THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY IT, 1920 son will be postmaster of Bend, after in-la- w, a fine young officer, very a long, bitter contest In which It was worthy, but one who lost his ship DESPERADO CAUGH T necessary' to invoke a curious ruling SIMS-I- HEATED IN without injuring the enemy, was rec- MX CTIS of the department to prevent another ommended for the navy cross and re- man from getting the job. The other ceived the D. S. M.," Admiral Sims . I candidate was J. W. Moore, of Bend, said. "That is what all naval officers BY PRESlDErJ T at Redmond, who would TILT OVER MEDALS complain of, what has reduced naval RELATE BRUTALITIES have made away with the job easily morale to zero." in the civil service examinations had The admiral said he had recom not the department ruled that he was mended Lieutenant A. L. Gates and ineligible because he was not a resi- Ensign H. G. Hammann for medals ol dent of Bend at the time that the va- honor because of exceptional heroism En- cancy occurred in the Bend office. and Gates had finally received a D. Price the Fusillade on Broadway "Service Morale Knocked to S. M. got a navy Senate Committee Hears of Hudson's appointment was demand- while Hammann ed by the organization democrats ot cross. Lieutenant Frank Bruce, de- Good Villa. dangers New Yorkers. Oregon. His nomination was sent Pieces," Admiral Says. ceased, also recommended for the First Word for to the senate today. medal of honor, was reduced to a navy William I. Smith was nominated cross by the secretary, he added, the for postmaster at Redmond and Jason Knight board not having considered T. Anderson at Harrisburg. the case. ROBBERY IS THWARTED HONORS JUGGLED ABOUT ABUSE OF GIRL DESCRIBED SEE Brothers JAPAN APPROACHES CHINA BIG WATERWAY RIGHT WON Paying Teller Gives Battle When Withdrawal of All Decorations Is Bandits Slash ner Foot in Effort TO OPEN UP Menaced and President With KEAIIXESS TO XEGOTIATE 0 Suggested by Officer at Sen- ILLINOIS PROJECT 1n nhtjln Mnnev Arnr Arms MOTOR CA RIVERS, Weapon, Effects Capture. SHANTUNG INDICATED. ate Committee Hearing. 15,000 MILES OF Are Given To. Instructions Are Reported to Have Federal Permit Granted for Im NEW YORK, Jan. 16. (Special.) Been Sent to Minister, Prepara- (Continued From First Pagre.) provement to Cost $20,000,000. SAN ANTONIO, Texas. Jan. 16. Twenty shots were fired In a general, ing of the Jones, which letter, he said. Work Long Agitated. Miss Anita Whatley, whose fingers free-for-a- ll which tory to Settling Question. and toes a bandit threatened to cut Has revolver battle was in addition to the formal com H. McCain, hus- not been increased one-ma- n holdup off; Mrs. Allie whose frustrated a in a mendation made a part of Bagley's band was murdered by another Mexi- crowded Broadway bank 11 o'clock military CHICAGO, Jan. 16. Governor F. O. at 15. (By . record. can; Paul Metzentin. whose mother TOKIO, Jan. the Asso Lowden of today received a recently, despite all this morning. ciated Press.) The Japanese govern Verbal Tilts Heated. Illinois and sister were n.ade permanent in de- - from Secretary Ba for the by by A short, stocky bank robber ment according to the newspapers Admiral Sims engaged in- heated Permit ker valids brutal treatment raiders manded $5000 at the point of a pistol construction of the Illinois waterway. and ten other victims of Mexico's today, sent instructions' last night to verbal tilts with Senators Pittman, including improvement of the Ies revolutions, were witnesses today be- reports to the contra- at the paying teller's window in the Yukichi Obata, the minister to China democrat of Nevada, and Trammell, Planes and Illinois rivers between fore the senate inves Manhattan Savings institution, north- to notify the Pekin government that democrat of Florida, who showed Lockport and Utica. The improve tigating the Mexican situation. east corner of Broadway and Bleecker Japan, having succeeded to Ger disposition to cross-questio- n him in ment will make serviceable for water- - Inquiry by Chairman Fall developed street. Then began the fusillade which many's rights in Shantung on Jan detail. borne commerce 15,000 miles of in- that a majority of them had con- ry. Touring Car and uary 10 by treaty of ended in his capture by the president virtue of the Before Admiral Sims was heard land rivers in the middle (west. sidered reparation so Improbable they of the bank. Constant M. Bird. peace, was ready now to negotiate The - improvement will provide a had not filed with the state depart- The prisoner gave the name of at any time for their return. Senator. Pittman made a determined direct route for water commerce from ment statements of their losses. Roadster $1245 f. o. b. James Straton. 