M O N D A Y , A P R IL 18, 1966 The Weather PAGE TWENTY lEttroingil^ralb Aginige Daily Net Preae W n For the Week Haded Considerable cloudiness, not as cool tonight, lo w ' la 40s; The JCiwanis Club of Man­ A p ril 16, 1966 Miss Kathleen P e i^ , daugh­ Holy Family Mothers Circle variable eloucDness, chEtaee at chester will hear a talk on .tax ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Per­ will meet Wednesday at 8:15 5 Requests planning when It meets at showera tomonroiw, higb Id 60ft; About Town ry of 211 Hollister St., has been p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ray­ 14,620 noon tomorrow at. Cavey’s elected secretary of the Student mond t1. Quish, 110 Forest St. manchester-^A City of Village Charm seaman Racrult Walter F. Pe- Restaurant. The talk will be Before Z B A Association of Meriden Hospital Members are reminded to bring- liC, aO, tJSN, aon at Mr. and family photographs. given by a member o f the Con­ (OMsIfled Adverttolng on Page 15), PRICE SEVEN CENTS School of Nursing. She Is also Five requests tor z<ming H O U S i ^ H A L E M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., T U E S D A Y , A P R I L 19, 1966 ICt^ Frederidt H. Petlg ot 94 necticut Society of Certified ^(EIGHTEEN PAGES). senior class representative to variances will be beard tonight V O L . L X X X V , N O . 169 Lenox St., has completM his The planning committee for Public Accountants. the judiciary board of the school. at a public hearing of the Zon­ Main Street r»» two weeks of annual active duty the annual dinner of the Man­ She is a 1964 graduate of Man­ ing Board of AippcaJs at 8 in Manchester *The Store toUh VUlage Charm for training at the Naval Train­ chester Y W C A will meet to­ The Professional Women’s chester High School. the Municipai Building Hearing in g Center, Great Lakes, HI., morrow at 7:W p.m. at the Club will meet tomorrow at 8 and has returned to his local p.m. at Center Congregational Room. He^s Available! Beta Xi Chapter of Beta home of Mrs. Allison O. Brant- new spring K aval Reserve unit. Church. Robert A. Milikowskl Rearings will be held on the Sigma Phi sorority won a state ner, 5 N. Elm St. animal sale of famous itig Power Plant of Flower Fashions will speak following applications: Gov. John > Dempsey Itas jnremen Apprentice Clifford scrap book contest at a conven­ From George and Shirley f eollecrion of told the Msuichester Squtire The Italian American Society on flower arrangements. Hos­ M. McKinney, XJ^, son of Mr. tion Saturday in Torrington. Converse, a variance to ditride Dance dub It's too early of. Manchester will meet to­ tesses are Miss Ethel Goslee, and Mrs. W. McKinney of 132 Chapter members attending the a parcel of land, at 52 Wads­ sleeveless for him to know if he can night at 8 at the Italian Am eri­ Miss Sylvia Claflin, Miss Huth Pearl St. is serving aboard the confab were Mrs. Allan Critten­ worth St., residence zone B. in­ “Hudson” hosiery attend Ita tenth anniversiUTr can Club on Eldridge St. Porter and Mrs. Evelyn Lloyd. N avy’s newest polaris missile den and Mrs. James Spring, to two lots for the purpose of dirmer on Oct. 15. both of Wapping, and Mrs. submarine tender, tTSS Canopus Immaculate Conception Moth­ constructing a two-family dwel­ In his letter he says . George Danforth of Manchester. Mystic Review, North Ameri­ at Charleston, S.C. The Canopus ling on one. this falls -within the final Again Hit by Planes can Benefit Association, -will ers Circle will meet Wednes­ is designed to service and re­ day at 8 p.m. at the home of Prom W aiter Oapik, a vari­ shifts weeks of the campaign in meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at pair' virtually every part and Past Chiefs of Daughters of ance to convert a two-family Odd Fellows Hall, Hostesses Mrs. John J. Conner, 19 V ir­ which I Eun expected to bo piece of equipment in any nu­ Scotia will meet tomorrow at dwelling into a three-family at are Mrs. Wilfred Trudeau and ginia Rd. Mrs. Raymond Au- a candidate. .” clear-powered “ Polaris” sub­ 7:30 p.m, at the home of Miss 80-82 Garden St., in residence A pril 18th Mrs. Richard Gutzmer. dette is co-hostess. marine. Blizabeth Brown, 20 Arch St. zone B. and to construct .an outside stairway on 'the comer through M ansfield lot building. State News From 'Vincent J. Ekigar, to A pril 30 A gain Asks maintain a building closer to the side line than regulations W om an Shot permit. The