July 7 from the Law ntil e8erything is a..omplished. 1A Berefore anyone Lesson 6 ( NIV ) who sets aside one of the least of these .ommands and tea.hes others a..ordC FULFILLING THE LAW ingly will be .alled least in the kingC dom of hea8en, but whoe8er pra.ti.es DEVOTIONAL READING : Psalm 119:105– and tea.hes these .ommands will be 112 .alled great in the kingdom of hea8en. BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE : Matthew 20 :or I tell yo that nless yo r rightC 5:13–20 eo sness s rpasses that of the Pharisees and the tea.hers of the law, MATTHEW 5:13–20 yo will .ertainly not enter the kingC dom of hea8en.D 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and Graphic: kchungtw / iStock / Thinkstock glorify your Father in heaven. 17 “Do not think that I have come to KEY VERSE abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have Let your light shine before others, that not come to abolish them but to fulfill they may see your good deeds and glorify them. 18 For truly I tell you, until your Father in heaven. —Ma@hew 5:19 heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest le@er, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear COVENANT IN GOD Nickelson, R. L. (Ed.). (2018). The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2018–2019 (Vol. 25). Colorado Springs, CO: Standard Publishing. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 10:22 AM November 3, 2018. 1 Unit 2: A Heartfelt Covenant HOW TO SAY IT LESSONS 5–9 Beatitudes 8ee- aEtuhEtoods :a as in mat ). LESSON AIMS Mosaic MoE zay Ei7. Aer participating in this esson, each Pharisees Fair EihEseez. earner wi be ab e to: Philippians FihE lip -ee-unF. 1. Identify the dos and don’ts of being a fo ower of Jesus. Introduction 2. .ontrast the righteousness Jesus described with the righteousness of the A. Deadly Darkness teachers of the aw and Pharisees. When I was growing up, my father, 0. E1a uate for impro1ement his or o der brother, and I enGoyed a year y huntE her 3sa tiness4 and5or 3 uminosity4 as a ing week in the bac7 country of Idaho. .hristian. We went in October when the snow had Gust begun to fa and the deer had LESSON OUTLINE descended from the high mountains. We didn’t a ways bag this elusi1e game, but Introduction we had great times of bonding and A. Dead y Dar7ness excitement. We partnered with another 8. Lesson .ontext I. Who Disciples Are :MATTHEW 5:10–16) fami y who had two sons the same age as A. Earthy Sa t :1. 10) my brother and me, so there were two 8. 8right Light :11. 14–16) fathers and four sons. More to “Tel” De year I was 12, the other father, his II. Who Jesus Is :MATTHEW 5:17–20) o der son, and my o der brother decided A. Fu A ment of the Law :11. 17, to try something new since we had not 18) seen any deer in two days. Dey studied e Heroic Outla the forest ser1ice maps and thought 8. Teacher of Cighteousness :11. there was a trai winding down an isoE 19, 20) ated creek near our camp. Dere was Conclusion road access at the head of this stream and A. I*m Gonna Let It Shine at a bridge about A1e mi es below. De 8. Prayer plan was for my father to dump the three .. Dought to Cemember out at dawn at the creek*s head and et Nickelson, R. L. (Ed.). (2018). The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2018–2019 (Vol. 25). Colorado Springs, CO: Standard Publishing. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 10:22 AM November 3, 2018. 2 them hunt down the iso ated stream dred yards where the stream went whi e we dro1e down to pic7 them up at through an area with sheer roc7 wa s. the bridge in the ear y aernoon. Dey were soa7ed and near y froFen. My team hunted near our camp that Dey wou d not ha1e sur1i1ed the night morning, then headed down to the a one, but they saw the ights and were bridge. We bui t a huge Are and began to thereby sa1ed. coo7 a mea for the other team. We were sure that they wou d be co d and hungry B. Lesson Conte5t when they arri1ed. MaLhew*s record of Jesus’ Sermon on 8ut they did not come. It began to get the Mount extends the ength of chapters dar7, and the belowEfreezing night was 5–7 in his Gospel. De opening feature is near. We dro1e as far up the creek as we the section 7nown fami iar y to many as cou d, but the other team was not found. the 8eatitudes : ast week*s esson). Dere Fina y, we stopped and Ared a series of Jesus spo7e eight beatitudes in third three shots from a riHe, the hunter*s uniE person, seeming y as genera statements 1ersa signa . No response; the roar of the of truth :MaLhew 5:3–9). 