The Galena Territory Native Plant Sale: Woody Species *Plant Availability Subject to Change

The Galena Territory Native Plant Sale: Woody Species *Plant Availability Subject to Change

The Galena Territory Native Plant Sale: Woody Species *Plant availability subject to change Canopy Trees ^Light Requirements: (S)un, (P)art Sun/Shade, s(H)ade *Soil Requirements: (D)ry, (M)edium, (W)et MAMJJASO Pot Item# Scientific Name Common Name Price (gallon) Size Light^ Soil* Height Spread Fall Color Flowering Fl Color Other Interest 99 Betula nigra river birch - clump 113.00 10 6' S,P M,W 40-70' 40-60' yellow -AM----- catkin exfoliating bark 100 Betula nigra river birch - single stem 68.00 7 5' .5" S,P M,W 40-70' 40-60' yellow -AM----- catkin exfoliating bark 101 Carya laciniosa shellbark hickory 138.00 7 30" S,P M,W 60-80' 40-60' yell-orange -AM----- catkin exfoliating bark, edible nuts 102 Carya laciniosa shellbark hickory 201.00 10 36" S,P M,W 60-80' 40-60' yell-orange -AM----- catkin exfoliating bark, edible nuts 103 Celtis occidentalis hackberry 95.00 10 84 S,P D,M 40-60' 40-60' yellow -AM----- green bark warty & corky ridges 104 Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky coffee tree 62.00 7 .5" S,P M,W 60-80' 40-55' yellow --MJ---- white rough, scaly bark 105 Populus tremuloides quaking aspen 31.00 3 4-5' S,P M 20-50' 10-30' gold -A------ catkin white bark 106 Prunus serotina black cherry 68.00 7 .75" / 6' S,P D,M 50-80' 30-60' yell to red -AM----- white exfoliating bark 107 Quercus alba white oak 68.00 7 .5"/4' S D,M 50-80' 50-80' maroon-brn --M----- catkin Illinois State Tree 108 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak 68.00 5 48 S M,W 50-60' 50-60' yell-brown -A------ catkin Lvs green above, white below 109 Quercus macrocarpa bur oak 108.00 7 72 S M,W 60-80' 60-80' yell-brown -A------ catkin bark corky ridges 110 Quercus macrocarpa bur oak 62.00 5 bag 60 S M,W 60-80' 60-80' yell-brown -A------ catkin bark corky ridges 111 Quercus rubra red oak 41.00 5 36 S,P D,M 50-75' 50-75' red-brown --M----- catkin Intermediate & Small Trees ^Light Requirements: (S)un, (P)art Sun/Shade, s(H)ade *Soil Requirements: (D)ry, (M)edium, (W)et MAMJJASO Pot Item# Scientific Name Common Name Price (gallon) Size Light^ Soil* Height Spread Fall Color Flowering Fl Color Other Interest 112 Aesculus glabra Ohio buckeye 62.00 7 1" S,P M 20-40' 20-40' yell, org, red -AM----- cream 113 Aesculus glabra Ohio buckeye 62.00 7 4-5' S,P M 20-40' 20-40' yell, org, red -AM----- cream 114 Amelanchier arborea downy serviceberry 37.00 5 36 S,P D,M 15-25' 15-25' yell, org, red -AM----- white purple edible berries 115 Amelanchier x grandiflora 'AB' AB serviceberry - single stem 87.00 7 1" S,P D,M 15-25' 15-25' orange-red -AM----- white purple edible berries 116 Amelanchier x grandiflora 'AB' AB serviceberry - clump 87.00 7 4' S,P D,M 15-25' 15-25' orange-red -AM----- white purple edible berries 117 Asimina triloba paw paw 106.00 7 4' S,P M 15-30' 15-30' yellow --M----- maroon edible banana-like fruit 118 Carpinus caroliniana hop hornbeam 