1939-09-24 [P F-2]

1939-09-24 [P F-2]

Now It’s the Ladies’ Turn In Character Roles are eo-starred. The players signed were Clarence Kolb, Donald McBride With production now in full swing and Walter Miller. Ruth Donnelly* in under Alexander Photoplays Theaters This Week Hall’s direction, has already been engaged for a fea- Washington Columbia has To Get in Pictures filled three important ture part in the production. Rough character roles for “The Incredible WEEK OF (Continued From First Page.) BEPT_2_4 BUNOAY Mr. new MONDAY_TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Williams,” comedy in which "Kin* e Turf Kln* Turr “K*hcrman'a wh»rt” Fisherman's Wharf "The Joan Blondell and Melvyn Douglas Academy °imtd Lady's From “The Lady's From "Mr. Boat s Steps Out” °imtdhe *Ud 8th_.nd O_SU, " With the notion of violence involving women in movie casts. At one time S,r__ -Mlckej_th_e_Kld.;i ^Mickey..the Kld.'j JFor,ed>p2«Port/' J'Fgraed^Loort ^Itunt FUot^ “stunt* Pnofd "linn"°‘ Ambassador or another, virtually every male star has been called upon to swat a lead- Br^d^M/rsha^rn Brenda*Marsh^rdn Jaekl* c°°»« Jackie oSSSS "Espionage Agent." B'imd^Mau'ha'nn Bo®«r DU"^enha|rS* ^ye'r ““"Whenh*To* or vice versa. Co-ed fisticuffs have become an i8th_andjD0LumblaRd. Aae_nt" “What Life." KEITH'S ing lady, established prac- _^Esplojiaae ^^row^e,.^' ^irow^e,/?0' ‘2 "What ‘2 Life" now ° J»mes I*™* WA8HIKGT0K DUTITUTIOH !H tice in the past three years. Apollo J*G1eorg?aRaft In ‘’olonm^luft In"1* ’’“cteo'ree^a'ft in"*1 JaIne8 <E.1!aon and milson and Ann Sheridan and Pat "Flshtlng Orlngtf7" IJnIMcCIIEA^^ «31HSt,N Now, however, on the that have to ex- K- "H^l "Hotel S^mlS," Brenda assumption they palled some :%%nXD_le." fgPfjSA.- AJSSt*' ,1 MARSHAU- Vj tent, a variation has been worked in the form of Arcade ^Andeyy Hardy® Oetg H^rdy*Oet» “Oracle Allen Murder Jack Benny Jack Benny "Mexicali Rose and up woman-to-woman *j£aJ ^And*yT H^irdy* Get" J° Fever Spring Fever <*»■“ ln ROGERS J_8urlng Fever^ "Man Town." encounters. Much has been made of the one in “The Women,” in which HyattsvUleJMd._Sprinf AtaSt "Man About Town." Hollywood" Ginger Ginger Rogers Ginger Roger. Ashton ••a„cle Allen Murder "Grade Allen Murder Oene Autry In Baby in tha RKO Radio Pietura 1 “ESPIONAGE AGENT” Rosalind Russell and Paulette Goddard come to slaps and and:?!'*%* .onT. Sandy | bitings. And, Mother." Mother." ArUngton1_Va._."Bachelor... ^Bachelor ___Cu*T__ ^th„ even before the memory of it dies, come words of even more violent bat- ,?'M...Mad® H°p?a®lt?en..th* ■■Un„Dect]Pri • Atlnc "Andy Hgrdy Oets "Andy Hardy Gets “Andy Hardy Gate “Unexpected Father" "Unexpected Father" ~rh.rii. phn—rr-- tles in future films. Next /NT,QS Spring Fever.” Spring Fever." Spring Fever. " ln match, apparently, will be that between Mar- and "Trapped In the andQ "T?2no*d lnin *heth. Chpin*e"C2d T°^or,*e ,,ln .. Filth Avenue Girl hww* 1331 H 8t. N.B._Also state show. Also stage show._Also state show. Sky/* lene Dietrich and Una Merkel in Miss 8ky” ‘‘Career*”* A* a, TMllllonj which, incidentally, Dietrich drops Oinger Roger. Ginger Roger. Ginger Roger. Walter Teaidale