11 XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1007. Surrogates' Notices. Su ~v v>rr Resorts. Instruction. Excursions. Excursions. — BOWERY MOURNS LIONS CllAKLi&i In pun UUEC9 of as ortfar ot GuuK.J Hon. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County NEW YORK. For Boys and Young Men—City. Cf New York, notice to hereby «lv !n to ai: pcnoiis h-.ta* claims «gaiost Charle* T. Cook, late of tH» County t>t CHARMING EXCURSIONSHUDSON TO YES !WE'RE REfi3Y York, deceased, to present tie fame. wtth «cuch»r» UP THE PICTURESQUE New Restaurant Closed Re- * th* subscribers. _t their place of 11Ml famous for thereof to WEST POINT. NEWBURGH and POUGHKEEPSIE acting busir«-»». at the ofllce ot Edward Dlrr.on Bird, §VS O R L DwlgM School BERMUDA 401 Fifth Avenue in th» Borough of MaI_itt—» E V (except Sunday) by Palace Iron Day Line Number 8 Pally York, on M ei*»ii~e_Ul an After Sheriff' Visit. Hotel 8 Steamers "HenJrlck Hudson." "New Yo.k" and "Al- Sep*. • U. \u25a0-\u25a0 «tc- the City of New or asa to* da* and cottages the Adirondack*, ° in heart of the St, Station. St. (by Annex), 8; Desbrosses r overlooking two of most lakes In the region. IS West 43d Qrand Central bany." B'klyn. Fulton D*i«xNewaw Yort«. tlw first day of March. 1307. vntll after dark In-ft r.lcht did th« Bowery the beautiful St.. 8:40 and 9:40; W. 42d St.. 0:00 and 10:0?; West $46.50 D*"ted SARAH E. COOK. Sot Trout fishing, bass fishing, Returning, 9 Days . up to the fact that "Mike" Lyons'* res- boating, bathing, bowling, NEW YORK CITY 129 th St.. 9:20 and 10:20 A. M. on either ~xt?Cw_V_ -*afee ' 261, pool, tennis, music; house physician. Sanitary plumbing; down boat, duo 42.3 St. 5:30 or 8:40 P. M. EDWARD PISTON BIRO. taurant," at N s. 'S# and was not open, and HIEIUIAS pure spring water. No pulmonary invalids. Artistic * MORNING AND AFTERNOON CONCERTS. W. K.NEV.\Ld. h,re and there on the floors were small slips Year NOVA SCOTIA HAi:O_£> E. COOK. ' catalogues. 28th Executors. irdicat:n that th* famous eating DELIGHTFUL AFTERNOON EXCURSION TO Sept. 5, 24. * of t*?cT s bouse MORLET'S. Lake Pleasant. Hamilton Co.. N. T. 10. 11. 19. KNFYALS PERRY. for repairs." When the Bowery did School reopens September 25th. Attorneys for Siien.ian V,'. Knevais awl Harold E. Cook. —•as -clos*<J * Co., unu?-.:r«l occurrence It wondered what ~*-DIRONDACK HOUSE. Indian Lak*. Hamilton Harvard, Co- WEST POINT 5 $20.00 Executors. 34 Nassau Street. Bcnoush of _iiin,M—» i-sfovrr this «. V.—Accommodates 23. Rates. SS to $10 per week Prepares for Yale. Princeton. STEAMER MARY POWELL. Days New York City. ,-., extent of the repairs needed and how and $2 per day. Mrs. E. Prop. lumbia, Cornell, an Col- 2:00; & LEAKT. MEAD. Mass. Ins. Tech. dall Leaving 42d W. 123 th $45.00 FLOYI> Executrix, •3TU : Desbrosses St.. 1:45: W. St.. 10 Days Atttrneys Jcr E. Conic. and Kwart .„„ v - take to make them. leges and Technical Schools. St.. 2:20 P. M. Arriving West Point 5 P. M.. where Sank 25 Broad j v \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.: for Is made with Day Line I>imon Bird. Kxecutor. Street. Borons— si close connection New York 'AllIncluded. Manhattan. >'tw York Ctry. Some superstitious ones shook their heads at Individual Instruction. Thorough training. steamer "ALBANY." Excursion fare. $1.00. Also choice they deemed a bad sign, and wondered If when buying ticket of return by any West Shore or N. Y. y.S •chat and Physical Laboratory ample PURSUANCE OS* ORDER OS" HO.V. trans ever open again Chemical Central train, or Steamer Ramsdell. $1.10. Riving FITZGERALD, a Surrogate of tile '\«jnty of Ne-~ P'?-cc would For In the old Gymnasium. Send for prospectus. time Cadets In camp, public buildings. &c Or- LABOR DAY TRIPS InT.— ;,v,ir!f'? at to see ' York Notice !3 hereby jriven to all HMM ha\.ns '-j« when was the flood tide of its - chestra on board. rate*lfli 3 Days *t3.i»« against G. Bates, late of th« County ot -«„ SEMII. E. CAMEKER. 3 claim? Edwin .Aiu'.arlty and prosperity a —ay was always found Principals:... This Excursion Made Dally, except Sunday. Mann Falls* Dai* *13.7J \>v York, decease!, to present the same with vouchers J AKTIIUK WOXIAMS. ; Thousand Islands. Rapids. thereof to the sn—serlber.. at her place of transacting nr.y repairs needed sending: Day* Wright, >- - without a Montreal and Lakes 7 $43.50 business, at the cff.ce f.f Warr«>n '\u25a0" Rector t*xnaiepatron away. All Travelling Expenses Included. •street ltorougrh of Manhattan, In the Cltv of New York. ka«rf r* th» Ist day of February. 