COUNCIL OF Brussels, 22 January 2007 THE EUROPEAN UNION 5473/07 ADD 1 CRIMORG 13 ENFOPOL 9 MIGR 3 ADDENDUM TO NOTE from: Councilsecretariat Subject: AdministrativeandtechnicalimplementingAgreementtothePrümConvention Delegationswillfindattached,fortheirinformation,theannexestothe ImplementingAgreementof theTreaty betweentheKingdomof Belgium,the FederalRepublicofGermany,the Kingdomof Spain,theFrenchRepublic,theGrandDuchyof Luxembourg,theKingdomofthe Netherlandsand theRepublicofAustriaonthesteppingupof cross-border cooperation,particularlyincombating terrorism,cross-border crimeandillegalmigration,signedinPrüm,Germany,on27May2005. 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 1 DGH2 EN List of Annexes Annexes A: Automated searching for DNA-profiles AnnexA.1 DNArelatedForensic Issues,MatchingrulesandAlgorithms[FIMA]; AnnexA.2 PartyCode NumberTable[PCNT] AnnexA.3 FunctionalProcess andWorkflowAnalysis[FPWA]; AnnexA.4 DNA InterfaceControl Document[DICD]; AnnexA.5 Application,Security andCommunicationArchitecture[ASCA] ________________________ Annexes B: Automated searching for dactyloscopic data AnnexB.1 InterfaceControlDocument(ICD) AnnexB.2 Maximum Numberofcandidatesacceptedforverification AnnexB.3 Maximumresearchcapacities perdayfordactyloscopicdataofidentifiedpersons AnnexB.4 Maximumresearchcapacities perdayfordactyloscopicfingerprintingtraces ________________________ Annexes C: Automated searching for vehicle registration data AnnexC.1 Commondata-setforautomatedsearchofvehicle registrationdata AnnexC.2 DataSecurity AnnexC.3 Technical conditionsofthedataexchange AnnexC.4 Listofcontact pointsfor incomingrequests ________________________ Annexes D: Police cooperation AnnexD.1Procedures andcontact pointsforthesettingupof jointoperations(article 24) AnnexD.2 Authorities to be notified without delay in case of a cross-border operation in the event of imminent danger andcontact points for the reporting of modifications inthe contactdetailslistedinthisAnnex(article25) AnnexD.3 Particular arms, ammunition and equipment which are prohibited to be carried accordingtoarticle28paragraph1,3 rd phraseoftheTreaty, particular arms,ammunitionandequipmentwhichare prohibitedtobeusedandthe legalaspects accordingtoarticle28paragraph2oftheTreaty, practical aspectsaccordingtoarticle28paragraph5oftheTreaty ________ 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 2 DGH2 EN Annexes A Automated searching for DNA profiles Annex A.1 DNA related Forensic Issues, Matching Rules and Algorithms Introduction This document contains the requirements for DNA-profiles whichare to be exchangedunder the terms of the Treaty as well as the rules for matching andreporting.Toenhance the exchangeability, existing(EuropeanandInterpol)standards areused. Properties of DNA-profiles The DNA profile contains 24pairs of numbers representing the alleles of 24loci whichare also usedintheDNA-proceduresof Interpol.Thenamesoftheselociareshowninthefollowingtable: VWA TH01 D21S11 FGA D8S117 D3S135 D18S51 Amelogenin 9 8 TPOX CSF1P0 D13S31 D7S820 D5S818 D16S53 D2S1338 D19S433 7 9 PentaD PentaE FES F13A1 F13B SE33 CD4 GABA The 7 grey loci inthe top row are namedthe EuropeanStandardSet of Loci (ESS/ISSOL).The DNA-profiles made available by the Parties for searching and comparison as well as the DNA- profiles sent out for searching andcomparisonmust containat least 6of 7ESS/ISSOL loci andmay containthe 17 other loci or blanks depending ontheir availability.Inorder toraise the accuracy of matches,itisrecommendedthatallavailable alleles bestoredintheindexedDNA profiledata pool. Mixedprofiles or incomplete loci are not allowedsothe allele values of eachlocus will consist of only2numbers,whichmay bethesameinthe caseofhomozygosity ata givenlocus. WildcardsandMicrovariantsaretobedealtwithuponthefollowingrules: • Any non-numerical value contained inthe profile (e.g.“o”,“f”, “r”,“na”,“nr” or “un”) will be automatically convertedtoawildcardandsearchedagainstall. • Only numerical values “0”,“1” or “99” containedinthe profile will be automatically converted toawildcardandsearchedagainstall. • If 3alleles are providedfor one locus the first allele will be acceptedandthe remaining 2alleles convertedtoR(wildcard)andsearchedagainstall. 