
TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1980 A re n g e Dally Net Press Run TIm WsBthsr IM W fOUKIBIN intmrlfPBtpr E w n ta s Ijfralii FW «h© IlMth of March. tSM P©raa©at ©f D . B. W oatfeev i Bala easing bgr lot The "Blue Devils'’ o f th* Oon- Mra. Kmlle Lereaque, chairman gt. Mary's Guild will moot 9,885 or eorfjr ©vcnlagi partly deady Thursday morning at eleven necUcut ChapUr 88th Infantry To Wed in Fall T o H o ld O a s s of the Legion Auxiliary Waya and Divlalon, are having a meeting ir «< 40© A w tn ood eoattooed cool taalghtt Thora* Meana committee which la con­ o'clock. Members are requested to About Town bring their own lunches, and taa, Sunday afternoon at two o’clock t a t C tf c n l aH awa day Moody aod wot mar ducting a MUltary WWattomoirow at the Putnam Phalanx on 814 On First Aid MANCHESTER ManeheaUr^A Ciiy o f Village Charm nlghtm__ the- *Legion • hall,- —remlnda •—‘- coffee and dessert will be served lO M lM itir O t m t ^ , Ko. IT. by the hostesses, Mrs. Edith Wick­ Washington street, Hartford. A llM SbtllM AnirtOMi Vatemui the member* to bring table* and ham and Mrs. Annie Smith. new slate of officers will be elect­ win koM » BMittaf «t playing card*. Attractive playing ed at this meeting and a program Red Cross Instructors to C a r p e t C e n t e r VOL. LXIX, NO. 175 (ClaaalSed Advertiaing oa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 1950 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CENTS tM m oummunlty Houm tonlftit u ahd door priiea will be awarded The Holy Family Mothers Circle of dims will be featured. •igtt ©’dock. Department Oom- and refreahmenta aerved. Tho wiil meet tomorrow evening at Meet at East Side Rec Rih m U SulUvaa wUl ve playeia will have a chance of win­ eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cub Pack No. 2 will hold ita tk© *OMt ■peaker. Kafteehmenta ning a permanent wave. Tomorrow Night CARPET FASHION OPENING Carl Lombardo, 23 Hawthorne April meeetlng Friday evening at Bell and Belle in Bond Appeal win M ©HTad after tke meetlaf. street. seven o’clock in the Second Con­ The SanU Lucia Society will gregational church. The program Toe April nneeting of Red Cross meet tonight at eight o'clock at The Cherub choir of the Center will be furnished by the Manches­ $350,000,000 Boost Republicans Present First Aid Instructors will be held the Itallan-American club on El- ter Dog Training Club., OPEN 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. church will hold a rehearsal to­ tomorrow evening at 7 :30 in the dridge street. morrow morning at 10:30. The Pine Civic Association will library adjoining the East Side April 17th Through April 27th Table Pads The Connecticut Chiropractic Rec, Chairman Norman Osborne High school girls and girls now bold its monthly meeting Wednes­ Association of which Dr. Richard day evening. May S at the announced today. C. Alton of Main street is vice in the eighth grade, who arc in­ Dr. Roland Z^CarignOh, Pratt Reorganization Plan Y.M.C.A. The business will include In Military Bufiget president, will hold Its second an­ terested in Senior Scouting, are the election of officers. All mem­ and Whitney Aircraft medical su­ 308 Maiu St. Phone 2*4343 nual spring convention at the Ho­ invited to a pot luck supper at pervisor and acting flight surgeon, tel Taft, New Haven, Saturday and 6:30 tomorrow evening in Wood­ bers are u rg^ to attend this final meeting of me aeason. who was scheduled to address the Sunday. ^ ruff Hall at the Center church. group on care of bums, is unable The members of Senior Troops 1, to do so at this time due to unex­ 3 and 14 will be the hostesses. Attorney and Mrs. Frederick Of 18 Departments Mrs. John W. Mortimer of 82 Manning of 47 Maple street have pected circumstances. For ’51 Is Favored Plymouth lane and Mra. Robert C. had as their guest for the past few Chairman Osborne stated today Baird of 23B Parker street will Wade C. Jones of 53 Waddell that an interesting program la be­ road returned today from a three days Past Department President entertain the Northern Connecti­ Florence Maguire of the Daugh­ ing arranged. It will include the Leaders Disclose Pro* cut Association of Delta Gamma months business trip to Seattle, showing of several films pertain­ Add to the Value of Your Property With House Committee Puts rri • 11 • 4 9 O C Asbestos Wash. Employed at Pratt and ters of Union Veterana of the Civil Miss Elisabeth R. Watts Bomb Casing Draper Called Head Bishop tomorrow at a dessert meetinK at War of Pennaylvania. Mra. Man­ ing to first aid and allied subjects. gram to Party Cau« Top the home of Mra. Baird. Whitney