190S. George Washington Lyons, son of the founder boys Many Other Inclusive HoiiJay Trips, and Independent 33 or' for* of ;gho3L Tickets Everywhere. Dated"* * N*w York, the iT-th toy of July. lUO7. Lyons, mm m Aye. M. F. said last night COLLEGE I'P.EP. & GRAMMAR. 7-1 St Nicholas START F. BATES. Eierutrtx. the restaurar.t. that Aye. AUGrney - GARDEN CITYHOTEL «• 239 Lenox WRICJKT. for Kxtwuirlx. Recta* repairs were badly needed, and KINDERGARTEN PKIMART. Catalog- SUMMER TRIPS! WARREN New Tork. jjje announced GARDEN CITY 23D VEAK begins Sept. SSth. TKOS. COOK & SON Street. that the restaurant be open again .... Long I-Unu 1200 Broadway. 649 Madison Ay*. positively would 18 m.it-s frcm New Tork. Open all the year, v >lft. Cpeclal arrange t4. In rats. 245. ORDER Of HON. by Friday say. Monday refined, Booklet. men All expenses 863 Fifth Aye. (Windsor Arcade). New York. PURSUANCE OF AN FRANTC for business or. at the exclusive J. J. LAVMN H>.. Props. SCHOOL, T. Fitzgerald, a Surr>.- of the County »f New FREELAND Klagara Thousand Island*. St. & Sague- IN giv^n A representative from the Sheriffs office Sp.TliMfiß 29 42nd St. Falls. Lawrence lurk, notice I* hereby to all pc sons havla< litest- BnlMlnir. West Margaret s Willis, __\u25a0 known hand, however, opening NOW liii;Mil <<>1.1.F.<;K WORK. nay. White Mts.. Nova Scotia. Jamestown Exptn.. eta claims against as liar* _^s ea at time yesterday OPEN Willis. !ate of the Cuiinry of N<;v» York, INDIVIDUALINSTRUCTION. Writ* for "Prepared descriptive garetta S. do- *\u25a0 execute two Judgments against Lyons, now Folder." ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to niornlae " For Your Vacation of above tours, mailed free. Apartment Hotel.?. subscriber his place of transacting business rH?t l3 obtained In the sti ac which -\u25a0• the Municipal Court the office of Chas P * Wm. W. Enckley. No. 141 or. Aur-st 1. One of them, for $27416. was /^TRINITY Broadway. In The City of New Tork. on or before thm Georpe M. Still, an oyster dealer at the I 139-147 WestSCHOOL^!>l-t St. 1 THOS, T. fifteenth day of December nnt. obtained fear LONG A KENDRIGKSOH'S TOURS Dated New Tork. the •.(\u25a0.!.-<! day of June. 19OT. ISLAND 1709. PRIMARY. GRAMMAR I Bsao__B_sl street, and the other was Over 400 of on Sound I FOUNDED HOTF.L WILFRED S<. *_ end of for miles shore line ocean. HIGH UNEXCELLED i 843 ST. BROOKLYN. N. 1, W11.1.!i-. Administrator. and bays. east and west. Is cooled In I SCHOOLS. EQUIPMENT. FULTON CHAS. P. *WM W. BHCK .BT. 11l Ero_Uw»y. N. _, J2297, Is favor of the Mutual Milk and Cream Trrndinc I PREPARES FOR ALL COLLEGES. I City. Borough of Summer by the south winds from the wean. V 23D. _/ Manhattan. Attorney* for Al- Company- of No 2:4 East 22d street. The younger "Summer Resorts on Long Island." a book OPENS SKIT. mln!->trator. *c. containing list of and boarding _yon* said that there had simply been a mlsun- hotels house*: Grosvenoß free on application at L. I. R. R. ticket offices X.IWIS, Aye. A DVERTISEMENT3 and subscriptions T>e Tribua* about the amounts and that the mailed upon receipt of 4c. by H M. RED BAPJK Fifth and 10th St. rct,-en«-<l for ierstfinding due. or postage leaves Franklin St. Pier 24. N. R.. dally. 1) A. M. 3 __. ait.•i t.•:r r,i..vn DBM .o. _M ::roa«lway. had been taken to make the repairs. SMITH. General Pa*sen«rer Agent. L. I. R. I. MANHATTAN COLLEGE Sundays. only Highlands. Red Bank, Catering exclusively to patronage of the between 36th an 1 37t.*> st untii :» o'clock p. m. ..-r- Opportunity y-3 Aye.. N. City. and Day Scholars, P. M,: 9 A. M. for highest cl.i*s. affords permanent resi- . | Fifth T. Brothers, a received at the f. reg-» years Christian BoarfllnK etc. Ezc. (H>c Trolley to Lent: Branch. Asbury Park. tiseratnts \u25a0:\u25a0>•*.•nc branch offices at the t!urtv-flve of the restaurant's for select people. Apartments of ..\u25a0 in., la ex- Broadway and 131st St.. New York. dence u:ar ofT.-t—razes until » ciocn .is.: ST.4 Bt> aye.. to eight ,-X l.t-j jsteace last night was the first that It srave no COURSES LEADINGTO B. A. &B. 8. two rooms and bath rooms and *. c. cor. St.: M Clh s«s cor. I3MSt.: VI Fast Laths now being »t.. t.,t*ef: 7th ani to the knock of the hungry. The place, Engineering;. Deep sea fiphlng every day A(.Foster's Iron four October leases st- 257 West 42.1 Sth avesi.
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