61.00 5 5-6' P D,M 20-35' 20-35' yell-orange -AM----- catkin bark, seed pods 119 Cercis canadensis redbud multistem 108.00 10 60 S,P,H D,M 20-30 20-25' yellow -AM----- pink heart-shaped leaves 120 Cornus alternifolia pagoda dogwood 95.00 10 60 P,H M 15-20' 15-20' org-maroon --MJ---- white horizontal branches 121 Hamamelis virginiana common witch hazel 50.00 7 4' S,P,H D,M 15-20' 15-20' yell-orange ------SOND yellow 122 Malus ioensis Iowa crab 67.00 7 0.5"/3-4' S,P D,M 15-25' 15-25' yell-orange --M----- pink 123 Prunus virginiana chokecherry 31.00 5 36-40" P,H D,M 10-25' 10-20' orange-red --MJJ--- white red berries 124 Ptelea trifoliata wafer ash 56.00 5 48 S,P,H D,M 15-20' 15-20' yellow ---J---- green Larval host of giant swallowtail 125 Rhus typhina staghorn sumac 28.00 5 30-36" S,P D,M 15-20' 10-15' red ---JJ--- green spreading, red fruits Shrubs ^Light Requirements: (S)un, (P)art Sun/Shade, s(H)ade *Soil Requirements: (D)ry, (M)edium, (W)et MAMJJASO Pot Item# Scientific Name Common Name Price (gallon) Size Light^ Soil* Height Spread Fall Color Flowering Fl Color Other Interest 126 Aesculus parviflora bottlebrush buckeye 48.00 5 n/a P,H M 8-12' 8-12' yellow ---JJ--- white 127 Aesculus pavia red buckeye 36.00 3 15" S,P M 12-15' 12-15' yell-orange -AM----- red 128 Amorpha fruiticosa false indigo 31.00 3 18" S,P W 4-12' 6-12' yellow ---JJA-- purple likes moist soil 129 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry 31.00 3 36" S,P M,W 6-10' 4-6' red --M----- white red fruit; spreading 130 Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliant.' 'Brilliant' red chokeberry 23.00 5 24" S,P M 6-8' 4-6' red --M----- white red fruit 131 Aronia melanocarpa black chokeberry 27.00 5 36 S,P M,W 4-8' 4-8' orange-red --M----- white black fruit; spreading 132 Aronia melanocarpa 'Elata' 'Elata' black chokeberry 23.00 5 24" S,P M 4-6' 4-6' orange-red --M----- white black fruit; spreads less than straight spp 133 Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea 13.00 1 12" S,P D,M 3-4' 3-4' yellow ---JJ--- white 134 Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush 23.00 5 42 S,P W 8-12' 6-8' yell-bronze ---J---- white unusual flowers; likes moist soil Shrubs (cont.) ^Light Requirements: (S)un, (P)art Sun/Shade, s(H)ade *Soil Requirements: (D)ry, (M)edium, (W)et MAMJJASO Pot Item# Scientific Name Common Name Price (gallon) Size Light^ Soil* Height Spread Fall Color Flowering Fl Color Other Interest 135 Cornus amomum silky dogwood 27.00 7 36" S,P M,W 6-12' 6-12' yell to red --MJJ--- white blue fruit 136 Cornus drummondii rough leaf dogwood 31.00 5 15" S,P M 6-12' 6-12' yell to purp ---JJ--- white white fruit; reddish twigs 137 Cornus racemosa gray dogwood 31.00 5 30" S,P,H D,M,W 4-8' 8-12' red to purp ---JJ--- white white fruit; spreading 138 Cornus sericea red twig dogwood 25.00 3 24-30" S,P W 4-10' 8-12' yell to red --MJJA-- white white fruit; red stems 139 Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' Cardinal dogwood 23.00 5 36-48" S,P M,W 6-9' 6-9' yell to red ---J---- white white fruit; red stems 