T T •1 / - Average Daily Net Press I^un PAGE lOURTEEN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1967 For the Week Ended The Weather T" lHaurlipatpr lEuftting i|praUi Novem ber 28, 1957 P«raeaat at D. S. WaatlMr Bi 12,692 Rather cold, chance of oeeaaloa- elected prcsitlcnt of the Rockville 1 rlne Foirest. 223 Spruce §t.: Rich­ al light snow tonight and Tnea- Kiwanis Club this week. Back Up Crash Sfember of the Audit 1 « 0 Chapel S]teakor ard Hassett, 4 4 Wells St.; Sandra GENERAL day morning. Low. tonight SS-Sd. About Town His brother. E. Theodore Bantly, Bureau of Circulation Eu?nt Heard Alonj^ Main Street High IMeaday near 46, The Menchester WATOS VllI v as elected president of the Man­ D a m a g e s V e h ic le •Magdelena LaPoinle. 128 E.'Slaln chester Kiwanis just last month. T V SERVICE Manchester—-A City of Village Charm meet Tuesday evening 'el 7:30 at 4nd on Some 'lilanchestee'a Side Streelt, Too __ 'S t.. Rockville: .Mrs, Rita Ra.sulls. the Italian American Club.' Mrs. And, their father, the late Ernest Days to QR ^ Bantly. was one of the charter A minor backing mishap in the ; Nights wAs93 Plus Parts VOL. LXXVII, NO. 48 Marie Toai of Sage-AIlrn will .Manchester Plaza parking lot yes- m (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) present a demonstration on gift members of the local club, founded TEL. MI S-548t MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1957 (Claaattted AdverttalBg on Paga SI) PRICE nVE CENTS Medium Well. Please ‘ flops you can always wallop up a in 1624. terday resulted in about $50 dam- ^ w rapping. age to one of the two cars In- ! Some men^joy boasting about ■ batch of eggs," | BIRTHS YE.STERDA5': A son their culljjaiV ability. They have „ 7 . , , I .Sawbuck Is>st, Too volved. Members of the Holy Name According to Patrolman Thomas to Ml. and Mrs. Allen Osgood. R ocket Si»lilinj]fs Society of St. James' Church are "speciajtf'ea" which they enjoy _ Pets to .Jets A 17-year-old East Hartford bov East Hartford aen’jHjS: at parties or wherever j A Manchester businessman with. appeared before Judge Wesley C. Graham, cars operated by Arthur reminded that the ioriety will re- H. Nehson. 83, of TalcOttville. and BIRTHS TODA5'; A d:iughler to Free World Safety eei<^ in a body at the 7 o'clock . tljete are enough people gathered .j a very disgruntled look on his fart ,Gryk in Town Cour last Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 387 Open Possible T onight Mass tomorrow morning. Ho make enough ooh.s and aahs In j entered hi.s office M argaret E. B arry, 47, of 11.5, ^nd pleaded guilt;' to a charge of Parker St., were parked next to ;: Hartford Rd.; a son to .Mr. and ____ I order to earn this adulation, some i "What's the matter? his p a rt­ committing a bi-each of the peace. Ko.sakow'.ski, II Cam bridge, Mass., Nov. 25 of them will go to great lengths ner asked. each other. When Nelson started j Sl^pben All Day Sunday Cadet 2.C. A rthur Boijffard. The youth had been arrested to back out of his apace, his left i iJPi -Tlie' rocket satellite that Missiles Probe Told Reds For instance, a local man decided "Oh, Tm having trouble with the N^'eek before when police Rests on Bombers, hurled Sputnik I into the air chairman of the dance committee rear bumper struck the right side 1 DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: PINE PHARMACY of the Manchester Squadf on of the to feature a roast beef to end all my telephone at home," he said. caught jjim throwing pebbles at may be seen twice in most "What do you mean ?" of the Barry vehicle cau.sing the R obert Perkins. 196 Henry .St : fifil CKNTKR ST. Ml t-MH Civil Air Patrol, wishes to re­ roa.st beefs at a dinner party two his formVr girl friend's bedroom Mrs. Marlon Maccini. South Cov­ parts of the United States to­ weekends ago. "Well, we had a new phone in- damage. No one was hurt and no mind all members and their friends , „ . , , ■ .w indow a t’ 4:.30 a.m. "I ji st had arrest was marie. Graham said. entry; .Airs. Florence Haiismann. night, beginning as early as that a record hop will be held at He visited a Manchester pocery stalled a couple of weekssago and . to .speak to her.' the bov tol)l the 4:40 I .M„ In New England. the number they gave us was one judge Coventry: Candace Cowan. 