almost-completed Peace Talks dwelling is on Ferguson Rd., and to 7.99 On Street in is in a Residence Zone A A . SAIGON, South Viet From Anthony Botticello, a pr. Nam (A P )— U.S. je t fight­ variance in Rural Residence Easy-Care Fabrics In New Britain er-bombers rallied North zoning to erect a breezeway and r»g. 1.25 prints, solids, checks, Viet Nam’s heartland for garage closer to the side line NEW BRITAIN (A P)-A wom­ florals. the second consecutive day, than regulations permit, at 595 3 prs. 2.95 an, who police,said apparently Hillstown Rd., had been shot from close range, pounding a major plant just outside Haiphong Mon­ Prom James M. Rufini, for a i6 prs. 5.90 WM found lying on West Main special exception to have a Street today. day night, a U.S. spokes­ General Repairer’s Litiense and Get ready for an easy- Detective Capt. Thomas J. man reported. oare, carefree summer a Certificate of Approval at his Ormsby said Clementine Simone Following close on the attack service station at 116-118 Cen­ with several of these Sunday <wi mlssdle sites near shifts from our newest of 37 OoloniEil Court, Plainville, ter St., in Business Zone II. He had been shot with a 38-callber Hanoi, two Navy planes in a low W e can’t help blowing our i collection. Many to is also asking for a variance level, radar-controlled attack horn about the rootln- choose from In several weapon. She was reported in which would permit him to re­ tootln savings In this val­ pr. price ranges. Cool, fair condition at New Britain dropped about 15 tons of bombs place an existing sigrn which is comfortable, ready to General Hospital after sdlrgery. on the Uong Bi. .power plant 14 ue-laden sale: 81.60 on six reg. 1.50 pr. closer to the street than regu­ pairs o f 99c hose, or $1.80 go—and the height of One shot passed through her miles northestat of North Vdet lations permit. on 6 pairs of regular $1.60 fashion besides. See body. Another, police said, Naan’s chief port 3 prs. 3.55 them today. hose . All are svallsble grazed her handbag and lodged The pilots reported showers of In sizes 81/2-11'/,, S, M, L ; 6 prs. 7.10 in her clothing. stretch-sizes tj, X L explosions and said the lights of FREE and Cantrece sizes. An Investigation of the shoot­ Haiphong went out at once. The pill ing was Under way. Ormsby plant provides 15 per cent of DELIVERY said the weapon has not been North Viet Nam’s electricity, I House and Hale— Street Floor House and Hale-Second Floor FROM ALL DEPTS. found. Winners of the four top Academy Award presentations last night were: From including a third of the power Haiphong uses and one-fourth of left, Lee Marvin, best actor; Julie Christie, best actress; Shelly Winters, best ARTHUR DRUG Excused from Draft the needs of the capital 60 miles Special Purchase! supporting actress and Martin Balsam, best supporting actor. (A P Photofax) Special Purchase! 11 HARTFORD (A P )—A 21-year- to the west. / IHI old Jehovah’s Witness has been Na'vy planes raided the tTong misses’ dacron-eotton liil ' misses’ new spring excused from milltEuy service Bi plamt twice in December be­ on religious grounds over the fore the start of a 87-day bomb­ sleepwear, dusters and robes objections of his draft board. Marvin, Julie Christie, ing pause. After the second raid A U.S. District judge ruled Dec; 22, It was reportedly al- LECLERC Breeze - cool, easy - care Acetate checks, Peter Pan that Herbert Msmson of Hart­ . most totally destoyed, but the FUNERAL HOME dacron - cotton, delicately ' collars, cardigan necks, ford is sincere in his religious spokesman sadd today It appar­ laced, and wonderful for solid color acetates, short j beliefs. His “ parental religious ently had been rebuild sleeves, sleeveless styles. summer wear. Sizes S, M., I Mrs, Weiss Finds Happy Life os Homemaker tTEdning” was Baptist, the judge Music ’ Receive Oscars FUNERAL Sizes 32 to 42. Neither Hanoi nor Haiphong noted. Mrs. R(*€rt Weiss, -wife ot the town’s general manager, and her family, are the SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) the roaring older brother of happy- has been hit by U. S. air attack, SERVICE Judge T. Emmett Clarie crltl- SEiid Marvin, Main Floor ' Second Floor subjects of an article and pictures on Page 10 of today s Herald. __ Britain’s Julie___ Christie, drunk gunfighter of_ go-lucky Jason Robards. but American planes brought W A LT E R N.
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