102: Campaign Finance Report 5s-\ Form CPF M MunicipalForT. rr.r ,rx,,) .:?i ii:i Political qmdd'd : I l'" affis ofrice of Campaigp and .'l'l ''';l' il '^ '' Commonwealthw of Massachusetuq May 9,20t2 Apr 3,2O12 ll in RePorting Period dates: dissolution ;mefoflCheckone) election flyear-endrePort I election ffi :o daY after n Ath daY Preceding f, tttr daY Preceding Preliminarl committee to Elect sEY:iItn: Steven Matthew BYrne tliaot" nutt uame (if agPlicable) tl'A 02474 e-Iralranut Rd', Arlington ' ffino no., Atqlgen xlj24z+ Committee Mailing Address Residential Address previous report Ending Balance from (page 3' line 11) Total reoeipts this period 2) Subtotal (line 1 Plus line period (page 5' line 14) Total expenditures this minus line 4) Ending Balance (line 3 this period (page 6) Total in-kind contributions liabilities (page 7) Total (a11) outstanding Name of banKs) used: lI*ixt1tr.''i;l'il'J'il*"'il'ffff #:ry mffiXJ*nt",u**auachedscheduresll*J;J$iff,ililJrfill'*::'tiffi?1ffi':r{iT'l*andrepresents$e'"'*'1J;J$:"ffi JlilJ'fi of M'G L c 55 ,*";'lfl*:f*l$ihiiJ.l|"is in accordance wrtit including all contributrons, commiuee " "quit"t*o iilJ6JoE9,2012 lff#';,'i'if,oturi p""o* u"tine under the ^.*.. under the Penaltie ofPcrjurX: : (check l bor onlY) ' anv contribdions'J*il: candrdare with c"*'!51f,",ilff:1"'d;T#*ilf#*f**1"".m*f*f*ffi#,1*:J?irl;:;i#**TI"*i'3'Jif si iffii t'""" Tf'ffi1:$ru'iffi*' received l:*fm:"mtr,-t:t"frfl#$#$f;:*rm*t".mAf*ffiffi *fi p€riod Xf'Tigp"1pioffi1'?ffi"'ffactinitv, or at persons g15iill;ilffffi;,,i'G*rr 'J".ff i*,r.*insthisreportingpenod. o*ine this reporting nor maoe tury s^lpusr**" --- r incuned any tiabilities .. .. 2it-- ---dta T.tfr{ rep'resants the candidatewithoutcommitteees-can:1ff.Y*#;T'5,:i;*?Si;yffic'trdidate witbo", ."'-ffi-*;:"#ff&;lftT**lJ;*;n** ffilliil, fri' ,"0.1"' poiod 4 I c€rtifi/ ftat I have examrnt f:*X*"#rTiffi"';il; requireroents or M G L tt' **ur*:'J:rrffi-*,:;l'::tr'sffi;Tl'ffi;*?ffi-;n:T'm1""*"*fiff*-3iffi:#ffifft"+:#s;%?th" with the ", LJ- r'ranci activity, i,r"ruoine #nffi;;F:"tffi,,j*.ffi;Tio'"'u or on beharr or *#:;;'* t tffi:#;H'#ffi a1ine. unoer tl - ^ ^ ;'l P""ons ?4aY 9,2O12= under the Penalties ofPeriurY: SCHEDULE A: RACEIPTS M.G.L. c. 55 requires thot the nome and residential address be reported, in alphabetical order, for all receipts over $50 in a calendsr year. Committees must leep detailed accounts qndrecords af all receipts, b* need only ilemize those receipts over $50, In ddditiol\ the occapation and employer must be reportedfot all p6ons who contribute 8200 or more in a calendar year. (A "Schedulc A: Receipts'r ettachment is avdlable to completc, print and ettach to this reporl if additional pages ere rcquired to rcport atl receipts, Please include your committee name and a page number on each page.) Name and Residential Address Occupation & Employer Date Received (alnhabetical listine required) Amount (for contributions of $200 or more) Line 9: Total Receipts over $50 (or listed above) Line 10: Total Receipts $50 and under* (not listed above) Line l1: TOTAL RECEIPTS IN THE PERIOI) Enteron page l, line 2 * If you have itemized receipts of $50 and under, include them in line 9. Line 10 should include only those receipts not itemized above, Pagc 2 SCEEE*{JE E B; EXPEN*ET&IE"ES lvf.G.L. c. 55 reqetires eamnnittees to list, in alpttcbetical arder, all expenditures over $S0 iw a reparting pericd Cowewittees wast fuep rfuiailet accawnts aptC recard,s of a!{ expendi€ures. bw! need only itemize thcse cver fi58. ttpenditwres &58 {*v{i under rway be added togetker, from cornrniftee reco:"ris. swd reported on line ! 3. {.A "Sehedeie B: Expenditurest' ErBsehmeat !s aseiEaB}le te eompXete, priof and attscfu €o this repor€, if addiiiomeE psges ere requErec! to report e$ expeaadi€unes. Fiease inelude y'oaar eommittee E€me amd e page mumher om eaek page.) To Whom Faid Sate Faid {aEphabetical Eisting} Address Furpose ofExpemdifune .Amoumf Community Newspaper m Advertisement Connolly Printing Woburn, lt4A Mailer USPS Starnps l"i[-_1 Fedex Burlington Copies [E [-; Fedex rlington l '-'-t [=; Sabaiino's italian Kitchen Arlington Expense (Phone bank) l-"-'i Sabatino's iialian Kiichen Arlington Expense (Phone bank) [4 CTE -loe Curro Arlington Donation [] Food Expense (Election Day l----l] Eq m Events) l""l Food Expense - Kicl< off 3/3/LZ & Election Day 4/10/12 Events il [] Reimbursement - Phone call Arlington, MA il expenses ly Printing Woburn, MA Lawn Signs Line 12: Total Expenditures over $50 (or listed abrove) [-;"*';l Line 13: Total Expenditures $50 and under* (not listed above) Enter on page 1, iine 4 + n Ene 14: TOTAn EXFENSITEIRES IN THE PERHOS I t',;l * If you have iternized er.prrrdiiures of $50 and under. inciude thent in line 12. Line i.3 should inciude only rhose expenditures nor iternized above. Fege 4 COI"{TRIBUTEONS SCE€ES{JLE C: "m{-KF{s" and under may be trn-kind con€ributions $50 contributions ylrnore tha* $50. who have rnade in-ki,nd please itemize contributors trine 15 on page 1' records and insluded in together from d;**ttt--'s added --.---.---.--.-- Value u'r r-nntrihutiotr nesidential n E!t$i BP3rvu -::--------------+ rfi/hnrn Received* 'dddress Date Received Banners -*_--i i_: l L ''""-'-] over $50 (or listed above; _-_===_= [L Line 15: In-Kind Contributions ' above) $50 & under (not listed Line i6: Xn-Kind Contribi$ions l---! t'oooi TOTAL IN-KIND C ot{TRlBurloNS I 1,line 6 -r Line 1?: Enter on Page musri;ry'uit ui! irdlr ffi a calendar year' You ' and ernplover Fage 6 "1ff"*;trJ.,*Jg'ffiH;;,'ffi:.*ffi"1,ffiT;;,:['"ffi#5T"1ffi'Jtr:;#ffi;#t"r't*'p"ti*n .
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