DIRECTORY.] SURREY. C.ATERHAM VALLEY. 1183 CATERHAM VALLEY is a district lying round the ent~rtainments concerts and public meetings ; it will hold Caterham railway station, delightfully situated, and \hree­ r,ooo persons : there is also an assembly room at the coffee quarters of a mile east from the village of Caterham, many 1-avern holding 300 people and similarly used. In St. John's of the residences being built on tbe sides of the hilly ground district is a cottage hospital for the poor of the adjacent surrounding the valley, which is wooded to the hill tops. parishes, erected by Charles Eraine esq. and supported by The railway winds through the valley to Purley station, 4 voluntary subscriptions. Beechlands is the residence of miles west. St. John the Evangelist's is an ecclesiastical Charles Asprey esq. The principal landowners are George parish formed in I884; the church, erected in I882, IS a fine Henry Drew, G. H. Cook, W. G. Soper J.P. and Charles stone building in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, Asprey esqrs. and Mrs. Parbury. The area of St. John's, nave, aisles, north porch and a western tower ; the font Caterham Valley, is 760 acres and the population in 1881 dates from the I3th century and the communion table pro­ was 2,500; the population of St. Luke's in I88r was 834. bably belongs to the reign of Queen Elizabeth : the organ Verger, St. John the Evangelist, George Gray. · cost £I,2oo and there is a. memorial east; window to the Parish Clerk, St. Luke's, Edwin Rnssell. Asprey family : there are 700 sitting~, 350 being free. The PosT, M. 0. & T. 0.& S. B.-Edward Henry Pollard, post­ register dates from the year 1868. The living is a perpetual master. Letters received from London, delivered at 6 & curacy, net yearly value £2oo, in the gift of the Bishop of 10 a. m. & 3· 30 p. m. ; dispatched at 9· 20 & 11 a. m. & r. 30, Rochester, and held since I88o by the Rev. John Bickford 4-IS & 8.15 p.m Heard M.A. of Gains College, Cambridge, who is also rector of Woldingham. St. Luke's is an ecclesiastical parish, WALL BoxEs-Croydon road, cleared at 6.45 & ro.so a. m. & occupying the north part of Caterham Valley, and was 4.10 & 8.ro p.m.; Harestone Valley, cleared at 6.45 & formed in I866 from the parishes of Caterham, Coulsdon 10.40 a.m. & 4 & 8 p.m. ; Tupwood, cleared at 6.45 & snd Warlingham. The church is a small building of red 10.30 a..m. & 3.50 & 7.50 p.m.; Ashley House," 6.45 & brick, with stone facings, in the Early English style, and 10.40 a.m. & 4 & 8 p.m consists of chancel, nave, western porch and a central tur­ PuBLIC EsTABLISHME'iiTS :- ret containing one bell: there are 200 sittings. The register Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, ISt Volunteer Bat­ dates from the year I866. The living is a vicarage, with an talion (I Co. ), Capt. Timms, commandant endowment of £8o yearly, gross income £r4o, with I~ Police Station, James Brice, sergeant, & 4 constables acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Henry Drayson Public Hall, Herbert Edward ~tenning, sec Filcher esq. of Eanstead, and held since I884 by the Rev. ScHooLs :- William Meynier Banks M.A. of St. John's College, Cam­ Caterham Valley Board (mixed & infants), built in 1876, bridge. The Congregational church in Harestone Valley is for 250 ·children ; average attendance, I40 ; Mrs. S. J. a building of red brick with stone dressings in the Decorated Higgins, mistress; infants, Miss Mary Ann Coe style and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, porch and a de­ St. John's National, Caterham Valley (mixed & infants), tached tower containing- a bell and striking clock : there are bmlt in I885, for 300 children; average attendance, rgo; 450 sittings. The Public Hall, built in 1888, is used for Richard A. Rawling, master; Miss Elliff, infants' mist Howell Edward James, Kingston house Tugwell Charles John PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Humphrey Thomas, Adrian house Viney Rev. Josiah, Alleyne house Anderson Joseph, Fairfield, Warling- Jay Miss, Russetlings Wade Rev. Thomas, .Albany house ham station Johns William Stephen W eller Alfred, Greetwell Arding Miss, Upwood house J ohnston Miss, The Villas Wilkins Sydney, Dunedin Asprey Charles, Heechlands .J oyce Robert, Clare vi lie Williams Ed ward, Devon villa Bacon Thomas, Raze Ue Kilby Thomas Hy. Warlingham station Williams Henry, Hoffnnng Ball our General Sir George K.C. B. ,M.P., Langton William, Eaton tower Willis Georga, Down lodge R.A., D.L.,J.P. Northcote, Warlingham Lashmar John, Holly bank Wilson Ernest B. Littlecombe station; & 6 Cleveland garden!'