PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24.1»M iIanrl|(Bt(r uing H^ralli \ - : Bloodmohile Visits Center Congregational Church Monday^ 12:15 to 5:30 p.m . :■ An organiaatloii meeting will be Bdward RUum of S» W. Middle held for a married couplea club of Tpke., salesman for the Megowsn- Plan to Replace firm Si^dBy PTA Unit Meets Average Daily Net Prem Run About Town the Salvation Army tomorrow at Bducator Food Co. in this area, Far the W «^ Emt» 4 , The Weather 7:43 at the home of Mr. and Mra. has-been named . salesman of iHf' Fern St. Bridge . At Rec Tuesday SMITirS UPHOLSTERY SHOP Feb. II, INd ^ Ferecaet ef C. S. Weather Bunau H m Red Men'* Social Club Dart Jam es R. H aten, 34 Cole St. All year by the company for the sec-i ond year in'*! row. 243 N. M A IN STREET Leegwe will gat underway thta couples affiliated with the local hwily and Park Department The meeting of Waahtnglon 1 1 ,8 9 3 Peaelble Umndershewera t h I e •TMiliif at • o'clock. Member! are corps are cordially Invited to at­ W ork^ yesterday began a work I PTA Wiil be held Tuesday, Feb. 28, evening. Clearing, windy, celder to­ u ig ^ to be on time. tend. Rt. Mary's Guild members' will projwt on Fern 8t. which will In­ ; at • p.m. In the West Side Rec. Here's A Real Special! r ef the Audit night. Sunday, partly elnady aid I • hold a sale of. home made foods In ef OradiMea The Golden Rule Club'a baked The Rev. Russell Peer>’, associ­ variety Wednesday, Feb. 29. at 11 clude wideidng that road and re­ i Square dancing by the fifth grades M anchetter^A City of Village Charm eolder. ham aupper laat evening in the.Tal- ate pastor of the Center Church, s.m. in the parish house. Church placing an ohl wooden bridge there iVlIl be the program'for the <ve- 9 X 12 Rugs ClMnled and Shampoocfl. and I^ust fits. ■ cottvlUa Church waa highly euc- will be guest speaker at the meet­ with a cufver^^aceordi^g to Town i ning. Officers hope for a larg^ Fr«« pick-np and delivery. Prompt service. • J w ceaafiil. and attracted a number of ing, of Center Cliurch Mothers Club Engineer James i^Sheckeyi. I turnout of parents and teachers at W ALL TO W ALL CARPETS CLEANED IN y O t’R HOMlC VOL. LXXV, NO. 124 (Claaailled Advcrtlitag ea Page S) MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1956 former reeidenta of the village, Monday at 8 p.m. His aiibjert will (TEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS among them ChariM W. Rianken- be "The Plight of Young Mothers." ClainiH Con|c8tccl The bridge rromes a brook ' this meeting to hear important In- burg of Poreat St., Eaat Hartford, which feeds the GlobeVHollow res­ i formation regarding the renova- PHONE Ml M4A3 — EVi>NINGS Ml 3-7247 BeautiM apring bouquets of iris, Marine Pvt. Rurdett r. Webb Jr., In RarlicVJlearing ervoir, recently bought by’ the , tion and additional rooms needed daffodiia and acacia centered the 18. has departed for Camp Pehdle-! town. Sheekey said he hophs to put at Wgshingto.n School. two 60-Inch pipea underneMk the The executive board will meet Tanks Deal tablea, the gift of 9 . ' Denniaon ton, Calif., after spending a short; The three contestants for the ; with Mrs. Howard Hansen, presi­ Tornadoes, Talcott. f leave .with his parents, Mr. and i radio wavelength of former Hart­ road eaat of the bridge th^ re­ route the brook through the pipes. dent, St 7:30 sharp. Refreshments Mrs. Rurdett Webb .Sr. of J31 i ford station WTHT bombarded a will be served following the eve­ Glenwood St. Pvt. Webb, who en-j Federal Communications Coi.tmls- He ssld he also plans to.widen ning's program. * Leftiin Air Dust Storm listed In the Marines last Novem-1 slon examiner with contradictory the road, fltling In hollows on either ber, JusL recently graduated from Adlai Arrives in State I claims yesterday. side. He said he would get,the ma­ recruit training at Parris Island,' Regional Broadcasting Co., terial for flu from a knoll where S.C., and will recejve advanced In-i By Hoover NOW which waitts to loCate s'station Fern St. meets Gardner St. at, a Toll Hits 12 i fahtry training at Camp Pendle­ in EUst Hartford, said a radio sta­ forked exit. The plans are to cut ton pri.or 4o his further transfer, to tion in Manct'ester would Interfere away the high spot there and re­ I the F ar ElasL | vamp the intersection. Washington, Feb. 25 (/P)— By THFj ABSOtiATRD I‘RBAI8 with egtsting stations In Wester.v. I Herd.a Phdlnsraihiers'j WESTOWN TeBtimony by Undersecretary Tornadoes in southe^ 'II- R. I.', and Worcester, Mass. Preliminary w6rk on the 'widen­ Rev. IJoyd F, Worley ■ FHABMACY ■ 1 I Lawrence Cassells, son of Mr. ing Of Fern