CHAPTER 2 EXECUTIVE BRANCH Farm Technology HONORABLE MENTION Jennifer Jones, Belle OFFICE OF GOVERNOR 33 Eric Greitens Governor Elected November 8, 2016 Term expires January 2021 ERIC GREITENS (Republican) was born and ing from Officer Candidate School, Eric received raised in Missouri. His mom, Becky, was an early orders to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL childhood special education teacher, and his Training (BUD/S), and reported for duty. He grad- dad, Rob, worked for the Department of Agri- uated with BUD/S class 237. culture. He grew up with two younger brothers, Eric served as a U.S. Navy SEAL on four de- Marc and Aaron. Eric attended Missouri public ployments: in Afghanistan with a counterterror- schools, where he played baseball and soccer ism U.S. Special Operations Special Mission and got his first job while he was in elementa- Unit, as the commander of a Mark V Special ry school. In 1992, he graduated from Parkway Operations Craft Detachment in Southeast Asia, North High School in St. Louis. and as the commander of Naval Special Warfare Eric earned a scholarship to Duke University, Task Unit Manda Bay in the Horn of Africa. In where he took up boxing. He also participated 2005-2006, he served as a White House Fellow in humanitarian missions overseas, working with under President George W. Bush, and in 2006, refugee and orphan children in Croatia and Bos- he deployed to Iraq for his fourth tour of duty, as nia, with Rwandan children and families who the commander of an al-Qaeda targeting cell in survived the genocide, and with children of the Fallujah. street in Bolivia. After his unit was hit by a suicide truck bomb, He also earned a Rhodes scholarship to Ox- Eric returned home and founded The Mission ford University. He continued to work overseas Continues, which helps America’s veterans live with children and families in hardship, including lives of purpose, productivity, dignity and mean- in one of Mother Teresa’s homes for the destitute ing here at home. In seven years as CEO, Eric and dying in India and at an orphanage in Al- built The Mission Continues into a nationally rec- bania. He studied how leaders and communities ognized veterans organization and won numer- can come together to help children and families ous awards for his service and leadership. in situations of extreme hardship, poverty and In 2011, Eric married his wife, Sheena. Today, war. At Oxford, Eric also became a champion they are the proud parents of two boys, Joshua boxer. and Jacob. Throughout his life, he has served and Both of Eric’s grandfathers served in the mili- fought for others. As Missouri’s 56th Governor, he tary in World War II. Inspired by them, and with is on a new mission: to change politics as usual a desire to serve his country, he joined the United and fight for more jobs, higher pay, safer streets States Navy on January 20, 2001. After graduat- and better schools for all Missourians. 34 OFFICIAL MANUAL Office of Governor State Capitol Jefferson City 65102 Telephone: (573) 751-3222 / FAX: (573) 751-1588 www.gov.mo.gov MIKE ROCHE DREW ERDMANN Qualifications Chief of Staff Chief Operating Officer The chief executive officer of the state of Mis- souri must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least 15 years and a resident of Missouri for at least 10 years before being elected governor. The governor is elected to a four-year term during the same year as a presidential election and may seek re-election to a second four-year term. No person may hold the office for more than two terms. Responsibilities The governor appoints the members of all boards and commissions, all department heads CALEB JONES LUCINDA LUETKEMEYER in state government and fills all vacancies in pub- Deputy Chief of Staff Chief Counsel lic offices unless otherwise provided by law. The board members of Missouri’s state universities and colleges are appointed by the governor. The governor also selects the members of the Supreme and Appellate Courts of Missouri from names submitted by the Appellate Judicial Commission. The governor appoints members to certain elec- tion boards, the Kansas City police board and the Board of Probation and Parole. Most appointments require the advice and consent of the Senate. The governor addresses the General Assem- bly on the State of the State and recommends changes or other actions to be taken. A budget is submitted by the governor to the General As- JENNAE NEUSTADT WILL SCHARF sembly within 30 days after the General Assem- Legislative Director Policy Director bly convenes. The budget contains the governor’s estimates of available state revenues and an item- propriations bill. Upon signing the appropriations ized plan for proposed expenditures. bill, appended to it is a statement of the items or portions of items to which there are objections All bills passed