l s 11.E e litj l N <§ ts & l .S 0^ l!1w i. Q iï- ^y ïis ît sf-S' l 5 8 § 1Q -^. 1^ s |i l ^^-l 5. ç Il li.w -s ^1 ^^ a\. îlS 2i§ t~l 0^ G( e -ï^ g el l 0 u Il 5 ^ ^ Q S ^ l tt» M ai §ii! § «(«<! 0 û0 ï i Q^ l § l u ^- cS Il tft ^ . %i l g <u ». l!1li OC a> a i 01 t^- §1 I: Ï '0 cS l l 53 . 11 l as >.§ en û>, la 1^10 \C H J3 ^ e l Il Wt lïi» . S S l 1s « -ff g' ^1- y ^ ? -S 2 .: i L<bO^LO^ ^^^ (VlBli^A ^<V . ( ATéHûM (|2. 1 ^^ /VM^O-ft \D^^ (^ ^ . {^( ÛT^IB--SPs V-U^l^-L^^^&A ^'T5(^ T4(C<P. ^ ^&-l^P^ ^'ÊT^SÛ-Pf KUÛc?t^^^ ^U)6Mê, ieA 't^E^ a.uiM-^ûc é^r^^^B^ KT . ^ r^r^ ^UO^^Q ^-Ta^A - N\£SO- b( Ô ^-(Y ^L?^ft-^ûê CïR^fti^ ^ t<^ Uù^l^-^ PA^^ UZ1 ^T ^^ U 612. ^^Û^r c( ç>^l^[ ^/\^T&^U -ô\-^6\^{ En Ush Translation: Nomination ofMbira to UNESCO l Salani Matshoba am a Mbira playing maestro, Mbira-maker and Mbira playing teacher. l support thénomination ofMbira tlirough théGovemment ofZimbabwe to théUNESCO World HéritageList. l live in Warren Park, Harare Province, Zimbabwe. SalaniMatshoba 06/01/2019 Inini Irène Chigamba-Mhembere weku Hâte Cliff, Harare District, muHarare Province yeZimbabwe ndiri mutambi nemudzidzisi wekutamba Mbira. Ndonobvuma nekutsigira kudomwa kweMbira kupinda muGwaro re Unesco setsika nenhaka yedu yepasirose izvi zvichiitwa nebazi retsika ye hurumende yeZimbabwe Ndazvibvuma pazuva ranhasi zuva repiri mumwedzi waNdira 2019. Signature En lish Translation: Consent for Mbira Nomination to thé UNESCO Re resentative List I, Irène Chigamba-Mhembere ofHateCliff, Harare District, in Harare Province of Zimbabwe l am a Mbira dancer and Choreographer. l consent to thénomination ofMbira to théUNESCO's Représentative List being done by thé Ministry responsible for Culture in thé Govemment of Zimbabwe. l consent to thénomination on this 10th day ofJanuary 2019. Signature bii Hope Ruvimbo Masike wekuBindura District ku Mashonaland Central Province ye Zimbabwe ndiri gwenyambu-a uye mudzidzisi wekuridza mbira. Ndonobvuma nekutsigira kudomwa kweMbira kupinda muGwaro re Unesco setsika nenhaka yedu yepasirose izvi zvichiifrwa nebazi retsika ye hurumende yeZimbabwe Ndazvibvuma pazuva ranhasi zuva repiri mumwedzi waNdira 2019. Signature En lish Translation: Consent for Mbira Nomination to thé UNESCO Re resentative List I, Hope Ruvimbo Masike ofBindura District, in Mashonaland Central Province of Zimbabwe l am a Mbira player and teacher. l consent to thé nomination ofMbira to thé UNESCO's Représentative List being done by thé Ministry