J COLBY ft BICH, > YOL. XXXIV. t 8 3 ,0 0 Per Annum, 1 '} Publishers and Proprietors. j BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1874; 1 1 In Advnnoo.' \ n o ; K i. Itiumer Contents. hie to them.' It-dld not dawn from any sudden (silld the speaker) seems to have looked on the teries by the Bialiiiiaiis, Mr. Massey said: Tlie'. Why it is called an apple, seeing that there Is no Firtt Pag*': “ Xu Inquiry ConoornliiR aSplrlt-Worhl, “ illumination within, nor wake up ns u memory state of departed spirits as a sort of‘ naked noth­ tree wliieli prmluees this divine Juice, tills spir­ OU*., etc., .by GonihlXtaHsey,-' Srcnnd: 1‘odnw“ Violet,“ sneli fruit loentioiied in the Nbisaie aei'ount,i t UjT L, Gideon; “ Letter from Ghulseu;*’ “ The Medium 1stle of immortality. - Tlie first idea of mini’s ennli-- ingness from wliieli he shrank,-ami against which itual Euphrasy, tills .Intoxicating narcotic,.its can't tell; unless some vny pi imitiv'o philologist- Experleiieenof Mary E. (’under,“ by John \V. Day; “ A unity after death, nfid the existence of a .spirit­ lie embraced Oliristiiinlty with its doctrine of we should say, was, lit an earlier period, Hie’, identified tlie apple as one with tin- I’ippala,.there Ghost;“ ’ “ Where Are They ? “ Third: “ Haulier O rris ual world, were cngoiulered^l maintain, liy direct eternal life. By degrees, the ghosts do evolve l’ippnl or religious fig-tree, otherwise called the \ lieitlg nn apple called a Pippin, or. p.ilmps lie ti|K>mlcnci';“ “ Do They Love One Another? “ and “ Fort phenomenal proof and 'visible demonstration.. some kind of belief-. Man begins to worship the l i m i n e , ’’ by Warren (.'haae; “ GosiuoKraphy,“ by”. heavenly ftsvatha, j looked upon Hie whole story asail appldogiie. It l.yKandur S. .IMtdiards; List oi Splrltijnllhl LeeiurerH, As we have seen, there, are savages who do not God nearest to him, and the worship of ancestors In the second Big- Veda.there is referenee made j Is till' lig-tree in Imlia, tlm tig-Uee In I'eisia, the JFhurth: Lead Ini? KdilorluU uu “ AVrtutllug .UoIIkIou,“ believe because they have not seen ; so We shall is mu: of tjlie earliest forms of i-eliglo\j, Tlie wor­ to a tree, Hie 'fruit of wliieli,is.,called. I'ippnla...'. .lig:lri:o' -iii--lvgy.pl:-the-fig--lri,('..ill" t>l'eeee,^nd it “ The Foreign UeMjtUmn Movmuent,“ “ (.’hureh and find plenty who' do believe because they- have Butte,“ I'odin —“tMJrab *Knt,” by Jj»hn W. Day. etc., ship of our. Father in lleaven is preceded liy tlie Birds settle on it, eating that fruit, and thru sing was in lig-h-aves.tliat the 'man'aml woman tiled" etc. Fifth: It« ins*. Short Editorial*, New'Adveitlsonienis, seen. ' ' : worship of our, forefather.-ini earth,'as with the praises hi Inmor of tlm immortality wliieli they to clothe themselves,. " etc. Sixth: Spltit M^ssa^es; “ Fa u aeinrromSphti FamHy Oomimuihm;“ Foein — *• N*»t LiveiD but Dee*!-,“ bv WII- 1 take it the first evidence of man's having be­ Hindoos and Chinese apollii'o.sised ancestors now share ill eimsei|uenee of having .tasted tlie I My eoio'lolion Is Hint, 111 the Mo-iaio account l.bmi Hnmton, t'te. Seventh; |ton|(. and orjit-r advorMso- tuents. Eighth: “ Foarla;’’ “ Maunl-d lion*,* In Sprl'ii}?- come a breathing, .spiritual image of God, is wit­ preside over particular families. Uesioil says I in it. sllel'e, then, we luive u tier hearing a fruit ’ of Hie "/•hi/,” we Imye u repiesefitation of lift' vale. Me.;*' “ The (.'hit>jtlaulty of the 'Nineteenth Cen­ nessed to by liis ability to-recognize the fact of tury,“ by W. Fosjer, Jr., etc. when the mortal remains of tlm-e who lived iii which was used at the great Snum saeriliees of; known tael, I'ommon to the Oriental races from spiritual existence -when God appears to him by (theGulden Ago were-hidden in Hie earth', their tlm Jliiuloiis; to In' iilfii t i li ct I a s‘producing a., the earliest time, frofii the dimmi'sl dawn of means of spiritual apparition, A faculty of souls became beneficent demons, „lilPliovcrhig drink tluit."would eause siieli aiinormal eoiiill- ; some iimuemotiat' past, that Horn a parlieijlut Elic "jpoetof tbc People.” ■faith iu'tlio unseen could not have been created oyer tlie w'orhl they once Inhabited', and still timis as intoxiealioii, or* the somnambulic s|rrp. knol of lig could lie expie.'ie(l :n iiiiop that would-' In the savage mind —which ahipfst dwidls in Hie waU’liing, clothed- In thin air, as guardians over But. tills lias/ lieen impossilile nlmost, heeaiise .; mueoti/.e the clnnkeVv- oi magnotize,'or ines.iner; eyes alone— without sonic tangible form of'appeal the alTairs of men. i ’iato says the good when An Inquiry Concern inti ;t Spirit-W qrltl, the word. ” ,'smiin ” nmy.menu immmtallly. Ami, .; ize,as'\ve now say : atlil jn tlio uiiemiseoi'fr'ricss ■being made in it, outiiiiUuf itself.': A faitii in such they (lie heeoiiie the reporters and carriers lie-'' one way or ¡iimtlier, the earthly Soma lias iieeii . of'seliso ttio spii itual^'.