North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 20 July 201 1 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 20th July 201 1 Page Application No Applicant DevelopmentEite Recommendation No 6 10/01266/FUL Mrs Aileen Equestrian Centre with Refuse Curle Office/Shop and Cafe. Avonside Farm Hulks Road Greengairs 13 1 1/00036/FU L Mr & Mrs Erection of 2 Dwellinghouses Grant Thomson Netherhall Farm Dura Road Allanton 22 1 1/00232/FU L C.N.C Change of Use from Offices to Grant (P) Investments Flatted Dwellings and Ltd Construction of Extension. 4 Avon Walk Central Way Cumbernauld Glasgow 27 1 1/00233/FUL Raphael Partial Demolition of Listed Grant Properties Building (former Bingo Hall to Ltd rear) and Redevelopment of the Remaining Building and Site for Flats and Mixed Use Development (including the Change of Use of the Listed Building to form 4 Units for Class 1 (retail), Class 2 (office) and Class 3 (food and Drink) on the ground floor with 5 flats on the first floor and Construction of a New Flatted Block containing 18 flats with associated parking and landscaping). 2 -10 Hallcraig Street Town Centre Airdrie 2 37 1 1/00248/LBC Raphael Partial Demolition of Building Grant Properties Containing Former Bingo Hall Ltd (Listed Building) and Redevelopment of the Remaining Section of Building and Site for Residential and Mixed Use Development (Including the Change of Use to Form 4 Retail, Office and Food/ Drink Units on the Ground Floor with 5 Residential Flats on the First Floor plus the Construction of a New Residential Block (Containing 18 Flats) with Associated Parking and Landscaping) 2-10 Hallcraig Street Town Centre Airdrie 47 1 1/00235/PPP William Construction of 10 Grant (P) Shanks Dwellinghouses and Construction Relocation of Existing Workshop (In Principle) Land West Of 73 Greengairs Road Greengairs 61 11/00456/FUL Dr Gillani Extension and Alterations to Grant Dwellinghouse and Erection of Decking 3 Gleneagles Avenue W esterwood Cumbernauld 68 11/00500/AMD Farrans Amendment to the Levels and Grant Construction Final Finished Profile as approved under the terms of Planning Permission 08/01278/MIN (Removal and Depositing of Material in Connection with Adjacent Motorway Construction Works) (in retrospect) Auchengeich Bing Auchengeich Road Moodiesburn 3 73 1 1/00528/FU L British Change of Use from Long Grant Waterways Term Leisure Moorings (No.9) to Residential Moorings Canal Bank Auchinstarry Road Croy 78 11/00529/FUL Mr Billy Change of Use From (Class 6) Grant G ibson Storage Unit to (Class 11) Muay Thai Boxing Gymnasium 12 - 14 Tannoch Place Lenziemill Cumbernauld 83 1 1/00551 /AMD Sanctuary Construction of 14 Houses and Grant (P) Scotland 7 Flats within a 3-4 Storey Request for Housing Flatted Block (amendment to Site Visit & Association previous layouts approved Hearing under permissions 05/00511/FUL and 08/00149/AMD) Site 1A Ainslie Road Kildrum Cumbernauld 92 1 1/00552/AMD S ct U ry Construction of 37 Houses Grant (P) Scotland (amendment to previous layout Request for Housing approved under permission Site Visit & Association 05/005 1 1/FU L) Hearing Site 2 Ainslie Road Kildrum Cumbernauld 103 11/00590/LUC Mr Alex Reid Storage Yard for Fencing Refuse Materials 17 Bridge Street Longriggend Airdrie 108 11/00613/FUL Mr Tom Single Storey Side Extension Grant Maginnis 2 Dunnachie Drive Kirkwood Coatb ridge 113 1 1/00628/FU L Mr lain Change of Use of Open Space Grant Westwater to Private Garden Ground and Erection of Boundary Fence 110 Cedar Road Ab ronhill Cumbernauld Glasgow 4 118 1 1/0063O/FUL Whiterock Erection of a 60 Metre Grant Energy Ltd Meterological Mast for Temporary Perios of Three Years Damhead Farm Bowhouse Road Airdrie 126 11/00633/FUL Ms Lynsay Change of Open Space to Grant McCappin GardedDriveway and Erection of 2 No 2 Metres High Gates Ground North West Of 8 Pickerstonhill Newarthill (P) 11/00235/PPP - S75 legal agreement required to cover unopposed revocation of existing planning permissions and to govern use of applicant’s existing business premises 11/00232/FUL - S69 legal agreement required in relation to payment of commuted sum required by Affordable Housing Policy 11/00551/AMD & 11/00552/AMD - S69 Agreement required in relation to commuted sum in lieu of on site play provision 5 Application No: Proposed Development: 10/01266/FUL Equestrian Centre with Office/Shop and Cafe. Site Address: Avonside Farm Hulks Road Greengairs ML6 7TJ Date Registered: 22nd December 201 0 Applicant: Agent: Mrs Aileen Curle Jon-Marc Creaney Avonside Farm Kelvin House Hulks Road 87 Calder Street Greengairs Coatbridge ML6 7TJ ML5 4EY Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application Yes Ward: Representations: 007 Airdrie North No representation received. Campbell Cameron, Sophia Coyle, James McGuigan, Thomas Morgan, Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: The proposal is not considered to comply with the terms of the adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 and with the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that it is an isolated development in the countryside with no overriding need or benefit which outweighs the adverse environmental impact on the rural amenity of the area. Reasons for Refusal:- 1. The site chosen for the proposed building is contrary to Policy GB2 (Restrict Development in Countryside around Towns) of the Monklands District Local Plan 1991 in that the proposed building is isolated and in a prominent location and as such, it is considered that the proposal will adversely affect the rural character of the area with no overriding need or benefit. 