8ut in the two creek drowned out the sound of these 1erses that fo ow, Jesus switched from shots. We worried. We doubted the three third person to second person. Dis cou d sur1i1e the night. It hit me hard: seemed to aim his thoughts there direct y my belo1ed brother and my friends at his disciples. It is they who cou d might die if we cou dn’t And themJ expect to be insu ted, persecuted, and Fina y, my father decided to turn his genera y badEmouthed. 8ut those e1enE Jeep around on the narrow road and go tua ities were not to deter them from bac7 to the bridge. He thought we might carrying out the ro e he had for ha1e missed them somehow. De 1ehic e them—the subGect of today*s esson. turning was tric7y, but we managed. We were Gust ready to dri1e away when we I. Who Disciples Are heard shots. We waited as the other three EMATTHEW 5:13–19 F came bounding out of the trees. Dey had not heard our ear ier shots, but they saw A. Earthy Salt E8. 13 F the head ights of the Jeep. What hap- 10 . 3Mou are the sa t of the earth. 8ut penedK De trai down the creek had if the sa t oses its sa tiness, how can it be fai ed them. As a resu t, they had waded made sa ty againK It is no onger good for through the icy water for se1era hunE anything, except to be thrown out and Nickelson, R. L. (Ed.). (2018). The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2018–2019 (Vol. 25). Colorado Springs, CO: Standard Publishing. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 10:22 AM November 3, 2018. 3 trampled underfoot. Noah :6:8 ), but that man*s inHuence was Dere are two popu ar ways of underE not enough to preser1e society. standing what it means for Jesus’ fo owE A second interpretation of salt of the ers to be the salt of the earth . One focuses earth relies on the property of sa t to on the preser1ati1e Nua ity of sa t. Sa t, if cause thirst. Ear ier, Jesus spo7e of those applied to fresh meat or Ash, wi 7eep it who 3thirst for righteousness4 : MaLhew from roLing and a ow such to be used as 5:6 ). A purpose of the disciples is to cause food months aer the anima is the genera popu ation to be 3thirsty4 for butchered. Simi ar y, Jesus’ disciples, the the righteousness that Jesus brings. De members of the 7ingdom of Hea1en, right relationship with the Lord wi satE preser1e e1i society by 7eeping a chec7 isfy those with spiritua thirst :Isaiah on sin. De inHuence of the righteous 55:1–0; John 4:10–14 ). If the witness of may not a ways win the day, but it tamps Jesus’ disciples becomes tainted and down dangerous sin enough to a ow compromised and no onger causes sociE communities to function in semiE awfu ety to desire what Jesus oOers, then the ways :Comans 8:12 , 10 ; Titus 0:8 ). church*s ro e as sa t has fai ed. Its people If this inHuence is ost :sa t osing its are no diOerent than the unsa1ed masses; saltiness ), then this preser1ati1e function they might as wel Goin them as ordinary is a so ost. If the people of God neither dirt. practice righteous beha1ior as examples 8oth interpretations ha1e merit, and nor stand against inGustice in their it is diPcu t to dismiss either of them. communities, they become worth ess. De Arst :3sa t as preser1ati1e4) has a Dey must pro1ide a contrast to the earth , ong history and many ad1ocates. De those people who i1e according to the second :3sa t as thirst-causer4) Ats the aws of the wor d :1 .orinthians context in MaLhew 5 wel and oOers parE 15:48–50 ).
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