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 3 DGH2 EN • Whenwildcardvalues are providedfor allele 1 or 2thenbothpermutations of the numerical value givenforthelocus will besearched(e.g.12,Rcouldmatchagainst12,14or9,12). • Pentanucleotide (Penta D, Penta E & CD4) microvariants will be matched according to the following: x.1= x,x.1,x.2 x.2= x.1,x.2,x.3 x.3= x.2,x.3,x.4 x.4= x.3,x.4,x+1 • Tetranucleotide(therest ofthe Interpoldatabaselociaretetranucleotides) microvariantswill be matchedaccordingtothefollowing: x.1= x,x.1,x.2 x.2= x.1,x.2,x.3 x.3= x.2,x.3,x+1 Matching rules The comparisonof 2 DNA-profiles will be performedonthe basis of the loci for which a pair of allele values is available in both DNA-profiles. At least 6 loci of the ESS/ISSOL (exclusive of amelogenin)must beavailableinbothDNA-profiles. A full matchis definedas a match,whenall allele values of the comparedloci commonly contained inthe requesting andrequestedDNA-profiles are the same.A near matchis definedas a match, whenthe value of only one of the all comparedalleles is different inthe 2DNA profiles.A near matchis only acceptedif there are at least 6 fully matched loci inthe 2 compared DNA profiles. Thereasonforanearmatchmay be: • A humantyping error at the point of entry of one of the DNA-profiles inthe searchrequest or theDNA-database, • an allele-determination or allele-calling error during the generation procedure of the DNA- profile. Reporting rules Bothfullmatchesandnearmatches will bereported. The matching report will be sent to the requesting national contact point and will also be made available tothe requestednational contact point (toenable it toestimate the nature andnumber of possible follow-up requests for case and/or personal data associated with the DNA-profile correspondingtothehit). __________ 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 4 DGH2 EN Annex A.2 Party Code Number Table Within the frameworkof the Treaty,it is decidedtoadopt ISO 31661alpha-2code for setting up the domain names and other configuration parameters required in the Prüm DNA data exchange applicationsovera closednetwork. ISO 31661alpha-2codes are twoletter Party codes.They form the best knownpart of the standard ISO31661and(witha fewchanges)areusedfor Internetdomainnames. Party Names Code Belgium BE Germany DE Spain ES France FR Luxembourg LU The Netherlands NL Austria AT __________ 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 5 DGH2 EN Annex A.3 Functional Process and Workflow Analysis 1. WORKFLOW This chapter contains the description of the workflow during the automated searching and comparison procedures of all the Parties databases (so called Prüm consultation), in compliance withthe points4.3and4.4ofthe ImplementingAgreement. 1.1 Data Transmission Procedure according to article 3 of the Treaty: 1.1.1 Unidentified DNA profile IncaseofaHITinthenationaldatabaseona referenceDNA profile–notransmission. In case of a HIT in the national database with another unidentified DNA profile – no transmission.The comparisonwill be made inthe frameworkof the procedure providedfor inarticle4oftheTreaty. Incase of a NO-HIT inthe national database –transmissiontoall databases if allowedby thePartiesnationallegislation: - HIT ona reference DNA profile: automated notificationof the HIT andtransmissionof profile(s)value(s). - HIT on an unidentified DNA profile: automated notification of the HIT and transmissionof profile(s)value(s). - A note may be added in all national databases where a HIT was made - start of consultationprocess. - NO-HIT: automatedNO-HITnotification. 1.1.2 Reference DNA profile IncaseofaHITinthenationaldatabaseona referenceDNA profile -notransmission. In case of a HIT inthe national database onanunidentifiedDNA profile - notransmission exceptedifanoteisadded. Incase of a HIT inthe national database ona notedunidentifiedDNA profile - HIT abroad: secondstepof consultationprocess. Incase of a NO-HIT inthe national database - transmissiontoall databases if allowedby thePartiesnationallegislation: - HIT ona reference DNA profile: automated notificationof the HIT andtransmissionof profile(s)values. - HIT on an unidentified DNA profile: automated notification of the HIT and transmissionof profile(s)value(s). - NO-HIT: automatedNO-HITnotification. 5473/07ADD1 NP/kve 6 DGH2 EN 1.2 Data Transmission Procedure according to article 4 of the Treaty: As a first step, if allowed by the Parties national legislation, a search of all unidentified DNA profiles from crime scenes against the entire data stock of the Parties is made. Mass search for control purposesis possiblelateron. Theinitialcomparisonshall bemadewithunidentifiedDNA profiles. Thefollowing cases canoccur: - In case of a HIT in the foreign databases on a reference DNA profile: automated notification of the HIT and transmission of profile(s) value(s) - second step of consultationprocess. - In case of HIT in the foreign databases on an unidentified DNA profile: automated notification of the HIT and transmission of profile(s) value(s) - second step of consultation process - it will be up to each Party to decide whether a note should be addedinthe databases.Following eachParty’s initiative,a special mentioncanbe left ina database whena hit onanunidentifiedDNA profile occurredbetweena national DNAdatabaseandanotherParties’DNAdatabase. - Incase of NO-HIT inthe foreigndatabases: as the Treaty allows toregularly perform the comparisons,eachParty will decide onthe procedure (volume andfrequency)
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