INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABBOT, Jas., 66-7 Blackburn Academy, 121 Abraham, John, 92-108 Bleasdale, Robt., 50 Accum, Frederic, 93, 106 Blore Heath, 20 Addison, Geo., 71, 76-8; J. junior, Bolingbroke, 3, i 2, 15 92; Matthew, 68; T. B., 92; Wm., Bollington, 18 93 Bolton, 105, 111 Airedale College, 138 Bond, Rich., 46; Thos., 46-7 Aldercroft, John de, 20; Wm. de, 20 Boothes, 3, 13, 14, 18 Aldersey, 29 Bootle, 151 Alderson, 'Quaker', 108 Borogh, Thos., 46 7 Alpraham, 19 Bosley, 150-1 archers, of Cheshire for Richard II, Bostok, Adam de, 3, 13-21; David 1-39 de, 21 Arlondes, Adam de, 21 Bound, Giles, 47; widow of Ralph, ArroWf 18 46 7; Robt., 47; Thos., 47 Arundel, earl of, 13-15, 28 Bounde, Wm., 46 7 Ashton, Jas., 65, 71, 76 Bowland, 'A forest in transition: Atkinson, Jonathan, 107 1500 1650', 40 60 Awty, Brian G., 'The introduction Bowland 'Forest High parish, 41 of gas-lighting to Preston', 82 Bowland Forest Low parish, 41 118 Bowland-with-Leagram parish, 41 Braddock, Mr, 113, 115 BAKER, Wm., 21 Braddyll, Ed., 54-5 Balcarres, lord, 105, 107, 114 Bradford, 105 Ball. Hugh, 29 Bradley juxta Kingsley, 19 Banister, Wm., 67 Bradshaigh, Sir Roger, 62 Barker, T. C., review, 172 Bradshaw, Thos. de, 21 Barnton, 19 Brandon, lord, 72, 77, 79 Barton, John de, 29; Wm. de, 21 Brennand, 56, 58 Bashall, 4.3 Brindley, family tree, 152; David, Bate, John, 26 149-68; Hy., 151; Wm., 151 Beatrix, 46-7, 49, 56 Brokerake, John, 27 Becket, Radegund, 27 Browsholme, 41, 44, 49, 57 Beeston, Margt. de, 16; Thos. de, Broxton, 22, 26 13-22 Bruyn, John le, 15; Roger le, 15 Bellingham, Thos., 78 Buckland, Patrick, review, 171 Bentley, Laurence de, 9 Bucklow, 22 Bernak, John de, 27 Burholme, 41, 46 7, 56 Bestone, Thos., 3 Burnslack, 46 Beverley, John, 115 Burton, John, 95, 102 Bickerton, Hugh de, 24 Bury, 74 Birch, John, 71; Thos., 71, 78 Bushel), Seth, 71 Bird, Isaac, 98 Birmingham. 97 8 CALVERT, Rev. D., 133 Blackhurst, Seth, 66-7 Carlisle, 121 177 i 78 Index Carnson, Rev. David Thompson, 122-4, "32-3, 144-5; Caton, 141- 'journal 1847-1854', 119-48 142; Church, 134.; Churchtown, Carr, Sir Robt., 72, 74 122, 133, 147; Cleverley, 142; Carrington, Robt. de, 28 Clitheroe, 122-4, I29> '35, H 2> Caunce, Jas., 114 144; Denton, 124, 133, 135, 137; Chatburn, 54 Droylsden, 122, 128, 139, 141-2; Cheadle, Thos. de, 30, 31 Edgeworth Moor, 124-5, !3 2> 1 35> Chelemeley, Thos., 3 145; Egerton, 122-4, '3 2, '37. Cheshire, archers of Richard II, I 141-5; Enfield, 125-6, 134; Fleet- 39 wood, 122, 127, 132, 144; Forton, Chester, 1-3, 7, 19, 30 125; Four Lane Ends, 141; Gal- Chlcheley, Sir Thos., 76 gate, 141; Garstang, 122, 125, Chipping, 43, 52, 54 127, 130, 131, 141, 145; Gisburn, Chipping Brook, 52 125; Great Harwood, 122, 127. Chipping Moss, 57 132, 137, 141; Halesworth, 147; Cholmondeley, Rich, de, 13, 16-18, Holden, 122; Hollinwood, 126, 22; Thos. de, 23 137, 141; Harwich, 127, 129, 130, Cholmondeley, 13 15, 18 '33> '4 1 ! ! 44~5j Kirkby Lonsdale, Chorley, Hy., 62 122, 138, 140, 142, 144; Knowle Church Holme, 18 Green, 122, 129, 141, 147; Lan­ Clayton, Mr, 103 caster, 124; Leigh, 124, 126, 128, Clegg, Ashworth, 87; Samuel, 82, 130. 