COUNTY OF LOUTH. A COPY OF THE Unaccounted for Queries, AND THE PRESENTMENTS GRANTED, IN SAID COUNTY AT SPRIN G ASSIZES, HELD A T DUNDALK LouthOn WEDNESDAY County the 4th day Archives of March, 1835; BEFORE The Hon. William Johnson, and the Hon. Richard Pennefather. DUNDALK: PRINTED BY JAMES PARKS, Printer to the Grand Jury. 1835. SPRING ASSIZES, 1835 G R A N D J U R Y C O U N T Y A T L A R G E .UNACCOUNTED FORQUERIES COUNTY AT LARGE.UNACCOUNTED W i l l i a m F i l g a t e , E s q . F o r e m a n . B l a n e y T . B a l f o u r , E s q . N a t h a n a e l M a n n i n g , E sq. F a i t h f u l F o r t e s c u e , E s q . J o h n W o o l s e y , E s q . G e o r g e M cC a r t n e y , E s q . C l a r g e s R u x t o n , E s q . R i c h a r d D e V e r d o n , E s q . J a m e s N . F r o o d , E s q . S i r A l a n E . B e l l i n g h a m , B t . G e o r g e M cG u s t y , E s q . h o m a s e e o r m a n s q T L N , E . N o r m a n G a r s t i n , E s q . H e n r y C h e s t e r , E s q . J a m e s M ‘ A l i s t e r , E s q . No. £ 3. d. F r a n c i s D o n a g h , E s q . J a m e s M a r k e y , E s q . G r a n t e d S u m m e r , 1833. J o h n M cC l i n t o c k , J u n . E s q . A l e x . D o n a l d s o n , E s q . 1 To Travers Wright, Esq. William and Thomas Keage, to repair an Arched gullet on the road from Carlingford to Dundalk, between Francis Crilly’s house Louth County Archives in Carlingford and George Walker’s house in same, £ 3 10s. and 4s. stamp duty, —No. 23, ....................................... 3 14 0 GEORGE TAAFFE, ESQ. 2 To Henry Brabazon, Esq. Thomas Carolan and Michael Martin, to repair a gullet on the road from Drogheda to Dundalk, HIGH-SHERIFF . by Dunany, between Bryan King’s pier gate and Patrick Hardman’s house in Lebanstown, £1 13s. 2d. and 4s. stamp THOMAS KELLI, GENT. duty, —No. 1 0 , ............................. 1 17 2 Summer, 1834. 5 To the Board of Superintendance of Gaols SUB-SHERIFF. o f this County for the purpose of render­ ing more secure the County Gaol, — No. 52,..................... 54 9 10 0 Total, 60 > SPRING ASSIZES, 183 5. No. £ s. d. 8 Brought forward .......... 131 17 0 7, Geo. 4, To John McKenna, 1st turnkey, the COUNTY AT LARGE. Chap. 74, like, —No. 12, ............ £13 16 11 Sec. 64. The same in lieu o f rations, 3 0 0 16 16 11 9 To William Wright 2nd turnkey, Ibid. The following Sums were presented by the Grand half-a-year’s salary due Summer Assi­ 1 0 Jury and Confirmed by the Court to be raised off the zes 1835, —-No. 13, .............................. 1 2 0 1 0 To John M cVetty 3rd turnkey, the County at Large and applied to the following uses, Ibid. like, —No. 14, ....................................... 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 To Gerald Irvine, 4th turnkey, the Ibid like, —No. 15, ....................................... 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 To William Orr, 5th turnkey, the No. £ s. d. Ibid. like, —No. 16, ....................................... 1 2 1 0 0 W e present the following sums to be To James Kennedy contractor, to raised off the County at Large and paid 13 to the undermentioned persons, as ap­ 3& 4 W- 4 open a newline of road from Dundalk Chap. 78, to Ardee, between Mr. Duffy’s brew­ proved by the Bench o f Magistrates Sec. 20, and Cesspayers, assembled in Special ery near Dundalk, and the Porter’s Sessions in Dundalk^ on Tuesday the Lodge at Dundalk Charter-School, the 27tli day of Jan. 1835, agreeably to the necessary recognizance having been Louthprovisions Countyof an Act 3rd, and 4th Wm.Archives entered into by the said contractor and 4, Chap. 78, entitled “ an Act to amend James N. Frood, Esq. and Thomas 157 17 8 “ the Laws relating to Grand Juries in Boyle, his secureties, —No. 17, “ Ireland. ” ............................................... 