\,os Would lie opened, Ha: Bevialcd to tho Natural World from tho Earliest a,state was without solid ground logo uyion, with-, tivecn Guils and men. That duel l ine, as we now ti'aiislatcdjnto tlio lieavnHy Soma, or ainrita, i drinkers would lie In spirit vvoi Id, seeing with' Times, by iMeans of Objcctivo Manifestations; " out evidence on which to lest, mid liailAno exist­ know, lyii. worlds ahead of tlie idea of a physical, that is ambrosia, wliieli drops from tlie Immortal, i \ spirit-sight, and being ns spirits'afuoiig spirits— • with an Identification o f’the Troo'of ence' apart from .belief,'•.Spiritualism gyve this resurrection wliieli tin; Christian L’liurOli .liave riTijiyMtsTi.g-tn:i‘,"o,utnf wliieli.lienve.il ami riuTli | in fact, as hi-. John say_s, being ;in tlie spirit: Knowledge of Good and Evil. - 'outside .appeal,'this foundation'fur' faith in', a clung',to until they are the u'or.-l Joes ui a living ivelu sli ipist. B.-iieatli lliis mighty tree wliieli*; ” And-. ye,»slmll lie as gods, knowing good and' future- life, by the direct reappearance,-,miller •Spiritualism.'' > - " pleads ¡ts liranehes over tlie Bill'd lieavep, dwell evil." ”! And will'll tlie woman saw that Hie tree tty OKIULD Mabbkv,- * - certain 'conditions, of tini-e. friends within llle Mr. T’ylor, the 'ethnologist, argues that If there A ama and llnvl'ilris, mol (|uall l beri idilli ol iin--^ was good for l'ood ami- |4 cnsant to' (he e.Ves, aiolo On Sunday liftp-riiooii, Jan. 1 1 th, tlijjs. dlstiii- persons so seeing hud held dear. Tlie early sys­ lie spirits of persons made visible to us wearing inori il I i t y willi tlu* goils-, T’his is pm'tie, I iiiigld j t ree lo tic desiceli lo.'make mie wise, sin* tool; ut guisbed 'English author.nnd orator dnilvmil’iht' tem of Christianity was based on tills oeiilar <le- flie old'di'ess'lliel'e must be spirits of gai'uieiils say phallie,ligure, in .Ilio sliadow ol' wliieii we-:_the fruit tl'iereof, and dui eat” ; or puitook of It »ecoiid lecture of Iti»present, engagement, befure limnslration, wliieli tlie present eliiueli rejects; also. -Tli|s is not bail savage phihisfiphy. It is limi Inst.sigili of. Ilio leni faet. Il was llie drink , in mure Imip. " And.tlieii' eyes wvre opeiied,” . ilio • Mitsiò lliil) Spiritualist Soelety, Bòston. iiiuong other points cited, being tlie fact of Christ, the very Inference' that led tliem to Hit: doctrine, y.ielded hy tlie l'urthly lig-treo iiiiit. inaile thè i"and tliey kio'vv tifai t.liey wei e naked ili .ilio iie.vv After stilting that he. should aller 'h is,best, and having appcui'Cirtu. his disciples Us ids first act pf olijeyt Souls and ghosts of tilings. The savage heavèii of thè ulytlil aiulTho lituval iiugì'ptaué.ó iif ; wmld of- imier ìomseiimsm.'ss, iih.il lieavd spiri(- hoped to find tlm't hllnsulf and Ills hearers Timi after ids I'esuirectioin Tlie Hebrews were char­ «me that thespirits 'reappeared' in tlm old recog- tliosyiiiholie gxpressimi, wliieliHias led to tl|é | voiecs, o|.' llie voice uf tlie Inird,.and vvèrc eiin- some thoughts ¡ricontinoli, evon.if They wore not acterized by-tlic lecturer as.a gloomy, uiispiiitiml nizaililu dress, hearing thv -will-kmnvH weapmls., 'suppiwitiuil llint tlie.11iiuloos! iniaged tlie eivatjoii ;! seimis of/splrit pióseilee in .thè gaideii, frulli corninoli thoughts,'.the speaker (as is l(p wont) peoi’ile, who,, in spite of their-recorded spirit lie did not know tlie law of tlieirryjji'eseiilatiuii, imuriglnatiiig in a fig tiee. Meaiiwhile tho.real | wliieh tlieyslirank and tinsi to hitl«>t' plunged rapidly into-the treatment of the .matter manifestations and personal iiiteicour^i',- semued liiie-elotliing themselves In.the eartlily fmins,. lig-tree bus iindergone tlie salite traiisformatimi i '* * ~ * in hand : • -.- . ' • never to . Iiitve .grasped' the idea or doetiine of a and naturally'supposed tire things were spiritual lirspii'iliial ti’au'slaliun tliiit tlut-saeied asli of-tlie -My siimiiilng up òf -the wliole imittér is tIris.. ... There nretWtlieb'rles of. mail's origin. .One. persiiiial iiiiinovtality ; nnd Jesus w a s truly tlie too, or how should they hi: seen' In’spirit-life v .Xorseiiieu lias wlien wc see fts (sdossili appuntimi ,| Orni of tlie Musale writei>, ili eoiimlon'w itli or .
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