138, 141, 147; Leyland, 122, 84, 86, 90, 93, 112; Samuel 131. 134-41; Little Leverf 127, junior, 84-5, 87-8 138; Liverpool, 124; Longridge, Clitheroe, castle, 54 147; Manchester, 124-5; Mars- Clotton, 19 den, 122-4, 127, 133; Martin Glutton, Wm. de, 28-30 Top, 122-5, ' 28, 131, '33> HI, Glutton, 29 144; Middleton, 122-6, 143; Cobham, lord, 15 Nelson,- 126: Newton-le-Willows, Cockshull, Mr, 76 122, 127, 129, 132, 141, 145; Coddington, 18, 19 Ormskirk, 122, 131-2, 142; Patri- Colchester, lord, 76 croft, 124, 133, 135; Pendlebury, Cole. Wm., 62 132, 1^8, 142; Preesall, 122, 128, Colwich, 151 131; Prescot, 122, 126-7, I2 Q, companies: Bateman & Sherratt, i3Q; Preston, 121, 124; RadcHffe 105; Francis Rufford, 105; Gal- Bridge, 137, 145: Sale, 122-4, way, Bowman & Glasgow, 115; 129, 138; Salford, 136; Small- Glazebrooks, 114; Haigh Foundry, bridge, 131, 135, 139, 143; Stret- 105, 112; Haliburton, 114; High- ford 122 5, T29, '33! Todmorden, fields & Rough Hill Iron Works, 128, 135, 139, 145; Tottington, in; Horseley Iron Works, 96, 126, 129, 137, 139; Warrington, 103-7; Howards & Haydock, 115; 140 1; Westhoughton, 124., 126, Hurstler, 114; Jackson & Alder- 131, i«, 141, 144-5; Wigan, 119, son, 101; Knight, T. & S., 84; 124; Wiswell, 122, 141 Lawton & Debaufer, 106, 109; Congregational Ministers' Benevolent Low Moor Iron Works, 111 ; Society, 12 r Mackay & West, 101; Moon's Congregational Union, of England & Mill, 100; Peel & Williams, 105; Wales. 136; of Lancashire, 119-48 Richard Salisbury, 114; Thwaites, Cooper, Wm., 104 Cochrane & Hicks, 105, in Cottam. John, 68-q Congregational places of worship: Coventrv, 84 Accrington, 122, 125-6, 131, 134, Crane, John, 108 141, 145; Affetside, 124, 141; Crosley, Samuel, 115 Ashton-in-Makerfield, 122, 126, Croxton, Roger de, 30 '3°, '33. 142,' Bacup, 122, 126-7, 130-1, 135, 138, 141, 143-4; DALTON, .Tohn, 87 Barrowford, 122, 125, 127, 130, Davenport, Ralph, 3, 13-18, 20, 22 132, 138, 140, 144; Belmont, Davenport, 18 122-4, 142, 144; Blackburn, 124; Bawson. Geo., 98, 107. 112 Blackpool, 122 4, I2 9, r 39> 142; Delamere forest, 15, 17, 19 Bretherton, 127, 132, 135, 137, TVrby, earl of, 62-79 140-2; Burnley, 146; Calderbrook, Devonshire, duke of, 49 Index 179 Dieulacres Chronicle, 5, 11-15 Halifax, 59 Dinkling Green, 47 Halton, 19 Dolphinholme, 84 Hankelow, Rich, de, 26 Donne, John, 3, 13 22; John of Haselhurst, Wm. de, 21 Utkinton, 19; Wm. de Kelsall, 13 Hareden, 49 Douthwaite, Rev. F. C., 133 Harrison, Wm., 49 Drakelouij 27 Harrop, 43, 4.8 Draper, Hugh de, 24 Harrop Fold, 56 Dudley, 114 Harrop Hall, 57 Dunn, Joseph, 82, 85-7, 91-2, 108- Hassall, Robt, de, 24, 29 109, ii2, 116 Hatton, John de, 30 Dunsop Bridge, 41, 56 Heckmondwike Academy, 119 Helegh, Rich, de, 13, 21 ECCLESTON, 18 Henhull, Rich, de, 18 Eddleslegh, Thos., 24 Henry, III, i, 18 Edge, Thos., 106 IV, 4, 5, 16, 17, 24, 26, 31 Edgesley, Wm. de, 29 V, 17, 26 Edisbury, 18, 20, 22, 26 VII, 45 Ellis, Rev. Samuel, 130 01 Lancaster, 3,4. Elsworth. Wm., 92, ill 12, 115 Dr Wm., 85,87 Elwes, Sir Gervase, 