As a State, We 74 Projects for Better Nourish the Unity Information in the Languages of Diversity of National Minorities Funded 49 Minority Neseptwember 2s 018 Branko Ružić: This Is the Year of National Minorities The Slovenian Community Hungarian from Serbia at the Bled Cultural Society Strategic Forum "Karika" Opened HIGHLIGHTS EDITORIAL 49 Government Committed to Improvi ng the Status (N ot) the choic e? of Minority Rights The re is a bit m ore than a m onth left until the elec tions for m e mbers On Septe mber 6, the Directo r of the Go - of natio nal cou ncils o f national mi nori ties . The m ember s of t he vernment Offic e for Hu m an and M inority 22 nat ional min orities will be e xercising the ir right to e l ect their Rights, Suza na Paunov ić, met with the OSCE rep resentatives . The first p recondit ion fo r vo ting is to enrol in the High Com missioner for Natio nal M inorities, Speci al Vo ters’ List fo r Na tional M inorit ies . Acco rd ing to the w ebsi te Lambe rto Zannier, an d she i nformed him about the im plementa tion of the a cti vities of the Min istry of Public A dminist ration an d Local Self-Government, of the Ac tion Plan fo r the Realizat ion of the the conclusion of the Special Voter List will be done 15 days before Rights o f Nationa l Minorities. the elec tio ns, on Oc tob er 1 9. Whether t he ca ll o f th e Min istry of Public A dminist ration and o ther govern ment bodie s to the members of the na tional min orities to r egister in the Special Vote rs’ Lis t will bear fru it w ill be cl ear af te r th is date, becaus e, with the excep tion Sombor Hosts "Europe of the few na tional c ouncils tha t a ctively p ropagate th e imp ortance of voters’ re g istrati o n a nd electi ons, others hav e n ot y et i ncl uded in My City " Conference it i n the agend a . On September 20, Sombor hosted the "Europe By October 19, all those who aim to be in one of the national in My City" conferen ce o n protection and exer - cIounc ils can sub mi t th eir lis ts. By t he conclus ion of this issue, the cise of human and minority rights. The confe - rence was organized by the German Foundation Republic Electoral Commission approved 20 electoral lists of 11 "Konrad Adenauer", in cooperation with the national minoritie s. I t is difficult to forec ast how m any lists will b e City of Som bo r and the Ger man Association register ed, but, on t he basis o f the ap proved on es, it izbogs evid togaent "Gerhard" Sombor. thšat the re are dee p di visions in som e national co mmuni ties. Fo r instan ce, t he Ruthe nian comm unity, which, alt hough be ing a less numerou s commun ity (accordin g to the last censu s , 14,246 citizens declared as members o f this co štomm uzdišemounity) alre zaad „starletama“y has 4 electo kojeral lists , while i n the p reviou s elect ions in 2014 they had a total of 7 lists. The reasons behind this division are, of course, dissatisfaction wit h the ex isting situ ation in the c omm u nity, des ires an d plans for its improv ement, o r someth ing e lse. O n t he oth er han d , a m ore Certificates Awarded to num erous comm un ity - the Slov ak commu nity – has, for the time Participants in th e Summer bein g, o nly two lis ts re g ist ered. T hose who believe that fa ct ions School "We and wit hin a co mmu nity are detrim e ntal for the ove ra ll i ntere sts of the community as a whole would say that this is a good sign, but, the O t hers. Ove rcomin g the B order s" what is interesting about these lists is that they both come from the sam e political party, i.e., th e lead ing can didates on th e lists are members of the same dominant political party. Will these and Participants in the S ummer Sch ool o f In - terethnic, Inte rcult ural and Inter -Con - similar situ ati ons mak e the vot e rs’ decis ions easie r or mo re com - fessional Dialo gue (AID), held at Srebrno plicate d? Jezero, were awarded diplomas for suc - cessful completion of activities in a week- long seminar held from August 26 to 30 d iffer ent national m inorities live in Serbia September 1 under the title "We and the Others. Overcoming the Borders.” Prom otion o f the B o ok "Stories f ro m D ias po ra and Hom e land Countries" The book "Stories from Diaspora and Home - land Countries" by Admir Lisica was promoted in the Bosniak National Council on September 15. all The book is about people who began their E newsle er for jour ney to Diaspo ra afte r the end of the Se - and ON co nd World Wa r, but a lso about successful Bosniaks from the homeland countries in the re gion. www.minoritynews.rs Minority News Portal OUR INTERVIEW: BRANKO RUZIC, MINISTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT This Is the Year ollowing theo ratfif icNatioan otif ao setn ofa lawl sM reguliantingo thre intiatioenas l minority policy in the Republic of Serbia, regular elections for members of national councils of national minorities will take place on November 4. Some communities have already started their campaigns, and the Republic Electoral Commission has started ratification of lists of candidates. We taFlked to the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Branko Ružić about the activities that preceded the slating of the elections and about what remains to be done in the coming period. The period since your appointment as Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government has been mar - ked by a major commitment to impro - ving the overall minority policy in the Republic of Serbia, including the adop - tion of amendments to two principal laws regulating national minority rights. In August you slated the elections for national councils of national minorities' for November 4. What kind of activities will the Ministry implement in this pe - riod in preparation for the elections? This is the year of national minorities, as we like to say in the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Govern - ment, not only because of the set of laws adopted in the Assembly in June, ly. right to vote in national minorities' na - which significantly improve the condi - tional council elections is to register tions for exercising the rights of mino - We have provided all the preconditions in the Special Voters’ List, which is in rities, but also because of the elections for conducting these elections, organi - progress. The number of registered for national councils of national mino - zed a campaign to inform our citizens, voters will determine the method of rities. members of national minorities, to have electing representatives in national the right to vote and to be elected, with councils of national minorities. How We, at the Ministry, as well as other in - the aim of getting these bodies consist stitutions and bodies involved in this long can minority members register of representatives who will best pro - in this List? process – the Republic Electoral Com - mote their interests in the field of edu - mission, local self-governments, national cation, culture, information, official use The Ministry concludes the Special Vo - minority councils, are fully prepared of language and script. ters’ List 15 days before the Election for the coming elections. The role of Day. Citizens can be entered or deleted the Ministry in conducting elections for In your opinion, what are the most im - from the Special Voters’ List after the members of national councils of national portant activities that should be carried conclusion. Requests shall be filed in minorities relates to checking electoral out by national minority councils? municipalities and cities according to lists and confirming electoral applica - the place of residence or temporary tions. Representatives of the national minority residence for internally displaced per - councils should undertake all measures sons. It is important that our fellow ci - The Ministry concludes the Special Voter to inform and encourage their compa - List 15 days before the Election Day. tizens know that they can be registered triots to register in the Special Voters’ in the Special Voters’ List exclusively on During this period, the Ministry makes List and thereby gain the right to elect, entries and changes in the list, while a personal request. The Special Voters' to be elected as a member of the na - List shall be concluded 72 hours prior requests for registration and changes tional minority council, and to nominate of data are submitted to the municipality to the Election Day, when the Ministry candidates for members of the national shall communicate to the Republic Elec - in which they are located. In addition, minority council. there are other administrative jobs to toral Commission all decisions on en - make sure that things function proper - The precondition for exercising the tries, deletions, amendments and cor - 3 Minority News rections in the Special Voters’ List adop - located.
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