WITS School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering "1%44$747&%6-1.$7.()77#6/.$$!3 -1.$75( -(663-( 77 40/ 3.)!./67*5 7#5(  7#"175( 7.()7"%43/7&4!3060

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VOLUME 118 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2018 • Quality training and education in chemical, metallurgical, and materials engineering for more than a century • The largest Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering departments in South Africa, with a combined total of more than 800 undergraduate students • More than 300 postgraduate students in five Metallurgy and Materials Engineering postgraduate programmes and three Chemical Engineering programmes • Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering for South Africa, Africa, and the world WITS School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering "1%44$747&%6-1.$7.()77#6/.$$!3 -1.$75( -(663-( 77 40/ 3.)!./67*5 7#5( 7#"175( 7.()7"%43/7&4!3060 &4!3067&43)-(./43 &4!3067&4)6 &4!30672.6 '//6().(167./60 &'752*,255+,2* '714-(./-4(747/%6714!30607$-0/6)76$4 7-6$)-( 77136)-/077+606.31%7#6/%4)4$4 77+606.31%734 61/75.1%714!30671.33-6077136)-/07 A3:?B2@3:36:<A /)2-08"*4 /@:6B/@< A>;?@<BB :;?(?9:=?@< 81%8"B4'>?6B.81*BB /)2-0884 /@:6BB/:>$@<B?<B=3AB2A=:6B <75;=>+ 8*%1!B A'=A&$A>B.81* /)2-084 <7A>,>@5<7B/@:6B :;?(?9:=?@< 1"%1*B4'>?6B.81* /)2-08!*4 4''6?A7B'=?&?;:=?@<B2A=3@7; -4 /)2-08004 #A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B18B9>A7?=; -4 /)2-0884 #A;A:>93B>@A9=B*8B9>A7?=;BB-@B$AB=:A<B:(=A>B9@&'6A=?@<B@(B9@5>;A 47B3@9B @>BB?<B9@<5<9=?@<B?=3B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+ +#5'+*,&'752*,255+,2* '714-(./-4(747/%6714!30607$-0/6)76$4 7-6$)-( 77136)-/077+606.31%7#6/%4)4$4 77+606.31%734 61/75.1%714!30671.33-6077136)-/07 >B6?:;B2:=?<7A /)2-0814 ?<A=?9;B:<7B=>:<;'@>=B?<B'+>@&A=:665>,+B .0%!1B2:+BB.81* /)2-081!4 @6?7B?5?7B:<7B :;A@5;B;=:=AB?<B+>@&A=:665>,+ 18%1B5<AB.81* /)2-081"4 -3A>&@7+<:&?9;B:<7B'3:;ABA5?6?$>?:B?<B'+>@&A=:665>,+B 81%8"B4'>?6B.81* /)2-0884 /@:6BB/:>$@<B?<B=3AB2A=:6B <75;=>+ 8*%1!B A'=A&$A>B.81* /)2-08!*4 4''6?A7B'=?&?;:=?@<B2A=3@7; -4 /)2-08004 #A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B18B9>A7?=; -4 /)2-0884 #A;A:>93B>@A9=B*8B9>A7?=;BB-@B$AB=:A<B:(=A>B9@&'6A=?@<B@(B9@5>;A 47B3@9B @>B:<7B?<B9@<5<9=?@<B?=3B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+ 5+'&,57#5'+* 7 4B9@&$?<:=?@<B@(B=3AB9@5>;A;B6?;=A7B$A6@B+?A67?<,B8B9>A7?=;B B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B B#A;A:>93B>@A9= B:93B9@5>;AB9:>>?A;B.8B9>A7?=;B 5;?B ?$:<7: /)2-08.*4 2?<A>:6;BA<A(?9?:=?@< 8!%80B5<AB.81* /)2-08!14 6A9=>@&A=:665>,+ ."%.*B2:>93B.81* /)2-08!.4 A':>:=?@<B'A>:=?@<;B?<B)+7>@&A=:665>,+ 81%8"B56+B.81* /)2-08004 #A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B18B9>A7?=; -4 /)2-0884 #A;A:>93B>@A9=B*8B9>A7?=;BB-@B$AB=:A<B:(=A>B9@&'6A=?@<B@(B9@5>;A 47B3@9 @>B:<7B?<B9@<5<9=?@<B?=3B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+ #'5+,'"7"&,52&57'2752*,255+,2* 4B9@&$?<:=?@<B@(B=3AB9@5>;A;B6?;=A7B$A6@B+?A67?<,B8B9>A7?=;B B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B B#A;A:>93B>@A9= B:93B9@5>;AB9:>>?A;B.8B9>A7?=;B >B: ?7B3?=A(?A67 /)2-0814 2:=A>?:6;B/3:>:9=A>?;:=?@< 18%1B5<AB.81* /)2-08..4 :?65>AB4<:6+;?;B@(B<,?<AA>?<,B2:=A>?:6; .*B56%8.B45,B.81* /)2-08.04 -3A>&@7+<:&?9;B:<7B'3:;ABA5?6?$>?:B@(B&:=A>?:6; 1"%1*B56+B.81* /)2-084 <=>@759=?@<B=@B?6B:<7B :;B>@759=?@<B/@>>@;?@<B .%!8B45,5;=B.81* /)2-08004 #A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+B18B9>A7?=; -4 /)2-0884 #A;A:>93B>@A9=B*8B9>A7?=;BB-@B$AB=:A<B:(=A>B9@&'6A=?@<B@(B9@5>;AB 47B3@9 @>B:<7B?<B9@<5<9=?@<B?