description of the new In addition we have many nursing gift of the "Harriet Cheney Cowles building will be made shortly. It students who are in training at the Library." It came as a distinct sur- is the plan of the architect that the Deaconess Hospital which are af- prise to all assembled. The an- stacks contain 80,000 to 100,000 filiated with the college, but who are nouncement was hailed with delight, books. The building should be large not included in the enrollment figure. enough so that approximately 200 and thanksgiving was rendered to The largest previous record was students can study in the library at God who has so wonderfully sup- last quarter when 372 students were the same time. It is to be of solid plied all our needs "according to registered and a very small per- brick construction and fireproof His riches in glory." centage of this group failed to re- throughout. It is the wish of the The W. H. Cowles family is well turn this quarter. known throughout the entire State family that the building conform to The students come from Washing- of Washington. They came to Spo- the general plan of the architecture ton, Oregon, California, Minnesota, kane early in its history and have of the campus. Work will begin as Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, In- played a very important part in its soon as materials and labor are diana, Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, building. Mr. Cowles, Sr. not only available. It is our hope that the Alaska, and Canada .. is the publisher of Spokane's two building will be ready lor use by newspapers, The Spokesman-Review the fall of 1946. It is interesting also to note that and The Chronicle, but has always This is, without doubt, one of the the student body represents some maintained a great interest in all most important things that ever twenty-eight different religious de- things that meant the developing of happened to Whitworth. For many nominations and forty-five 'per cent the great Northwest. The library is years our library has been in an of the number are Presbyterians. to be named in honor of Harriet unsatisfactory condition. Its small- Registration week was truly a Cheney Cowles, wife of W. H. ness has made it inadequate for a glorious home-coming for the stu- Cowles, who passed away in 1938. college growing as rapidly as Whit- dents and faculty alike. Many of Although Mr. Cowles, Sr. is not so worth. It is now crowded to over- the forty-eight veterans entering active now in the management of flowing, and yet we do not have Whitworth were former students re- the business affairs of the company, room for a library which must keep turning to their Alma Mater for the his interest in Whitworth and its pace with the advancement of the completion of their college work. development has not lessened, but college. These men came from all over the rather deepened with the passing Although it was our original plan world and among them we find years. In all major projects of the that the library be housed in the the following: from the European past five years at Whitworth, the new administration building, still theatre, Beverly Burnett, George family has made very substantial many felt that this was far from Penniman, Clarence Ludwig, Lester gifts. Mr. W. H. Cowles, Jr., who car- ideal. It is impossible to have the Pontius, and Robert Thompson; from ries a major responsibility for the quiet condition necessary for study the Pacific area, Odin Baugh, Louie firm, and his wife are active in their when several hundred young people Bani, Bob Chatterton, and Eugene civic, social, and church relations are passing through the halls. The Marshall; from the Burma-India in Spokane. new library will be the center of area, Kenneth Briggs; and from The gift is to be a living memorial the cultural and aesthetic life of those serving their country in the to the memory of one who, accord- Whitworth. To the Cowles family United States, Hubert Hull and ing to one of Spokane's leading citi- go the heartfelt thanks of not only Leonard Watson. zens, was "a very beautiful and 400 students and teachers but of Two faculty members who have lovely character." It is the desire thousands of loyal Whitworthians been serving in the Armed Services of the father, the son, and the scattered throughout the country were discharged from their duties, daughter, Mrs. John D. Graham, who rejoice over this great gift. and the college welcomed Mr. B. C. and the earnest wish of all Whit- Another great milestone has been Neustel back to the campus and to worthians that this building in its reached in the building of the the Department of Chemistry, an,~ beauty and usefulness may indeed greater Whitworth that is to be. Mr. Gerald Stannard as coach. $ Page 2 WHITWORTH COLLEGE BULLETIN January, 1946 pus. But as we face 1946 and the and one more dormitory for women, Whitworth College Bulletin years that are just ahead, we realize the physical plant of Whitworth will Published monthly by Whitworth College, that we have not come La the end be ready for its full load. Spokane, Washington. Entered as second of the journey. We have but taken At this New Year's Season we class matter August 5, 1930, at the Post some firm steps in the right direc- want to thank you personally, each Office, Spokane, Washington, under the act tion. and everyone who reads this bul- of August 24, 1912. The new year must mean for us letin, for the part you have had in here at Whitworth two or three the building of Whitworth. Hun- JANUARY, 1946 great developments-first, the con- dreds of you have given. Others struction of our Cowles Memorial have used their influence in directing 'Library. If that can be completed students to us,. and so many of you by next fall, it will definitely help have not forgotten to pray for the in the problem of where our stu- college. Thus we have been builders dents will study and where we shall together in this phase of God's work. put our books. We believe that the We face the future with nought but foundation is gradually being laid hope and confidence; let us all re- for our major campaign-namely, member that as we build for youth, funds necessary for the erection of and with youth, we are building for our Education HalL It is the thought the ages. The year 1945 was the great- of the administration and of the est year in the history of the college in Board of Trustees that this must every sense of the word. But the new take precedence over all that we do year is ours, and with Paul we this coming year. We shall need would forget the things that are many volunteer workers and many behind and press on to the things challenging gifts. With the building that lie ahead. So to you and yours of our library, our education hall, our best wishes for a new year. President Warren's New Year's Greetings With a profound sense of grati- tude for the past we now face the future. You who have followed the progress of Whitworth these paet " years have been thrilled and pleased at the many visible evidences of the new day which has dawned on our campus. We would not minimize the past for one moment. Whitworth is rightly proud of its long years WESTMINSTER HALL of service to youth and to the DEDICATION OF Dr. Paul Calhoun, minister of the Kingdom. It is proud of its men First Presbyterian Church of Spo- and women who are in places of re- WESTMINSTER HALL kane, conducted a simple but effec- sponsibility throughout the nation. Monday, December 17, marked an- tive service of dedication. However, until now its work has other important date in the calendar We wish to make special men- been seriously hampered because of of Whitworth. Local members of tion of the extraordinary gift of Mr. physical limitations. the Board of Trustees and their and Mrs. Sam Postell to the new Five years ago we had but two ladies were the guests of the college building. Mrs. Postell is not only a dormitories and a hall which we for a very delightful dinner. Im- graduate of the college but also rented a mile away from the cam- mediately following, OUl' guests and president of the Women's Auxiliary.
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