Heat on 独家专访 反贪一哥 dirty food 《珍珠快讯》 outlets 第3版 pg 10 AUGUST 1 – 15, 2018 RM150m boost for flood mitigation EXCO member for Local Govern- “The only issue now (to be problem with that,” said Jagdeep, will be done. I thank the efforts by state government had taken pre- ment, Housing and Town & sorted out) is that the contractor who’s also Datok Keramat as- the existing federal government cautionary steps as long-term and Country Planning Jagdeep Singh was directly appointed by the semblymember, one of the most for this. short-term initiatives for the alle- on July 31 expressed his apprecia- previous administration and not by flood prone areas in the state. “The finance minister had indi- viation of flood woes. In my tion for the announcement made open tender. As the new Pakatan “At least a commitment has cated that work on the project constituency alone, since 2008, we by Finance Minister Lim Guan Harapan federal government em- been made by the federal govern- might start as soon as early next have implemented 35 such pro- Eng that RM150 million had been phasises a lot on accountability ment that this project will carry on. year. Of course, my only wish is jects,” he said. set aside for the continuation of the and transparency, a decision has I, on behalf of the people of Pen- for the work to be expedited and Also present at the press confer- Sungai Pinang Flood Mitigation been made that an open tender will ang and especially the residents of to be completed as soon as possi- ence was Penang Island City Project (RTB Sungai Pinang) to be held (to select the contractor) to Datok Keramat, am very thankful ble. Council (MBPP) mayor Datuk alleviate flood woes in Penang. continue the project. I have no that this (flood mitigation project) “I also need to mention that the Yew Tung Seang. Celebrating Penang Hill’s rich history Story by Tanushalini Chow said PHC is working on Moroter the nomination of Penang Hill as a Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud Unesco Biosphere Reserve. “Penang Hill Corporation is in PENANG Hill Corporation (PHC) the midst of submitting the nomina- organised the first Penang Hill Fes - tion to Unesco to declare Penang tival 2018 on July 21 to showcase Hill a biosphere reserve,” Chow the uniqueness and authenticity of said. our very own Penang Hill. Speaking to the media about the Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow nomination, PHC general manager during the launch of the festival Cheok Lay Leng said they are in top shared the importance of appreciat- gear preparing for the nomination. Chow signing on the board designated ing the beauty of Penang Hill. to get signatures of support for the “We started work regarding the “We hope this festival can be held nomination of Penang Hill as a Unesco nomination of Penang Hill as a yearly not just to attract tourists but Biosphere Reserve. Unesco Biosphere Reserve two also Penangites. years ago “We are more interested to attract “The work was interrupted due the locals and to encourage them to Town, yet we travel miles away to a comeback. the hill which are still being restored. to the landslides that occurred dur- become part of Penang Hill and ap- appreciate nature and we take for “Penang Hill Corporation has “So, now we are here to celebrate ing the Nov 4 & 5 floods. preciate its beauty,” Chow said at the granted what is near us,” he added. successfully done it and has taken the return of Penang Hill from the “Now we have expedited our launch of the festival. The Chief Minister said Penang into account the aspect of safety for major disaster as well as to celebrate work and we are trying to submit it “The 130-million-year old forest Hill which suffered landslides dur- visitors. its enchanting beauty and history,” by Sept 30 which is the deadline,” hill is just 10 minutes from George ing the Nov 4 & 5 floods has made “But there are also some parts of added Chow. said Cheok. 2 August 1 – 15, 2018 Moving towards becoming a smarter city Story by Tanushalini of smart city into governance Moroter and policy making,” said Chow. Pix by Nur Afiqah According to the Chief Min- Zainudin ister, adding the element of the arts to STEM (Science, Tech- SOME 80 undergraduates aged nology, Engineering, Mathe- between 18 and 25 participated matics) will be a powerful in the “Penang Youth & Univer- combination. sity Student Smart City” forum “With regards to STEM with with the tagline “For Youth For the addition of the elements of Future” on July 28. the arts, it will be powerful The forum was organised by combination for any city and the Penang Youth Development we aspire to do that. Corporation to prepare them to “And I think high-tech tech- contribute towards making nology will be beneficial to Penang a smart city. local government for things Chief Minister Chow Kon pertaining to traffic congestion Yeow who