=3B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+ 5,2*752*,255+,2*7 #'"5+77"&,52&57,2752*,255+,2*7#"17 4B9@&$?<:=?@<B@(B=3AB9@5>;A;B6?;=A7B$A6@B+?A67?<,B8B9>A7?=; B:93B9@5>;AB9:>>?A;B.8B9>A7?=;B B#A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+BB@'=?@<:6B B#A;A:>93B>@A9= >@(BA;6A+B/3@< /)2-08"4 47 :<9A7BA67?<,B>@9A;;A; .!%.0B4'>?6B.81* /)2-08*4 A67?<,B2A=:665>,+B@(B =AA6; 1!%10B2:+B.81* /)2-08"84 A67:$?6?=+B@(B:66@+B;=AA6;BB;=:?<6A;;B;=AA6; 8!%80B5<AB.81* /)2-08"14 A67:$?6?=+B@(B(A>>@5;BB<@<(A>>@5;B&:=A>?:6; .%.B5<AB.81* /)2-080!4 A;?,<B:<7B/@<;=>59=?@<B@(BA67A7B =>59=5>A;B5<7A>B =:=?9B@:7?<, 1"%1*B56+B.81* /)2-0804 A;?,<B:<7B/@<;=>59=?@<B@(BA67A7B =>59=5>A;B5<7A>B+<:&?9B@:7?<, 1.%1B45,5;=B.81* /)2-0804 #A;A:>93B2A=3@7@6@,+BB'=?@<:6B(@>B2 9BA67?<,B<,?<AA>?<,B1"B9>A7?=; -4 /)2-0884 #A;A:>93B>@A9=B*8B9>A7?=; 47B3@9 #'"5+7752*,255+,2*7+5"",2'77#52*7+ 4B9@&$?<:=?@<B@(B=3AB9@5>;A;B6?;=A7B$A6@B+?A67?<,B1.8B9>A7?=; B:93B9@5>;AB3:;B.8B9>A7?=; >@(BA;6A+B/3@< /)2-08"4 47 :<9A7BA67?<,B>@9A;;A; .!%.0B4'>?6B.81* /)2-084 :$>?9:=?@<B:''6?9:=?@<;BA<,?<AA>?<, 8*%1!B A'=A&$A>B.81* /)2-0804 @<7A;=>59=? 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Butters (1897–1898) * J. de V. Lambrechts (1962–1963) Gwede Mantashe * J. Loevy (1898–1899) * J.F. Reid (1963–1964) Minister of Mineral Resources, South Africa * J.R. Williams (1899–1903) * S.H. Pearce (1903–1904) * D.M. Jamieson (1964–1965) Rob Davies * W.A. Caldecott (1904–1905) * H.E. Cross (1965–1966) Minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa * W. Cullen (1905–1906) * D. Gordon Jones (1966–1967) * P. Lambooy (1967–1968) Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane * E.H. Johnson (1906–1907) * R.C.J. Goode (1968–1969) Minister of Science and Technology, South Africa * J. Yates (1907–1908) * R.G. Bevington (1908–1909) * J.K.E. Douglas (1969–1970) !"" * A. McA. Johnston (1909–1910) * V.C. Robinson (1970–1971) * D.D. Howat (1971–1972) A.S. Macfarlane * J. Moir (1910–1911) * C.B. Saner (1911–1912) * J.P. Hugo (1972–1973) !"" " * W.R. Dowling (1912–1913) * P.W.J. van Rensburg (1973–1974) M.I. Mthenjane * A. Richardson (1913–1914) * G.H. Stanley (1914–1915) * R.P. Plewman (1974–1975) "! " !"" * J.E. Thomas (1915–1916) * R.E. Robinson (1975–1976) Z. Botha * J.A. Wilkinson (1916–1917) * M.D.G. Salamon (1976–1977) * G. Hildick-Smith (1917–1918) * P.A. Von Wielligh (1977–1978) ! " !"" * H.S. Meyer (1918–1919) * M.G. Atmore (1978–1979) V.G. Duke * J. Gray (1919–1920) * D.A. Viljoen (1979–1980) * J. Chilton (1920–1921) * P.R. Jochens (1980–1981) ! " !"" * F. Wartenweiler (1921–1922) G.Y. Nisbet (1981–1982) I.J. Geldenhuys * G.A. Watermeyer (1922–1923) A.N. Brown (1982–1983) * F.W. Watson (1923–1924) * R.P. King (1983–1984) "" !"" J.D. Austin (1984–1985) S. Ndlovu * C.J. Gray (1924–1925) * H.A. White (1925–1926) H.E. James (1985–1986) H. Wagner (1986–1987) " " "!"! * H.R. Adam (1926–1927) * B.C. Alberts (1987–1988) R.T. Jones * Sir Robert Kotze (1927–1928) * J.A. Woodburn (1928–1929) * C.E. Fivaz (1988–1989) !! !"!"! * H. Pirow (1929–1930) * O.K.H. Steffen (1989–1990) V.G. Duke * J. Henderson (1930–1931) * H.G. Mosenthal (1990–1991) * A. King (1931–1932) R.D. Beck (1991–1992) !! ""! * V. Nimmo-Dewar (1932–1933) * J.P. Hoffman (1992–1993) I.J. Geldenhuys S.M Rupprecht * P.N. Lategan (1933–1934) * H. Scott-Russell (1993–1994) C.C. Holtzhausen N. Singh * E.C. Ranson (1934–1935) J.A. Cruise (1994–1995) D.A.J. Ross-Watt (1995–1996) W.C. Joughin A.G. Smith * R.A. Flugge-De-Smidt N.A. Barcza (1996–1997) G.R. Lane M.H. Solomon (1935–1936) * R.P. Mohring (1997–1998) E. Matinde D.

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