by both houses of the legisla- and such items or portions will not take effect. ture are submitted to the governor for consider- The governor may control the rate of expenditure ation. The governor must return the legislation to in other areas whenever the actual revenues are the house of its inception within 15 days after re- less than the revenue estimates upon which the ceiving it. The governor may either approve a bill, appropriations were based. making it law, or return it to the legislature with objections. When the legislature is adjourned, the governor has 45 days in which to consider a bill. Additional Duties and Powers The governor may object to one or more items The governor performs many other duties as- or portions of items of an appropriations bill signed by the constitution, statute or custom. For while approving other items or portions of the ap- example, the governor issues writs of election to OFFICE OF GOVERNOR 35 PARKER BRIDEN CHARLIE BARNES SCOTT TURK NATALIE FRYREAR Press Secretary Operations Director Boards and Commissions Assistant to the Governor Director TODD SCOTT SHARI CHILDS MADDIE McMILLAN Legislative and Policy Advisor Mansion Director Special Assistant to the First Lady fill vacancies in either house of the General As- Sheena attended Stanford University, where sembly. The governor also has the power to grant she graduated with a B.A. in political science, reprieves, commutations and pardons, but this and Oxford University, where she studied as a does not include the power to parole. Marshall Scholar. She earned a PhD in Govern- In addition to other duties, the governor is a ment from Harvard University, and published a member of a number of boards and commissions, book based on her doctoral research last year. such as the Board of Public Buildings and the Today, she is proud to serve as an assistant profes- State Board of Fund Commissioners. sor at the University of Missouri, where she does Moreover, the governor is the conservator of research and teaches Missouri’s students about peace throughout Missouri and is commander- democracy and dictatorship, East Asian politics, in-chief of the state’s militia. The militia may be and American national security and foreign policy called out to execute laws, suppress threats of in Asia. danger to the state and prevent and repel invasion. Eric and Sheena were married in 2011, and are the proud parents of two sons, Joshua and Executive Department Jacob. They enjoy spending time together as a The executive department consists of all state family reading, baking cookies or being outdoors elective and appointive employees, except those at one of Missouri’s many state parks and hiking of the legislative and judicial departments. trails. As First Lady, Sheena focuses on foster care Missouri’s First Lady and adoption initiatives, an interest sparked by First Lady Sheena Chestnut Greitens was born the adoption of her younger sister when Sheena and raised in the Pacific Northwest, the oldest was eight years old. As an educator and a mother, of four children. Growing up, she enjoyed Scot- Sheena believes strongly in the importance of pro- tish Highland dancing, cheerleading, her church tecting our most vulnerable children, and looks youth group, and spending time outdoors with her forward to working to strengthen families across parents and siblings. the state. 36 OFFICIAL MANUAL Missouri Governor’s Mansion country. Missouri first ladies’ portraits are featured throughout the mansion, along with loaned works The Missouri Governor’s Mansion serves as of art created by the world-famous Missouri artist the official residence of Governor Eric Greitens George Caleb Bingham. Designed by George Ing- and First Lady Sheena Chestnut Greitens. The first ham Barnett of St. Louis, the mansion is listed on family extends an invitation to all Missourians to the National Register of Historic Places. tour “the people’s house,” which in 2014 hosted more than 37,000 visitors. Since moving to the mansion, the Greitens have added a vegetable and herb garden. Baker First occupied by Governor Benjamin Gratz Creek Heirloom Seed Company, of Mansfield, Brown and his family in 1872, this stately three- Mo., has provided heirloom seeds for the garden. story brick building is one of the oldest and most Food grown in the garden is used in meals served beautifully restored governors’ homes in the Unit- at the mansion, and Mrs. Chestnut Greitens en- ed States. Built and finished in the Renaissance joys encouraging schoolchildren to start their own Revival style, the entry consists of an imposing gardens. The Missouri Botanical Gardens and portico with four dignified pink granite columns. Powell Gardens provided assistance in planning A Victorian atmosphere greets visitors as they en- the garden at the mansion.
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