72 Herling, Thos., 47 English Academy (Liege), 86 High Head quarries, 57 Evesham, the Monk of, 12 Higher Lees house, 50 Hill, Anthony, 55 FAIR OAK, 49, 50 Hodder. river, 41, 50, 59 Fell, W. W., 92-3 Hodgkinson, Jas., 66-7; John, 62; Fence, 55 Luke, 67; Rich., 66-7; Thos., Fleetwood, Ed., 63, 76, 78 70-8; Wm., 67 'Flintshire, 27 Holford, John de, 19, 21; Thos. de, French, Ed., 66 13 22; Wm. de, 19 Friend, Robt., 92 Holland, Mr, 103 Frodsham, Wm. de, 16 Holme Head, 56 Frodsham, 14, 19, 27 Holmes, Jas., io r, Fyfe, Wm., 64-5 Holt, 8, 23 Hoole Heath, 27 GAS, companies: Bolton, MI; Horrocks, John, 82; John junior, 104 Brighton & Hove, 116; Cam­ Horton, Daniel, 104 5, 108, no, bridge, 116; Exeter, 112; Leam­ 115; Josiah, 104 ington, 116; National Light & Hulme, family tree, 152; Annie, 151, Heat, 85 153, 161-2; John, 151, 153; gas lighting in Preston, 82 118 Olive, 151 Gaunt, John of, iq Huntingdon, countess of, 119 German, Thos., 94, 104, 107-8 Huntyngton, wife of Thos., 47 Gilchrist, Benjamin, 113 Huntynton, wife of Jas., 47 Gillespie, Jas. L., 'Richard II's Huxley, 18 Cheshire archers', 1-39 Gillow, J., 86 INGHAM, Silvester, 67 Gipps, Thos., 74 Glaskerian, Hy., 24 KELLETT, John, 71, 76 Gloucester, duke of, I ; Rich, of, 43 Kelsall, 30 Godman, Hugh, 29 Kenyon, Roger, 72, 74, 76-7 Gradale. 48 Kingsley, 18, 19 Gradwell, Dr, 108 Kingston-on-Thames, 2, 13 Grafton, John, 93 116 Kirkstall Abbey, 4.8 Green, Rich, del, 9 Knutsford, 18 Green, Wm., 110 Greneacres, Ralph, 44 LACHEDENYS, 19 Grindleton, 43, 54.. 59 Lancashire Congregational Union, i10-48 HALE, n Lancaster, convent, 28 Halford, Thos, 3 , , duchy of, 40-1, 4Q, 61 Haliburton, Alex., 97 , duke of, 26; Hy. of, 15 i8o Index Langden brook, 41 Mottram, Roger de, 24 Laurenson, Fr. Joseph, 86 Mounsey, Jas., 92, 94, 98, 108 Lawton, R. & Pooley, C. G., 'David Mullett, M., 'Preston politics, 1660- Brindley's Liverpool in the i88os', 1690', 61-81 149 68 Lea, John, 'Journal of Rev. D. T. NANTWICH, 22, 26 Carnson, 1847 1854', 119 48 Newport, Andrew, 76 Leagram park, 48, 50-1, 53-4, 58 Newton juxta Kingsley, 19 Leeming, John, 107 Newton juxta Tattenhall, 18 Lees, 47, 50, 55-7 Norley, 18, 19 Lees House vaccary, 50 Northwich, 19, 20, 22 Legh, John de, 3, 13-22; Peter de, Nottingham castle, 10 3> 19 Leigh, Roger, 76 Lemon, Wm., 67, 70, 76, 78 OLLERTON, 18 Lenne, Stephen, 23 Onston, 18 Lewes, 28 Otway, Mr, 69, 70 Lings, Rev. H., 134 Overmarsh, 27 Liverpool in the i88os, 149-68 Overton, Wm. de, 15 Liverpool: Blessington Rd., 159; Oxendale, Wm., 95-6 Bramley Moor Dock, 157; Breck Oxford, earl of, 26, 3 i Rd., 159; Brookhill Rd., 151, 154; Brunswick Rd., 150, 162; Canada PAGE, Rich., 21 Dock, 151, 154, 156-7, 163; Palmer, Geo., 112 Downing St., 154, 156, 160; Parker, Agnes, 46; Alex., 50; Everton Brow, 153-4; Hamilton Anthony, 46; Brian, 46; Ed., 47; Rd., 153 4; Landseer Rd., 153, Ellis, 46-7; Giles, 47; Rich., 47; 156; Langham St., 154, 161; Robt., 47, 50 London Rd., 159; Mere Lane, Patten, Mr, 79 J53-4; Norgate St., 154, 159, Peel, Sir Robt., 103 162; Queen's Road.
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