St. from-S. Main^St. PHARMACY of State Herbert Hoover Jr., limis and dust storms in four I and Mrs. Clarence C. Cassells of The Ma'nchester Broadcasting Co. said a station here would do eastward to a point aboub-800 feet The Rev. Lloyd F. Worley, D. D,, M9 HARTFORD RD. left unexplained today details Southwest states killed 4t or Major Talk Hebron Rd.. Bolton, and Willard 1 T>:L. m i 9-9946 Hills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard no mich thing. eaat of (he bridge Includea cutting minister of the First Methomst j tof last week’s midnight de­ least 12 persons, injured an HOUR ' The third company, Brothers trees and clearing atumps. Church, HartfoixU will be guest | Hills of 2S Phelps Rd., left yester- • d o n 't b e cision to embargo arms ship­ undetermined nomlier and 'fdary fbr basic training at Lackland BroadcasLnj’. Corp., which wants, The town engineer is seeking speaker at the second In the series , to establish .a station In Karlford, quotations on, the cost of blasting of I^enten scrr'lces sponsored by' ments to the Middle ^ast.V caused extensive property Air Force Base, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. a sensitive The order euspended temporarky damage today. Cassells have two other sons, in said neither of the other two pro­ rock encountered In the widening I the Methodist Men Sunday eve­ posed stations would provide suf­ of Porter St. near its intersection ning at the South .Methodist X - the delivery of 18 tanKa to Saudi The : Southwest's worst dust the Air Force, Clarence ill France r b e a u ty Arabia, but the ehipment waa al­ i and Donald In Japan. ficiently extensive coverage. with Camp Meeting Road. The Church at 8 o'clock. His sermon storm of the season a howling VP.’ Plans Attack on Ike lowed to proceed When the ban waa These developments sdrolltedly Highway Department la cutting topic will be "Seeing Life Whole." Aimer ivit whel ikt decfGf -‘'Black Blla=ard" vhicji fanned 4 i n left the hearing examiner, Basil P. Dr. Worley served. In France lifted 43 houra later. Hoover waa prairie fires, ripped off roofs and I*! .'*1’ S' back a curve there. erdari fer yewr verr ewa ife^iel tha Senate Foreign Relationa Com- * Cooper, "a little confused." He during World War I. One time ^ ihm roquiiiiei . even tHe killed 'alx- persona '-finally blew "the Senate Foreign Relaiona Com­ itself Into the Gulf of Mexico, pointed nut tha( the measure­ superintendent of the New Haven .mdti iSMiiive iLinl Thtie d*ii- mittee. [Foreign Affairs Aim ments by the three applicants of Mininters to Test District of Methodi.it churches, he The key queation which had been finwll O aft Wamlaga . X ’ ■ ' ON { COSMETICS 4 the same operatTon hau resulted has served churches on Long Is­ ^ celsty pvrte Rrt<ievi preperetieet Warnings for amall craft to stay ers fOitt loemvh I f booyfy wiHi kicking arpqnd Washington ainca ^ We Carry All the Top Unes ^ in three different findings. land.-, Stamford, Norwalk ami the embargfr was impoaed waa, who in port Went up along the cbast aa Cooper appealed to the Broad­ Organ on Sunday Hartford^ He received . s citation •Very Imewfi ikia iffiteaf atogideMy the storm whipped up Gulf waters Hertford) Feb. 25 (/P)—Adlai Stevenson came to Conneeti* • rtaievtd. Initiated the action, SHIRTS cast Bureau of the. F'lX' for help, from the Jewish Wgr Veterans In Thera had been reports in the and spread its aky-darklng pall cut today, primed for a major speech.tonight attacking the and was tolo that the FCC en­ The Committee on Ministry to Stamford in 1948. into Louisiana and Mlsalaalppi. ►Arthur Dnis StorM j Institutions of the Manchester State Department that the initial Republican administration’s handling of foreign affairs and gineering ecperl had advised that •tep was taken by White House Behind the storm front, skies evaluation of the data was. a Council of Churches will meet at 'A nf Stote-geedy clearing, wti.da fell, and two prai­ - ‘■ - v W - r - immigration matters. Center Congregational Church Press Secretary James .C, Hagerty AND DRY matter of "engineering Judgment." at President Eisenhower'a vacation rie fires—one northwest o* Lub­ The DejBocratic presidential ^tppeful said his address- will a But in evaluating the data. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.,The headquarters at Thomaaville, Ga. bock and a larger one near Mata­ also discuss flood insurance and flood cointrol—-two subjects Brothers' claims won't be con­ Rev. John E. Post, chairman, will M & M Llqiiin Makeup Cold Cream Soap It waa understood on good au- dor, Tex.
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