'S3 ^r ^r'*lr^V,4*W^fU?**f** *✓' THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT. LONDON, OHIO Fag* Sivm R. W. Kleis, Michigan State Un­ management specialist, Mabel iversity agricultural engineer, dis­ Money Problems Spray. ’ JOHN WAS BORN IK Eighteen Cities cussed field work and research The place of credit in fh? fam­ MARTINS FERRY, OHIO. conducted on blower systems at ily’s use of money will receive at­ BUT NOW LIVES IN Get Ohio Safety the University of Illinois and list­ To Be Discussed tention. Facts about kinds of cred­ SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS I * ed some points to consider in plan­ it, their costs and other relative ning, installing and operating advantages and disadvantages will YOU'RE OUT, In Short Course i be discussed. Raymond Bailey, in­ ♦ ' * PARDNAH! Awards In 195$ blower systems. COLUMBUS — Homemakers ftt- structor in agricultural economics, COLUMBUS, O.—State Depart­ Among the advantages of a tending the “You and Your Money” will talk on the subject “Which Freshmen Proving Value To Tribe ws’y ment of Highway Safety and 18 blower system, he said, are the fol­ sessions at Homemaker's Short Kind Of Credit for You.” Ohio cities received awards for lowing: Course, June 17-19, at the Ohio their 1956 entries in the National The mechanism is simple. Only Stale University will have an op­ The need for awareness of kinds During Early Season Competition, Safety Council’s Annual Inventory one moving part means little serv­ portunity to hear views, ask ques­ of sales methods used in the sale of Traffic Safety Activities. An­ icing and maintenance. tions and express opinions about of goods for home and family will CLEVELAND, OHIO—Last win* tea sons became a national hero. The system is flexible and can have an important place in the ter on the knife and fork circuit, The pay was good and he was in­ nouncement of the awards was some family money problems, says made by the organization in Chi­ include turns. “You and Your Money’’ series. Manager Kerby Farrell of the clined to settle permanently in Ja­ Miss Thelma Beall, university ex­ "How the Better Business Bureau cago in a letter to Governor C. Sheet steel pipe is easy to get tension home management special­ Cleveland Indians appeared some­ pan until Saperstein pointed out and inexpensive. Works for You” relates directly to what reluctant to discuss at great to him that he had a big future in AS COACH, JOHN William O’Neill and Gordon Jef­ ist. fery, Director of the Ohio Depart­ The pipe is light and can be sus- this topic. Mrs. Helene Pritchett, length the veterans on the club he major league baseball in the Unit­ BRINGS 6 YEARS OF Homemaker’s Short Course is merchandise manager of the Co­ MAJOR LEAGUE- ment of Highway Safety, who is l^nded overhead and out of the Was taking over but he was quick ed States. Although Raines wound way. open to all Ohio homemakers be­ lumbus Better Business Bureau, to discuss the possibilities of rook­ up with over $8,(XX) at the conclus­ .experience to the State Safety Coordinator. longing to home demonstration ‘VhE YOuNg JETSI The system can be made water­ will tell homemakers at a Tuesday ies Roger Maris and Larry Raines ion of each of his two seasons in Ohio was one of three states in proof. clubs or advising 4-H groups. Reg­ meeting df Short Course what the Who had sparked his Indianapolis, Japan, he was told by Saperstein /THlTiSHOW WE the largest population group to istration will take place in each Better Business Bureau does to aid Indians to the Little World Series that the big money was in major ICHD IT AT DETROIT! Among the chief disadvantages county Extension office. During receive a “Certificate of Achieve­ of a blower system are its high the consumer. titl<. ' league baseball. ment in 1956 for the Maintenance j Short Course the topic “The Fam­ power requirements in relation to 1 ily Plans Its Spending” will be dis­ Farrell, of course, was familiar kaines started the 1955 season of Accident Records,” from the the amount of feed handled and >X-Oa ■ t With the individual records of the at Indianapolis but. was moved to National .