ISSN 1067-490X IEEE Volume 18, Number 1, Spring 2010 The technologies to deliver information and entertainment to audiences worldwide, at home and on the go. From the President Inside William T. Hayes, President, IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Five BTS Members Elevated to Greetings BTS degree in an IEEE related discipline, IEEE Fellow Grade, Class of 2010 . 3 members: much of what they have learned is Five New BTS AdCom In addition to outdated. By the time they have estab- Members-at-Large Serving being President of lished themselves in a career, most of the 2010–2012 Term… . 5 the IEEE Broadcast their formal education is outdated. In Technology Soci- order to insure success, we must there- BTS Presents Audio Tutorial ety, I also Chair the fore become lifelong learners. NAB2010 Broadcast Engineering Advisory Board for In reality, this is not new or news. Conference . 7 ieee.tv. I have re- Whether we acknowledge it or not, we Russia Rolls Out DTV cently been online at ieee.tv watching are wired to be lifelong learners. This Implementation Plan . 7 videos, ostensibly to check out the me- is why we generally don’t make the DVB-H Network Planning Advances . 8 dia player that is in use and to look at same mistakes over and over. Nothing IEEE BTS Representation at the educational potential for some of like burning your hand on a hot stove The Emerging Leaders Alliance the material being presented. to confirm that you need to exercise Foundation Conference . .9 Given the dynamic changes we are caution around things that get hot. As seeing on a global scale in the inven- we experience more things, we learn BTS Profile: Christine M. Di Lapi . 11 tion, implementation and impact of what we like and don’t like. This is Managing Innovation in Emerging new technologies and the speed at experiential learning and for the most Economies. 14 which technologies are embraced and part, it just happens. There is another BTS Beijing Chapter Report. 15 discarded, lifelong learning for those type of learning that actually requires BTS Distinguished Lecturer, of us in the IEEE is not an option more of an active commitment from us Matthew Goldman, in Montreal . 16 anymore but a requirement. By the and this is what I want to focus on. time most students complete a formal continued on page 2 Princeton-Central Jersey Broadcast Technology Chapter . .19 Russia Northwest BTS, ComSoc From the Editor and CES Joint Chapter Report. 19 William Meintel, BTS Newsletter Editor 6th IFTC Forum Held in Shanghai . 20 What Ever Happened to As you read this entire winter season. So much for TV Channel 37? . 22 column Spring will the weather news, although it has have come to my been a distraction from my concern In 1941, Stations Confronted area in the east- about the future of free over-the-air ‘Moving Day’. 25 ern part of the television broadcasting in the U.S. Longley Rice’s Faulty Subroutines: United States and discussed in my last column. Background on the C++ Alos . 28 it will be a wel- There have been statements made Summary of BTS AdCom come sight. It has that the intent is not to destroy broad- Meetings Held During 2009 . 32 been a rough win- casting but to provide spectrum for ter with record snowfall. We have some perceived, but I believe un- In Memoriam. 34 had two major storms that left us documented, need for wireless broad- with 21 inches in December and band. However, the spectrum “search” then another 27 inches in early Feb- continues and the latest figure I hear ruary plus some smaller amounts in for the “needed” amount is 500 MHz. between. This is in an area that rare- This of course is more than the total ly sees more than 12 inches for an continued on page 2 From the President continued from page 1 My career as a broadcast engineer have taken formal lessons. With every started working at broadcast stations, began as a hobby, something I did for job change that involved moving, I the technologies and systems imple- pleasure. As it became my career, it have found a new instructor. My cur- mented had service life expectancies continued to be a profession that I en- rent instructor has been teaching me of 10 to 20 years. joyed. Even now, after some 30 years in for 10 years (I am his longest running While new broadcast systems or the business, I still enjoy the work. So student). One of my abilities he has no- technologies were being planned or for me, the idea of learning about the ticed is that I pick things up much fast- implemented, I had been reading about new technologies which were being er now than I did when I first started. them for some time. Also, some had proposed and implemented in broad- Musical pieces that we worked on for a been implemented at other locations so casting involves the study of something couple of months when I first started, there was always available a wealth of that is not only important to me, but I now learn in a few weeks. And it is theoretical and practical knowledge. also something I enjoy. In my spare not just the mechanics; it is the theory Digital technology has much time, I read the technical and manage- behind the musical composition where shorter development time and life ment journals and magazines associ- I really see my knowledge growing. So expectancies. There is less time to ated with my business. For the last 10 I am fairly comfortable that I have not become familiar with the theoretical years or so, I have regularly contribut- reached the end of my ability to learn. aspects of the technology and less ed to some of these publications. I look What is different is the speed at at this as an opportunity for me to give which things are changing. When I first continued on page 13 back to the industry that I have en- joyed working in for so long. It is also an opportunity for me to share some experiential knowledge with people From the Editor continued from page 1 who haven’t been in the business as long as I have. (294 MHz) allotted for television in the of spectrum would be reclaimed. Fur- During the past few years, I have U.S. (other services beware). thermore, the spectrum that would be noticed that it is more of a challenge One of the ideas that has surfaced is reclaimed is likely to be in small mar- to keep up with the rapidly changing that interested broadcasters would vol- kets where, due to the economy, sta- technologies and wondered why that untarily give up spectrum. That spec- tions are having difficulty surviving. It is. Am I reaching my capacity to learn? trum would then be sold at auction to most definitely would not provide any- In all honesty, this concerned me as I wireless broadband providers with the where near the goal of 500 MHz and am a long way from retirement age and participating broadcasters receiving a not in areas where this alleged need is have no desire to retire. portion of the auction revenue as com- the greatest. I looked at another area of my life pensation. The problem I see with this In my opinion the perceived wire- where I have an interest that I enjoy approach is that unless a large number less broadband spectrum shortage is and I am a lifelong learner. I play the of broadcasters were willing to par- not about the public’s need to access guitar. I have been playing since col- ticipate (unlikely based on reports in lege and for virtually all of that time, the trade press) only a small amount continued on page 12 Newsletter Deadlines IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Newsletter (ISSN 1067-490X) is published quar- terly by the Broadcast Technology Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electron- The BTS Newsletter welcomes contribu- ics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters address: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor New York, NY tions from every member. Please forward 10016-5997. Sent at a cost of $1.00 per year to each member of the Broadcast Tech- materials you would like included to the nology Society. Printed in USA. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: IEEE Broadcast editor at [email protected]. Here Technology Society Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. are our deadlines for upcoming issues: © 2010 IEEE. Permission to copy without fee all or part of any material without a Issue Due Date copyright notice is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for Summer, 2010 04 May 2010 direct commercial advantage and the title for publication and it’s date appear in each copy. To copy a material with a copyright notice requires special permission. Fall, 2010 20 July 2010 Please direct all inquires or requests to the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Mana- Winter, 2010 09 November 2010 ger, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 Tel: +1 732 562 3966, Spring, 2011 20 January 2011 Fax: +1 732 921 8062, EMAIL: [email protected] 2 IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Newsletter Spring 2010 Five BTS Members Elevated to IEEE Fellow Grade, Class of 2010 The BTS is proud to announce the Wireless Communication Research Fumio Okano elevation of five BTS members to the Center (AWCC) in UEC from 2005 NHK ( Japan Broadcasting Grade of Fellow effective 01 January to 2007.
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