140 Cornus sericea 'Isanti' Isanti dogwood 23.00 5 18-21" S,P M 4-6' 4-6' yell to red --MJ---- white white fruit; red stems 141 Corylus americana American hazelnut 27.00 5 24" S,P D,M 8-12' 8-12' yell-orange MA------ catkins edible nuts 142 Corylus americana American hazelnut 34.00 7 36" S,P D,M 8-12' 8-12' yell-orange MA------ catkins edible nuts 143 Diervilla lonicera bush honeysuckle 27.00 5 30" S,P,H D,M 3-4' 3-4' yell-orange ---JJA-- yellow spreading; leaves bronze-tinted 144 Ilex verticillata winterberry 31.00 5 36" S,P M,W 4-10' 4-10' yellow ---J---- white red berries persist; Need 1 male 145 Ilex verticillata 'Berry Poppins' 'Berry Poppins' winterberry 27.00 3 15" S,P M 3-4' 3-4' yellow --M----- white compact; red berries persist in winter 146 Ilex verticillata 'Mr. Poppins' 'Mr. Poppins' winterberry 27.00 3 24-30" S,P M 3-4' 3-4' yellow --M----- white Need 1 male for ea. 5-10 Berry Poppins 147 Physocarpus opulifolius ninebark 24.00 5 36" S,P D,M 6-10' 6-10' gold --MJ---- white arching stems; exfoliating bark 148 Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac 31.00 5 36" S,P D,M 4-8' 4-6' orange-red -AM----- yellow fragrant foliage 149 Rhus aromatica 'Gro Low' 'GroLow' sumac 23.00 5 18" S,P D,M 3-4' 6-8' orange-red -AM----- yellow compact; fragrant foliage 150 Rosa blanda early wild rose 13.00 1 12" S,P M 3-4' 3-4' yellow ---JJ--- pink nearly thornless; dark pink hips 151 Rosa blanda early wild rose 28.00 5 n/a S,P M 3-4' 3-4' yellow ---JJ--- pink nearly thornless; dark pink hips 152 Rosa carolina pasture rose 28.00 5 n/a S,P D,M 4-6' 3-4' yellow --MJ---- pink spreading; red hips 153 Rosa palustris swamp rose 28.00 5 n/a S,P W 4-8' 4-6' red ---JJ--- pink arching stems; red hips 154 Rosa setigera climbing wild rose 28.00 5 n/a S,P D,M 4-12' 8-12' red to purp ---J---- pink climbing - support with trellis; red hips 155 Salix humilis prairie willow 25.00 3 24" S,P D,M 2-8' 4-6' yellow -AM----- catkins 156 Salix spp. pussy willow 25.00 3 24" S,P M,W 6-12' 6-12' yellow MA------ catkins 157 Sambucus canadensis elderberry 27.00 5 24 or 36" S,P M,W 8-12' 6-8' yellow ---JJA-- white black fruits 158 Spiraea alba meadowsweet 24.00 5 36" S M,W 3-4' 4-6' yellow ----JAS white likes moist soil 159 Spiraea tomentosa steeplebush 31.00 3 10" S W 3-4' 3-4' gold ----JA pink likes moist soil 160 Staphylea trifolia bladdernut 62.00 7 3' P,H M 10-15' 10-20' yell-orange --MJ---- white interesting fruit 161 Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 24.00 3 24" P D,M 3-6' 3-6' yellow ---JJ--- pinkish white fruit 162 Viburnum dentatum arrowwood viburnum 26.00 5 24-30" S,P D,M 8-12' 8-12' orange-red --M----- white blue-black fruit 163 Viburnum lentago nannyberry 26.00 5 30-36" S,P M 12-20' 8-12' red to purp -AM----- white blue-black fruit; vase shaped 164 Viburnum prunifolium blackhaw viburnum 26.00 5 18" S,P D,M 12-15' 8-12' org-maroon --MJ---- white blue-black fruit 165 Viburnum trilobum cranberry viburnum 26.00 5 n/a S,P M,W 8-12' 8-12' red --M----- white red fruit.

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