F!" C#$%&' J()& *+,- !iving Photo by: Vanessa Picard - Fruit Jar Productions Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living / J!"# J!"# . Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 1 J!"# J!"# 0 FOX CHAPEL PHONE NUMBERS www.n2pub.com © 2015 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc. ™ Emergency Services AREA DIRECTOR Mike Maletich Police Department (non-emergency): 412-963-7220 (412) 606-9954 St. Margaret Emergency Center: 412-784-4187 [email protected] Fox Chapel Volunteer Fire Department (non-emergency): 412-963-1100 Fox Chapel EMS: 412-963-6611 EDITOR Lisa Corna (412) 913-6835 [email protected] Community & Home Services Fox Chapel Borough: 412-963-1100 ADVERTISING SALES: Mike Maletich (412) 606-9954 Post O!ce (Blawnox): 412-963-1330 [email protected] Post O!ce (Sharpsburg): 412-781-0548 Boyd Community Center: 412-828-8566 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Lisa Corna Fox Chapel Golf Club: 412-967-9081 Dyan De!nis Pittsburgh Field Club: 412-963-8500 Ethan Nicholas Fox Chapel Yacht Club: 412-963-8881 CONTRIBUTORS Joan Allen Fox Chapel Authority (Water and Sewage Billing): 412-963-0212 Lisa Gloninger Duquesne Light Company: 888-393-7000 Gretchen Gockley Equitable Gas Customer Service: 1-800-654-6335 Drs Godse and Mahajan 24-Hr. Emergency Service: 1-800-253-3928 Tanay Kumta Harry Lenhart Jr Trash collection: 855-494-3345 Susan Lieber Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council 412-393-7600 Amy McGinley Cooper-Siegel Community Library:412-828-9520 Charles Mitchell Jennifer Roupe Matt Sullivan Schools Lindsay Bond Totten Bunny Wol" Fox Chapel Area School District Main Telephone Number: 412-963-9600 Fox Chapel Area High School: 412-967-2430 CREATIVE TEAM Candy Baker O’Hara Elementary School: 412-963-0333 Gillian Collavo Fairview Elementary School: 412-963-9315 Grant McGugin Kerr Elementary School: 412-781-4105 Kevin Simonson Eric Sykora Hartwood Elementary School: 412-767-5396 Dorseyville Middle School: 412-767-5343 Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy: 412-781-7927 Shady Side Academy Junior School: 412-473-4400 Shady Side Academy Middle School: 412-968-3100 Shady Side Academy Senior School: 412-968-3000 Fox Chapel Country Day School: 412-963-8644 DISCLAIMER: N2 Publishing is not a!liated with or contracted by the Fox Chapel Borough (the “Borough”). This publica- tion, including the content of articles and advertisements contained herein, is not authorized or endorsed by the Borough. Any articles included in this publication and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily re"ect the views of N2 Pub- lishing but remain solely those of the author(s). The paid advertisements contained within the Fox Chapel Living magazine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing or the publisher. Therefore, neither N2 Publishing nor the publisher may be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. NOTE: When community events take place, 1335 Freeport Road photographers may be present to take photos for that event and they may be used in this publication. Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (412) 794-8255 Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 3 NeighborhoodSponsors J!"# J!"# NeighborhoodSponsors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continued... Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 5 NeighborhoodSponsors J!"# J!"# 4 ...continued $0),A$1,-+),-5A =3-(074-AC;(14,4);3)61;016/ !)<:1+1))>)::7! " )81<)4 -):<7.<0-):<0 157=;16-$-:>1+- 7::1;;-A(-)4<0)6)/-5-6< );<-:6 $87:<; ™ Publishing Sta! –Fox Chapel Living Mike Maletich Lisa Corna Ben Snowden Ethan Nicholas Vanessa Picard Area Director Editor General Manager Account Executive Photographer Dyan De6nis Allison Draskovich Account Executive Organizational Assistant Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 78 J!"# J!"# NeighborhoodNews 77 Please be sure to check out our event this month at Andora … Editor’s remember to RSVP. If you aren’t on our email list, drop me a 412.782.3300 note and I will make sure you are. www.crescentbathsandkitchens.com 6301 Butler Street Happy Father's Day Fox Chapel! Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Editor, Fox Chapel Living Lisa Co"n# The choice of Pittsburgh’s top architects 9ank you for all of your kind emails and phone calls Fox Chapel (412) 913-6835 and designers. … 9is publication would not be as fabulous without your help! [email protected] Fox Chapel Living Editorial Deadlines Under the Robert Fleming (62nd Street) bridge 9ere’s nothing like the summertime: barbeques, family reunions, August Issue - Deadline is June 15th Near the Pittsburgh Zoo in Highland Park vacation and travel – and lots of much needed relaxation. 9e September Issue - Deadline is July 15th Minutes from Fox Chapel and East End October Issue – Deadline is August 15th warmer months seem to bring out the best in everyone. Showroom hours 9AM - 5PM, M-F N$t% 10AM - 2PM Saturdays Summer o:cially begins on June 21st. I’m looking forward Evenings by appointment to the festivities and events that are percolating around the 0HQWLRQWKLVDGDQGUHFHLYHDGLVFRXQWRQDQ\QHZ neighborhood. I get excited each day to open my mail and see Editor email change RUGHURIRUPRUHSODFHGE\ what submissions are waiting to be published in our pages. If Hello Fox Chapel! Just a note to let you know I have a new Available to homeowners only. One offer per household. Displays and closeouts excluded. May not be combined with you have a friend or family member who has an accomplish- email address. Please make note in your records. I want to be other special offers. Other conditions may apply. ment of note, please let me know! sure to receive all of your submissions! FOX CHAPEL FARMERS MARKET at Shady Side Academy WEDNESDAYS ͻ 3 - 6 PM JUNE THROUGH OCTOBER Shady Side Academy Senior School &ƌĞƐŚ͕>ŽĐĂůWƌŽĚƵĐĞ 423 Fox Chapel Road KƌŐĂŶŝĐŚŽŝĐĞƐ WŝƩƐďƵƌŐŚ͕WϭϱϮϯϴ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƚLJ/ƚĞŵƐ KƉĞŶƚŽƚŚĞWƵďůŝĐ 215 E. 6th Ave. | Tarentum, PA 15084 | 724.224.9114 | www.seitajewelers.com &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁ͘ƐŚĂĚLJƐŝĚĞĂĐĂĚĞŵLJ͘ŽƌŐͬĨĂƌŵĞƌƐŵĂƌŬĞƚ Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 7/ NeighborhoodNews J!"# J!"# NeighborhoodNews 7. Happy Father’s Day! Announcements Dad's ROCK!! FoxNew Chapel? to Fox Chapel Living is all about connect- ing neighbors, so if you are new to the neighborhood, we want to roll out our welcome mat! Starting in 2015 there will be a special section in our magazine where we will place your favorite family photo and a little about you. Submit to We appreciate our ADVENTUROUS, WISE, TECH- [email protected] SAVVY, FUN, LOVING and COOL...BEST DADDY IN THE WORLD! Joshua, Owen, Hannah and Claudia Brelsford Calling All Movie Critics Kids, Teens and Adults of FOX CHAPEL, we are looking for two people each month to review a movie in the theaters. We will supply two tickets, and all you have to do is send us a review and a pic of you near the poster/display of your selected movie. It is a great way to enjoy the day or night! If you are interested in being our Movie Critic, email foxchapel@n2pub. com. We only have room for 12 next year, so don’t wait to sign up! Ryan Riordan and our son, Nolan, kept warm this winter with lots of snuggling! book reservation @ www.eatwalnut.com Monica Riordan Fox Chapel Living Fox Chapel Living 71 NeighborhoodNews J!"# J!"# NeighborhoodNews 70 NMeet the&;<#=!>? Godse Family! Photos by: Vanessa PicardMeet - Fruit Jar Productions &ou' Fox Chapel Living had the distinct pleasure of sitting down with the Godse family. Dr. Ravindra Godse and his wife, Dr. Mad- huri Mahajan, have lived in the Fox Chapel area for 13 years. 9ey are both internists, Ravi at Shadyside Hospital and St. Margaret and Madhuri working out of Passavant Hospital. 9ey have two children, their daughter, Rama Godse (17), and a son, Rajeev Godse (13), who both attend Fox Chapel Schools. ESSPA.net Both Drs. are physicians and are part of the independent internal medical practice D. Singh MD and Associates, who have three o:ces: one at Millvale near Pamela’s restaurant, the second in Blawnox in the UPMC building, and the third one in Lawrenceville across from the Children’s Hospital. Ravi is also a civil surgeon and conducts exams for INS on immi- grants aspiring for green cards.
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