NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL - 18 June 2009 Motherwell, 18 June 2009 at 4 pm. A Meeting of the NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL PRESENT Councillor Curley, Provost; Councillor Robertson, Depute Provost; Councillors Adamson, Brooks, Burrows, Carrigan, Cefferty, Chadha, Clarke, J. Coyle, S. Coyle, Curran, Delaney, Devine, Fagan, Goldie, Grant, Griffin, Harmon, Higgins, Hogg, Homer, Johnston, Jones, Kelly, Key, Logue, J. Love, S. Love, Lunny, Lyle, McAuley, McCabe, McCulloch, McElroy, H. McGuigan, L. McKay, McKenna, McKeown, McMillan, McShannon, McWilliams, Maginnis, Martin, Morgan, Murray, Nolan, O’Brien, Pentland, Ross, Shevlin, Smith, Stewart, Sullivan, Taggart, Alan Valentine, Annette Valentine and Wallace. CHAIR Councillor Curley (Provost) presided. IN ATTENDANCE The Chief Executive; Executive Director of Corporate Services; Executive Director of Environmental Services; Executive Director of Finance and Customer Services; Executive Director of Housing and Social Work Services; Executive Director of Learning and Leisure Services; Assistant Chief Executive and Head of Central Services. APOLOGIES Councillors M. Coyle, McGlinchey, J. McGuigan, F. McKay, McKendrick, Shaw, Shields and Welsh. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN TERMS OF THE ETHICAL STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE ETC. (SCOTLAND) ACT 2000 1. Prior to consideration of the business on the agenda, declarations of interest were received from Members, details of which are set out below, and the Members concerned took no part in the consideration of the matters identified:- Councillors Goldie, Jones and Wallace by reason of their membership of the Board of Broadwood Stadium (Cumbernauld) Limited in respect of paragraph 43 of the Minute of the meeting of the Learning and Leisure Services Committee of 12 May 2009 - Proposed Dissolution of Broadwood Stadium (Cumbernauld) Limited and Integration of Broadwood Stadium Company Facilities Within North Lanarkshire Leisure Limited. Councillor Jones by reason of her membership of the Kilsyth Civic Week Committee in respect of paragraph 30 of the Minute of the meeting of the Learning and Leisure Services Committee of 12 May 2009 - Community Grants Scheme - Continued and New Applications 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. RESULT OF BY-ELECTION - WARD 6 (COATBRIDGE NORTH AND GLENBOIG) 2. There was submitted notification by the Returning Officer giving details of the election result for Ward 6 (Coatbridge North and Glenboig) at the By-Election held on Thursday, 4 June 2009 and as undernoted:- 638 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL - 18 June 2009 Candidates No. of 1st Preference Votes Hugh Malcolm Banford 217 Bob Burgess, Scottish Conservative and Unionist 36 1 Fraser Coats, Scottish Socialist Party 81 Kristofer Keane, Scottish Green Party 115 Julie McAnulty, Independent 557 Allan James Stubbs, Scottish National Party (SNP) 1,254 Peter Sullivan, Scottish Labour Party 1,529 and, after elimination of candidates and the corresponding transfer of votes, at the 6th stage:- Candidates Result Allan James Stubbs, Scottish National Party (SNP) 1,696 Peter Sullivan, Scottish Labour Party 1,759 Total Ballot Papers Received 4,181 Invalid Votes 67 Total Valid Votes 4,114 Electoral Quota 2,058 Percentage Poll 29.32% The Provost congratulated Councillor Sullivan on his election to the Council and welcomed him to the meeting. Councillor Lyle conjoined in that welcome. NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL 3. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of North Lanarkshire Council held on 2 April 2009. Decided: that the terms of the Minute be approved. MINUTES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY COUNCIL 4. There were submitted the Minutes of the following meetings which were approved by the Council on 2 April 2009:- Special Housing and Social Work Services 26 March 2009 Planning and Transportation 31 March 2009 Special Learning and Leisure Services 31 March 2009 Special Policy and Resources 2 April 2009 SUB-COMMITTEE AND AREA COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR INFORMATION 5. There were submitted for information the Minutes of the meetings of the undernoted Sub-Committees and Area Committees held on the dates specified:- Social Work (Complaints Review) Sub 2 March 2009 Social Work (Complaints Review) Sub 31 March2009 Social Work (Complaints Review) Sub 20 April 2009 Approved by the Housing and Social Work Services Committee at their meeting on 13 May 2009. 