Aircraft, Mr. Jones made O. K. on Amount Re* [N ew s i l d O l t S ning, pdat national president of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Watts In addition, a substitute speaker AMESITE DRIVEWAYS V Aad Op the return trip by plane, arriving will be on hand to complete the cuH Today; Accompany at Bradley Field this afternoon. the organisation and her gueat of 64 Arvlne place announce the quested by Secretary Culled From (A*) Wires Could Change Man Yearning CogtoBi Made, Gaaranteed who Is from PUtaburgh will . at­ program. engagement of their daughter. Monthly Chaim of Material Plan With Fresh Ate To Pit Yonr Table tend the D U V e w convention All interested persons are urgeff Of Defense Johnson; PLOWING AND The Morry-Weds of the Second Miss Elizabeth R. Watts, to Guy L. to attend this open meeting to Congregational church will hold a which opened at the Hotel Bond, Payments Russian Atomic Ex­ I Thousand yelUng student*, most Attack Style In Right Way tack on Bowles for Phone 7691 Today HARROWING Britt, Jr., of Hartford, son of Mrs. learn of recent developments in of them girls, storm City Hall meeting tomorrow evening at the to<lay and «1ll continu* through AMESITE Na rgr to bare oar also LAWN GRADING Thursday. Vera B. Jenkins, of Columbus, iroportopt first aid techniques, and plosion and Serious : plaza In New York In protest Critirisni o f Oppon* to root horoa church at 7:45. Georgia, and G iiy ^ Britt, Sr., of to view the visual aids obtainable I against teachers’ wages and cur­ ents o f Reforms Pro- A. BUTLER Atlanta, Georgia. - for Instruction purposes. ASPHALT Situation in South­ tailment of out-of-claas activities Atomic Missile Ceases Plaintifl Witness Tes- Frank J. Mansfield Marine 'The weekly reheasal of the Man- TeL Manchester 2-9548 cheater CSioral Society will be held Miss Watts attei^ed Manches­ Froo I . House Ways and Means com- poHcd hy Commission Corps League Auxiliary will meet east Asia, the Reasons I mlttee votes to cut In half—from To Be Only Mass De­ tifies Dancer P era^on Or 2 - i m tonight at 8:30 at the Second Con­ ter High school M ($is a clerk In TARVI.\ tomorrow night at eight o'clock the traffic deparfinent of Hamil­ Estimates j 20 per cent to 10—the Federal ex­ struction Weapon Of Democratic Nature at the Army and Navy club. gregational church. A buslneaa ton Standard Propellera Divlalon MODEL AIRPLANES cise tax on tickets to movies and State Capitol, Hartford, meeting and a social with refresh' Washington, April 26.— (JP) of the United Aircraft Corpora­ sport* event* . Washington, With Special Container In Federal Court Today April 26.—(/P) — Republican The Board of Directors of the ments will follow. BOATS and SUPPLIES —The House Apprdpriations tion. D. C., police arrest seven men In ■ , •> Manchester Chapter, American committee today recom­ roundup of holdup suspects and leaders prc.sented to a party Mr. Britt attended the Techni­ Hartford. April 26 -(45—A plain­ gurtrek Red Cross, will hold its by-monthly Mr. and Mra. Ruaaell Potterton cal High Bchool. Atlanta, and the HOBBY SHOPPE THOMAS D. COLLA mended the 1951 military find uMfoitn of Brink* armored Washington, April 26— Th* House-Senate caucua today a 777 Mojei S* Conn. 1-J44I tiff witness In the $200,000 Draper- meeting tonight at eight o'clock in of North Elm Street motored to Young-Harris College, Young-Har- Cor. Griswold and Center Sts. budget be increased by $360,- car service at house where three United States apparently is pro­ reorganizution plan calling the headquarters. Room 5, 953 Arlington, Va.. Sunday, where rls, Georgia. He la sales manager CALL 2-9219 men were taken Into custody. ducing a variety of special bomb Adler-McCiillnugh libel suit teati- for the creation of 18 major S2SS 000,000 asked by Secretary of Main street. they are guests of Mrs. George of the Associated Transport Com­ Nationalist China turns Its wor­ casing in which Its new. immense­ flrd today that Dam-nr Paul Drap­ state departments, four of Harrison. They were accompanied pany. and a member of the Jun­ Defense Johnson to tighten ried attention to Chushan island, ly more powerful atomic explo­ er had "a yearning for something them new. The leaders ac:* ,■ Wednesday hv Mra. Isaac Jackson ami Mrs. ior Chamber of Commerce, Hart­ the nation’s bulwarks against tiny but important base from John Chambers of Knox street. ford. which It blocks trade to great Red sives can be used against any type thai was genuinely democratic." companied the plan with a '' ITS The group plans to visit places of A September wedding is planned.
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