51 Gen. Twining Says the Am erican I>eginn Hall tonight which has the best and most ex- South .St.. Rockville: Mrs Irene The rocket. In its passages from 7 to 11 o'clock. Tickets may I pensive cuts of meat in town In- that »ome pel shop had been us-,; As.sislant rrOaeculor William Bennett, 243 Center St.; Michael over the United States sfter be purchased from members of' stead of choosing one of the cut; sui set tonight, is expected to L fnt Jn L ® I I>Han told the court. "I thibk. Hospital Notes Patulak. 42 Margaret Rd.: .Mar­ Washington. Nov. 25 (A^)— "the NATO governments represent­ the squadron or at the door in the showra.se, he poured out .a " wt^. H ««' have here, g aret Jacobs. 742 Hillstown Rd : be about 240 miles high. Can Easily Lead U.^S. Now ed here today must play a vital loud long talp to the butrhrr In his ^ -.J ” the simple case of a boy being Deborah Damson, Somers, Miss Gon. .Natlian F. Twining told Fourteen hurriedly-alerted ma^-to-m.h fashion, . - - ADMITTED 5'ESTERDA5': P atricia Barron. 31 Pro.spec t St , role in a cooperative research ef­ moomvatch teams across the Members of Manchester Assem­ best NATO .scientists today that fort. It will be necessary to pool bly. No. 15, Order of the Rainbow "Ijove lost would be niore like Judith Christensen, South Coven-' Rockville: William Mann. 22 By­ That Interpret The United States saw the rocket •'.My wife is sick. I've got 6 pro- -.cio «hafs the trouble now ?" the .safety of the free world our .scientific talcnt.s and to work for Girls, are reminded of the meet­ It." the judge said, "Ten dollar try : .Mrs, Jean n ette Diissault, E ast ron Rd : Wallace Balkus RP'D 2: l\ ishes Of The Family satellite la.st night. Moving in ' ■ -X— pic coming In for s dinner party. .'i called the telephone company How ard B. Hawkes Hartford: Thomas Kauffman, 34 depends on the mainteuance together toward a common goal." a northwest to southeast di­ ing Monday evening at 7:30 in the and I've no Idea what to serve apfi a.,iccd them to give me a new fine " Mrs. Evolvn .Mlllanc. South Wind- Masonic Temple. Candidates will C ourtiand St.: Mrs. .Anna Coolev. t sor: .John Ivaniski. P Iti\'er St . of manned bomber force.s un­ The gravest challenge to the rection. it will be seen tonight them. What should I do?" number that wasn't so rommer- H ow ard B. HawKCs, m issionary I 1* Hawthorne St.; Stanley Mich-; Rockville: Gail Hayes 122 Lake JOHN B. BURKE free world lies "in the area of fu- In a series of pas.ses near the be initiated and members of Tem­ The butcher, touched by his.cial ' A PsCigiAn exrhiinge leachfr til ballistic mi.ssile weapon.s Teller Say^ Russia luce dei'clopm cnts." Twining .said sim.set lioiir between 4:40 and ple Chapter. No. .53, OES. have plight said ".‘Sir. there's nothing in >tftnrhf.^ler High School gave his to India and to Fast Pakistan, will | Coventry: Virginia Chuck, j St : Mic hael Kiu'zyn.ski. llh Wal- can be perf-eclcd. '.And did thev I Michael Dr., Vernon: Robei-t Den-‘ nut St.; Mr.a. Marion Carpenter'. FUNERAL HOME "The Soviet achlcvement.s Indicate 6:13 p.m. In the East to 7:47 • been extended an invitation to at­ this ahowra.se that would suit yotir ■ VAh th»se rtfss.e. ... 1 I r% .. thi5 week of Anirricfln be the’ featured aoeaker at the ^ e problem of maintaining; all-out concentration of science nisnn. Spring St.: Mra. Cor-• Ellington. TEL. Ml .5-6868 to 9:15 p.m . EST. In the West tend. Every member is to wear purpose 1-et me show you some­ morning worship aervire. tomor­ technological superiority in thej technology resulting in a cur- snil Far West. iBiKl from ih rir cars. 87 E AST CE.N'TER ,ST. w hite. i thing.' With that he withdrew Into row al 11 a m. at C alvary CTiapel. face of recent Ru.ssian technical rent rate of growth exceeding that It will be seen In bands hun- Anon A.MBI L.A.NCE SERV ICE Could Blast Houston the inner sanctum known as the Bftirirr Removed Hf' some of hia experi­ advanre.s, the chairman of the; of our own. So, In a relative sense. dred.s of miles wide, visibility Any adult connected with the storerooni He emerged a minute Thf niombern of thp Board of ence.^. and will tell of the progre.'^a Joint Chiefs of Staff said, "is one our margin of technical advantage being helped by the long twi­ Girl Scout organization is Inr-ited I with a magnificent 10-pound Rducation were arguing at Mon­ II, of Asaembliea of God miasiona in "(or the entire community of free ig being steadily reduced.
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