1869 Cropsey avenue effort to bave Mr. Daniels called as Chicago to New Orleans, from the H. M. Handshy, formerly an ore Batch beach. He said he came from WASHINGTON', Jan. 16. Any ac the first witness, declaring the com great lakes, St. Paul, Minneapolis and conductor for a smelting company at Hammond, Ind., and had no accomplice tion by Japan toward the restoration mittee was showing discourtesy in other northwest centers, either by Magistral, Chihuahua, was the first including to of Shantung to China at this time way of and St. Louis witness that has appeared before the Portland, in the holdup. He was taken the would be simply preparatory moves. calling a subordinate first. His mo the Illinois river Mercer-tre- et station, where the po or by use of the Hennepin canal as a committee with a friendly word for t was said today by officials here. tion was defeated on party lines. to Francisco Villa. "He sure did treat lice said he was an old offender and government 30 days Summing up short route from the Illinois river done time for bank robbery. The German has his objections to the Rock Island and Davenport- - me fine," he Eaid after describing his war tax. When the has after formal ratification of the peace decorations award policy. Admiral open con own capture by a band of Villa's men Straton was arraigned before Mag over Japan It also wil'. direct water istrate Ten Eyck in Jefferson market treaty in which to turn to Sims declared that the "awarding of nection b tween Pittsburg and .ther who had shot his companion end who attempted the documents relating to former ships Ohio cities with Chicago. had placed a rope around his own price is court on charge of rob German possessions in China. Lack medals to men who lost their neck with the declaration of their in of other cars bery and held in $5000 bail for ex papers, was said, Japan in action without engaging the en- The cost will be about 20. 000.000. on January 19. ing these it There will be a return to Illinois from tention to kill him. He described the animation did not know in detail what German emy was without precedent in the $1,000,-00- 0 of Magistral proper- - power of approximately destruction the Kly in Crowd. rights ovoj- when navy or any water considered, seems Missile had been taken 9 history of the American a year, and this power will save ties by Villa. it The bank was crowded withpatrons Tsing Tsau was captured. other navy and had resulted in ab half a million tons of coal annually. Carranm'i Promise Fnrile. when the bullets began flying. Three It was regarded as probable, how ever, the Japanese government solutely shattering the morale of the Construction has been agitated for "Why did he do it?" he said, repeat- of the missiles went through a win that service." many years and it is said Father Mar ing an inquiry by one of the commit- reasonable to expect dow and shattered windows in a was making preliminary arrange 20 years negotiations navy, he said, would quette contemplated it. For tee. "To show the United States that haberdashery across the street. Others ments in order that Officers of the state administrations have sought in Carranza was unable to keep his were imbedded in walls. The crowd with China for restoration of the much rather have no medals awarded vain to obtain government approval promises to he could of scattered. Some flat- province might be expedited when juggled Americans that an advance, but we customers were received. them than to have them and permit of construction. The guarantee their safety. And that's tened themselves against the walls the documents around. He said that his chief critl opening of the route will be of great the message he gave me to bring to others ran into the street. That no recom commercial importance to St. Louis, the United States and I brought it. one was is remarkable. cism was not that some of his have no information ehot mendations had not been approved Memphis, Kansas City and the south "Are you going back?" asked Sena- Traffic Policeman John Stanley, OFFICIAL HELD GRAFTER west, as well as the northwest, middle tor Fall. from his post in front of the bank, but was that by awarding medals of west and Mississippi valley. "Sure. I'm going back some day. I was attracted by the shots and en- different value than he recommended Opening of this waterway will be know where Villa hid two or three to that effect. tered the place to find President Bird to various officers on his staff, the of increased value to farmers of the million dollars worth of bullion and covering the cowering robber with a great producing states of Missis I m going back to get it.
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