IPA REVIEW ESTABLISHED IN 1947 BY CHARLES KEMP, FOUNDING DIRBUFOR OF THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Vol. 46 No. 2, 1993 Australian Disputes, Foreign Judgments 10 The Liberal Conservative Alliance in Australia 55 Rod Kemp Gregory Melleuish Foreign tribunals are usurping the role of Parliament. The evolution of a successful relationship. Debt and Sovereignty 12 In Contempt of America 58 John Hyde Derek Parker Poor economic management threatens to Americas enemy within. compromise Australias independence. Thought for Food 60 David E. Tribe Are Superannuation Funds Really Safe? 14 Useful guides through the maze created by the Nick Renton genetic revolution. There are no prescribed qualifications for trustees of superannuation schemes. Obituary 62 17 C.D. Kemp (1911-1993) Mabo and Reconciliation Ron Brunton Paul Keatings dangerous gamble. 1 Letters 3 Failing to See the Forest for the Trees 22 Bob Day IPA Indicators 4 Adopting the West African Model. Since 1989-90 Commonwealth Government spending has increased by 16.5 per cent in real terms. The Sexual harassment Inquisition 23 Andrew McIntyre From the Editor 8 The subject of an inquiry tells his disturbing story. Can the liberal-conservative marriage hold? Press Index: Mabo 16 Enforced Equality 27 How the nations editorials have judged Mabo. Stuart Wood It is wrong to infer unfair treatment simply on the Debate 20 basis of unequal outcomes. Should surrogate motherhood be legal? How to Achieve Full Employment 29 Strange Times 32 John Stone Ken Baker If the political will can be found, the solution to high Delusions of grandeur from the advocates of world unemployment is within our grasp. government. Letter from America 39 Are the Chemicals Killing Us? 34 Chris Fountain Harry Gelber Mass-produced synthetic foods, chemical additives, A testing time for Bill Clinton artificial colours: surely our diet was healthier in the Down to Earth 47 past. Or was it? Ron Brunton Green Liberals. Banking and Ethics 42 Seumas Miller IPA News 63 The professional obligations of bankers are also Charles Goode steps down after nine years as IPA moral duties. Chairman. Parkinson: Maker of More than the Law 45 Hal Colebatch Editor: Ken Baker Parkinson cast a satirical, incisive eye on the rise of Design: Bob Calwell Associates. Production Assistant: Tracry Seto. Advertising: Rod Tremain Media Ph: (02) 955 3545; Fx (02) 955 3646. bureaucracy, and more. Printing: Wilke Color, 37 Browns Road, Clayton, 3168. Whats in a Name? 49 Published by the Institute of Public Affairs Ltd (Incorporated in the ACT). ACN 008 627727. ISSN: 1030 4177. Andrew Norton Editorial and Production Ofnce: Ground Floor, 128-136 Jolimont Distinguishing Left from Right is now problematic. Road, Jolimont, Vic, 3002. Ph: (03) 654 7499; Fx: (03) 650 7627. Facts). A Question of Allegiance 52 Subscriptions: $40 per annum (includes quarterly Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed. However, potential con- Bruce A. Knox tributors are advised to discuss proposals for articles with the Editor. Keatings and Gosss proposed changes to the oaths Views expressed in the publications of the IPA are those of the of office may breach the Constitution. authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute. IFR INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Where the IPA Stands The IPA supports parliamentary democracy not because such a system is perfect or in- The IPA promotes those ideas and corruptible, but because democracy is more policies which it believes will best advance likely than its alternatives to demonstrate the interests of the Australian people. respect for human rights and peaceful proces- It is better placed than political parties to ses for resolving conflict. It supports small but focus on the long-term interests of Australia strong government because big government and to confront issues that are important for is wasteful, fosters corruption and is a drain the nation, but electorally unpopular. It has no on the economy: a drain which ultimately party political affiliations. reduces the resourcefulness, creativity and The IPA shares the values and aspirations independence of the Australian people. of the vast majority of the population: • the rule of law; The Way the IPA Operates • parliamentary democracy: • a prosperous economy with full The Institutes main activities are in the employment; fields of government, economics, education, • high standards in education; Aboriginal issues, and the environment. It promotes its views and encourages public • stable family life; debate through its publications and semi- • sound environmental management; nars, through comment in the mass media • security from the threat of crime and and through discussion with policy-makers. invasion; The independence of the IPA and the • the freedom to associate, express quality of its argument are maintained by opinions, own property and practise the integrity of its staff and by the following ones religion; procedures: • care for the