responsible for Culture in thé Govemment of Zimbabwe. l consent to thé nomination on this 2nd day ofJanuary 2019. Signature 6ÏOZ ®nu®ft?i: gzpB mBqsQ î epusj. isn 3AiîBîU3S3jds^ Q3S3Nnsqt Oî uopduosui suodssj joj sjniinQ JGJ siqi ÂJISIUI}^sqi qgnojqî aMqB qiuizjo lusunuaAoo aqi /tq Uimou Bjtiqy^jo uopB sqijo poddns niy ui SJB SA ^juBqNSZp ejiqj^ 'dnojg Âmjojieqsq sip UQ . SMqeqmiz 'soutAOJj ÎSSAY pirepuoqsBM <PUISIQ lynSsqo cuop0 (s[ ui sAti i .jsîpui B urc BJiqp^ OS|B aiqmasug BJpeqNazp ®Jîq^[ aqîjo japegi dnojg aqi 'gzpBiuBqeo iABpusjL i 03S3NÛ OJL MOUVNIMON VUiaMl MOjI 1N3SN03 îqsîl "3 Q o n ^S^A ^ \ ^»p3 - '^V|U3<§ ^ i^y^j "lAft 3^^p 14 ^ ^. _ ^-2. e U ' J c9 x^qx^ '^'3( ^'3>UJtî ^ïï t t ^. -gUI \Aî. >| l, ^»l )S o^H -Wl^B^N ^^^ -5> J"^7| ZM3 U a> K K-^J^UQU) n9^J ^?i ^q -r^- uû4-j>o|\j^p-iA) ^ , * ^2J>^^ î. - , ^ n ^ UI'Z-,IM '3Un0 -©-V AX^IAA -3 YlM l j -AV Ul -3^ 9-f.W t ^/V\ 1^ 0(^ un-i-^tÂ^ r - -v,""l 07 ^ f^^ M/ V J t^ VA/otis 6ÏOZ MnmfLQ ezn nzeq3 ojiazuo5nq3 . aSsiuaqppo^ SBpssiuSoosj sq 0) viKy/^ 85|îi pinoM a^ . guunoqqgisu pire A^unoo mo ui pasn A(3piM si ïi SB aâBiusH l^"lin3 aiqiSuBiuijo isn SApBiuassjdsïi 03S3NT1 9W uo uopduosm JQJ BJiq^i SIBUIUIOU 0} uopB3j08^ pus suv 'vodg 'qînoAjo yù»siui][^ aip Âqsuairejgojd aip poddns pue lussuoo Ài{iy i . [îsa^ pireiBUoqsB]/^] PUISIQ iseg eqiuiAz ui PJBM B si BJueqM -UOIIBU aii} .ioj spooqi[3Aii 3|qBuie}sns pue sjniino Suiiouiojd SuiBgjo UB uopB si qoiqM suoipB J8}Ui ajniin3 puv spy 9}9quieqiuiza jo jopsjiQ sqi SB ^JOM pUB BJUBqN Ul 9p{S9J I 'VIÏCQ/^ UO J3q3JB3S3J pUB JSlOmOjdB 018 GZngunZBqQ OJ9ZUO^[iq3 i 03S3NÛ ®?®-t?qMJO nopemuio^ mopBisuejj, qsit ua û»W l 9 -te» 'f0 VI , -w^^^\7-^W^Îf ^Jl^ ^f^ O^VI^'Ô-^^ l*tfîfï^-a^ wz -9 v <yv^ f L< ^-'c'a^tS'^^ -1 - - ryj, Vf Hï^t 'afv» .î:'<^ ^ W >VJ J J Î^W v l v<y\w^ \ ^ n »^ ^ JII^SV ;. * ^^. yp^yi ^^j"'^Vf^y^'l'^f^Ï^yvi\wrf-^^A'^^ .&TV, t^OJ ^v ^J l\ Jt Ul L' >K ï ; » ^v]i><n(7nw< t A. ^3^°\ é. i ' t7J>t->& v{ 0 J l 1^1 V 1$ VJI n -a Oi^i od-^.li 'o^oo noi^ S^Ô^-7t.j-?rt) U^j|^^5p{/ -Bp^^W^Q^^ w nyn n J^ w '? '7 <t ' ff T^V W OV»1 N - J<5»^ J G .Z. ^ 0 \^Vl ^1(?V . 3'/'W " ^ ^ ) t-^ l^'f"^ t1'"- 1-l1~ 0^1 £- ^ ^V o'7<53nn-n^ v^^w^^t^ ^Mv^^anx WOti.5' CU-DOI^^UO»^ CL^I^-^A 1^-1 f '~T\c\^ciovuî.l âL ïto 6iw^Lêt^\/ ^N ot a ir 1 f -^ '^^(S0< \> -ZAjdC cit^Lu . i ot^a £\2-\ t^lbff t^^k-^L^ Q>^-\ 4 i^^, \^>a ^J ^ c<2. ko^fc't^»<e.. (F IV^t IAJÛL ti>tdU<&La.ra (^ . VA ÇJ^VL ?VC ôuTi \ ^z>u^i ^- ' <5L ^G . ê -1-; e? \ t ^A» r Ï -s (31 tel-» ^'iTtAje ^ ^ <- < /. l <lA.