rr^ee\ Avalon “James EUUon and Lana”~Tu7ner and Cnmollj*Yenee that old svelte siren role to become a heroine of a downright western. R^iT'BeTUm/'Lnd I D*Xfc \ MfmtTM 6612 Connecticut Ave. "Bachelor Mother." "Bachelor Mother." "Bachelor Mother." "Hotel for Women." "Hotel torWmnen •• “*0*2 ‘riiciT ”e8e *!?.c.es^e* J9. James Ellison ln 111 ft Agggg—W man Avenue Grand Hobby" i • Ll%nBBroryr?wJd L10"OnBBoryr?werd Ty8r2n'.PH0eWnle In'* TSo^J®. He™ fn" “'m^IMUhon-Pollar l?n D^l.r" fnd ^wbSdF, 645 Pa. Ave. B E._Time."_Time." Second Fiddle." ”8emnd PMdle aniorg»,<} ^Ud 6Uuaf... ANNA IEA6LE |k*E*iM0i Aptf” Ca Bn to Sm Mr "j Time and the "Stanley “lunW an^Lly11- Bo®,™ ““"Whe^TO- .5d~ Ek T««»w, AT«*ftH—a*r A.' Fall ^““"Whe^*^- fe Mi 15th,B®Verjy„ and E artff^lv- Comae." ““"V^e^r" ^nce^D?/ l2d Dfvls "NOISE EDITH C A VEIT* Budgets 8ta._N.l._lngstone?;_IBS*!™:-morrow morrow Comes." moTrow cUSti." "CmS® Guard •“ ln Lionel Barrymore ln ^•The%M0DM»Td Bethesdn Lionel Barrymore Lionel Barrymore ln Rita Johnson ln Wallace ReervomT ~Wsll.ee n. -f/*-- ___zsas*-. .-®^'c°m® Before Sudden JMME. ZT^TZ, Thru TuttJtu Otar n*lCOWARD'S Economy °D*nln* on Thur8day' °penina °“ ThUr5day' °penlnlf on Thursday. irrcronPTi Opens tomorrow. “SUnlVy Ind®Lit” Arhngtin--' 9V.°m "St'a^fey Vnf Lll" ^“ey ul“ ■> --—-—-— -.— I nanU-lvA Week Downtown HOLLYWOOD. >. -. _____ _lngstone." ingstone." lns.tnne j Charles Irene Dunne. Charles Irene ——-- and are Ca vert Irene Dunne. Dunne. Charles Speed, precision economy three compartive strangers making "When To-Boyer. "When To-Boyer. "When Ann Sheridan Boyer, To- "Four reamers.Feathers” "FourFour Feathers.Feather." "FourFour morrow Feathers." —-CAVALCADE Barbara on 2324 Wisconsin Ave. morrow Comes." Comes." 1 regular appearance Hollywood sound stages these days. Comes."_morrow 11Wirit„ >( Stanwyck In^ r'Sttrtmg Wtdrn:diy il in Columbia Picture { arrive DouglasFalrbanks.Jr.. DouglasFalrbanks.Jr Gordon Harker In "In- They early, stay late—welcome guests of a panicky industry Cameo Gordon Harker ln'In- Caanev and Raft in cTe nev'.nri n.,» <„ i-*-"^--^-7. m “Sun Never Sets." ln "Sun Never Sets." spector Hornlelah.” " »n London" CHARLES LAUGHTON ' w .... I Die ‘f! s»ln,t, suddenly forced into a state of spector Homlelgh” "Ea?h o2wn -J.rtn.l ?a^, and emergency retrenchment. Their influence, MountRalnler^Md._Louis-Pasmr_flljns. _LoubtPastor_mms. Louls-Pastor 61ms. loul_s-Pastor fllm2: LoSls-P^*?r nims! L?Slli-P?s*2r film* n?H.°S.t-.ToWn VHeevw DOUGLAS* MASSEY 1 GOLDEN BOY" —-- faymnd even in this short --- time, has been tremendous. Stockholders might call Carolina "Lucky Night" and “Lucky Night” and "The Story of Alex- "The Story of Alex- "The Btnr* nMi.rnnn -Tk.'iT.™ j' iMim viuiia i Trail" and STUART * j it shocking. ”.r”' "Susannah of the "Susannah of the ander Graham Bell” ander Graham Bell” and Irene r?stie®2£d t^uIrwX® 22 ..P/ne“dt Gotti KARLOFF llthAN G Ave. S.E. and Mr' Chma' «"%>** * In the two _Mounties.”