Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 230.58 that it may be clearly read while ob- § 230.55 Tubular type water and lubri- serving the steam gauge. cator glasses and shields. (a) Water glasses. Tubular type water § 230.50 Time of testing. glasses shall be renewed at each 92 All safety relief valves shall be test- service day inspection. ed, and adjusted if necessary, under (b) Shields. All tubular water glasses steam at every 92 service day inspec- and lubricator glasses must be tion, and also whenever any irregu- equipped with a safe and suitable shield larity is reported. which will prevent the glass from fly- ing in case of breakage. This shield WATER GLASSES AND GAUGE COCKS shall be properly maintained. (c) Location and maintenance. Water § 230.51 Number and location. glasses and water glass shields shall be Every boiler shall be equipped with so located, constructed, and main- at least two water glasses. The lowest tained that the engine crew can at all reading of the water glasses shall not times have an unobstructed view of the be less than 3 inches above the highest water in the glass from their proper po- part of the crown sheet. If gauge cocks sitions in the cab. are used, the reading of the lowest § 230.56 Water glass lamps. gauge cock shall not be less than 3 inches above the highest part of the All water glasses must be supplied crown sheet. with a suitable lamp properly located to enable the engine crew to easily see § 230.52 Water glass valves. the water in the glass. All water glasses shall be equipped INJECTORS, FEEDWATER PUMPS, AND with no more than two valves capable FLUE PLUGS of isolating the water glass from the boiler. They shall also be equipped with § 230.57 Injectors and feedwater a drain valve capable of evacuating the pumps. glass when it is so isolated. (a) Water delivery systems required. Each steam locomotive must be § 230.53 Time of cleaning. equipped with at least two means of de- The spindles of all water glass valves livering water to the boiler, at least and of all gauge cocks shall be removed one of which is a live steam injector. and valves and cocks thoroughly (b) Maintenance and testing. Injectors cleaned of scale and sediment at every and feedwater pumps must be kept in 31 service day inspection, and when good condition, free from scale, and testing indicates that the apparatus must be tested at the beginning of each may be malfunctioning. In addition, day the locomotive is used, and as the top and bottom passages of the often as conditions require, to ensure that they are delivering water to the water column shall be cleaned and in- boiler. Boiler checks, delivery pipes, spected at each annual inspection. feed water pipes, tank hose and tank § 230.54 Testing and maintenance. valves must be kept in good condition, free from leaks and from foreign sub- (a) Testing. All water glasses must be stances that would obstruct the flow of blown out, all gauge cocks must be water. tested, and all passages verified to be (c) Bracing. Injectors, feedwater open at the beginning of each day the pumps, and all associated piping shall locomotive is used, and as often as nec- be securely braced so as to minimize essary to ensure proper functioning. vibration. (b) Maintenance. Gauge cocks, water column drain valves, and water glass § 230.58 Flue plugs. valves must be maintained in such con- (a) When plugging is permitted. Flues dition that they can easily be opened greater than 21⁄4 inches in outside di- and closed by hand, without the aid of ameter (OD) shall not be plugged. Flues a wrench or other tool. 21⁄4 inches in outside diameter (OD) or 517 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:14 Nov 15, 2011 Jkt 223217 PO 00000 Frm 00527 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 230.59 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–11 Edition) smaller may be plugged following fail- phons shall thoroughly be cleaned, ure, provided only one flue is plugged washed and inspected. at any one time. Plugs must be re- (b) Defects. Arch tubes and water bar moved and proper repairs made no tubes found blistered, bulged, or other- later than 30 days from the time the wise defective shall be renewed. plug is applied. Circulators and thermic siphons found (b) Method of plugging. When used, blistered, bulged or otherwise defective flue plugs must be made of steel. The shall be either repaired or renewed. flue must be plugged at both ends. (c) Method of examination. Arch tubes, Plugs must be tied together by means water bar tubes and circulators shall of a steel rod not less than 5⁄8 inch in be examined using an appropriate NDE diameter. method that accurately measures wall thickness at each annual inspection. FUSIBLE PLUGS All arch brick shall be removed for this § 230.59 Fusible plugs. inspection. If any are found with wall thickness reduced below that required If boilers are equipped with fusible to render them safe and suitable for plugs, the plugs shall be removed and the service intended at the MAWP cleaned of scale each time the boiler is specified on the boiler specification washed but not less frequently than FRA Form No. 4, they must be replaced during every 31 service day inspection. or repaired. (See appendix B of this Their removal shall be noted on the part.) FRA Form No. 1 or FRA Form No. 3. (See appendix B of this part.) STEAM PIPES WASHING BOILERS § 230.62 Dry pipe. § 230.60 Time of washing. Dry pipes subject to pressure shall be examined at each annual inspection to (a) Frequency of washing. All boilers measure wall thickness. Dry pipes with shall thoroughly be washed as often as wall thickness reduced below that re- the water conditions require, but not quired to render the pipe suitable for less frequently than at each 31 service day inspection. The date of the boiler the service intended at the MAWP wash shall be noted on the FRA Form must be replaced or repaired. No. 1 or FRA Form No. 3. (See appendix § 230.63 Smoke box, steam pipes and B of this part.) pressure parts. (b) Plug removal. All washout plugs, arch tube plugs, thermic siphon plugs, The smoke box, steam pipes and pres- circulator plugs and water bar plugs sure parts shall be inspected at each must be removed whenever locomotive annual inspection, or any other time boilers are washed. that conditions warrant. The indi- (c) Plug maintenance. All washout vidual conducting the inspection must plugs, washout plug sleeves and thread- enter the smoke box to conduct the in- ed openings shall be maintained in a spection, looking for signs of leaks safe and suitable condition for service from any of the pressure parts therein and shall be examined for defects each and examining all draft appliances. time the plugs are removed. (d) Fusible plugs cleaned. Fusible STEAM LEAKS plugs shall be cleaned in accordance with § 230.59. § 230.64 Leaks under lagging. The steam locomotive owner and/or § 230.61 Arch tubes, water bar tubes, operator shall take out of service at circulators and thermic siphons. once any boiler that has developed a (a) Frequency of cleaning. Each time leak under the lagging due to a crack the boiler is washed, arch tubes and in the shell, or to any other condition water bar tubes shall thoroughly be which may reduce safety. Pursuant to cleaned mechanically, washed, and in- § 230.29, the boiler must be repaired be- spected. Circulators and thermic si- fore being returned to service. 518 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:14 Nov 15, 2011 Jkt 223217 PO 00000 Frm 00528 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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