<Ê-6U^L a. '^- ' i *^ Z ^.ûf. cY^^t ^ <A<<4jLl^^AAJ' Ï^J ^â -/2-,o En lêsh TransSatioM: Nominatiom ofMbira to UNESCO l Wilfi-edTichaona Mafnka (Nyamasvisva) ama practitioner ofMbira;l makeand play Mbira in accordance with our cultural traditions and nonns. l réside in Zvimba comniunal lands. Zvimba West District, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe. l support théinitiative by théMinistry responsible for Culture to promote youth development progranimes thatencompass culture and traditional practices. l fùrthersupport thénomination ofMbira to thé UNESCO Représentative List. l am proud that Mbira is being nominated for considération as World Cultural Héritage. Wilfred Tichaona Mafrika 2Januar 2019 f^ M f TV»^ ^ . fc<'<^7^ nçfet G reVcc^ G^( ^t^&cUâ ^ w^, ^, ^. ^. ^ l^eL^n4-z-^^ L^^i^ ^UNesL o ^ ^+iu y^-. ^ ^-^'r>3.. rk1-. e4%ll^?i&r'< "^ -z-^o ^ ly^^^. %.L,;:^ ^"^^ t^f /^N ^^ .^7 ^reTwwrsHîr ^14-UM^ ^-^' Oï . J^0t! ^ïr^r WM^Î-^^^T English Translation: for Mbira Nomination to théUNESCO Représentative List by Government of Zimbabwe l Chitemamuswe Mathew am a traditional Cliief of Muzarabani District of Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe. l fully consent andsupport thénomination ofMbira byZimbabwean Govemment for listing to théUnesco 2003 Convention as World Intangible Cultural Héritage and that Héritage should be safe guarded and continually practised. Chitemamuswe Mathew 14 January 2019 . - "- "-_^Li^&J^p à <^^>^ X^î ^^^^&â-_^i_L^f£, îCC ^ ^ 4-<o £ â-^/ 0 "^ hS " ^-^ C^^^O^ ^?^ÏQ^/ <^^ S>^^^C' -^?r - <^^s^ /ï^bi/ /-> Z^^yj^^v^é , ^S>^e' '^S-/ ^^^ ï^/^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^/^<^'% £: . - ?-^<^ Y^ V 6^6. 7-^^. ^. /^. ^ ôZLé^S^ ^ ^o 6-J f^W < f Zt/-^-^6- ^, . f^4^g_ ^n/<& ^? ^ ^^ ?r§/^^ i^^^C^J . J^^ff "^^^^t__ /cti^ j^j^^^^ y_^^/ ^^S'^ ^UG ^j£/c^c^ ^ 67^J?z^ ^l^-^L-^-^-^^^^-l.^ .^£>. S > ^ ^ _ > ^/? [~- -^^22 __ En lish Translation: Nomination ofMbira to UNESCO l am ChiefEdson Chiota of thé Chihota Chieftaincy, Marondera District, Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe. l fully consent andsupport théMinishy responsible for Culture to présentfor nomination Mbira élémentfor Inscription onto théUNESCO Représentative Listof Intangible Cultural Héritage. We would like Mbira to be safeguarded as World Cultural Héritage for posterity. Edson Chiota 16 Janua 2019.
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