2. The proposed building is contrary to Policy NBE 38 of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan as the proposed location of the building will not provide any enhancement of natural heritage in that it does not form part of a cluster of existing agricultural buildings. Any benefits arising from the proposed development are not sufficient to justify the unacceptable impacts this development will have on the site and surrounding area. 3. That should planning permission be granted a precedent would be set for similar developments in isolated and unacceptable locations in the countryside. 6 1:5,000 A +d$ Backaround Papers: Representation Letters No Letters of Representation received. Consultation Responses: NLC Greenspace Memorandum received 11th January 201 1. Traffic & Transportation (Northern Area) Memorandum received 27thJune 201 1. Scottish Environment Protection Agency Memorandum received 5'h January 201 1. Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Gordon Arthur at 01236 61 6475 Report Date: 11th July 201 1 8 APPLICATION NO. 10/01266/FUL REPORT 1. Site Description 1.1 The proposed equestrian centre building will be positioned in a field in open countryside, at the junction of Hulks Road and Greengairs Road. To the south beyond open fields is the urban edge of Upperton settlement and to the north lies Avonside Farm. The site is bound to the east by conifer planting and to the west by the fields around Westside farm. The site lies some 287 metres from the applicant’s property Avonside Farm and extends to approximately 1230 square metres with a build footprint of approximately 132 square metres. The site is bounded to the west by Hulks Road and to the west by Greengairs Road. 2. Proposed Development 2.1 Planning permission is sought for the construction of a building consisting of a cafe (in the main) with ancillary changing facilities and an office. The applicant also indicates that the building will include an element of equine related retail floorspace. The site currently consists of an area of hard standing and a metal container used as a makeshift booking in facility in relation to the applicant’s pony trekking business which includes an existing cross country horse riding course with jumps. The facility will be accessed from the existing Hulks Road which leads to Avonside Farm. 3. Applicant’s Suwortina Information 3.1 The applicant has provided the following supporting information. 3.2 Planning Statement: This provides information on how the proposal will integrate with the current pony trekking business and argues that there is a demand for this type of facility locally and is supported by a business plan. Following discussions with the Planning Service a further statement was received giving reasons for locating the building out with Avonside farm’s existing cluster of buildings. The reasons given were based on contagious disease control, existing access and security. This report also advised that the proposal is likely to generate modest local employment opportunities. 4. Site Historv 4.1 No relevant planning History. 5. Development Plan 5.1 This application is not of strategic significance and can therefore be assessed against the adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991. 5.2 The application site is located within an area covered by Policy GB2 (Restrict Development in Countryside around Towns). In this case the terms of Policy GB2 are relevant. Policy GB 2 is intended to protect countryside locations from inappropriate isolated development. 6. Consultations 6.1 A summary of comments from consultees is as follows: Traffic and Transportation has recommended refusal. Greenspace Services has no objection to the proposal providing comments on biodiversity enhancements, landscaping and access rights. 9 Scottish Environment Protection Agency has no objections to the proposal and has provided comments relating to standing advice. 7 Reoresentations 7.1 No Iette rs of representation received. 8. Plannina Assessment 8.1 In accordance with Section 25 of the Town 8, Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
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