“Safety Council. The cussed by Miss Beall. the dust problem involved in mov­ A few ingredients in the recipe •*•* & * Veterans but as a freshman pilot in Reading where he batted .333 in 91 Council’s Second highest for 1956, ing feed from one area to another. the American League, he refused games. Last season at Indianapolis, the “Award of Merit,” was pre­ for planning family spending will Persons attending the 2-day include some "dos” and “do nots” to make any predictions about he appeared in 148 games and bat­ sented to two Ohio cities, East school, held June 3 and 4, included them nor did he predict stardom ted .309. His 22 stolen bases led Cleveland and Rocky River. Only to consider in a course of action vocational and veterans’ instruc­ for directing family living dollars. for Maris and Raines. He suggest­ the American Association and he John six citieis in the nation won the tors, county agents and power sup­ ed, however, that either or both of hit into but four double plays in “Award of Merit.” Marietta. Rocky There will be some consideration LAST STAR JOHM MIT plier representatives. University on the question “Shall the wife '?VX these talented youngsters could almost 600 trips to the plate. .310 AND WAS VOTED River, South Euclid, and Van Wert personnel teamed with commercial develop to the point where he All of Raines’ early difficulties MOST VALUABLE PLAYER also received “Certificates of Ach­ work away from home?” with sug­ Upo^ power suppliers and users to pre­ gestions presented by the home Mtould make the Indians a more ex­ have not dimmed the enthausiasm FOR THE JETS' ievement for having ho traffic sent the program. Sponsors includ­ citing club in 1957. of this youngster who was reared deaths and a noteworthy program ed the Agricultural Extension Ser­ First Maris and now Raines is in a orphan home. Baseball is his INFIBLDGR- performance in traffic safety.” vice, the Ohio State University’s “We are very proud of our cities fulfilling the high hopes express­ life and as he puts it, “I gotta :xi COACH department of Agriculture engi­ 5 KT and our state for receiving all of j PRESCRIPTION ed by Farrell. The speed those two make good and I know I will." for the: neering and the Ohio Farm Elec­ have contributed to the Indians on Other than to continue to be the THIS YEAR these awards.” Jeffery stated. ■■ • > COLUMbUS jets; trification council. * the base paths has certainly made Indians’ regular third baseman, I'LL MOIDER Awards for traffic enforcement, Let us fill your next ■» *. the club more interesting to wat­ Raines has only one other goal. “I THE BUMS! traffic engineering and driver li­ • /-R must cut down on my strikeouts,” USE THE WANT ADS ch. Both have hit well also. censing activities will be announc­ FLOREA Pharmacy Success in the majors for Raines he says. "I fanned over 100 times ed at a later date by sponsoring OUR CLASSIFIEDS at Indianapolis last summer ancl I organizations. The International will start the pendulum going the GET RESULTS! Tight way for the quiet youth from know I can’t help my club up here strations were given. Kathy Rigg the Presidents office the following' Associationof^ Chiefs ^of^Police ^Cincinnati. His first 27 years if I strike out that often this sea­ and Marilyn Rigg gave a demon­ year and we voted that this would ”will’41' present* the awards for en­ haven't been one big bowl of cher­ son.” stration on dusting mitts, Becky not be done in our club. forcement, the Institute of Traffic ries. Raines* explanation of his strike­ Bigham gave one on setting a table, We are going to entertain the Engineers for traffic engineering, His mother died when he was outs is very simple. “I hit three and Karan Rea gave one on a children at the Children’s Home and the American Association of Six and his early baseball was grand slam homors in one week at beverage. on Tuesday, June 25, 1957. There Motor Vehicle Administrators for flayed on the grounds of an or­ Indianapolis and I let myself get The refreshment committee for were committees appointed to buy driver licensing. Awards will also phan home in Cincinnati where he carried away. I was aiming for the refreshments to serve. be given by the American Bar As­ fence every time I came to bat next week are Sharon Cozad and fepent several years following his Kathy Rigg, It was decided that we WouM t!k> sociation for outstanding traffic pother's death. Ii| the orphan after that. This year, however, I’m The next meeting will be at the court programs. “home, he was nicknemed “Hope” going to forget about the fences nate enough money to the West Methodist Church basement June Jefferson Public Library to buy -sand that’s what his five brothers and just concentrate on getting on 11, at seven o’clock p.m. liand two sisters call him to this base. I ll have plenty of time for three Reading Circle Books. De­ Blower System WHY day. homers later on.* News Reporter monstrations were given by Susie . After playing semi-pro ball in Mary Lou Fannon Culp on sewing and Carolyn El- aid To B a o o d liott, and Leanne Ballard on cook-' ■the Cincinnati area.
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