WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE WESTERN PACIFIC SUMMARY OF 1995 ACTIVITIES OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION COLLABORATING CENTRES IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC REGION Manila. Philippines February 1998 CONTENTS page FOREWORD v PROGRAMME AREAS: 1. Acute respiratory infections 1 2. Blindness and deafness ...................................................................................... 3 3. Cancer ................................................................................................................... 11 4. Cardiovascular diseases ..................................................................................... 25 5. Clinical, laboratory and radiological technology for health systems based on primary health care ............................................................. 45 6. Community water supply and sanitation .......................................................... 89 7. Disease vector control........................................................................................ 91 8. Drug and vaccine quality, safety and efficacy................................................. 101 9. Environmental health in rural and urban development and housing ............ 107 10. Food safety .......................................................................................................... 111 11. Health information support ............................................................................... 119 12. Health of the elderly ........................................................................................... 123 13. Health situation and trend assessment ............................................................ 131 14. Health systems research and development ..................................................... 137 15. Human reproduction research .......................................................................... 139 16. Leprosy 163 17. Malaria 165 18. Maternal and child health, including family planning ..................................... 169 19. Oral health ........................................................................................................... 175 20. Organization of health systems based on primary health care ..................... 179 21. Other communicable disease prevention and control activities ................... 201 22. Other noncommunicable disease prevention and control activities ............ 229 iii Contents 23. Parasitic diseases ............................................................................................... 239 24. Prevention and control of alcohol and drug abuse ......................................... 265 25. Prevention and treatment of mental and neurological disorders .................. 269 26. Psychosocial and behavioural factors in the promotion of health and human development ................................................................................... 283 27. Public information and education for health ................................................... 285 28. Rehabilitation ...................................................................................................... 295 29. Research and development in the field of vaccines 303 30. Research promotion and development including research on health-promoting behaviour ......................................................... 305 31. Sexually transmitted diseases 309 32. Tobacco or health ............................................................................................... 317 33. Traditional medicine ........................................................................................... 321 34. Tuberculosis ........................................................................................................ 347 35. Workers' health ................................................................................................... 353 36. Zoonoses 371 ANNEXES: Annex 1 - List of Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific Region 375 Annex 2 - Summary of Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific Region - (By Programme and by Country) .............................................................. 395 iv Foreword FOREWORD WHO collaborating centres are national institutions supporting WHO programmes at country, intercountry, regional and global levels. As national institutions, their principal role is to contribute, through research, training and services, to national health development. However, as part of a collaborative network, they also make a considerable contribution to the development and implementation of globally conceived and directed WHO programme activities. WHO collaborating centres are involved in activities based on individual plans of work agreed upon by the centres and supported by WHO at all levels. These plans must reflect WHO policies and priorities. In addition, the network of centres should pursue the major goal of technical cooperation between the Member States of the Organization. WHO collaborating centres should play a major role in facilitating exchange of information, experience and expertise. They should also stimulate the integration of various national actions towards self-reliance. Each collaborating centre must submit an annual report immediately after the end of each year. The report reflects the progress made by the centre during the previous year and covers only the information concerning the activities of the institution as a WHO collaborating centre. Many people are unfamiliar with the activities of these collaborating centres. In many cases, one centre may not be aware of another's work, even though they may be from the same country or involved in the same WHO programme. With this in mind, we have prepared this summary of the salient points from the 1995 annual reports submitted by the WHO collaborating centres in the Western Pacific Region in 1996. We hope that this publication will improve information exchange among all the relevant parties and bring about even more fruitful collaboration. S.T. Han, MD, Ph.D. Regional Director v 1995 REPORTS OF COLLABORATING CENTRES BY PROGRAMME AREAS Acute respiratory infections NAME OF CENTRE: WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology and Control of Acute Respiratory Infections ADDRESS: Capital Institute of Paediatrics No.2 Ya Bao Road Beijing 100020, People's Republic of China PHONE NUMBER: (8610) 65240934 FAX NUMBER: (8610) 65128367 E-MAIL ADDRESS: not available HEAD OF CENTRE: Dr Zhu Zonghan DATE OF DESIGNATION: 18 January 1988 TERMS OF REFERENCE: (1) To develop, test, finalize and reproduce ARI training and health education materials, based on WHO materials and results from quantitative and qualitative studies at health facility and community level; (2) To develop and test communication and education strategies and approaches to improve communication between health workers and mothers and to promote the recommended health-seeking behaviour; (3) To develop and test rapid and practical qualitative monitoring tools to follow up on programme implementation and impact. ACTIVITIES OF CENTRE IN RELATION TO TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Research 1.1 Policy and strategies of implementing the National Programme of Action (in collaboration with the nongovernmental organization, Expert Committee of China National Committee on Care for Children, and supported by UNICEF) The guidelines of ARI standard case management and training modules recommended by WHO were being used to train health workers. The Centre was responsible for designing the proposal, training, data collection and analysis, and coordinating the activities. 1.2 Preventive strategies of reducing the high risk factors related to pneumonia mortality in rural China (IORC project) The first phase of the qualitative study using the modified focused ethnographic study (FES) was completed. The findings are being used in a case-control study. 1.3 Expansion of the communication plan on ARI (AusAIOIWHO project) Training modules on communication for both facilitators and health workers have been developed, printed and used in the training course in the four counties. Acute respiratory infections 2. Training 2.1 The first national training course for trainers was conducted In Nanning, Guangxi Province, in December 1995. The nine participants were from the MCH institutes of Guangxi and Hubei Provinces and from the four counties in four Provinces participating in the AusAID project. This is a new approach in training trainers from different levels (national, provincial and county) in the same course. 3. Specific activities 3.1 The national ARI control programme was expanded to 53 counties in 26 provinces, covering about 25% of the total counties in the country. The Centre reproduced the following materials for training: technical documents recently developed by WHO; communication materials for training, including facilitator guide, participant manual and home care card; and pocket-size assessment and treatment chart, mostly based on WHO ARI management chart and revised to include guidelines for referred cases and for cases that cannot be admitted or referred. 3.2 Two volumes of ARJ news (Chinese version) were published by the Centre and 20000 copies were distributed throughout the country. 3.3 One paper was published during 1995. 2 Blindness and deafness (1) NAME OF CENTRE: WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Blindness ADDRESS: Department Of Ophthalmology The University Of Melbourne The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital 32 Gisborne Street East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia PHONE NUMBER: (613) 96659564 FAX NUMBER:
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