attended the forum and flood mitigation. stated that Penang has started “In Penang, we have a good (Front row, from left) Teng, Chee, Yong, Chow, Dr. Nor Azmi, Tan and Lee giving the thumbs-up while posing for a group picture with participants. to embark on the journey to ecosystem as we have the transform into a smarter city. MNCs to propel us towards be- the transition to the smart city, elders to adapt to the techno- on Urban Studies Programme “It was the vision of former ing a smarter city. Chow said youngsters could logical advancements,” said of Penang Institute Tan Lii Ann, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng “But the technology should help the elders to learn it. Chow. co-founder & managing direc- to make Penang an intelligent also be used outside Bayan “I think definitely it will be Also present was CEO of tor of Hexondata Max Lee Chia and international city. Lepas FTZ area to bring about a challenge for senior citizens PYDC Teng Kok Liang. Chun, senior vice-president of “Being a smart city is a pre- benefits to society and to solve like me but it will take time. CEO of Selangor Informa- Research Management of Col- requisite to achieve this. problems,” added Chow “Maybe it might take an- tion Technology & E-Com- laborative Research & Devel- “And now, it’s time for Pen- Answering a question raised other 30 to 40 years to get merce Council Yong Kah Ping, opment in Engineering, Science ang to step forward and develop by one of the participants, con- everyone to adapt to the trans- Virtual Sales accounts manager & Technology Dr.Nor Azmi into an intelligent city. As such cerning the adaptability of formation. of CISCO System Malaysia Alias were the guest speakers we plan to integrate the concept senior citizens with regards to “Youngsters could help the Sdn Bhd Jarod Chee, analyst at the forum. Construction CONSTRUCTION compa- “We want construction “A proposal will be sent occurrences of illegal dump- nies have been urged by companies to be responsible to the local government to ing and open burning as the companies need exco for Welfare, Caring with regards to the environ- formulate new guidelines waste will be reused. Society and Environment ment by having an efficient for construction companies “And then, when the pro- efficient waste Phee Boon Poh to take own- waste management,” Phee pertaining to their projects. ject commences, we will ership and safeguard the said during a press confer- “The guidelines will re- also check from time to time management environment. ence on July 28. quire construction compa- on their waste management, nies to submit a waste man- will ask the service provider agement assessment before (recycling service) to get commencement of their re- registered with us so that we spective projects,” he added. can keep track of the waste According to Phee, the management activities at the waste management assess- construction site,’’ added ment would help to estimate Phee. the amount of waste that will While waiting for the be generated during the con- guidelines to be regulated, struction period of a par- Phee urged construction ticular project and to segre- companies to take owner- gate the types of waste. ship to protect the environ- “When the types of waste ment. are estimated and segregat- “Do not wait until the guide- ed, it will help the particular lines are implemented. You are construction company to all professional bodies and it reuse its waste for the same is your duty to protect the en- project. vironment,’’ he said. “How much waste, what Earlier, Phee attended the are the types of waste and Malaysia Green Building what are they going to do Confederation (Malaysia with the waste should be GBC Seminar) Northern submitted in the assessment Chapter with the theme report. “Construction Waste Man- “This would prevent the agement in Penang”. August 1 – 15, 2018 3 Women to the fore in Kiwanis THE Kiwanis Club of Penang tral practises gender inclusiveness Central held its Chartering Cere- with its core committee achieving mony and Installation of Board of more than 30% women participa- Directors on July 28. tion. Kiwanis Club of Penang Cen- “I find it encouraging that Ki- tral aims to serve the community wanis Penang Central is gender in general with a focus more on inclusive where there is 50 % fe- children and youth with special male participation in the board of needs. directors. Moreover the president Exco for Women and Family elect is a woman. Development, Gender Inclusiveness “More than 25 years ago, the and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs delegates of Kiwanis Interna- Chong Eng and exco for Works, tional voted to open membership Utilities and Flood Mitigation Zairil to women, hence changing the Khir Johari were the guests of hon - face of Kiwanis forever.
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