ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM ANNALE VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM CRUSTACEA LIBRARY Volume 52 Band SMlTHSm.,Jl/\N INSTITUTION r-T', J ~ -'-(~, t~ April 1969 April Rt,U ..~ lu ;J-119 Part 7 Dee! DECAPOD CRUSTACEA FROM THE SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN By B. F. KENSLEY are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available Obtainable from the South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town word uitgegee in dele op ongeree1de tye na beskikbaarheid van stof OUT 01' PRINT/UIT DRUK I, 2(1, 3, 5, 7--s), 3(1-2, 5, t.-p.i.}, 5(2, 5, 7-9), 6(1, t.-p.i.}, 7(1, 3), 8, 9(1-2}, 10(1-3), 11(1-2, 7, t.-p.i.}, 21, 24(2), 27, 31(1-3}, 38, 44(4)· Price of this part/Prys van hierdie deel R2.IO Trustees of the South African Museum © Trustees van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 1969 Printed in South Africa by In Suid-Afrika gedruk deur The Rustica Press, Pty., Ltd. Die Rustica-pers ,Edms., Bpk. Court Road, Wynberg, Cape Courtweg. Wynberg, Kaap DECAPOD CRUSTACEA FROM THE SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN By B. F. KENSLEY South African Museum, Cape Town Introduction Station list • Species list . Systematic discussion Distribution . Summary Acknowledgements References • The material dealt with in this paper comes from several sources. The greatest proportion was collected on the seventh cruise of the R/V Anton Bruun, in 1964, as part of the International Indian Ocean Expedition. The station numbers of the Anton Bruun are designated by the letters BRU, while catalogue numbers of the Zoology Department, University of Cape Town, are designated either as NAD (off the Natal coast) PED (offMoc:;ambique coast), MDD (off the south-western coast of Malagasy Republic), or WBS (Walter's Shoal). This latter is a shallow area about 400 nautical miles south of the Malagasy Republic, and about 600 miles off the coast of South Mrica. A final report of the expedition was published by the U.S. Program in Biology, I.I.O.E., in 1965, to which body I am indebted for the opportunity of examining the material. Other sources of material include the collections made by the R/V Vema (station Vema 6) off the Natal coast, the John D. Gilchrist (station GIL 56-58) off Natal, and the S.A.S. Natal (station NGY) off Natal. Type material is housed at the South Mrican Museum, and catalogued with South Mrican Museum (S.A.M.) numbers. All other material is in the Zoology Department of the University of Cape Town. 149 Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 5ll (7), 1969, 14g-181, 16 figs. 15° ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Abbreviations Sampling gear: AD-Agassiz Dredge MT - Menzies Trawl CG-Campbell Grab 0.6 m2 RD-Rock Dredge Substrata: c-coarse G,O.-Globigerina Ooze Calc. Alg.-Calcareous Algae gy-grey Crl-coral M-mud d-dark R-rock f-fine S-sand G-gravel Sh-shell gn-green St-stone STATION LIST Station Number Date Position Depth (m) Bottom Gear GIL 56 13.7.59 29°53'S/31°06'E 20 SM RD GIL 58 13.7.59 29°53'S/31°04'E 71 M RD NGY 21 17.5.58 30047'S/30029'E 44 St NGY 17 16.8.58 29°53'S/31°04'E 38 CI D NGY 59 12.8.58 29°58'S/31°27'E 49 NGY63 13.8.58 30047'S/30027'E 36 Vema 6 23.4.58 29°46'S/31°17'E 110-130 BRU 356 B 29.7.64 29°U'S/31°37'E 18 R RD BRU 356J 29.7.64 29°1O'S/3l051 'E 43 S MT BRU 357 B 30.7.64 29°11'S/32°02'E 70 RSh RD BRU 358 C 30.7.64 29°21'S/31°58'E 370 gnSM MT BRU 363 P 5.8.64 23°17'S/43°33'E 12-25 guM AD BRU 363 W 12.8.64 23°19'S/43°36'E 82 AD BRU 370 G 18.8.64 24°40'S/35°28'E 347 Sh AD BRU 371 E 18.8.64 24°46'S/35°20'E 132 RSh S RD BRU 371 F 18.8.64 24°46'S/35°18'E UO cS R RD· BRU 371 G 19.8.64 24°53'S/34°56'E 55 