_Mqunties/J_ and^BlgTownCsar/' "Big T^wn'cLr’" ^Outsl^TheleWaTls" "Outsld2lSc,cWall, OLO PARK HOUSE I MENJOU*HOLDEN weeks since war-inspired economy inaugurated sharp cost- "Th* Central and Living- “stanlVy andTivlnr cutting pmns, seven new pictures 9-—---- ''8®CThedePGUmou?ndGlamour "SfThedseFai»mou?nd Wd '8tanlf, ^^loi^Mothef Not Um l:» 2 425 9th 8U^-_ Thegi for "Slra^.” a°d "W“h have answered starting bells. All her heavy make-up. Once she man- _^girg^ J'She_As^ Sirl^r "ffiffiSr^.” nSSSK seven today are not only well ahead aged her lines without faltering, but °David^NWerf 1^“ °t'I/S g* and 2H>g_Pa,Ave.9"Cle Girls,'' I Glamour ~^~Voun. of shortened time schedules, but are the director didn't like the tone in NJg,-"Bachelor Mother.'—Bache^.Motherr_Glamour Glrll"®8®! "Ho™*®^ Women." "HStTfo" Wome2'• "JfSESS® f?‘C*a.‘" " below C-0 Onv James Cagney and James Cagney and James Cagney and Ginger Rogers in oTnwr in-n\^71^;:rTn-77^—l operating already slashed which she chanted them. She called v-uiuny George Rail in George Raft ln ln Dead Kid* George Raft "Bachelor Mother "Ba^for Mother "B^hefor^Moth.- .. fnd the Ave. Dawn "Each Dawn I Die." "March Coming budgets. director a naughty name, flew andFarrjgut, "Each.Dawn I, Die," j;Each j_Die" Also. of’-nme." Aug "March^Tlme." Al?o* "March omme "Heir. Kitchen" ga, Nlchola Mickey Rooney. Lewis Mickey Rooney. Lewis Ginger Rogers and Ginger Today there are no off to her dressing room and wept v-uriyrebbConorP88 Rogers and Lionel R«rrymnre~in“ “f 10 time-wasting Ave. and 8tone. “Andy Hardy Stone, "Andy Hardy David Niven ln David Niven in "On Borrowld "A‘B£yry“°IS 5(rlfn Ah«ne,and conferences on stages while players for 15 minutes. She came back ap- Portland St, B.E. Oets Spring Fever." Gets Spring Fever," "Bachelor Mother." ^'Bachelor Mother.” °nTlme.I'°W®d °I1Tlme1”>W®d V'*r-2t^*,2'■1,1 idle in dressing rooms. New camera parently refreshed, but with her n_|_. Lionel Barrymore In Lionel Barrymore in Rita Johnson and James Cagney and James ninn and —77:—a—■■a,n Fury7—-- Dumbarton "On Borrowed “On Borrowed Tom Neal ln George Raft In are and for memory no better. '‘I’ve lost count “'oioree Sift IL!w..tc°53n'au,ds*nd lD set-ups ready waiting 1.<43 WIs.Ave. ^They_AlJComeOut/; I D?e.” Die" N.W.-Time/;_Time/'_ _^Each_Dawn "E^hDaw^Tl ^M.^' and^2f!dS.?nr°r-* the scenes now,” said the sound ‘‘but it’s Lionel Barrymore ln Lionel Barrymore ln Akim Tamlroff and --— company when preceding man, _ Lee Tracy and Mlrkev Rooney 1 ewis Mtei.. pr/-.. .•5-tr—„ rairlown -On Borrowed “On Borrowed Lloyd Nolan ln Barbara Baby Sandy and are finished. Rehearsals are short- somewhere in the 30s.” B^ad In Stone ^aSSt H^dv s?n2y Anacostla. D. -_Time.;;_Time/;_ 'JJatnlflce_nt_Fr.ua:' _"The 'it'imnV?" G°t2®'Spr^ F^” Fever” ened and get serious attention from Meanwhile, 150 dress extras, at C._ OeT'sprhi^ "u“ xpecVd^ith^r." actors who used to joke about them. $18.25 a day, sat calmly about se- UreenDeir Annabella in Annabella ln Dark. Dark. MideimeCarroll inMid.Un. c.r^n Johnny Weissmuller. Oreenbelt. And the of all cretly the star would never Md.-_^uez "_“*£“£* king time-wasters, hoping --— "Invitation to Happi- "Invitation to Happi- "Invitation to Happi- Penny Singleton ln "Grand j„rv 'Tirand a.c-777f, the master her lines.

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