639 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL - 18 June 2009 Learning and Leisure (Education Joint Appeals, Maintenance Allowances and Bursaries) Sub 2 March 2009 Approved by the Learning and Leisure Services Committee at their meeting on 12 May 2009. Corporate Services (Licensing) Sub 4 March 2009 Special Corporate Services (Licensing) Sub 16 March 2009 Corporate Services (Licensing) Sub 25 March 2009 Corporate Services (Licensing) Sub 29 April 2009 Adjourned Corporate Services (Licensing) Sub 29 April 2009 Civic Functions Group 30 April 2009 Approved by the Corporate Services Committee at their meeting on 21 May 2009. *Policy and Resources (Human Resources Appeals) Sub 9 March 2009 *Policy and Resources (Human Resources Appeals) Sub 24 April 2009 *Policy and Resources (Human Resources Appeals) Sub 8 May 2009 *Policy and Resources (Human Resources Early Retirement) Sub 16 March 2009 *Policy and Resources (Human Resources Early Retirement) Sub 5 May 2009 **Special Policy and Resources (Human Resources) Sub 26 March 2009 Policy and Resources (Human Resources) Sub 28 May 2009 Policy and Resources (Property) Sub 26 May 2009 Policy and Resources (Finance and Customer Services) Sub 27 May 2009 * These minutes were approved by the Policy and Resources (Human Resources) Sub-Committee at their meeting on 28 May 2009 Approved by the Policy and Resources Committee at their meeting on 9 June 2009. ** This minute was approved by the Special Policy and Resources Committee and North Lanarkshire Council on 2 April 2009 Special Motherwell and District Area 13 March 2009 Motherwell and District Area 5 May 2009 Coatbridge Area 5 May 2009 Wishaw and District Area 6 May 2009 Airdrie Area 6 May 2009 North Area 7 May 2009 Bellshill and District Area 7 May 2009 Approved by the Regeneration Committee at their meeting on 27 May 2009. COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR APPROVAL 6. There were submitted the Minutes of the undernoted Committees held on the dates specified:- Special Planning and Transportation 8 April 2009 Special Planning and Transportation 15 April 2009 Planning and Transportation 7 May 2009 Learning and Leisure Services 12 May 2009 Housing and Social Work Services 13 May 2009 Environmental Services 13 May 2009 Corporate Services 21 May2009 Regeneration 27 May 2009 640 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL - 18 June 2009 Planning and Transportation 28 May 2009 Special Learning and Leisure Services 8 June 2009 Policy and Resources 9 June 2009 Planning and Transportation 16 June 2009 Special Environmental Services 18 June 2009 Decided: that the terms of the Minutes be approved except insofar as separately dealt with in terms of paragraphs 7 to 9 hereof, and subject to paragraph 13 of the Minute of the Housing and Social Work Services Committee - Carers Funding and Developments 2009/2010 being amended to read:- “With reference to paragraph 32 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 7 May 2008 when, inter &, the NHS Lanarkshire Carers Information Strategy 2007/2010 had been approved, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 15 April 2009 by the Head of Social Work Development (1) seeking approval of the proposed uses for Carer Development Funding for 2009/2010 as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; (2) advising that there was a current balance of f28,586 in uncommitted funds for 2009/2010, the use of which would be considered by the Carer Strategy Implementation Group and reported back to a future meeting of the Committee, and (3) intimating that (a) in the current year, NHS Lanarkshire had at its disposal from the Scottish Government f523,OOO to support carers including f200,OOO on a recurring basis, and (b) the Strategy for Carers 2009/2012, previously approved, would be officially launched at the end of May 2009. Thereon, the Chair proposed that consideration of the allocation of monies to the organisation “Watch us Grow” be deferred to a future meeting of the Committee. Decided: (11 that recommendations for the use of monies to support Carers as detailed within Appendix 1 to the report, with the exception of that relating to the organisation “Watch us Grow”, be approved; (2) that consideration of the recommendation in respect of the organisation “Watch us Grow” be continued to a future meeting of the Committee; (3) that it be noted that the use of the uncommitted funds of f28,586 for 2009/2010 which would be considered by the Care Strategy Implementation Group would be reported to a future meeting; (4 ) that it be noted the Strategy for Carers 2009/2012, previously approved, would be officially launched at the end of May 2009, and (5) that the report be otherwise noted. CORPORATE SERVICES COMMllTEE - 21 MAY 2009 - CORPORATE SERVICES - SUPPORT SERVICES REVIEW 7. Reference having been made to paragraph 19 of the Minute of the meeting of the Corporate Services Committee held on 21 May 2009 when the Committee, having considered a report (docketed as relative to the meeting of that Committee) dated 13 May 2009 by the Head of Central Services in relation to a review of Support Services within the five divisions of Corporate Services, had agreed (1) that the contents of the report be approved; (2) that the report be remitted to the Policy and Resources (Human Resources) Sub-Committee, and (3) that it be noted that, in terms of paragraph 57(E) of the Council’s Standing Orders, the powers delegated to the Committee will not be exercised in respect of this item of business and that the matter be referred for determination to the Council. 64 1 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL - 18 June 2009 Councillor Hogg, seconded by Councillor McAuley, moved that the contents of the report be approved. Councillor Lyle, seconded by Councillor S.Coyle, moved, as an amendment, that, with the exception of paragraphs 2.5 and 3.4, the contents of the report be approved.
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