fgySR RD BRU 372 C 19.8.64 24°46'S/24°50'E 22 Sh S R RD BRU 372 G 19.8.64 24°53'S/34°56 'E 55 fgy S R RD BRU 372 L 19.8.64 25°07'S/34°34'E U2 dSM· AD BRU 372 Q 22.8.64 25°57'S/33°02'E 42 ShR D BRU 373 B 22.8.64 26°00'S/33°05'E 135 RSh RD BRU 381 A-C 30.8.64 33°13'S/43°51 'E 38-46 Calc. Alg. RD BRU 389 G 8.9.64 29°57'S/31 °31'E 700 GO AD BRU 390 C 8.9.64 29°45'S/31°40'E 440 S AD BRU 390 E 8.9.64 29°42'S/3l038'E 350 SM AD BRU 390 G 8.9.64 29°38'S/31°36'E 200 SM CG BRU 390H 8.9.64 29°37'S/3l033'E 175-200 SM D BRU 390 L 9.9.64 29°35'S/31°38'E 150 SM AD BRU 390N 9.9.64 2go34'S/31°39'E U5 SM CG BRU 390 P 9.9.64 29°34'S/31°39'E U8 SM .AD BRU 390 R 9.9.64 29°35'S/31°42'E 138 GrCrl CG BRU 390 S 9.9.64 2go35'S/31°42'E 138 cSCrl AD BRU 391 B 9.9.64 29°29'S/31°45'E 86 M CG BRU 391 C 9.9.64 29°29'S/31°45'E 86 M AD BRU 391 F 9.9.64 29°26'S/31°46'E 77 guM AD, BRU 391 H 9.9.64 29°21'S/31 °35'E 57 cM&Sh AD BRU 391J 9.9.64 29°31'S/31°35'E 57 MSSh AD BRU 392 F 10.9.64- 29°16'S/31°32'E 35 dM CG BRU 392 G 10.9.64 29°l4'S/3l °31'E 18 fgyS CG BRU 392 H 10.9.64 29°13'S/31°31 'E 18 gyfS AD BRU 392 K 10.9.64 29°19'S/31°26'E 38 cS AD . , ..: ";';:~..,'. <! 5j2 Juv Station Catalogue Number Lophoz,o;;ymus dodone (Herbst) 1 - - NGY21 NAD3W Lupocyclus tugelae Barnard - 1 ovig - 372 G PED 16K Macropodia formosa Rathbun 4 - - NGY 59 NAD18T 2 lovig - 372 PED 19T 1 - - 381 A-C WSS3E *Nursilia dentata Bell 1 - - 371 F PED6Z *Palicus sexlobatus n.sp. I - - 371 F SAM. AI2642 *Paratergatis longimanus Sakai - I - 372 L PED 19M 2 - - 391 C NAD 51 C 2 - - 390 P NAD40K Philyra globosa (Fabricius) 2 - - 392 H NAD 73 B Philyra globulosa Milne- Edwards 13 80vig - 391 C NAD51 A - I ovig 2 356J NAD86D 2 20vig - 392 K NAD 75 E Pilumnus hirsutus Stimpson I 3 - 372 C PED 12 Q-R 2 I - 372 G PED 16 F-G Pilumnus longicomis Hilgendorf I - - 371 G PED8X - 1 - 356B NAD 80 X-Y 2 4 - NGY 21 NAD3Y Pinnotherids (Unidentified) 1 - - 363W MDD I C 1 - - 372 L PED 19 K 1 - - 390 S NAD45J 1 - - 372 G PED 16 H Platylambrus quemvis Stebbing 5 7+2ovig - 391 J {NAD62 A NGY 59 NAD 18 R Platypodia cf. granulosa (Riippell) - I - 381 A-C WSS3C Portumnus mcleayi Barnard I lovig - 372 C PED 12 N I - - 391 J NAD64W Ranina ranina (Linnaeus) 1 - - 372 G PED 16 E *Retropluma planiforma n.sp. 2 4 - 390H NAD31D SAM. A12643 -5 Thalamita woodmasoni Alcock - I ovig - NGY 21 NAD3R Thalamita sp. - I ovig - NGY 21 NAD 3R Thalamita sp. 2 - - Vema 6 NADIIC Xanthias tuberculidens Rathbun 1 - - 390 S NAD45G - I - 390R NAD 49 R - 1 - 371 E PED2 D 1 - - 356 B NAD80 X-Y 2 - - NGY21 NAD3V ? Xanthias sp. (Immature) - - 2 372 G PED 16 L Xanthids (Unidentified) - - 5 381 A-C WSS3B ANOMURA PAGURIDEA Anapagurus hentiersoni Barnard I - - 390 L NAD35G I I - 390 S NAD45R I - - 390 C ABD14L Dardanus arrosor (Herbst) 1 - - 391 J NAD62T - 1+lovig - OIL 58 NAD26 S Dardanus euopsis (Dana) I - - 372 G PED 16 R-T Dardanus setifer (Milne- Edwards) I - - NGY 59 NAD20V I - - NGY21 NAD3N ~ ~ Juv Statum Catalogue Number Diogenes brevirostris Stimpson 1 1 - 372 C PED 12 S Diogenes costatus Henderson 2 - - NGY 59 NAD18Y 356J NAD86A 1392 H NAD 73 K K NAD75H many 391J NAD62 S 391 F NAD58J 391 C NAD 51 N 391 H NAD67 C Diogenes custos (Fabricius) 5 2 - r392 H NAD 73J • NematopagllTllS gardineri Alcock 1 - - 390 S NAD45 P • NematopaguTllS squamichelis Alcock 2 1 - 370 G ABD8V Pagurus spinulentus (Henderson) 5 3 - {392 K NAD 75J GIL 56 NAD24D NGY 59 NAD 18 V 1 - - 356J NAD87W 13 70vig - 391 J NAD62N PagllTllS sp. 1 - - 372 C PED 12 V 1 - - 390 S NAD45Q - - 1 370G ABD8W - 20vig - 372 G PED 16 R-T Between PagllTllS & PylopaguTllS 1 - - 372 G PED 16 R-T ParapagllTllS pilosimanus Smith 2 1 - 358 C ABD 1 E ? Pylopagurus sp.
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