14 To repay the advance out of the 4 To Mr. John Crowe Governor of Dun- 3, G eo. 4, consolidated fund, being the amount 7 Geo., 4, d alk Gaol, half-a-year’s salary d u e him Chap. 103 • of police expences for this County for Chap 74 this Assizes, —No. 1 0 ,... £85 7 9 the half year ending 31st December, 1187 14 5 Sec, 64The same in lieu of Rations, 3 0 0 1834, —No. 20, .............................. 15 To repay the advance out of the consolidated fund, being one third of 8 8 7 9 54, Geo. 3 5 To Mr. John Jones keeper of the Ardee Chap. 180 the charge for the maintenance of the Sec. 31. Ibid. Bridewell, half-a-year’s Salary d u e him Peace Preservation Police of this Coun­ 748 11 4 Sec. 103. this Assizes,—-No. 11, .................... 18 9 3 ty, —No. 2 1 , ...................................... 6 To James G. Tracey, Schoolmaster of 16 To repay the consolidated fund an I b i d Dundalk Gaol, half-a-year’s salary that 6 G eo. 4, advance for the support and mainte­ Sec106 will be due him Summer Assizes 1835, 11 G eo. 4 nance o f patients in the Richmond — No. 17,. .............................................. 1 W m . 4, District Asylum for Lunatic poor, from 1 2 1 0 0 Chap. 13, 7 To Mrs. Mangin Matron, the like, this County, from 24th May, 1834, to ibid — No. 1 8 , .............................................. 12 1 0 0 24th January, 1835, 11 patients at Sec. 88. £11 15s. 5d. each, —No. 2 2 ,........... 129 9 7 2422 6 11 Carried over. 131 17 0 Carried over. 6 COUNTY AT LARGE. SPRING ASSIZES, 1835 . 7 No. £ s. d. No. £ s. d. Brought forward,... 2422 6 11 Brought forward, 3060 16 3 17 W e present the sum o f £200 to 24 Sub-Sheriff, the like, 7 Goo. 4, the Board o f Superintendance of the Ibid. — No. 3 0 , ................................................. 23 1 6 Chap. 74, Gaols o f this County, and to the Rev. 25 John Straton, Esq. Treasurer, the Sec. 76. John Hamilton Stubbs, the Inspector 4, Geo. 4. like, —No. 31, ........................................ 92 6 2 o f same, on account of the expenditure Chap. 33, of' said Gaols since Summer Assizes, 26 Mr. Shekleton, keeper o f the Coun­ Ibid. 1834, and aslo as an advance towards ty Court-House, the like, —No. 32, 4 1 2 4 Chap. 43, the expenditure of said gaols, until Sec. 1. the next Assizes, pursuant to an Act 27 Mrs. Jones keeper of the Ardee 7, Geo. 4, Chap 74, entitled “ an Act Ibid. Court-House, the like, —No. 33, 1 16 11 To John Yeates, Esq. County Sur­ “ for con solidating and amending the 28 “ Laws relating to Prisons in Ireland ” 2 0 0 0 0 3 & 4 W . 4 veyor, half-a-year’s salary that will be 18 W e present the sum of £138 9s. 8 d. Chap. 78, due him the 19th of May, 1835, — 7 Geo. 4, to be raised as before to pay the under­ Sec. 39. No. 34, ................................................. 1 0 0 0 0 Chap. 71, mentioned Gaol Officers who are not T o the same, half-a-year’s increase Sec. 70. required to appear before the Special o f sa la ry , ................................................. 25 0 0 & 72, Sessions, half-a-year’s salury due them T o the same, half-a-year’s allowance & 66, 29 this Assizes, viz. Ibid. to defray expence of an Office and Rev. J. H. Stubbs, Local Inspector, 36 18 5 Sec. 41, salary for a Clerk, to same period, — Rev. J. H. Stubbs, Protestant Chaplain, 18 9 3 No. 35, ................................................. 25 0 0 Rev. James Beatty, Protestant Dis­ 30 John Straton, Esq. Treasurer, for Louthsenting County Chaplain, ............................. Archives 4, Geo. 4, attending October Sessions, 1834, — 18 9 3 Chap, 33, Rev. Doctor McCann, Roman Catholic Sec. 11. No. 36........................................................ 27 13 1 0 Chaplain, ...................................... 18 9 3 31 John Byrne, Esq. Coroner, for hold­ Joseph Gillichan, Esq. Medical Doctor, 46 3 1 1, Geo. 4, ing 12 inquests, —No. 37, ............ 31 1 0 0 To the undermentioned Officers of Chap. 28, the County, pursuant to the following 32 Doctor Blackwell, Coroner, for Acts, viz. Ibid. holding 4 inquests, —No. 38, ............ 2 1 0 0 19 Walter Bourne, jun. Esq. Clerk of 4 Geo. 4, the Crown, half-a-year’s salary due Chap.
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