!, Hyde Lloyd John, AJdercombe COMMERCIAL. park & Athemeum, City Liberal & Lockie Andrew, Thornhill Adamson Harry J. beer retailer Oriental clubs, London w Lofthouse William, Endcliffe Beadle Brothers, coal, coke & timber Barnes Herbert, Hill side Lovegrove Miss, Melrose merchants (John Stebbings, man­ Barnes William Goodwin, Dorincourt Lyon Jeremiah, Riddings court ager), Station wharf lodge Mackinnon Duncan, Grebourne Berry & Sons, corn merchants Beard William, Woodbine villa Mason Henry, Tupwood Borer Cyrus, inspector & fitter to East Best Arthur A. Liskeard Mayer George Richard, Roc!dands Surrey water works Birt Daniel, Tupwood Moreton John T. Cedar grange Bote herby Sarah (Mrs.), gr_ocer Bligh Francis J. Tinten Neighbour William, Hawthorns Burford James & Co. ironmongers Boyd Mrs. Fairbank Newberry John, Maes-Mawr, Warling- Caterham Coffee Ta\"ern Co. Limited Brett Edwin, The Haven ham station (Edwin El win, manager; F. B. Win­ Briers Benjamin, The Nutshell Newman Waiter, South view ter, hon. sec) Brown Herbert Henry, The Poplars Perry J ames, Bradenhurst Caterham Co-operative Industrial So­ Brown William W. Foxborough Pratten Wm. Henry, I Fairlight villas ciety Lim. (Wm. Hough ton, manager) Cater I<'rederick, Orchard Leigh Rawling Richard, 2 Sunny bank villas Caterham Free Press (published fri. ; Cave William, Belmont Rivers Herbert, 2 Fairlight villas price xd) Chalk Edmund, Kilmarnick house Rolls Arthur H. llampden mount Caterham High School for Boys (Wil- Clarke Percy, Beechanger Roos Geo. Chas. Wm. Timber Hill lodge liam Henry Ruby, bead master) · Clarke James Greville, Tupwood lodge Ruby William Henry Caterham Public Hall Co. Limited Cliff Robert, Clyde lodge Rudd Rev. Thomas B. A. Lond (Herbert Edward Stenning, sec) Coltman P. L. W. Bank Rumsey Alexander, Ridgefield Chamberlain Robert, grocer & beer Comyn Charles, Sancrecd Sandeman Hugh D. Fernlee retailer, Beechwood road Cundell Thomas, Seymour cottage, Sawyer Josia.h, Hisham house Cobb Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy repository Warlingham station Seeley Waiter, Oak lodge Cobb George, plumber Davis Mrs. Devon house Shepherd John, t::lylva house Compton John, draper&; clothier Davies Thomas H. Glenside Shores Charles Tatham, Roseneath Cooke Robins,.butcher . ' . Shatter J ames, Fairla wn School for Sons of D1mmer Augustus, West view • ~ongregational Dingwall Charles J.P. Bloomfield Sihley Major-General Thomas Harmer Ministers (Rev. T. Rudd B.A. princi­ Eady George John M. D. Roslin J.P. ShirleyGoss pal; Rev. S. Fisher, Memorial hall, Elliff Frederick Smith Mrs. Ashley house .Farringdon street, London, sec. ; E. Evans Evan William, Ashwick house Smith Mrs. Maria, Hill view Eady M.D. medical officer) Fenton Rev. I<'rancis James Crosland Smiths F. R. Underwood Cottage Hospital (Ebenezer Diver M.D. :M.A. The Dean ~oper William Garland J.P. Harestone & George John Eady M.D. surgeons ; Fenton Albert, Burwood Spencer Henry, Maiden lodge Major-General Sibley, treasurer) Fergnson Miss, Watville Staples Frederick, Jessamine villa. Cutter Henry, eating house Fletcher John, Tupwood Stebbings John, South bank l Duncton Geo. Henry, chimney sweeper Fra.ser Mrs. Richmond house Stenning Herbert Henry Eady George John M.D. surgeon, Roslin Glass Charles John, Mount field Tennant William, Whyteleafe EDMUNDS WILLIAM, THE STORES; Goodhew Misses, Woodbine villa Thomas D'Morgan, I3eachwood hall &. AT WESTERHAM, KENT, whole­ Gwynne William James, Cambrian ho Thompson William, Newlands sale & family grocer, wine, spirit & Hamilton James, Bryncoed Tomes Sir John F.R.s., F.R.S.E., L.h.s. provision merchant, patent & homreo­ Heard Rev. John Bickford M.A. [vicar Eng. Upwood Gorse pathicmedicines, perfumery, brooms, of St. John's] Tomkins Alfred Savill, Holmwood · brushes, mats, sponges, oils, italian !feather Rev. William :M.A. [Congrega­ Tooth James, Adrian house goods, mineral waters & general ~ional], Tupwood cottage Townend Edward, The Priory household sundries Hilliard Henry Charles M.D Trinder Oliver, Mount Vernon Edwards Henry, chemist & drnggi.st .
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