disadvantaged; and • a tolerant, peaceful society. • All the research studies which the IPA undertakes, and which meet the required While these values are widely shared, standards of iquality, are published and agreement on the best means of achieving thus are open to public scrutiny. them is not. The IPAs contribution is to iden- • The IPA does not accept commissions tify the means that will enable Australians from political parties. It does, on oc- most effectively to realize their values and to casion, accept tasks from Federal and argue publicly for those means against ob- State Government entities when these jections inspired by opposing ideologies or relate to specific areas of IPA expertise, vested interests. when they have no direct party-political The IPA supports an efficient, competitive overtones, where publication is assured private sector because experience has shown and when control is firmly in IPA hands. that general prosperity and, in the long run, political freedom, depend upon it. A • Many of the IPAs publications are sub- prosperous community, with a growing ject to review by experts not associated economy, is best equipped to assist the needy, with the Institute. to protect society from internal and external threats and to safeguard cultural, educational Funding and environmental values. The IPA recognizes that markets are not perfect and therefore The IPA obtains its funds from more than government must sometimes intervene to cor- 4,000 private individuals, corporations and rect their failure. However, because govern- foundations. No one source accounts for more ment intervention also carries risks and costs, than 6,5 per cent of the total and no one in- it must be justified by the overall public good dustry sector provides more than 16 per cent. and not be, as it so often is, the result of No donations from political parties or grants pressure from special interest groups. from government are accepted. IPA Review, Vol. 46 No. 2, 1993 LETTERS Market Values own culture. In this way relativism once just as protracted as the war against again becomes a Trojan Horse for ad- communism was — with the stakes versary-culture dogma. being just as crucial. N a recent editorial (IPA Review, Vol. 45 No. 4) you discussed the ethical David Elder, Bill Muehlenberg aspectsI of economics. In this context Grange, SA. National Secretary, you cited the Weber thesis. That Australian Family Association. thesis has been severely criticized by the historian G. Elton in Reforma- Rejected Fathers tion Europe (Fontana, 1963, pp. 305- Paid Mothers 318). Nevertheless, I feel your ARL ZINSMEISTERS article `The editorial, `Restoring the editorial made much sense. OUR Need for Fathers (Vol. 46 No. 1) Familys Status (Vol. 46 No.1) had It said that traditional values like K refers to `father flight in describing some excellent things to say about the prudence and responsibility were cru- fatherless families. The direct implica- family and its importance. It also rightly cial to economic systems. Indeed, tion in this phrase is that fathers aban- pointed out the defects of excessive day- notorious economic crashes often seem don their families. care provision. However, there are to coincide with periods of ethical back- The latest Australian Family Law several aspects which need further com- sliding. The South Sea Bubble occurred Court statistics show that divorce ap- ment and I would appreciate a little during the libertine reaction to plications are filed as follows: space to offer it. Puritanism and religious wars. The Wife 48.3 per cent First, it is clear that many women go Great Depression followed the Roaring Husband 36.0 per cent out to jobs, even when they have children 20s. The excesses of the 1980s followed Joint 15.7 per cent to care for, because the single-income of the antinomianism of the 60s and 70s. I was also advised that while no figures their husbands is not enough, especially On this view religion or morality do not are available regarding which partner in- when mortgage payments are high. Al- (contra Weber) generate capitalism, itially decides on marital separation, they though I have strong views on wages, I do they keep it in a healthy state. are believed to be similar. The article im- not develop that aspect now. Rather, I You have also run articles by Brun- plies that American fathers abandon their would like to say that, in addition to tax ton and Sandall (Vol. 46 No.1) exposing families, but quite patently most concessions for women who want to the fallacies of cultural relativism in Australian fathers do not. Perhaps we refrain or withdraw from jobs outside anthropology. In practice it actually should be referring to `father rejection. the home, there ought to be a payment seems to work itself out in reverse dis- similar to that prevailing in France crimination against our own culture. P. David Cram, where women with three or more Perhaps this reflects the swing of the Belmont, Vic.
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